Medical Sovereign

1417th poor punching bag

"I know, baby, don't worry, I will never leave you in my life, I love you..."

Li Boyang spoke sweet words that even made him feel sick, and soon, a blushing voice came from the bathroom.

It's just that when the old woman enjoyed it unrestrainedly, she didn't notice the humiliation and resentment in the eyes of Li Boyang who served her like a dog.

"Beep... Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please call again later..."

Du Mosheng stood in the corridor of the hotel, saw no one around and dialed the phone, but the phone was hung up as soon as it was connected.

"Are you so busy?"

Du Mosheng muttered in a low voice, reckoning that he would definitely call later, but he waited and waited, but he never arrived.

Impatiently, he called again, but there was a prompt "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off...".

"Why is it shutting down? Isn't it working?"

Du Mosheng frowned tightly, thinking that the signal was not good, so he called again, but the sound of shutting down was still heard.

"Could it be that the phone is out of battery? No, the previous call was obviously hung up by someone, why did it suddenly shut down?"

Du Mosheng faintly had some bad thoughts in her heart, but when she thought of Li Boyang's deep affection for her, she soon gave up her suspicions and muttered to herself: "No, it shouldn't be hanging up, maybe Just when I answered the phone, it ran out of battery and turned off automatically."

"Forget it, when Boyang finds a place to charge, he will definitely call me."

Du Mosheng murmured to himself, put away his mobile phone and walked out, only to find that the morning competition was over, and the warriors were walking towards the restaurant in twos and threes, shrugged, and walked towards Guan Shilin who was looking around to find her.

After she left, the air in the corridor fluctuated slightly, and a figure appeared like a ghost, revealing Ding Ning's thoughtful face.

It wasn't that he despicably eavesdropped on Du Mosheng's phone call, but that the morning contest was about to end. When he went back to the room early to restore his original appearance, he happened to see Du Mosheng on the phone. Hear her talking to herself.

busy with work? The phone was hung up? Then shut down? Just out of power?

Ding Ning did not believe that such a coincidence existed in this world.

Of course, he would definitely not admit that it was because of Du Mosheng that he became suspicious of Li Boyang.

Immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number: "No time, arrange for someone to go to Guangdong Province to check on me."

"The man's name is Li Boyang."

"How old? I don't know, it should be between twenty and twenty-five years old. By the way, he is still studying at MIT in the United States."

"Yes, he needs all the information from childhood to adulthood, the more detailed the better."

"The faster the better."

After hanging up the phone, Ding Ning quietly went back to the room and restored it to its original appearance. After making arrangements, Shi Shiran went downstairs, but instead of going to the restaurant, he lit a cigarette on the deck and waited quietly.

It was less than an hour before the deadline he gave to the saintesses. He wanted to see if the saintess would compromise. If they were really stubborn, then don't blame him for killing them.

"Trash, it's all trash, get out, get out."

In the general manager's office of the Xingyi Ninghai branch, Kang Min's face was distorted and ferocious, and he was furious at the senior management of the branch, and sprayed them with blood.

The high-level members of the branch, including the general manager Liu Wei, drooped their heads like elementary school students who have made a mistake. They were so trembling that they didn't even dare to breathe. When they heard Kang Min let them go, they all heaved a sigh of relief. Backed out timidly.

"Mr. Kang, don't be angry, take a sip of tea to calm down first, don't be so angry that you won't be worth it."

As Kang Min came to Ninghai overnight, but waited all morning for nothing, Wu Qiang, the assistant, driver and bodyguard who was let go by Wu Jiawen, winked at Li Jiajia, the secretary. The corner of Li Jiajia's mouth twitched, and he poured a cup of tea for Kang Min. Bite the bullet and persuade.

"Don't be angry? Tell me, how can you not be angry? What is he, Wu Jiawen, who dared to let go of my pigeons, this bastard, I will never let him go, puff... bastard, you want to burn to death Am I, slap! You trash, you can’t even make a cup of tea, what else can you do?"

Kang Min's face was livid, her chest heaved sharply, she was really thirsty after scolding for a long time, she took the teacup and poured it into her mouth, but unexpectedly the freshly brewed tea was too hot, so hot that she grinned her teeth and slapped her face viciously Slapping Li Jiajia on the face, he cursed furiously.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me once, Mr. Kang, I won't dare to do it again next time."

Li Jiajia covered her face, her pretty face was full of panic, she bowed and apologized in panic.

"Get out, get out now, don't let me see you again, trash, all trash."

Kang Min took out the makeup mirror and looked at the burnt red tongue. He became more and more furious. He swept the table with his hand, and the computer and documents on the desk fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

"Mr. Kang, please don't fire me. I know I was wrong. I don't dare to do it again. Please give me another chance."

Li Jiajia's brain was roaring, and her heart was full of fear and helplessness. She no longer cared about her dignity, and knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowed and begged.

She is a college student who has just graduated for half a year. She had excellent grades in school, but it is too difficult to find a job for fresh graduates. She went to Star Arts to apply for a secretary with the attitude of giving it a try, but unexpectedly, she was favored by the president Kang Min. Directly designated as her secretary to the president.

At that moment she cheered for joy, thinking that she had met the noble person in her life, she was full of infinite gratitude to Kang Min, and regarded her as Bole.

I still remember the excitement and joy in her heart when she couldn't wait to tell all the relatives, friends and classmates the good news, and she happily promised that after the salary was paid, she would invite everyone to have a rubbing meal to celebrate.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Kang Min would kick her out because of a small mistake. This was a bolt from the blue for her, and her heart was full of grievances and fears. She would only be able to work for a few days if her relatives, friends and classmates knew about it. She was fired by the boss, how could she have the face to face others.

"Get out, I'll tell you to get out, do you hear me? I don't raise waste here, do you want me to say it a second time?"

Kang Min did not soften his heart at all, with undisguised disgust and contempt in his eyes, he roared hoarsely.

At the beginning, she didn't choose Li Jiajia because she thought she was qualified for the position because of her ability and excellence. It's just that she had just succeeded in usurping the throne, and she was very suspicious. She was afraid that other directors would put her eyes and ears on her side, so she randomly appointed Li Jiajia, whom she met by chance, as her secretary. That's all.

She considers herself to be a strong woman who has enough energy to handle everything well. Secretary is just a dispensable position for her, and she has never regarded Li Jiajia as a real confidant in her heart.

Li Jiajia was trembling all over, and her face was pale and lifeless. Although she had only been Kang Min's secretary for a few days, she knew that Kang Min was a person who would never change her mind easily. Now that she was determined, she would never do it again. With no room for redemption, she stood up in despair and staggered away in despair.

Wu Qiang gave the poor girl a guilty look. If he hadn't winked at Li Jiajia to comfort Kang Min, Kang Min wouldn't have scalded his mouth with tea in a hurry, and took the opportunity to vent all his anger on her.

But what can he do? He is an old man in the company. He was reused after Kang Min took over because he was not popular in the past.

"Wu Qiang, call and ask how the investigation is going."

Kang Min lost his temper, gradually calmed down, and returned to the appearance of a shrewd and capable woman, with a cold light in his eyes: "Wu Jiawen clearly agreed with me, why did you let me go? He didn't even answer the phone? Very abnormal."

"Yes, I'll call right now."

Wu Qiang hurriedly took out his phone and asked the personnel who arranged to investigate if they found any useful information.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Kang Min's cell phone rang, and when he looked at the caller ID, Kang Min's face became extremely gloomy, and he secretly said cruelly, Mr. Lu, I hope this matter has nothing to do with you, otherwise, I will let you die without burial of the land.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

After answering the phone, Kang Min said in a gentle tone that didn't match Tieqing's face.

"Mr. Kang, didn't you say yesterday that you have signed a contract with Wu Jiawen? Why did I receive news just now that he has reached an agreement to sign a contract with Tianhai, and he said that a signing ceremony will be held in the afternoon to announce to the public. What is going on?"

Mr. Lu's tone was full of doubts, as if he really didn't know.

"What? He signed a contract with Tianhai?"

Kang Min's face changed drastically, and he said angrily, "I still want to know what's going on."

"Okay, okay, the matter is a foregone conclusion, it's too late to say anything, I didn't expect Li Kewu... to act first, hey! Jiang is still old and hot, forget it, just take it as a lesson. .”

Mr. Lu said regretfully, and pretended to comfort him.

"Li Kewu, this bastard, I won't let him go..."

Kang Min gritted his teeth and said, the monstrous hatred in it could be felt through the phone by Mr. Lu, and hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Meteorite Ninghai Branch, listening to the beeping voice coming from the phone, Mr. Lu edited a text message and sent it to Kang Min in a slow manner. The table was tapped lightly, and he murmured to himself: "What the hell, Li Kewu, dare to cut off my beard, so I will find you an opponent, you two should fight hard, the water is muddy so you can catch fish!" However, it is not certain who Wu Jiawen belongs to."

No one who can sit in their position is an idiot. Mr. Lu wanted to cut off Kang Min, but Li Kewu took the lead. This filled him with anger, but such things are all willing to fight and suffer. No matter how annoyed he was, he couldn't say anything, he could only provoke Kang Min to trouble Li Kewu, trying to muddy the water, to see if there was any chance to fish in troubled waters.

In the Xingyi Ninghai branch, Kang Min's lungs were about to explode, her face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and she paced back and forth like a trapped animal, thinking about how to get Wu Jiawen back from Li Kewu's hands, which would help her stabilize the company's situation It has strategic significance.


The text message on the mobile phone rang, and Kang Min clicked on it to see that it was the time and place of the Tianhai signing ceremony sent by Mr. Lu.

"This old fox, if this text message hadn't betrayed you, I might have been fooled by you."

Kang Min frowned, and said with a sneer suddenly: "Fantasy and eager to persuade me to turn against Tianhai, you fish in troubled waters, hehe, do you really think I'm a fool?"

"It's just that this is a conspiracy, so what if I find out? I can't really go to the signing site and make a scene without thinking about face, right?"

Kang Min muttered to himself in annoyance, his mind spinning rapidly, thinking of a perfect solution.

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