Medical Sovereign

1157th lion roar

Luo Yuncheng led the vanguard battalion of millions of troops to stop in front of the mouth of the Misty Valley with serious faces.

"Commander, shall we go in?"

The school lieutenant Luo Feng beside him stared at the deep valley entrance with some horror, as if there was a fierce beast hiding there, which made him faintly uneasy.

Deputy Commander Luo Yu was killed by a surprise attack by the enemy. Deputy Commander Luo Li led his personal guards and chased him into the Misty Valley. Captain Luo Nan led a team of ten thousand people to rescue him but fell into it. It would be strange to say that these people have no fear in their hearts when they come out to pass on the news.

"What if you don't go in? It's hard to violate military orders."

Luo Yuncheng sighed, but felt extremely aggrieved.

The eldest brother Luo Yunji has always been self-willed and never tolerates disobedience, so he was ordered to stay with a million-strong army, and even if it cost his life, he must rescue Luo Li. Not killing one of his sons made him very uncomfortable.

He would rather lead the soldiers under his command to fight in the battlefield with the Wingmen Alliance in an upright manner, even if he was buried on the battlefield, he would die well, but he didn't want to die in this frightening misty valley.

"This foggy valley is extremely strange, the commander must not put himself in danger."

Luo Feng remonstrated with flickering eyes, but he was secretly thinking about it.

He is a child of a disregarded family of the Golden Lion Clan. Luo Li has always been arrogant and domineering because he is Luo Yunji's son. He wishes that this guy would die in the Misty Valley. He doesn't want to risk his life to save him. "Okay, don't talk about it, the military order is hard to disobey, even if it is filled with human lives, this misty valley will be cleared today. If you are born, you will see people, and if you die, you will see corpses."

Luo Yunji frowned and snapped.

Why couldn't he see Luo Feng's careful thinking, and felt very dissatisfied, no matter what time, these guys in the family are still fighting each other, only caring about their own interests, it's really sad to be born in the Golden Lion Clan.

Luo Feng shrunk his neck, curled his lips quietly, knowing that his petty thoughts had been seen through, and dared not say any more, but his eyes rolled around, thinking of a way out.

"The army followed me to charge, I don't believe that a million troops can't level a valley in this area."

Luo Yunji knew that there were countless eyeliners in ambush by his side, if he hesitated to go forward and was reported to his elder brother, even if he rescued Luo Li in the end, he would have nothing to eat, so no matter how unwilling he was, he could only persevere On the scalp.


Luo Yunji's reputation in the Golden Lion Clan has always been popular among the people. Although there are only 100,000 soldiers in a million-strong army, they are members of the Lion Clan, but with their example,

The fear of the millions of troops was also swept away, and with the morale like a rainbow, they rode their horses and swung their whips, and rushed into the valley with Luo Yunji.

Luo Feng cursed secretly in his heart, he wanted to sneak away when no one was looking, even being a deserter was better than dying here, but the army of millions was like a torrent of steel, engulfing him, he couldn't help himself, and was forced to squeeze into the valley.

The clear vision suddenly faded, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of his eyes. The army that was still full of voices just now seemed to have disappeared suddenly, and the surrounding was so quiet that it made one's heart palpitate.

This weird scene made Luo Feng flustered, swallowed in horror, turned around and ran back without hesitation, wanting to escape the misty valley immediately.

But he even exerted all his strength to nurse, but after more than ten minutes passed, there was still a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and he still couldn't get out of the range covered by the white mist.

This made him tremble all over, and infinite panic arose in his heart. He waved his weapon desperately, attacking invisible enemies around him, and shouted hysterically: "Come out, get out, kill, kill, kill..."


Blood splashed everywhere, and the feeling of the weapon piercing into the flesh lifted Luo Feng's spirits, he brandished the weapon as if he had been spattered with chicken blood, shouting, killing, killing, killing desperately.

This scene happened in various places in the foggy valley. The millions of troops who lost their five senses and thought they were trapped in a tight siege fought desperately like headless chickens, each of them was like a mad tiger, and the sound of killing was loud.

Millions of troops are crowded together, the density is too high, casually waving a weapon can hurt people, but they fell into the illusion and mistakenly thought that they had killed the enemy, and the infinitely magnified fear in their hearts made them dare not believe anything The man screamed as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and waved his weapons more and more frantically and fiercely, beheading those invisible enemies.

The wolf riders stood on a cliff in a leisurely manner and watched millions of troops killing each other in the mist and illusion. The stumped limbs and broken arms kept flying, the screams continued, and the monstrous smell of blood rose to the sky...

It was so tragic that even those wolf riders who were used to seeing life and death felt a strong discomfort. Their eyes became more and more awe-inspiring as they looked at Da Du Tong who was always standing still like a mountain with his hands behind his back. Those who are on our side, otherwise, the people who are killing each other as if they are blind are probably themselves.

"Stop it, stop it all, this is an illusion!"

What happened to Luo Yuncheng was no exception, but as the peak demon king, he was by no means comparable to the fighters under his command in terms of strength or willpower, and he did not lose his mind.

After entering the foggy area and losing his five senses and six senses, he realized that something was wrong. He forcibly restrained his mind and shouted hoarsely to remind the soldiers under his command. The soldiers under his command could not hear it at all, and desperately brandished their weapons in order to protect themselves, beheading the "enemies" emerging from all directions.

Luo Yuncheng didn't know how many attacks he had suffered from his comrades-in-arms in this short period of time. Although he knew very well that this was an illusion, in order to protect himself, he had to start killing people, otherwise he would be hacked to death by endless knives .

"Hey, this guy is still awake, I have to kill him."

Ding Ning saw that Luo Yuncheng was still awake, and immediately said something lightly, and jumped down the cliff.

"Da Dutong... Be careful!"

Lang Yuan was shocked, this is an army of millions, as the saying goes, if you beat a teacher to death with random punches, even the God of War may not be spared in a chaotic army, he hurriedly tried to dissuade him, but swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Because he saw that Ding Ning had already fallen into the valley, and he was walking casually in a calm and breezy manner. As soon as those random knives and guns attacked him, they would be pushed aside by a gentle force like a wave of water, and no one attacked him. able to get close to him.

At this moment, he was like a god walking in the world.


Ding Ning strolled leisurely and approached Luo Yuncheng smoothly. Before he could make a move, Luo Yuncheng suddenly opened his mouth and shouted. An invisible wave of sound rippled in the air, shaking everyone's minds like a shock wave, and rushed towards Ding Ning. As a result, the soldiers around them who were affected by the sound waves didn't even have time to scream, and they were torn apart like quicksand swept by a strong wind, collapsing and turning into bloody corpses.

A strange color flashed in Ding Ning's eyes. Is this the supernatural power of the Golden Lion Clan, Lion's Roar? interesting.


Ding Ning's tongue burst into spring thunder, and he also yelled loudly. An invisible heavy sound surged and filled the air, colliding with Luoyun City's lion's roar in the air like water waves, annihilating each other and becoming invisible.

Such a result was beyond Ding Ning's expectation, and the strangeness in his eyes couldn't help but get even worse. You must know that this time the sound wave attack was made by him in combination with the way of tides to simulate a lion's roar.

Although there was only one sound, there were actually nine waves of sound. He thought it was enough to kill Luo Yuncheng, but he didn't expect that the sound of nine waves could cancel out the lion's roar. How could he not be surprised.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Ding Ning carefully recalled the appearance of Luo Yuncheng when he let out the lion's roar and the death conditions of those soldiers who were affected by him and died, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a dazed look appeared on his face.

When Luo Yuncheng let out a lion's roar, his lips kept trembling, and even the muscles on his face caused ripples like pool water wrinkled by a strong wind, and those soldiers whose corpses were smashed to pieces were smashed to pieces, attacking like waves of sound. It will never cause such a consequence, so there must be some special power contained in Luo Yuncheng's lion's roar, what is it?

Ding Ning was very interested in this, and he was not in a hurry to kill Luo Yuncheng, he slapped him lightly, this slap was not for killing, but for provocation.

Sure enough, Luo Yuncheng lived up to his expectations. After feeling attacked, relying on his fighting instinct, he opened his mouth and let out another roar.

There was a smile on Ding Ning's face, and he stretched out a hand to meet the lion's roar. He wanted to feel what kind of mystery it contained, even if the lion's roar would hurt his martial spirit. He did not hesitate.

The faces of the wolf riders who had been paying close attention to him changed drastically, and their hearts rose in their throats in an instant, and they yelled: "Dadutong, be careful!"

Even if Ding Ning is invincible in their hearts, but they have seen the power of the lion's roar before Luo Yuncheng, and the body of the big demon level was crushed into slag. .

They really couldn't figure out why Da Dutong could easily dodge this attack, so why did he take the risk and try to take this move with hard resistance.

How did the wolf riders know that Ding Ning has an almost paranoid obsession with researching novel things, and he will never give up if he doesn't research something new and call it Chou Yinmao.

So, in the worried eyes of the wolf riders, one of Ding Ning's arms was undoubtedly obliterated under the roar of the lion. The only thing that made them puzzled was that Dadu Tong's hand was gone, but he didn't see a drop of it. Xue Xue even showed a look of sudden realization, and the smile on his face should be as bright as possible.

Of course Ding Ning was happy. Although the loss of one arm of Wuhun was not a serious injury for him, and even the light of the soul became dim, he had a personal experience of the unique power contained in the lion's roar. Concussion, it turned out to be a shock.

Although he had imitated the lion's roar before, it only had its shape but not its spirit, and he hadn't fully mastered the vocal skills. Although it had the momentum of the tide, it didn't have the power of shock.

Those warriors who were killed by the lion's roar were forcibly obliterated by the shock in the sound waves.

If the sound wave is combined with the nine tides, the power is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

How could Ding Ning not laugh heartily, and then, under the melancholy and puzzled eyes of the wolf riders, he began to harass Luo Yuncheng frequently, imitating lion roars non-stop, and attacking him.

Time and time again, and I don't know how long it took, when Ding Ning's water spirit began to blur, and the light of his soul was even more dim, and it was about to dissipate at any time. Only then did he completely master the vocal technique of the lion's roar, and he couldn't help laughing happily With one sound, he opened his mouth and let out a terrifying roar.

The invisible sound waves one after another spread in all directions, Luo Yuncheng let out a terrified scream, his body was shattered by the nine sound waves, and turned into a puddle of flesh and blood. The magical powers killed him.

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