Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred and fifty

Tread Tread!

Lang Kui rode a wolf monster and rode Juechen, and quickly appeared in front of everyone.

Still far away, Lang Kui shouted excitedly: "Report..."

Ding Ning stood with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. He was not worried that these people would know about his Five Elements Separation Soul. After the successful attack on the camp, he told his subordinates to come back early, out of their sight, and returned alone.

There was no sound at the scene, and the ears of all the remaining soldiers were pricked up, watching helplessly as the leader of the wolf jumped off the wolf rider, knelt down on one knee when he landed in the air, and shouted respectfully, "Report! Our army night attack!" In the enemy camp, a total of more than 137,600 enemy troops were beheaded, and 384,865 enemy soldiers were captured. The Wan Yao City army was completely defeated, and our army won a big victory!"

"Big victory, big victory!"

"Invincible, invincible!"

"God of War is invincible!"

"Long live Dadutong!"


With a bang, the entire barracks erupted instantly, cheering like a mountain roar and a tsunami, laughing and dancing indulgently, laughing and laughing, some people began to kneel on the ground and cry loudly, crying heartbreakingly, crying heartbreakingly.

Wiping his tears and showing a smile that was uglier than crying, he kept murmuring: "We won, finally won, you guys, did you see that?"

During the nearly one-year war, everyone had clansmen, brothers, friends, lovers, and relatives sacrificed on the battlefield. It would be a lie to say that there is no sadness or pain, but the war is so cruel, and the soldiers are not allowed to grieve!

But now all the hard work has paid off. The complete defeat of the Ten Thousand Monster City army has laid the foundation for the final victory of the war. How can they not be elated and weep with joy.

Seeing these crying and laughing soldiers, the joy in Ding Ning's heart was swept away. He only felt the heavy oppression in his chest, which made him a little out of breath. It seems that no matter what race, no one likes war .

War is the continuation of class politics through the means of armed struggle, which is the core of the essence of war.

Although the Wan Yaolings have no political groups, they also have class divisions. Regardless of whether it is the Wing Human Clan or the four major families of the Black Tiger Clan, the purpose of waging war is to occupy the Wan Yao City and obtain the greatest benefits.

War is not an end, but a means to achieve certain ends.

For the Winged Human Clan, maybe they were forced to do nothing, but for the four major families in Wan Yao City, they were forced to do nothing.

They all wanted to occupy Ten Thousand Monsters City, and for the sake of selfishness, profit, and ambition, they launched this war that killed and injured countless people.

But it was this war that tore countless families apart, wives lost their husbands, fathers lost their sons, and children lost their fathers...

"does it worth?"

Ding Ning had never been so bewildered before, without the joy of victory, he muttered to himself in a low voice with blank eyes.


Kong Lei who didn't know when she woke up and stood beside him looked at him with gentle eyes, and replied softly and affirmatively.

"Maybe it's worth it in your opinion, but it's not worth it in my opinion. So many people died, only a few people are happy, but the families and friends of those soldiers are sad."

Ding Ning said sadly.

Kong Lei looked at him quietly, with something unknown in her beautiful eyes, she said softly: "As long as there are living beings, there will be disputes, and there will be fights if there are disputes. The battle between individuals has expanded to the scale of millions of people. War is always cruel, and sacrifices are inevitable. You have done a good job. You can attack the enemy camp at night and win a big victory. Ending this war as soon as possible will save many lives.”

Although Ding Ning understood the truth of what she said, he was still depressed in his heart. His character had always liked an ordinary life, and he didn't like this kind of killing and cruelty.

"Don't be unhappy. If you want to have something, you must lose something. This is an eternal truth. If you don't want to lose, then make yourself stronger. Strong enough to make rules, so strong that everyone can't The point where you don't live by the rules you make, that's when you're entitled to pity, to sympathize, to end wars."

Kong Lei said earnestly.

Ding Ning took a deep breath, put all the resistance to the war behind him, took a deep look at Kong Lei, and slightly raised the corners of his lips: "You are not the same as usual today, you can say such words, This is not something a war madman can say."

Kong Lei proudly raised her exquisite chin: "You think so because you don't really know me. I like to study military affairs, but it doesn't mean I like war. When we are not strong enough, war will always be It is the only way to resolve disputes, I don’t like my destiny being controlled by anyone, so I need to become strong, strong enough to be able to control the destiny of others, and military is precisely one way to make me strong.”

Ding Ning looked thoughtful, savoring what Kong Lei said carefully. The reason why he is not used to war is because he was born in a peaceful age after the founding of the new Shenzhou, and he has never experienced war, so he is compassionate. Depressed mood.

But back then, wasn’t China also mired in the quagmire of war before the founding of the People’s Republic of China? Countless compatriots were struggling in dire straits, countless families were broken up and displaced, and countless compatriots died tragically under the butcher's knife of the invaders. It was not until the victory of the anti-aggression war that the Kingdom of China entered an era of peace.

The people of the motherland can live a peaceful life in peace and contentment. At its root, isn’t it because of the dividends obtained from the victory of the war?

War itself has no attributes, justice or evil is defined by the initiator of the war, so there is no need for him to hurt the spring and the autumn.

"What did these soldiers come to participate in this war for?"

With his hands behind his back, Ding Ning quietly watched the remaining army meet the triumphant army, and methodically helped to lock up the dejected captives.

"To live better!"

Kong Lei saw that he seemed to be in a better mood, and her tone became more relaxed.

Ding Ning raised his eyebrows, as if realizing something: "To live better?"

"Of course, everyone has their own demands. So many people died in the war, it may not be worth it to you, but it is worth it to them. Do you really think that they came to serve the Winged Human Race without any purpose?" Is the alliance working hard?"

Kong Lei glanced at him with a half-smile, raised her green hands and smoothed the wind-blown hair on her forehead, that touch of charm was infinitely enchanting.

"What do they gain from the war?"

Ding Ning frowned. He always thought that these soldiers were coerced to participate in the war. Now it sounds like there is something else hidden in it.

"You are usually so wise, why can't you even understand this?"

Kong Lei shook her head with a wry smile and said: "These races are strong and weak, but on the battlefield, there is no distinction between strong and weak, only military merit."

"Military merit?"

Ding Ning seemed to understand something. He also knew that there was always such a thing as military merit in the army, but he always thought that military merit was only formulated by the Wingman Alliance to distribute rewards to these soldiers.

"Yes, military merit."

Kong Lei's eyes were deep, and she looked at the cheerful faces of the soldiers in the distance, and said lightly: "The ten thousand monsters are divided into nine mountains. The closer to the inner collar, the stronger the aura and the richer the cultivation resources. Every race has I hope that my clansmen can live in a better area, but usually the living areas of each race are demarcated, and it is basically impossible for those weak races to live close to the inner domain, but now, the war is coming, they The opportunity will come..."

A light flashed in Ding Ning's mind, and he suddenly realized: "So they will bet on a certain side. Once they win the war, they can use their military merits to move their entire family to live in a better area."

"Yes, this is a gamble, and it is also a gamble. If you win the bet, you can say anything, but if you lose the bet, they will not even be able to keep the area they live in now, and it will even lead to the disaster of genocide. In history, once There have been countless wars, and there are not a few races that were wiped out by the victors because of the failure of the war."

Kong Lei said faintly: "The undead Divine Phoenix Clan is extinct in this way."

Ding Ning trembled all over, and was stunned for a moment. He asked in disbelief: "The Immortal Phoenix Clan is so powerful, they will be exterminated?"

"Isn't this a normal thing? Ten Thousand Monster City was hundreds of millions of years ago, but there were countless immortal emperor-level powerhouses. Although the Immortal Phoenix is ​​very strong, it was nothing in ancient times."

Kong Lei said with a lot of emotion: "My Peacock Clan is actually a branch of the Immortal Phoenix Clan. Back then, our branch was not recognized by the Immortal Phoenix Clan because of our impure blood and low combat effectiveness. That's why we survived. It’s just that this truth has long been wiped out in the mist of history, and basically no one knows about it except us, the Peacock Clan.”

"The Peacock Clan are the bloodline descendants of the Undead Divine Phoenix Clan?"

Ding Ning was shocked. He really didn't expect this to be the case. No wonder the Peacock Clan had the Divine Phoenix Feather. He thought it was obtained by the Peacock Clan by accident. Now it seems that this is the ancestral thing of the Peacock Clan.

"Is the Divine Phoenix Feather with you?"

Kong Lei asked abruptly.

"Well, ah, what are you talking about? I didn't understand, how could the Divine Phoenix Feather be here with me? Don't wrong a good person."

Ding Ning responded casually, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and denied it without blushing or panting.

Kong Lei looked at him with a half-smile and didn't speak, her eyes that seemed to see through everything made Ding Ning feel guilty for a while.

He secretly slandered in his heart, this girl really has a whole body of eyes, and it is really insidious to use her own words while she is absent-minded.

"Actually, for our clan, the symbolic meaning of the Divine Phoenix Feather has always been greater than the practical significance. After so many years, no one can refine the Divine Phoenix Feather, and the second grandfather can barely drive one ten thousandth of its power. Li actually gave up long ago."

Kong Lei didn't care about his reaction, and said casually, "If you had to choose between me and Shenhuang Yu, who would you choose?"

"How can this be compared? The Divine Phoenix Feather is just an object. You are a living person, so there is no comparison at all."

Ding Ning organized his words carefully, fearing that he would fall into Kong Lei's trap again, and replied to the point.

"Then if you have to choose between me and Shenhuang Yu? Will you choose me?"

Kong Lei asked persistently. Although her face looked calm, Ding Ning could see a trace of tension and anticipation from the bottom of her eyes.

"Of course it's you, you're already my woman, let alone Shenhuang Yu, even if it's a baby better than Shenhuang Yu, I won't change it."

Ding Ning said affectionately.

Kong Lei's pretty face flushed, and she stomped her feet coquettishly: "Who is your woman, you think beautifully."

"Do you want to renege on your debt now? It's too late."

Ding Ning took her hand with a smirk, the beauty was shy and charming, making people want to stop.

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