Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred and fourteen public opinion

The most terrible thing is that Song Ziyi happened to be sitting on the sofa next to her, and she was holding the teacup that covered the membership card. As long as she picked up the teacup, the membership card would be immediately exposed to everyone's sight. Even if it's all over the mouth, I can't speak clearly.

After all, everyone here knew last night that Diba did not have a membership card, but the membership card appeared here, so there is only one possibility, that he has entered the room.

In fact, even if he was discovered, it would not be a big deal to him, at most it would be just a young and romantic, but for a red star like Diba, it would be different.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to visit Song Ziyi, she cheated on her companions and friends and had an affair with a man in a hotel. If this kind of scandal gets out, it will be exaggerated and ruined her stardom.

what to do? what to do? Ding Ning's nervous forehead was covered with cold sweat, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking hard about how to resolve this crisis.

"What? Drugs to keep you in shape?"

Perhaps there is no unparalleled road, just when he couldn't help but want to disregard the shocking world and forcefully switch positions with Song Ziyi in an instant, Song Ziyi suddenly withdrew his hand holding the teacup, and turned his head in amazement and asked.

"Is there really anyone who can keep in shape?"

"A drug that keeps you in shape without dieting? Is it true?"

"My God, if this is true, then we can eat whatever we want in the future?"

"Sister Mi, let me see, show me, do you think this medicine is really so miraculous?"


Ding Ning ignored the allure of drugs that can maintain body shape for artists, especially female artists.

What he told Yang Mi about the properties of the medicine immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all gathered around, looking at Ding Ning's eyes shining, discussing excitedly and excitedly.

Ding Ning breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile on his face: "Is it true? After Diba tries it, you will know."

After finishing speaking, he pretended to be thirsty and walked towards the tea table, muttering: "My mouth is dry, I'll have a cup of tea first."

All the girls were attracted by this miraculous medicine, chattering around Yang Mi non-stop, no one noticed that Ding Ning was drinking tea,

Unknowingly put away the membership card.

No, it's not that no one noticed, there was another person who was always watching Ding Ning, watching with his own eyes that the membership card that was mostly blocked by the teacup disappeared without a trace when his hand shook.

Therefore, when Ding Ning put down his teacup as if nothing had happened, and turned around to meet Song Ziyi's meaningful gaze, his heart skipped a beat.

She found out? Still haven't found it? It should have just looked over inadvertently, but I didn't find anything, right?

The heart that Ding Ning had just put back into his stomach was in his throat in an instant, but Song Ziyi's gaze just passed him, turning his head away as if he didn't know anything, talking to Yang Mi and the others There were some laughs, which made him feel uneasy.

"Mr. Ding, has this drug been tested by the drug regulatory department? Is it harmful to the human body? Can the safety be guaranteed?"

Yang Mi looked at Ding Ning seriously and asked.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he knew that she was responsible for Diba, this questioning attitude still made him feel very uncomfortable, and said lightly: "No, but I can guarantee that it is made of pure Chinese medicine. It will not cause any harm to the body and will not have any side effects."

"Diba is an artist in my studio. I am responsible for her body. I will never allow her to take drugs that have not been tested. Mr. Ding, thank you for your kindness. Please take this drug back."

Yang Mi said with an extremely serious expression, reaching out and throwing the medicine bottle back.

Ding Ning took the medicine bottle and put it on the tea table. He became more and more unhappy, and his tone was full of gunpowder: "Diba signed a contract with your studio, but it doesn't mean that she sold herself to you. You don't care about it." It's too wide, she chooses to eat or not, it's her business, you have no right to make decisions for her."

"I'm not in charge of her, but responsible for her."

Yang Mi was also a little unhappy. If it was yesterday, she wished that Diba and Ding Ning could see each other. Through Diba, she might be able to win the future actor seedling to her studio. After the overwhelming news from the media, they changed their stance, gave up the idea of ​​wooing him, and gave birth to the idea of ​​keeping Diba away from him.

Ding Ning has been busy since the morning and has not read the news at all. Ouyang Yuntian and others should have been able to see these news, but they were either the shareholders' meeting or the board of directors all morning, which made them disconnected from the outside world, and they did not pay attention to the troubles in the outside world. Public opinion turned upside down.

In normal times, the company's employees who are responsible for the media would report to them in a timely manner, but the company's senior management held shareholders' meetings and the board of directors consecutively, giving them no chance to report. Without knowing anything, there is no way to understand Yang Mi's sudden change in attitude.

"Let's see what Diba means. What I promised her has been done. Whether she eats or not is her business, and outsiders have no right to interfere."

Ding Ning was not in the mood to argue with her, and waved his hands impatiently: "I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first, please tell Diba, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, no one else was allowed to speak, so he turned and left with a cold face.

"Sister Mi, this is not your character, why make such a fuss?"

Song Ziyi looked at Yang Mi's livid face, and said with a sigh.

"Diba is at a very critical moment now. I can't let her be contaminated with any scandals. Besides, even if it is hype, he is not suitable."

If possible, Yang Mi didn't want to break up with Ding Ning, and looked at Song Ziyi with complicated eyes: "Ziyi, didn't you read the news in the morning?"

"What news? I didn't read it. There was a change in the company's top management in the morning. After the shareholders' meeting was held, the board of directors was held. The content needs to be kept secret, so the phones are turned off."

Song Ziyi asked in confusion.

"You'll know when you turn on your phone and read the news, and it has something to do with you."

Yang Mi didn't think about the relationship between the shareholder meeting and the board of directors and Song Ziyi, so she sighed and said softly.

Song Ziyi frowned slightly. From their expressions, she sensed that something was wrong, so she quickly turned on the news on her mobile phone.

"The battle between the first sister and the second sister of Tiangong Entertainment is fierce, and the level of excitement is no less than that of Gongdou drama. Is the accident on Tianhou's film set a conspiracy or an accident?" - Gossip Weekly.

"According to people close to Tianhou, the accident on the set was man-made, who is the murderer has already been suspected, and it seems to be involved in a dispute of interests." - Star track.


"Tian Hou apologized in public under pressure, she was wronged and shed tears when she sang for her fans. According to people close to her, there is another shady story involved." ——Mass Entertainment.

"Tian Hou was accidentally injured and her life was dying, but she was safe and sound in just a few hours. She sang to thank her fans, and the story behind it had to be told." ——Fashion Frontier.

"The stories that the queen and the little genius doctor have to tell are absolutely exclusive inside stories." ——Trend Pioneer.

"The queen is in danger, the doctor saves the beauty, who is the mysterious little doctor?"—Entertaining gossip!

"Tianhou was assassinated. According to insiders, a certain actress surnamed Jiang has been summoned by the police for investigation. This actress is listed as the biggest suspect." ——Starlight Entertainment.

"Same roommates, there is no love in Vanity Fair, this newspaper will reveal the truth behind the scenes for you." - Fengwen Newspaper.

"Exclusive insider information, director Pan Yigang's first TV series changed roles, and Wu Jiawen lost the leading role." - Film and Television New Entertainment.

"The little genius doctor has an astonishing background. He is suspected to be the son of a certain chaebol. He is powerful in the film and television industry." ——Film New Weekly.

"After Tianhou's accident, the mysterious little genius doctor broke the shocking news, set foot in the film and television industry, and forced the number one male to replace him." - Information

"Wu Jiawen, a popular young boy, was expelled from the crew for no reason, saying that he would never succumb to power." —— Haijiao Forum.

"Wu Jiawen suffered unfair treatment, and fans strongly appealed to punish the mastermind behind the scenes and resist acts of power." ——

"According to insiders close to Tianhou, the little miracle doctor spent a lot of money to replace Wu Jiawen in a powerful way just to pursue Tianhou." ——Movie star.

"I was shocked to hear that the little genius doctor has a strong background, and that the castle in the air has its private rooms reserved all year round." ——Trend magazine for men and women.

"Ignore the rules, use power to overwhelm others, the story behind Wu Jiawen's dismissal from the crew." ——New Trends in the Entertainment Industry.


The shocking headlines dragged Song Ziyi, Jiang Yimeng, Pan Yigang, Wu Jiawen and Ding Ning into the whirlpool of public opinion.

"Nonsense, a bunch of nonsense, it's all rumors!"

Song Ziwen's face flushed red, and her chest heaved sharply.

"In this circle, who can take care of themselves? How do those entertainment media attract attention? In their eyes, there are only interests, and they don't care about the life and death of the parties involved."

Yang Mi sighed helplessly.

Ouyang Lixiao, Tong Liya and others also felt the same, and nodded in agreement. They also suffered from it, but there was nothing they could do.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses. As public figures, how many people have not experienced rumors and slander by the media?

Some time ago, when Yang Mi got divorced, she was also slandered by various malicious speculations, and they all accused her of cheating in marriage, which made her suffer and suffer unspeakably.

Only Song Ziyi has kept herself clean since her debut, and kept a safe distance when interacting with any opposite sex. She is a rare insulator of scandals. In addition, she resolutely refuses to use scandals to hype. This is the first time she has a scandal, so after seeing Only when the media spouts unfounded rumors will they be so angry.

This level of reporting is nothing more than pediatrics to Yang Mi and others, and only Song Ziyi, who has never experienced such things, can cause such strong emotional fluctuations.

"These are all rumors and slander, and I want to sue them for defamation."

Song Ziyifan blushed and shouted furiously.

"What's the use of suing them? , can you sue me?"

Yang Mi smiled wryly and shook her head to persuade her.

"If you can't afford it, you have to waste it. Ding Ning is right. In the face of such groundless accusations and slanders, you must fight back forcefully. The more you want to calm things down, the more these media will think you are weak. Bullying, they will intensify and be unscrupulous in the future."

Song Ziyi gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "Only by fighting back strongly, hurting them, and making them realize that you are not easy to bully, will they know how to be afraid, and they will consider it when reporting news about you in the future. Again, don't dare to be so unscrupulous again."

Yang Mi and the others looked at each other with bitterness in their eyes.

It's easy to say, but it's so easy to do. To sue a media is tantamount to offending the entire media circle. You will be surrounded and suppressed with verbal and written criticism. Don't think about living a peaceful life in the future.

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