Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred thirty-seven use

"Haha, has the identity of that Zhang Manting been picked up?"

Kang Min didn't notice his abnormality, and thought he was tired. His eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked in surprise.

Wu Qiang's throat was dry, his mouth felt bitter, he opened his mouth but couldn't speak, he could only nod his head, disregarding the rules of dignity that Kang Min had always followed, he directly took the teacup on the coffee table, and drank all the tea leaves in one go , I felt my throat was a little moist.

"Great, Wu Jiawen, let me see how you die this time. The person who dares to let me go has not yet been born."

Kang Min slapped his hands excitedly, with resentment in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said to himself.

"Mr. Kang, something serious has happened. That woman...that woman's husband"

Wu Qiang said with a mournful face, full of fear, his mouth was tongue-tied for a long time, but he couldn't speak.

"What's the matter with you? Tell me, who is her husband? Don't tell me, I'm really interested. Wu Jiawen made his head green. I want to see the look on his face when he knows his wife is cheating." What kind of expression."

Kang Min was immersed in the pleasure of revenge, but still didn't notice Wu Qiang's strangeness, and said with a grim smile.


Wu Qiang looked around frightenedly, as if afraid of being overheard, he moved to Kang Min's ear and said a name.


Kang Min was completely dumbfounded. The phone dropped from his hands and fell to the ground. The screen was covered with numerous cracks and he didn't know it. His eyes widened in horror, and he tremblingly asked with the last sliver of luck, "You... what are you talking about?" Really? It's not... you're not... kidding me, are you?"

"Mr. Kang, how dare I joke with you about such a thing. Although it hasn't been finalized yet, her real identity has been revealed by human flesh, and her address, villa, and photos have been posted. Now the Internet has turned upside down. When I came out of the Internet cafe, the number of hits on that post had already reached hundreds of thousands, and the number of reposts was also hundreds of times, and the matter had completely exploded."

Wu Qiang's throat throbbed violently, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Having been in the entertainment industry for so long, he knows that there are some minefields that must not be stepped on, as they will blow people to pieces, leaving no scum left.

However, Kang Min hired water soldiers to spread the rumors about Zhang Manting and Wu Jiawen on the Internet, and incited netizens to reveal Zhang Manting's real identity.

It would be fine if she was just the wife of an ordinary family or even a wealthy family. It was nothing more than publicizing the family ugliness and the two parties divorced. This is why Kang Min dared to do this.

But this time, they really broke the sky. Zhang Manting is not the wife of an ordinary family, but a woman of a powerful family. This kind of scandal is absolutely not allowed for such a family.

What's more, this time the online time also exposed the mansion, luxury car, and extravagant life that did not match the identity and status of the big man. Once things become serious, it will alarm the center.

"No... Impossible, no, definitely not, that one is already in her fifties, how could his [UUReading Book 00kxs] wife be less than thirty years old, those people must have made a mistake, yes, it must be They made a mistake, Zhang Manting is definitely not his wife, definitely not."

Kang Min was already in a panic, murmured in disbelief, and kept trying to find loopholes in the news with a fluke mentality.

"That wife died young and had no children. He regarded it as a lifelong regret, so two years ago, he secretly remarried and married Zhang Manting, who was nearly 30 years younger than him."

Wu Qiang's words completely dispelled the last trace of luck in Kang Min's heart, his brain was dizzy, his eyes rolled up, and he fell headlong to the ground.


Fortunately, this tea room is an extremely high-end box,

There is a thick carpet on the ground, otherwise, even if there is nothing wrong, it will be thrown into trouble.

"Mr. Kang, Mr. Kang... How are you? Should I take you to the hospital?"

Wu Qiang picked up Kang Min in a panic and put him on the sofa, calling out nervously. Seeing Kang Min slowly opened his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern.

Kang Min stared blankly at the ceiling, and said sadly, "I never thought I'd run into an iron plate this time. Why is my life so hard?"

"Mr. Kang, you have to hold on, it's not the last moment yet, maybe there will be a turning point..."

As Wu Qiang talked, he couldn't continue talking, and he felt that the comforting words were hypocritical.

is it possible? How could there be a turning point?

The most taboo of a big man is to publicize his family ugliness. Although Zhang Manting stealing people behind his back will not end well, but what he hates more is undoubtedly those people who make their family ugliness public.

No matter whether they were intentional or unintentional, such an approach had completely offended him, how could he let them be merciful.

"Transfer? Transfer?"

Kang Min's eyes lit up, as if he had caught something, and fell into deep thought.

After a while, she sat up as if her whole body was revived, her eyeballs rolled away, and there was a ruthless look of failure or success on her face.

Wu Qiang was at a loss for what to do, but he felt a little nervous in his heart, wondering what Kang Min was planning.

"Wu Qiang, come here."

Kang Min's eyes suddenly fell on Wu Qiang, and he hooked his fingers at him, his eyebrows and eyes were full of charm.

Wu Qiang felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, and swallowed subconsciously. He was once tempted by Kang Min and didn't hold back to have sex with her.

But after the two of them had been dating for a while, Kang Min lost interest in him, and once told him very bluntly that she was just playing with him, so that he should not be delusional.

The reason why Kang Min still keeps him by her side is because she is a woman with a strong desire for control. She knows that he loves his wife very much and once threatened him with this. Tell his wife about a man's adultery to break up his family.

This made Wu Qiang very painful and entangled. It would be a lie to say that he has no feelings for Kang Min, but he has seen the viciousness and cruelty of this woman before, which made him want to stay away from her, but Kang Min did not intend to let him go. Enjoying the pleasure of torturing him, in order to keep the family intact, he can only humbly ask for perfection and become her faithful slave.

But now, Kang Min actually showed her charming expression when she seduced him back then, which made him very uneasy, thinking that she must have some kind of conspiracy again, and her feet were as heavy as a thousand catties, and she couldn't take a step no matter what.

"Come here, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Can I still eat you?"

Kang Min coquettishly moaned in a seductive voice.

Wu Qiang swallowed with difficulty, secretly hating himself for being worthless, knowing that this woman was a devil, yet unable to resist her temptation.

Although he knew in his heart that he shouldn't make the same mistake again and again, his legs seemed to be disobedient, and he walked towards Kang Min actively with red eyes.

After some cloud and rain, Kang Min nestled in his arms, drawing circles on his strong chest muscles with light white jade fingers, and said with tears in her eyes, "I know I treated you badly before, but do you know that?" ? That's because I love you so much, I don't want you to leave me, but you have a family, and you care about your wife so much, I'm jealous, I'm crazy, that's why I tortured you desperately..."

Wu Qiang was dizzy, he knew he shouldn't trust the woman in his arms

It's nonsense, but maybe it's the toad's psychology of eating swan meat. As long as it is Kang Min's request to him, he never knows how to refuse.

"As long as you do one thing for me, I will be your woman in the future, a woman for life, I know you don't want to destroy your family, and I will not destroy your family, I will be your lover, forever lover ..."

Under the sweet offensive of Kang Min's soft words, Wu Qiang, who had been dazzled by the blood, only hesitated for a moment before gritted his teeth and agreed.

Seeing Wu Qiang follow her instructions with high spirits, Kang Min got up lazily, and while applying makeup in front of the vanity mirror, he curled his lips and muttered disgustedly: "Mud legs are mud legs, put them on Famous brands can't get rid of the earthy smell on your body, if it weren't for the fact that you still have value, how could my old lady have sex with a country bumpkin like you."

Wu Qiang has practiced martial arts since he was a child. He comes from a remote village with a low level of education. He is one of the migrant workers in Ninghai. Ten years ago, he accidentally saved Kang Xiangyang's life before he was recruited into Xingyi as his full-time driver and bodyguard. .

In the company, Wu Qiang is Kang Xiangyang's most trusted person. That's why Kang Min, who had been plotting against him for a long time, tried every means to hook him up. property.

The saddest thing is that Wu Qiang was played around by her but didn't know anything about it. He still believed in what Kang Min said that Kang Xiangyang took the initiative to hand over power because he was old. There is no complaint when he is ordered around, which can probably be regarded as a model of being sold and helping to count the money.

"Is Zhang Manting the wife of Changjiang Zhongze, the deputy mayor?"

In the office of the chairman of Tiangong Entertainment, Ding Ning was browsing the news on the Internet with a cigarette in his mouth with great interest. When he saw a news with rich pictures and texts, his eyes almost popped out of shock.

What shocked him was not Zhang Manting's identity, but that Jiang Zhongze had become the acting mayor without him knowing anything about it.

But it's not surprising when you think about it. Mayor Du was promoted to become governor. If the position of mayor is vacated, someone will naturally fill it.

Ding Ning just couldn't accept it. He knew that Jiang Zhong was not a good person, and he was inextricably linked to many black corruption cases. Why did he still become the acting mayor?

"Brother Xu, I'd like to ask you a question, knowing that people like Jiang Zhongze have problems, why does he still become the acting mayor?"

Ding Ning was a straightforward person, so he had to ask questions that he didn't understand, so he called Secretary Xu directly and asked straight to the point.

Secretary Xu is a little dazed. You think so highly of me, a little secretary, that you ask such a profound question seriously, don't you?

But he couldn't help answering Ding Ning's question. After organizing his words, he lowered his voice and said, "Brother, what should I say about this matter? Governor Du also has objections to this, but this is an arrangement made after consultation with the higher-ups. It’s not easy for the Governor to say much, otherwise it will leave the impression that the higher-ups are not broad-minded enough to tolerate others, and it will not be good for the Governor’s future development.”

Secretary Xu's vague and cryptic answer, but Ding Ning understood it. Although he didn't understand the truth behind it, he also knew that even though Governor Du had already been labeled as a member of the Qiao family, it was not right to want to be in the top position. so easy.

After all, the Qiao family also has many political opponents. If Governor Du wants to take office smoothly, he will definitely make certain compromises and concessions to achieve a certain balance of rights.

As for Jiang Zhongze's promotion, there is no doubt that it is the product of some kind of interest exchange and mutual compromise, and it can also be regarded as a means of weighing Governor Du after he took office.

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