Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred and forty-two Tiangong Media

At 7:40, the reporters filed in after being checked by the staff of the press conference.

To the surprise of those media reporters who did not receive the invitation, although they came uninvited, they were still allowed to attend the press conference, but the good seats in the front row were all occupied by the invited media reporters.

But as long as they can come in and attend the press conference, they are very satisfied. They don't care about where they are. This also makes them have a good impression of Tiangong Entertainment, and they also have a little smile on their faces.

Ka Ka Ka!

At 7:58, as Ouyang Yuntian, Song Ziyi, Jiang Yimeng, Sister Lan and others entered the rostrum from the backstage, the sound of flashing lights resounded throughout the venue.

The four of them are all people who are used to such scenes. Even though their eyes were blinded by the flash, they still had flawless smiles on their faces, and they still waved to greet the reporters.

"Hey, sister Lan will be the host of the press conference this time?"

A reporter who was familiar with Sister Lan was a little surprised when she saw Sister Lan sitting in the chair of the host.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen Sister Lan as the host of a press conference. It's really strange. Generally, the hosts of the press conferences of entertainment companies are held by the company's management. Although Sister Lan is a gold medal agent, she is not Company management."

The other reporters also looked at each other in blank dismay, confused as to what was going on.

"Whatever, there is no rule. The host must be a high-level executive in the company. That's just a convention. With Sister Lan's ability and eloquence, being a host is more than enough."

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, a reporter said indifferently, the camera in his hand kept shooting from various angles.

"My friends from the media, good evening, everyone. Welcome to Tiangong Entertainment's press conference tonight. Everyone knows who I am, so I don't need to introduce myself anymore, right?"

Sister Lan was very emotional at the moment. She never thought that Ding Ning would be the largest shareholder of Tiangong Entertainment, and also entrusted her with a heavy responsibility, making her a director of the company. This also made her suddenly understand why Jiang Yimeng always The reason why she showed respect to Ding Ning, but she is a person who has seen big scenes, she quickly restrained her mood, talked and laughed freely, without any nervousness at all.

"No need to introduce, we all know each other, you are Sister Lan!"

The reporters suddenly burst into laughter. It can be seen that the relationship between Sister Lan, a gold agent, and the media is still very good.

"Today's press conference is held mainly because of some irresponsible slander and rumors caused by our company's artiste Ms. Song Ziyi after an accident on the set, which caused a lot of damage to our company's other artiste, Ms. Jiang Yimeng. The reputation damage, everyone please see."

Sister Lan was graceful, stood up and snapped her fingers gracefully. A staff member had already turned on the LED hanging on the wall behind the rostrum.

The LED began to continuously show various media's suspicions and reports about Song Ziyi's accident. The media reporters were a little confused, but they still pressed the shutter quickly to capture this scene. The scene fell into silence, only the shutter was pressed. The voice kept ringing.

As for the media reporters who appeared on the LED, they felt a little uneasy, not knowing which song Tiangong Entertainment was singing.

"Okay, now I would like to invite Mr. Ouyang Yuntian, the president of Tiangong Entertainment, to say a few words."

Sister Lan saw that after the screening was over, with a decent smile on her face, she gave Ouyang Yuntian the opportunity to speak.

Ouyang Yuntian fiddled with the microphone on the table, coughed dryly, and said with a serious face: "The artistes of our company welcome the supervision of friends from the media and the public, and take a certain tolerant attitude towards some exaggerated reports, but,


It doesn't mean that Tiangong Entertainment will tolerate untrue reports that are speculative, rumors, slander, and wild guesses. The eight media that have just broadcast have seriously violated the reputation and privacy rights of our artists. It has brought huge economic losses to our company and has a negative impact. For such irresponsible and unprofessional media, the board of directors has decided that the company will take legal measures against these eight media in order to restore the reputation of our artists. and losses, and will pursue their legal and civil responsibilities..."

The reporters in the audience were in an uproar. They didn't expect that Ouyang Yuntian would drop such a blockbuster right after Tiangong Entertainment's press conference started. It was not in vain. This will definitely make the headlines tomorrow.

The faces of the eight media reporters included in the investigation list were all black, but the excited eyes of the reporters from the other media were mercilessly murdering Film, and they kept pressing the shutter, taking Ouyang Yuntian's serious and earnest photo. The face is included in it.

Ouyang Yuntian raised his hand to signal, the noisy scene immediately quieted down again, he quietly looked at Ouyang Yuntian, to see what shocking words he had to say.

"My company's legal advisor has prepared a lawyer's letter, and it will be sent to the relevant judicial department for litigation tomorrow. I hope that friends from the media can pass it on. Well, this topic is temporarily covered. Let me talk about the latest resolution of our company's board of directors. "

Ouyang Yuntian changed the topic, and said without changing his face, this topic can't be said too much, and Ding Ning's request to sue to the end can't be said here, otherwise, it will inevitably cause huge waves, and all media will be born with the same hatred, Then it will be troublesome.

Ka Ka Ka!

The shutter sounded crazily, and the flash lights once again merged into a sea of ​​thunder. Ouyang Yuntian with a calm expression once again became the focus of everyone's attention.

"With the approval of the board of directors, from now on, Tiangong Entertainment will officially change its name to Tiangong Culture Media Entertainment Co., Ltd., and will be involved in the production and distribution of film and television works. The company will set up a production department, a scriptwriting department, a production department and a distribution department..."

As Ouyang Yuntian detonated a blockbuster again, the scene was boiling again, the reporters blushed with excitement, shouting in their hearts that this time was really worth it, it was really worth it, the headlines tomorrow morning are enough.

Tiangong Entertainment... Uh, no, the establishment of Tiangong Culture Media Entertainment Co., Ltd. means that Tiangong Entertainment will step into the field of film production and distribution from a brokerage company, which is great news.

We must know that film and television works cannot be separated from artists, and artists are also inseparable from film and television drama works. Although brokerage companies are inextricably related to film and television production and distribution, they actually belong to two completely different concepts. For artists, they rely on signing contracts with artists to make money according to the share ratio; one is the production and distribution of film and television dramas, making money through box office and developing peripheral industries.

Ouyang Yuntian's speech is tantamount to announcing that Tiangong will form a complete cultural industry chain from a purely talent-cultivating brokerage company, and become a comprehensive film and television production that integrates talent cultivation, script creation, film and television shooting, post-production, and film distribution. Publisher.

Taking this step is not so easy. As entertainment reporters, they know very well that China's domestic market share has already been divided by various powerful entertainment giants, and they want to snatch it from them. Market share is simply tantamount to grabbing food from a tiger's mouth.

But it has nothing to do with them, they hope that there will be a few more such big earthquakes in the entertainment industry, so as to provide them with more eye-catching topics.

"In the next step, Tiangong Culture Media Entertainment Co., Ltd. will enter the film and television industry. We have the strength and confidence to produce more, better and higher-quality film and television dramas to entertain the public."

Ouyang Yuntian talked eloquently, and ended this session with confident and forceful words.

"Next, I have another announcement to announce. Director Pan and screenwriter Cheng will be invited on stage."

With a smile on the corner of Ouyang Yuntian's mouth, he stood up and said loudly.

"Director Pan? Which Director Pan?"

"Is it director Pan Yigang?"

"Nonsense, Cheng Wenhai and Pan Yigang have always been inseparable from Mengmeng. It must be Pan Yigang who directed it."

"What kind of medicine does Tiangong Media sell in the gourd? Are they going to invest in Director Pan's movie?"

"No, Director Pan seems to be filming a TV series for Huada now. Where can I make a movie?"

"Here we come, we are really Pan Yigang and Cheng Wenhai."


The reporters at the scene were boiling again, discussing in low voices for unknown reasons. When they saw Pan Yigang and Cheng Wenhai smiling and waving their hands on the stage, they frantically pressed the shutter, and the flash turned into a sea of ​​thunder in an instant, and the eyes of the two were covered with snow-white. He could only smile wryly and squint his eyes.

"Dear friends from the media, Director Pan and Screenwriter Cheng have officially signed a contract with our company to join Tiangong Media."

Ouyang Yuntian said in high spirits: "In addition, Huada Media has transferred the copyright of "The Legend of the Immortal Sword and Heroes" to our company. On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the crew of "The Legend of the Immortal Sword and Heroes" will officially launch at the Songjiang Film and Television Base..."


The scene exploded again, and the reporters' faces were flushed with excitement, and they were filming frantically.

This is the big headline. Director Pan and Screenwriter Cheng, the golden duo, have always been aloof and high-spirited. No matter how many major entertainment companies offered a lot of money to recruit them, they were ruthlessly rejected.

Director Pan has always been an independent director, and he never thought that he would choose to join Tiangong Media now. I really don't know how Ouyang Yuntian did it.

Of course, there are also many reporters secretly gloating. After all, Dao Pan and Cheng Wenhai are as famous as their weird personalities. Can such people really be used by Tiangong Media?

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if he can be moved, with his stubborn and stubborn temper, the movies he made are still works of art that are not well received, even if Tiangong Media can come out with the best actor and actress, how much money will it have? Investing in movies and letting them play for nothing?

But some reporters who are very experienced and familiar with the way in the film and television industry don't think so. Although Ouyang Yuntian said very cryptically, he only said that he won the copyright of "Legend of Sword and Heroes" from Huada Media, but they were keen. There is an unusual taste in it. Copyrights can be transferred, but filming licenses cannot be transferred casually. Without a strong enough background, it is impossible to even think about passing the hurdle of the competent authority.

Without twos and threes, how dare you go to Liangshan?

Since Tiangong Media was able to pass the review of the competent department and successfully obtained the filming permit, they should not look at it with admiration.

Since they dared to sign Dao Pan and Cheng Wenhai into Tiangong, it meant that they had enough confidence to control them. Otherwise, who the hell is stupid, and they have nothing to spend money to play around?

This made them have to re-examine the brokerage company that had just announced its transformation, guess what kind of strong background it has behind it, and at the same time pay a silent tribute to the eight media that are about to be sued in court.

"Next, let's go to the next link. Four artists from our company, Ye Huan, Ye Le, Pan Xiangyun, and Lan Mengdie, have been appointed as the image spokespersons of Zui Hongyan Cosmetics Company. Today, under the witness of all media friends, Zui Hongyan Cosmetics Company President Wei also came to the press conference and will sign endorsement contracts with four artists under our company on the spot."

Ouyang Yuntian had completely taken Sister Lan's host status as his own, and announced loudly excitedly.

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