Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred and eighty one joint strike

"You are bold..."

Kong Wei let out a sad and angry roar, but his figure paused for a while.

Such a meal slowed down his speed, and the other peacocks overtook him and rushed up.

"Damn you!"

Kong Lu's father, Kong Lin, the fourth child, was furious. With red eyes, he stretched out his hand and slapped Lang Kui fiercely on the head.

Lang Kui was only at the early stage of the Demon King, while Kong Lin was at the late stage of the Demon King.

But Lang Kui didn't rush, and coldly shouted: "Yu!"

The next moment, the twelve wolf guards around him moved, and the scimitar came out of its sheath at an unbelievable speed, shining with a dazzling and terrifying light, forming a shield-like net of blades in front of Lang Kui, unexpectedly Kong Lin's anger was resolved with a blow.

The twelve wolf guards did not move at all, they put the scimitars back into their sheaths neatly, but they exuded a murderous aura of iron and blood, and they were holding the handles of the sabers, ready to launch the next blow at any time.

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Kong Lin was forced to step back more than ten steps before he could stand still. The blood in his body surged, and his face flushed sickly. It took him a long time to return to normal.

His pupils shrank violently into awns, his face was full of surprise and uncertainty, he looked at the twelve wolf guards who looked like clay sculptures in disbelief, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

He was sure that he was not mistaken, these wolf guards were only in the junior and middle stages of the big demon, and in his eyes they were all destroyable existences, how could they join forces and almost seriously injured him in one blow, it was simply inconceivable.

But they didn't know that these ten thousand wolf riders were all veterans who had developed a ferocious murderous aura long ago. Now that they voluntarily followed Ding Ning, how could they treat them badly with Ding Ning's temperament of protecting the calf.

So what if the cultivation base is low? Ding Ning is a master of the battle formation, and he has taught them a lot of combined attack techniques in the past month, and the wolf riders respect him like a god, and they train extremely hard. This defensive battle formation is just a small test, if not Lang Kui only let them defend but didn't use the killing array. Kong Lin was already a dead man at this moment.

Ding Ning, who had been paying attention to all this with his spiritual sense, had a strange look in his eyes. How could Kong Wei's seemingly extremely concealed actions have been hidden from him, and he immediately understood that he was trying to kill someone with a knife.

It has long been heard that Kong Lao San and Kong Lao Si had an extremely unhappy fight over the position of the temporary Patriarch of the Peacock Clan.

Now it seems that the rumors are true, Kong Lu has great ambitions and few talents, and is arrogant and domineering, Kong Laosan just sent him here, perhaps he had expected this scene long ago.

Boss Kong closed the death test, and Second Kong is in Nirvana. Unsurprisingly, once the two of them leave the test, they will at least half-step into the realm of gods, and it is not impossible to directly break into the realm of gods.

According to the practice of the Yaozu, once the patriarch breaks through halfway into the gods, he will step down as the patriarch.

Just like the Yiren Patriarch, even though he has a lot of promises in the Yiren clan, he does not hold the position of the patriarch of the Yiren clan. The patriarch is Peng Tianao.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the position of the Patriarch of the Peacock Clan will be vacant, which has aroused the coveting of qualified successors. Kong Wei and Kong Lin are undoubtedly the most promising candidates to succeed the Patriarch.

In the past, the position of patriarch might not be worth making their brothers turn against each other, but since the Peacock Clan settled in Wanyao City and faintly formed a situation of fighting against the Yi Human Clan, the position of patriarch has become a favorite, and no one will not dislike it. covet.

After all, after entering Wan Yao City, this patriarch has risen to the top. He is no longer a simple patriarch, but the overlord who holds the life and death power of the Wan Yao clan.

The temptation of power is fascinating, and it is not surprising that Kong Wei eradicates dissidents regardless of blood and family ties.

Ding Ning sighed softly, secretly feeling sad for the Peacock Clan.

"Go to hell!"

Kong Lin saw Aizi laying motionless on the ground covered in blood, his heart ached so badly, even his eyes were red, and he couldn't care less about these wolf riders who defeated the strong by the weak. A surge of terror filled the air, forming an extremely solid phantom of a blood peacock above his head, tearing fiercely at Lang Kui.

Faced with this terrifying blow, Lang Kui knew that defense alone might not be able to stop him, so he shouted with a gloomy face: "Break!"

The twelve wolf guards yelled together, their blood surged wildly, and twelve ferocious giant wolf figures formed in the air. Although they were extremely illusory and far less powerful than the blood peacocks, the twelve wolf figures quickly merged together. It turned into a phantom of a wolf that was no less imposing than the blood peacock, opened its bloody mouth, exposed sharp fangs, and rushed towards the blood peacock fiercely.


The phantoms of the blood peacock and the wolf canceled each other out, and the terrifying air surged. The twelve wolf riders who were shocked backed up one after another, opening their mouths to spurt blood, and their aura quickly became sluggish. color.

Although Kong Lin was surprised that the twelve wolf guards at the level of big demons could block his magical powers, but seeing that their aura was weak, he also knew that they were powerless to fight any more, so he immediately grinned and said, "I want to see how many moves you can block."

A more condensed blood peacock phantom condensed again, and the twelve wolf guards who were frightened by the terrifying coercion spurted blood again, but they glared at Kong Lin, frantically transporting the blood in their bodies, and wanted to join forces again.


Lang Kui's face changed and he yelled sharply. He knew that although the wolf guard could manage to deliver another blow, he would definitely be severely injured, and even death is not impossible.


The twelve wolf guards shouted unwillingly.

"Okay, you guys have shown enough limelight, it's time for us to show off."

Lang Yuan's teasing voice came slowly, and hundreds of wolf guards strode forward to block them. The terrifying energy and blood quickly condensed hundreds of phantoms of giant wolves in the air, and then merged together to form a circle hundreds of meters long. The tall wolf phantom, and the blood peacock several feet in size looked extremely small under the phantom of the wolf.

Kong Lin's complexion changed drastically, and he frantically stimulated the power of Qi and blood. The lifelike blood peacock quickly swelled and became bigger, but compared with the phantom of the wolf, it was nothing.


With a calm face, Lang Kui let out a low drink.


The phantom of the wolf, which seemed to be real, raised its head and let out a long howl, like a hungry wolf rushing to eat, and slapped the bloody peacock into thin air.


Kong Lin was severely injured, and he took a few steps back and sat down on the ground. Blood spurted out from his mouth as if he didn't want money, and he turned into a blood man in an instant.

The scene fell into deathly silence, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Kong Lin was a late-stage powerhouse of the Demon King. Being severely injured by more than a hundred monster-level wolf guards, and apparently showing mercy, this subversive scene made everyone dumbfounded, and a chill was born spontaneously.

You must know that there are tens of thousands of wolf riders in the Dadu Tongfu. If they are all so terrifying, who else in the entire Ten Thousand Monsters can beat them?

"Who else?"

Hundreds of wolf guards stood up straight with their waists straight, their heads high and proud, with an undisguised look of eagerness on their faces, and they challenged the peacock clan. What about the demon king?

When the adults taught them the battle formation, they said that the number of wolf riders is no more than 10,000, and more than ten thousand are invincible. A hundred wolf riders can easily kill the peak of the demon king, and even fight with half-stepped gods. What is the later stage of the demon king?

At this moment, more and more people came to watch the excitement after hearing the news. The Dadu Tongfu was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. They were pointing and pointing, full of gloating. During this time, the Peacock Clan was extremely arrogant and domineering. Yes, everyone is happy to see them deflated.

The high-ranking members of the Peacock tribe all looked so ugly that they were about to die, and felt sad in their hearts. Kong Lin, who was one of the most powerful among them, was severely injured in an instant, so what could they gain by going up?

Listening to the discussions around him, Kong Wei felt his face was burning hot and his chest heaved violently, which showed that his heart was not at peace. His original intention was to hope that Kong Lin would die here so that his position as patriarch would be stabilized. .

Unexpectedly, even Ding Ning didn't make a move, and these wolf guards directly injured Kong Lin, and the attack was very measured and did not hurt the killer. Kong Lin only needs to recuperate for a period of time to recover, and he is still his biggest threat.

In this way, his plan was in vain, not to mention that he, the temporary patriarch, had to come out to clean up the mess.

If he doesn't stand up at this time, the face of the Peacock Clan will be thrown at home, so he immediately took a step forward and said coldly: "Is this the way of hospitality in Dadu Tongfu?"

"When a friend comes, there is good wine. If a jackal comes, he is greeted with a shotgun."

Ding Ning's nondescript voice came leisurely.

Everyone was confused, what is a shotgun?

But they could all hear the hostility in Ding Ning's words, and they showed no mercy to the Peacock Clan.

The wolf rider feels so embarrassed, my lord, although we are not jackals, we are also wolves. From your point of view, it seems that we are also unwelcome.

"Ahem, what I mean is that anyone who harbors ill intentions towards my Dutong Mansion will die."

Ding Ning also felt that this well-known lyrics seemed a bit out of place here, so he explained the following embarrassingly, so that the wolf riders would not think wrongly and have undue emotions.

You must know that the current situation of Wan Yaoling is very delicate. He, the Dadu Tong, has become a unique existence. He has repeatedly made military exploits and firmly suppressed Peng Tianao in the limelight, but he has not become the patriarch of the Yiren Clan.

In fact, this was a private agreement between him and the Yiren Patriarch. He was just a passer-by, and he had no intention of fighting for power and profit from the Ten Thousand Monsters. He is about to marry Peng Tianao's ex-fiancée, which makes people's imagination run wild.

He felt that he must have been filthy from the Heyi Human Race, so he set up his own family in a rage and lived alone in the Dadutong Mansion.

The new eight major races all have millions of private troops belonging to their own groups, but he is the only one who only has a pitiful 10,000 wolf riders to decorate his appearance, which is a bit ostracized.

Although the news that Ding Ning is about to marry a beautiful woman from the four major races has been widely circulated, such a thing as marriage is completely useless in the face of interests, which made people even more suspicious and chattered in private.

Although Kong Wei is the acting patriarch of the Peacock Clan, he is not a member of the Alliance Council. The news is relatively closed, and he still doesn't know the attitudes of the major races towards Ding Ning.

This time, he deliberately sent Kong Lu to cause trouble. On the one hand, he wanted to get rid of Kong Lin, a big threat;

Up to now, no one from the Alliance Parliament has ever come forward, which gave Kong Wei an illusion. He thought that he had seen through the minds of these Alliance Members. By showing up, he wanted to use his hand to suppress this highly accomplished kid.


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