Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred sixty-seven


The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the one who rushed to the front was the demon king of the black tiger tribe. Seeing that Ding Ning finally stopped running, the demon king of the black tiger shouted aggressively, and swung his giant axe in his hand to strike down.


Ding Ning unhurriedly stretched out his hand and threw out a star formation stone. Eighteen huge star pillars emerged out of thin air. in.

"not good!"

The Black Tiger Demon King only felt a burst of starlight in front of him, and Ding Ning had lost track of him, and he was so frightened that he turned around and was about to back away.

It's a pity that it's too late, one after another bright stars are intertwined, and the Dragon Locking Star Array is successfully activated to trap all the hundred demon kings in it.

Ding Ning walked out of the Dragon Locking Star Formation calmly, with the cold murderous intent in his eyes making no effort to hide: "After chasing and killing Lao Tzu for so long, now you should also pay for the lives of seniors like Lang Li and the others who sacrificed."

As soon as the voice fell, the stars in the sky burst into flames, and beams of light passed through the sky and projected down to connect with the Ten Thousand Star Lock Demon Formation. The bright starlight turned into endless star arrows, strangling everything mercilessly like a rain of stars. .

There were shrill screams, and a hundred demon kings tried their best to resist, but they were useless under the all-round star arrows without dead ends, and they were slaughtered in an instant.

Ding Ning's face was as cold as iron, and he didn't move at all. He waved his hands again and again, put away the dragon lock star formation, and rearranged it around the barrier that trapped the spider god.

The army of the Zerg race seemed to be endless, and they forcibly filled the magma river he opened up with the terrifying number. At this moment, they were cooperating with the spider god and attacking the barrier frantically. It's numb.

After several hours of continuous crazy attacks by the spider god and the Zerg army, the enchantment has begun to dim and will soon be broken. He wants to kill the spider god with the dragon-locking star array.

It has to be said that the generosity of Lang Li and others made him strongly stimulated, and the murderous intent in his heart was burning, and he wanted to end this war of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred as soon as possible.


The eighteen star pillars reappeared, covering the barrier that was about to be broken, and the sky was full of starlight, but under the magnificent and gorgeous beauty, there was a terrifying murderous intent.

Ding Ning had been fleeing before just to procrastinate and wait for the night to come. Only at night, with the help of the power of stars all over the sky, can the Dragon Locking Star Formation exert its greatest power. Otherwise, the star power in his body alone would not be enough to deploy such an attack. Consumes a lot of terror killing array.


Countless zerg armies were reduced to ashes in the cold starlight, but more monster worms bravely marched forward, trying to repeat the same tricks and annihilate the star array with their bodies.

This move was exactly what Ding Ning wanted. He wished that all these monsters would come to save the spider god, so that the barracks would not be attacked by monsters.

As for the monsters who want to annihilate the Dragon Locking Star Array by virtue of their numbers? He wouldn't worry about it, with the stars all over the sky providing an endless stream of power for the Dragon Locking Star Formation, these monster insects would die as many as they came.


The Spider God seemed to sense the deadly threat from the Dragon Locking Star Formation, stopped his frenzied attack, and let out a shrill neigh.

The demon worm army was ordered not to attack the Dragon Locking Star Array anymore, with a terrifying aura of destroying everything,

Began to divert and rush towards the barracks.

"court death!"

Ding Ning stopped on his way to reinforce Kong Lei and the others, a stern sound flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly, the blond and red-haired martial souls separated from their main body, blocking the way of the Zerg army


The blond Ding Ning waved his hands again and again, the ground began to crack, and huge ravines appeared, and countless demon insects fell into them screaming.

There are many Zerg living in the ground, these deep trenches cannot kill them, but this is not the end, the red-haired Ding Ning drives the power of fire, forming a magma sea in the gully, and the demon insects that fell into the gully screamed and melted for ashes.

With the earth martial soul and fire martial soul to stop the Zerg army, Ding Ning no longer had any scruples. He flapped his wings and turned into a golden light and flew towards the battlefield. He wanted to kill.

"Come on, let's see if I can drag you to die together."

Niu Yue roared crazily, his whole body was surging with energy and blood, on the verge of exploding himself at any moment.

The lion king is very insidious, commanding the demon king to sneak attack on Kong Mi who is in nirvana, which makes Niu Yue dare not blow himself up at all, so he can only head-on to intercept those sneak attacking demon kings, if it is not for Kong Lei's colorful light, the demon kings are extremely I'm afraid, I'm afraid they can't hold it anymore.

Second Grandpa, hurry up, we are about to lose our hold.

Kong Lei was covered in blood, her face was pale without a trace of blood, and she was praying anxiously in her heart.

Although by chance she merged with the spirits of the five elements, the consumption required to activate the five-color divine light is extremely terrifying, and she is already on the verge of running out of fuel.

At this moment, Kong Mi turned into a fiery red cocoon and stayed in the same place quietly. No one knows how long it will take for Nirvana. Kong Lei and Niu Yue can only persevere, and they can persist for a while.

Mental exhaustion and physical injuries prevented them from being distracted at all, and they didn't even have time to pay attention to the movement of Ding Ningbu's slaying of hundreds of demon kings in the Dragon Star Formation.

"go to hell!"

Seeing that Kong Lei was on the verge of falling, more than 20 demon kings couldn't even stand still, and with grinning grinning, they attacked Kong Mi's cocoon in turn.

They knew very well that if they attacked Niu Yue or Kong Lei, they would definitely dodge, but as long as they attacked Kong Mi, they would not back down and could only take it hard. They used this method to exhaust Kong Lei to the limit in a short time. It is no longer possible to exert the terrifying power of the Five Elements Divine Light.


Kong Lei was in despair, but a flash of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes, she opened her sandalwood mouth and spewed out five colors of divine light.


The attacks of more than 20 demon kings were annihilated by the five-color divine light. Kong Lei also reached her limit. She couldn't even maintain her human form. She recovered her body, turned into a colorful peacock, and fell to the ground dying.

"Girl, hold on!"

Niu Yue bared his eyes, and with a roar, he savagely rushed towards the demon king, with a strong and violent aura all over him, wanting to blow himself up and die with them.

However, these demon kings had been prepared for a long time and fled in all directions at the moment he charged. After he restrained his self-explosive breath, he ran back like a sticky gummy and continued to attack Kong Mi.

The colorful peacock kept bleeding from its mouth and wailed in a low voice. Its clear pupils gradually became sad, full of nostalgia and reluctance. It took a deep look at Ding Ning's direction, summoned up all its spare energy, and rushed forward. Wing Wing struggled to get up, and resolutely used his body to block Kong Mi's body, with a terrifying atmosphere all over his body, and whispered in his heart: Sorry, Ding Ning, I have to take a step first.

"No, girl!"

Niu Yue uttered a desperate cry of grief, and rushed towards Kong Lei desperately, wanting to replace him with his body, but they guarded Kong Mi's two sides respectively, and there was still a long distance between them. It was too late to stop Kong Lei.

"I haven't married you yet, who allowed you to die."

At this moment, a familiar and annoyed voice sounded in Kong Lei's ears, and she felt her body lighten up, and she had fallen into a warm embrace, and waves of surging energy entered her body along a big hand, slowly Restoring her dry dantian, the terrifying attack fell on her side, causing her complexion to change suddenly, and she lost her body and screamed: "No, Second Grandpa."

"Your second grandfather is fine. I said, should you lose weight? It's so heavy."

Ding Ning's joking voice sounded again, making Kong Lei feel ashamed, angry and determined, she immediately recovered her human form, pouted her small mouth and said coquettishly, "Damn it, he's not fat."

"If you want to die behind your man's back, you really deserve to be beaten. You should take a good rest and leave the rest to me. I'll settle the score with you later."

Ding Ning's annoyed voice was still echoing in Kong Lei's ears, and she felt a blur in front of her eyes, suddenly appearing in a bubble-like space, in which stood an ice coffin exuding a cold aura, in which lay a beautiful fairy She looked like a beautiful woman, and beside the ice coffin, lay a fiery red cocoon, which made her scream: "Second Grandpa..."

The demon kings were dumbfounded, and they didn't care that Kong Lei was rescued by a golden light. After all, their attack could smash Kong Mi, who was defenseless, to pieces. But as the golden light disappeared, Kong Mi also followed suit. The disappearance made their attack come to nothing.

Niu Yue was also a little confused, but he could see clearly that Kong Lei was rescued by Ding Ning, and Kong Mi's disappearance must be related to him.

This lifted his spirits, his body was once again filled with a terrifying self-explosion atmosphere, he rushed forward with a wild laugh and roared: "Grandchildren, grandpa is here, waiting to enjoy the explosion feast... eh!"

Before he finished chattering, he felt that his neck was tightly held by someone in his hand, and the self-explosive force overflowing from his body was absorbed into his body like a tide, and Ding Ning's indisputable scolding voice sounded in his ears: "You have a sick mind! Well, it explodes at every turn, what a stupid cow."

Niu Yue was very unconvinced, he thought he was the smartest cow, how could he be a stupid cow? Just as he was about to speak out to refute, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Before he fell into a coma, Ding Ning's distant voice seemed to be faintly heard in his ear: "Let's take a break first, or this stupid cow might just blow himself up again."

"Kill, kill him quickly!"

The Lion King had already been harassed by Ding Ning's endlessly weird methods. While roaring hoarsely, he turned and ran away without hesitation. He had learned from the past, and he did not dare to approach Ding Ning within a hundred meters.

"I still want to run, it's too late!"

Ding Ning was not able to withstand the concentrated fire attack of more than 20 demon kings, so he chose to dodge at the first time. The unique skill in the world is definitely a short-distance and small-scale dodge attack. Shadows, true and false are difficult to distinguish, unpredictable.

After avoiding this round of concentrated fire, a phantom suddenly escaped from Ding Ning's body, and chased towards the frantically fleeing Lion King like an arrow from the string. The moment he approached him, the figure gradually became solid and turned into White-haired Ding Ning, with a sharp Gengjin white light shining in the palm of his hand, pierced the lion king's chest, took out a still beating heart, grinned and said: "Your heart is so bad, what the hell?" turned black!"

The lion king was frightened, his mouth widened in dismay, and he fell to the ground on his back with a thud, his eyes wide open looking at the night sky, gradually dimmed, and he could not rest in peace.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out who the hell this Ding Ning was, who caused such a powerful camp to suffer a crushing defeat.

"The old lion meat doesn't know about Seya, does it?"

Ding Ning hesitated for a moment, muttered in a low voice, but still put away his recovered body: "Whatever, Rou Lao can just make soup and drink it."

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