Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred thirty one sick

Ding Ning played the arrogance and arrogance of a dude to the fullest, and he was extremely humiliating to the mole reporter.

The two representatives of Xingyi watched all this helplessly. They wanted to stand up for the black mole reporter but did not dare. After all, they were only employees of Xingyi, not the boss of Xingyi. to offend others.

After letting out the bad breath in his chest, Ding Ning stared firmly at the mole reporter's angry eyes, and asked coldly, "You seem very angry?"

The mole reporter was on the verge of crying, wondering if I wouldn't be angry? I can't get up even if I was hit by you, and I still have to endure your insults and bullying.

"It's right to be angry, but have you ever thought about what it's like to be slandered and framed by a scum like you?"

Ding Ning looked at him quietly, his eyes were as deep as a bottomless pool, which made the black mole reporter look blank and blank, and said as if he had lost his mind: "I'm a scum, I shouldn't be bribed by Xingyi to stir up trouble Stirring the rain, inciting so many media to come to the accident brigade to make trouble..."

The reporters next to him have always dared to be angry and dare not speak out against the young master's bullying, but they are both uncrowned kings, so they naturally feel the same hatred, and they have been quietly filming everything that happened on the scene, trying to expose the young master's actions afterwards and arouse public opinion attention, to retaliate.

But at this moment, these reporters were stunned when they heard the "confession" of the reporter with the mole. The reporter who accepted the same benefits as the reporter with the mole to smear Lan Mengdie, his expression became extremely ugly, and he secretly scolded the reporter with the head It wasn't that he was kicked by a donkey, why he was bullied twice by a son and then he explained everything.

But the other reporters who were bewitched were furious. They never expected that they would be used as tools by their peers. They recorded all this with gloomy faces and prepared to report the truth.

The two employees of Xingyi's legs softened, their eyes showed horror, knowing that this time was over, after looking at each other, they were about to sneak away when they were not prepared, but they were blocked by several police officers. It was Xiao Nuo who was wearing a frost mask: "You two, where do you want to go?"

"Officer, the company is in a hurry, we have to rush back, call if you need anything."

Star Art staff with a stiff smile, but also want to get away with it.

"You are suspected of bribing public officials, falsifying the accident liability appraisal, and bribing reporters to slander others, causing great damage to the reputation and image of the parties involved. Please cooperate with our investigation."

Xiao Nuo showed his ID, and looked coldly at the two Xingyi employees who were shaking like chaff, and waved his hands: "Take them away and conduct investigation and questioning."

"It's none of our business. We just follow the orders from above. Don't arrest us."

"Officer, I have seniors and juniors, we have nothing to do, it's really none of our business."

The legs of the two Star Arts employees collapsed to the ground, crying and crying.

The movement here alarmed the reporters, who heard the news one after another, and the flashes kept flickering, faithfully recording this scene.

After Xiao Nuo mercilessly made people take away the two Star Art employees like dragging dead dogs, the reporters discovered that the arrogant and domineering young man had left without knowing when, and he even took his car with him. Bentley also disappeared without a trace, leaving only the reporter with a black mole lying on the ground with a disfigured face, who was taken away by two policemen with their arms crossed.

The reporters sighed, they knew that this mole reporter was finished, and it was impossible to see him in the circle again, so they all scattered away, not daring to stay any longer.

Every industry has its own rules. It is not uncommon for journalists to be bought as a tool to attack someone. It is not uncommon for them to experience it.


You can do it below, but once it is announced to the public, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Even though everyone knows that this is the unspoken rule in the media circle, but in order to maintain the credibility and purity of this circle, everyone can only criticize it from the commanding heights of morality, and add insult to injury.

The black mole reporter seemed to be unlucky. He bumped his head on the iron plate, his head was bleeding and he died without a whole body.

This also sounded a wake-up call to the reporters, secretly reminding themselves that they must be cautious in doing things in the future, don't dare to accept any money, and if they don't stick to the bottom line of professional ethics, they may follow in the footsteps of this mole reporter.

Ding Ning stood in a remote alleyway and restored his original appearance. Watching the reporters leave one after another, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Kang Min, Kang Min, this time it's just an appetizer, and the big gift is yet to come."

He knew very well in his heart that even if the two Xingyi employees confessed that they were instructed by others, they could at most reach Wu Qiang's level, and it was impossible to implicate Kang Min.

But this is enough for him, isn't Kang Min good at manipulating public opinion to achieve his goals, then this time he will use his own way to retaliate against her, and give her a heavy blow in her best field .

If Kang Xiangyang is still in the position of chairman, this kind of counterattack may not cause any harm to Xingyi, but Kang Min is a cold-blooded and ruthless female tyrant who just came to power by stealing and usurping, and the directors inside Xingyi are dissatisfied with her There are a lot of people like her, but these people have never been able to find an excuse to attack her.

This time, he sent this handle to the directors of Xingyi. As long as these directors are not fools, they will definitely seize this opportunity to make trouble. I believe that even if Kang Min cannot be pulled from the chairman's throne, her status It will also become precarious.

"Xingyi, Meteorite, Tianhai, I wanted to let you go, but unfortunately, I set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch, but you touch my reverse scales again and again. In this case, Then don't blame me for being cruel."

There was a cold grin on the corner of Ding Ning's mouth, which looked extremely ruthless.

Cui Yin is a pain in the ass, if she has a ball.

Becoming the legal counsel of Tiangong Entertainment and also serving as the chairman of the board of supervisors made her very satisfied.

After all, Ding Ning is really generous, and the legal consultant fee she pays every year is astronomical, but she never thought that there would be so many things.

Tiangong Entertainment's legal department doesn't even have a formal lawyer with a lawyer's license. All legal documents and even the formulation and drafting of the company's rules and regulations must be done by her team of lawyers.

On the first day of taking office, in addition to some legal documents, she also had to submit lawyers' letters to eight media outlets at the same time. When she was busy, Ding Ning called her to the accident brigade to handle traffic accident cases.

This made her extremely depressed. As a well-known barrister in Ninghai, it's not that she has never worked as a legal consultant in a company, and she made money easily. How could she be so busy as she is now.

She has never met a boss like Ding Ning, who treats her like a life assistant. This is the standard for not treating the village chief as a cadre. The contract has been terminated, and there is no such thing as ordering people around.

The not-so-good mood made her old problems show signs of wanting to flare up, so after rushing to the accident brigade, she kept turning her face, as if she was not close to strangers.

Then, she saw Ding Ning walking over with a file bag, greeted him with a bright smile, and said something that made her want to vomit blood.

"Lawyer Cui, the matter has been clarified. This is all the information about the car accident. Please take a look at drafting a document to sue Xingyi.


Cui Yin subconsciously took the materials, covered his rapidly heaving chest, forcibly suppressed the urge to smash the file bag on Ding Ning's face, and the beautiful eyes behind the glasses were filled with monstrous anger.

Panting heavily, I told myself desperately, Cui Yin of Cui Yin, take people's money to eliminate disasters, you have to endure, you must endure, you are a person with professional ethics, don't be as knowledgeable as him.

"Hey, Lawyer Cui, why do you look so ugly? Did you not have a good rest? This is not acceptable. As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution. No matter how busy you are at work, you must pay attention to the balance between work and rest, but you must not Physically exhausted."

Seeing that her expression was not right, Ding Ning said with concern.

Cui Yin's lungs are about to explode, rest? Doesn't my wife want to take a good rest? But just after signing the contract, my old lady is like a long-term worker sold to the landlord's family, with endless work, you have the nerve to talk to my old lady about combining work and rest?

Oops, my heart hurts so much, it hurts like a needle prick, I have difficulty breathing, and there is fine cold sweat on my forehead.

Oops, the old problem happened again.

This is when Cui Yin's pale body softened, and he fell limply on the ground as if his strength had been drained from his whole body. His eyes turned black and stars shot out.

"Lawyer Cui, Lawyer Cui, what's wrong with you? Not good..."

Ding Ning's eager cry could be heard vaguely, but it seemed so far away through the long river of time.

Finally, dying? It's a pity that Bai came to this world once, but he didn't even taste the taste of love.

Cui Yin murmured in his heart, giving birth to a trace of regret.

This damned angina has been haunting her for more than ten years, making her dare not even have a relationship like a normal person, causing people around her to think that there is something wrong with her sexual orientation.

That's right, if you die, you will be free, and you don't have to endure this endless torture anymore.

Just when she was relieved, she felt a big hand covering her chest, and a gust of cool air poured into her heart like a clear spring, and the inhuman pain as if her heart was being twisted together quickly disappeared, and her breathing also changed. smoothed up.

The sense of being in another world after circling around the gate of hell and then escaping back made her feel that the air seemed to become fresher, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath. Open your eyes, what is this smell, it smells good?


When she opened her eyes, she saw Ding Ning holding her in his arms, a big hand stretched into her skirt in such a grand manner, lingering in the forbidden place where she hadn't been touched by any opposite sex for 28 years.

The most terrible thing is that there are still many people watching, pointing and talking, and they don't know what they are talking about.

"Ah! Smelly rascal."

A trace of red cloud quickly climbed up his cheeks, Cui Yin was stunned, his brain roared, he raised his hand without hesitation and was slapped across the face, screaming at high decibels.


Loud slaps resounded throughout the corridor, and the mouths of the onlookers opened wide in astonishment, with as weird expressions on their faces as possible.

"do not move!"

Cui Yin thought that this stinky hooligan should let go, but she didn't expect that a serious and serious voice came from her ear, which made her look at the other party who didn't change his expression in astonishment.


I didn't expect his skin to be so good, white and almost transparent, even the light blue blood vessels can be seen faintly, and the red palm print is so clear at this moment.

It's just, how shameless this man must have been. He was caught molesting himself in public, yet he was able to keep his face and heart beating, and even told himself not to move.

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