Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred twenty-seven confrontation

"You have seniors and younger ones? Don't you think Li Jiajia has seniors and younger ones? If something happens to her, her parents and elders will send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. Put yourself in your shoes, if you lie down at this moment The person on the icy operating table is your daughter, how do you feel?"

Ding Ning laughed out of breath and scolded sharply.

Although he knew that the fat man and the thin man were following orders, he still couldn't accept their selfish behavior. Would he have to sacrifice Li Jiajia's life to protect himself?

"This... I'm sorry, I know you're right, but we really can't make this call."

The thin man's face was flushed red, but he still gritted his teeth and said.

"How about... I'll give you the phone number of our leader, don't say we gave it to you, okay?"

The fat man had a quicker mind and immediately came up with a compromise.

"Okay then, give me the phone, and I'll call your leader directly."

Ding Ning's face softened slightly, finally, the humanity of these two guys has not been completely wiped out.

The thin man probably also felt that this was the best way. He didn't support it, but he didn't oppose it either, so he stood aside and remained silent.

The fat man carefully looked around, and then quickly reported a series of numbers, and then said sincerely: "Secretary Li is a college student who has just graduated, young, beautiful, and very kind. We also hope that She can live a safe, healthy and happy life, but we really have no choice. If we violate the orders of our superiors, we will be fired. Please, Dr. Ding, can keep it secret for us. Don’t tell the company leaders that I gave you the phone number, just say yes You found out through your relationship, otherwise, no one can protect us."

"The company also signed a contract with you, right? You can't fire people just because of such a trivial matter?"

Ding Ning asked in bewilderment. After all, it is too strict to be fired just because you mentioned a phone number.

"You don't know, since that female tyrant... er, no, since Mr. Kang took office, he has fired dozens of old employees in a row, all for trivial things, which caused everyone in the company to feel insecure, and every day Trembling with trepidation, I would avoid her when I saw her, lest I accidentally offend her and become the next victim."

The thin man said bitterly: "If she finds out that we gave you your phone number this time, I'm afraid we will pack up and leave."

"In this case,

Why don't you change jobs? "

Ding Ning did not expect that Kang Min, a woman who had never masked her face, would be so domineering.

"Change? Who doesn't want to change if they can, but old employees like us who have worked in this industry for more than ten or twenty years, who don't have a high degree of education and don't understand other industries, who would want us?"

The fat man sighed and said with a sad face.

Ding Ning was greatly touched, yes, these two people are around forty years old, it is the time when the pressure of life is the greatest.

They are still just ordinary employees at the bottom. It can be seen that not only their education level is not high, but their abilities are also extremely limited. It is as difficult as heaven for such people to change jobs.

But in Shenzhou, there are very few successful people who can survive the big waves and still stand tall. Instead, more people like them are mediocre, struggling at the bottom of society, working hard to support their families but seeing no hope occupy the majority.

Ding Ning didn't mean to look down on them, nor did he have any intention to belittle them. On the contrary, it was precisely because there were thousands of seemingly mediocre people like them serving as the cornerstone of social stability that the emergence of More outstanding talents will support the backbone of this country.

It might sound ironic, but it's true.

Thousands of sails compete for hundreds of boats. If there are one or two out of 10,000 people, it is considered very good, and those who fail will not be completely eliminated. As long as they maintain a peaceful mind, they will lead a relatively ordinary life. When the character of the sky explodes, it will also soar into the sky, and live a comfortable life without worrying about food and clothing.

This is life, full of competition and ordinary everywhere, but exciting and opportunities are everywhere.

At this moment, Ding Ning seemed to have a deeper understanding of life. He calmly took out two business cards and handed them to them, solemnly promising: "I will keep it secret for you. Similarly, I will also give you a promise. If you If you were dismissed from Xingyi for this reason, you can call me at any time, and I will be responsible for arranging new jobs for you. As long as you work hard, I believe that you will definitely be happier than your time at Xingyi. Of course, the salary is lower than that of Xingyi When it comes to Xingyi, it is definitely not low."

"Really? Thank you, thank you very much."

The fat man and the thin man showed surprise in their eyes, and thanked them excitedly.

Carefully put the business card with only the phone number and name on it into the pocket like a treasure. For them, this is a retreat that can guarantee their peace of mind.

"I'm Ding Ning, I'm looking for Mr. Kang."

Ding Ning smiled slightly, and directly dialed the phone number that the fat man gave him. Hearing the voice of the man on the other end, he said straight to the point.

"Ding Ning? Doctor Ding?"

Wu Qiang covered the microphone and looked at Kang Min questioningly.

The corners of Kang Min's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a playful look, and he reached out to take the phone: "I'm Kang Min, Dr. Ding, I've admired you for a long time, I don't know what you can do?"

"Mr. Kang, time is urgent, and I won't beat around the bush. I hope to get Mr. Kang's permission to perform surgery on Miss Li Jiajia of your company."

Ding Ning didn't have time to dawdle with her, so he went straight to the point.

"Hehehe, Dr. Ding really knows how to joke. Although Li Jiajia is from the company, I have no right to decide who will perform the operation on her. Dr. Ding asked me to authorize it. Did he find the wrong person?"

Kang Min giggled coquettishly, and said with a playful face.

Ding Ning frowned, and calmly said: "Li Jiajia's family is in Yanjing, and she is currently on a business trip in Ninghai. Her family has not arrived yet, and as the leader of her company, Mr. Kang can completely represent her family. It is also my responsibility to choose the best treatment plan for her. I hope Mr. Kang can negotiate with the hospital and appoint me to perform surgery on Li Jiajia. Although Mr. Kang and I are strangers, this request seems presumptuous, but I think other What matters is that Li Jiajia is safe and sound."

"Dr. Ding, I understand what you said, but the question is, why should I believe that your treatment plan is the best? Director John Mai of Puji Hospital is a medical doctor of returnees. I believe he has the ability to treat Jiajia. Therefore, Dr. Ding, it is not because you think you are the best that others will definitely choose you, so don't think too highly of yourself."

Kang Min said with a hidden needle, his tone became more and more cold.

She carefully planned the accident on the set, and wanted to kill Song Ziyi and slander Jiang Yimeng to attack Tiangong Entertainment, but Ding Ning ruined it. She hated him so much, how could he be satisfied.

"The hospital has given a treatment plan, but it cannot guarantee the safety of Li Jiajia's life. The most optimistic estimate is that even if she survives, she will at least end up with a disability, but I am 100% sure that she can recover. , under such circumstances, will Mr. Kang insist on letting her receive treatment from Puji Hospital instead of choosing me?"

Ding Ning asked in a deep voice.

"Why should I choose you, because you are a little genius doctor? Or because your face is bigger than others? I don't choose a regular hospital, but I choose you? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Kang Min said sarcastically with the utmost sarcasm.

"You are extremely irresponsible to Li Jiajia's life, Mr. Kang, I hope you can think twice, don't delay a fresh life for a moment of anger, this is a crime."

Ding Ning growled with bruised veins on his forehead and suppressed his voice.

"What are you? I'm responsible and it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks. Even if Li Jiajia is dead, it has nothing to do with you. What are you rushing to do? Look at Li Jiajia. Young and beautiful, do you want to date her? Or do you want to keep the two little girls who caused trouble in Tiangong Entertainment? I'm really curious, you said, if Li Jiajia really died, would those two delicate little girls be killed? Pursue criminal responsibility?"

Kang Min saw that Ding Ning was soft-spoken, his tone became more and more severe, but he felt more and more comfortable in his heart, so he said hypocritically.

Ding Ning's face became gloomy, and he growled and cursed: "Kang Min, you did it on purpose, right? You want Li Jiajia to die, so as to achieve the purpose of attacking Tiangong Entertainment, right? You are too vicious..."

"Doctor Ding, don't be so angry, it hurts your body, it's not good to be angry at a young age, hey, don't say that I can't do such a bottomless thing, even you can't bear me ?”

The angrier Ding Ning was, the happier Kang Min was, and he let out the pent-up joy in his heart to his heart's content.

"Okay, okay, Kang Min, I didn't expect you to be such a person, to use such despicable and shameless means to frame an artist and achieve your goal of attacking commercial competitors. The accident on Song Ziyi's studio must have been done secretly by you, right? Sure enough, it was unscrupulous. , cruel female tyrant."

Ding Ning roared angrily, but the corners of his lips curled into a meaningful arc.

"Don't say I didn't do it, even if I did it, so what can you do? Do you have evidence? If you have evidence, let the police arrest me. If you don't have evidence, let me go away. You are a little doctor. Yes, as if it doesn't show you."

Kang Min's heart tensed up when he heard Song Ziyi's name, but then he thought, so what if Ding Ning recorded it, not to mention whether the recording can be used as evidence, even if it is, no one can do anything to him, let alone assassinate him. Although Song Ziyi was the one who planned it behind the scenes, someone else actually made the move, and she couldn't find any evidence related to her.

"If you want others not to know, unless you do nothing, Kang Min, you will pay the price for your decision."

Ding Ning's tone suddenly changed from extremely furious to extremely calm, the calmness made people feel faint chills.

The sharp contrast between before and after made Kang Min's heart skip a beat, and he felt a strong sense of uneasiness. He always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something, but he couldn't figure it out no matter how he thought about it.

"Hmph! I don't know what to say, I'm really sick."

Fearing that what he said might be wrong, Kang Min felt a little guilty and hung up the phone without saying a word.

tuk tuk tuk...

Kang Min frowned, leaned back on the large boss chair, tapped the armrest of the chair unconsciously, and recalled the conversation between the two of them bit by bit, to see if he missed anything.

But in the end, I realized that my words might be a little impulsive, but I was sure that I didn't say anything wrong, so I felt a little relieved and stretched my brows.

But the sense of uneasiness in her heart never faded. After thinking about it again and again, just to be on the safe side, she still waved her hand to signal Wu Qiang and others to go out, put on a space card and called President Lu.

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