Medical Sovereign

One thousand three hundred and ninety-seven enlightenment

Jingjing, wait a little longer, when I find Zhao Shu and kill him, everything will be over.

Ding Ning muttered to himself in a low voice.

On the way to Shengshihuating, Song Ziyi sat in the co-pilot, talking cordially with his brother and sister-in-law.

After coming out of the police station, Ding Ning remained uncharacteristically silent, with a preoccupied look, except for a polite greeting when he got in the car.

Song Ziwen and Sun Xiaoying didn't notice anything unusual. After all, they didn't know Ding Ning well and thought that his personality was just like that. They also nodded in secret satisfaction, thinking that he was mature and stable, and he was the ideal object that his sister entrusted to her for life.

But falling into Song Ziyi's eyes, she felt that he was too abnormal. She had never seen Ding Ning so silent before, which made her very curious and wanted to know what happened in the police station, but She couldn't save face to ask, which made her feel like a cat scratching her heart.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you must stay in Ninghai for a while this time. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Let's celebrate the New Year together in Ninghai this year."

Song Ziyi forcibly suppressed his inner curiosity, decided to ignore this apprentice, turned around and looked at his satiated brother with a smile.

"That... Ziyi, this year, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you for the New Year."

The smile on Song Ziwen's face became awkward, and he said in a low voice, "I made an agreement with Xiaoying that I will go to her house to celebrate the New Year this year."

"'ve already met your sister-in-law's family, okay brother, you're fast enough, when are you ready to get married?"

Song Ziyi said with a face full of joy, only Ding Ning could faintly hear the deep loneliness and loss hidden behind her joy, and she couldn't help feeling pity in her heart.

He is very clear about the relationship between the two brothers and sisters, they have depended on each other since they were young, no matter how busy they are usually, they will definitely be together during the Chinese New Year.

But now, Song Ziwen already has her own lover, and will soon start her own family. In the coming New Year, there will be only Song Ziyi alone. It would be strange if she is not lonely or lost.

"Come on, I went to her home to celebrate the New Year this time. I just wanted to discuss with her parents about the date of my marriage with Xiaoying. I originally planned to wait a few days before discussing with you. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Mingming came to Ninghai miraculously, I must tell you."

Song Ziwen said with some worry: "It's just,

You are the only one left during the Chinese New Year, I am a little worried. "

"There is nothing to worry about, you fool, I originally planned to invite Ziyi to my house to celebrate the New Year, but now that she has Ningning to accompany her, I won't be that villain who beats mandarin ducks."

Sun Xiaoying embraced Song Ziwen's arm with both hands, leaned her head on his shoulder and said with a happy face.

Song Ziyi's face froze when he heard the words, and he gave Ding Ning a hard look. He felt very uncomfortable, but his face was full of smiles: "I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala this year, and I don't know what time it will be until it's over. At first, I was worried that my brother would be lonely at home for the new year, but now that I am fine, I am relieved that my brother will go to your house."

"Ah, you're going to the Spring Festival Gala tonight? Yes, why didn't I remember it? Yes, this is your second time going to the Spring Festival Gala, isn't it? Ziyi, is it fun to go to the Spring Festival Gala? Tell me, how do you feel? , will you be nervous?"

Sun Xiaoying's heart is quite simple, and she doesn't have a heart. She didn't notice Song Ziyi's depression at all, and she kept asking questions like a curious little girl.

Song Ziyi forced a smile on his face, and perfunctory her absent-mindedly, but she didn't feel it, and kept asking questions like a curious baby.

Song Ziwen may have seen her sister's sadness, or maybe she didn't, she always listened quietly with a smile on her face.

Ding Ning thinks it is more likely for him to see it. After all, they are brothers and sisters who depend on each other for life, but he is also a very rational person. He knows that when people grow up, they will eventually start their own families. This may be cruel to the younger sister. But this is a reality that has to be faced sooner or later.

Especially when Ding Ning sent them home and said goodbye on the grounds that there was still something to do, Song Ziwen shook hands with him deliberately, and softly told him to take good care of Song Ziyi with a sad look in his eyes, which made him affirm this guess.

"Don't worry, brother, I will take good care of her."

Ding Ning didn't know that when he solemnly made the promise, Song Ziyi was looking at him with a very strange look. He only knew that what he said was from the bottom of his heart, not perfunctory Song Ziwen.

Watching Ding Ning leave, Song Ziwen took a meaningful look at his sullen younger sister, and pointedly said: "My wife is fine, I am very satisfied."

" know people, face but not heart, you only met him once, how could you draw conclusions so early."

Song Ziyi stomped her feet shyly, and said in disbelief, she didn't even realize it, it seemed that she had acquiesced to the identity of Ding Ning as a boyfriend without knowing it.

"Because of his eyes, I can see his sincerity."

Song Ziwen said with an extremely serious face: "That is the look in the eyes of a man when he makes a solemn promise. I can't make a mistake."

"Okay, you have a good eye, let's go in quickly, come on, sister-in-law, I will show you around my home."

Song Ziyi's heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, his cheeks were slightly hot, and he dragged Sun Xiaoying, who was looking at the luxury villa with a dull face, into the gate as if fleeing.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Song Ziwen walked in happily whistling. He had been worrying about what he would do if only his sister was left after he got married, but Ding Ning's appearance made him completely let go of the burden in his heart.

From now on, my younger sister is also loved by her boyfriend. This year is really a rewarding year for their brother and sister.

Compared to Song Ziyi's inexplicable heartbeat and Song Ziwen's relief, Sun Xiaoying also heaved a long sigh of relief. She is not a materialistic girl, but also really loves a man with backbone and responsibility like Song Ziyi.

But because she is not materialistic, it doesn't mean that her relatives and friends are not materialistic. Her parents look down on Song Ziwen, but out of love for her, she didn't say anything.

Song Ziwen is not young anymore, and now he is only working as a security guard in a certain company, and he is still a temporary worker. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is at the bottom of society.

She is a native of Yanjing, not to mention that Song Ziwen is just a temporary worker. With the psychological superiority of Yanjing people, even if Song Ziwen is a regular employee of the company, they may not be able to appreciate her.

Although her parents did not object too strongly under her insistence, she could still see their inner dissatisfaction from the ugly faces of the seven aunts and eight aunts when they faced the sarcasm. After all, people have a desire to compare , no matter how enlightened her parents are, they can't be refined.

But now, she is completely relieved. Just being the big star Song Ziyi's brother, even if Song Ziwen is a worthless tramp, is enough to make her snobbish relatives shut up obediently, maybe He will also try to curry favor with him.

The big star Song Ziyi's sister-in-law, at the thought of this title, Sun Xiaoying's modest vanity was instantly satisfied, and she giggled while standing in the magnificent villa.

"Brother, let me know when you and your sister-in-law set a date for your wedding. At that time, I will buy you a villa in Yanjing as a wedding room. Of course, if you are willing to come to Ninghai to live, I can also give it to you here. You buy a villa."

Seeing Sun Xiaoying's smirk, Song Ziyi couldn't help but smile, completely understanding her mood.

In this materialistic society, it is very rare for Sun Xiaoying to insist on falling in love with her brother without knowing her identity.

Since people treat her brother with sincerity, she will naturally reciprocate. It is impossible for her brother's marriage to be so shabby.

"Ziyi, no need, really no need, it's not easy for you to earn money, I have hands and feet, I can earn money to support myself."

Song Ziwen evaded again and again, he was not hypocritical, but really didn't want his sister to spend money. After all, he is a man with hands and feet, and he believes that he will make money.

"Brother, why are you being polite to me? You can support yourself, but now you are not alone, you can't let your sister-in-law suffer with you, right?"

Song Ziyi said angrily.

"Ziyi, it's really unnecessary. Ziwen and I both have hands and feet. Our wages are enough to support us. What's more, Ziwen is practical and capable, and he will become a regular soon. When the time comes, his salary will be enough to support us. It can be raised by more than 1,000, which is enough for the two of us to live."

Sun Xiaoying knew Song Ziwen's temper. Although she also wanted to live in a big villa, her desire was not that strong, and she didn't want Song Ziwen to be unhappy because of this, so she immediately offered to chime in.

"Sister-in-law, I know that you really love my brother and want him, but you have to think about it. I'm also a star. I live in a villa by myself, but let my elder brother and sister-in-law run around every day for daily necessities. If it gets out, those media don’t know how to blackmail me.”

Song Ziyi pretended to be embarrassed and said, taking a higher look at this sister-in-law in his heart.

"Let's not say that no one knows that I am your eldest brother. It really doesn't matter. We can use your house in Yanjing as a wedding room."

Song Ziwen insisted on his own opinion, and said emotionally: "Others think you are a big star, but I know how hard you have worked these years. Every day before dawn, you have to get up to practice and hang your voice. In order to perform, you have to endure the scorching heat in summer." Wearing heavy performance costumes to sing, not to mention prickly heat all over the body, and heat stroke many times, not to mention the cold weather, shivering in the cold and wearing thin clothes, fever and cold are commonplace, The money you earn is exchanged with your life, and brother has enough food and drink, so how can you use your hard-earned money."

Sun Xiaoying covered her mouth in astonishment, she did not expect that Song Ziyi, a big star, had such an unknown side behind her glamorous appearance. To be honest, she still felt a little uncomfortable that Song Ziwen didn't want the villa.

But at this moment, she suddenly understood Song Ziwen's mood, and also understood his actions. This kind of recognition made her feel ashamed of her small thoughts, and her face showed a touch of determination. She said to Song Ziyi seriously: "You Brother is right, we have hands and feet, although the money is not much, it is enough for us to spend."

Seeing that Song Ziyi was in a hurry to say something, Sun Xiaoying waved her hand to stop her from continuing: "I know your kindness, but you are worried that Ziwen will be looked down upon by my family. I can tell you now that my parents both He is a very open-minded person. He is not satisfied with Ziwen, but he will not object to it. It is just that he has relatives and friends who like to gossip, but so what? Ziwen and I live on our own What does it have to do with them? Besides, you have already given the Yanjing house to Ziwen, and that house is nearly 200 square meters, worth several million, enough for the two of us to live on."

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