Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred and forty-eight nights

To be courteous for nothing is to rape or steal, which is the warning motto that Diba always keeps in mind.

Accustomed to seeing the intrigues in the entertainment industry, she has always firmly believed that if she doesn't go for cheap, she won't be fooled.

With her character and temper, she would never accept any gifts from strangers, but Ding Ning's gift hit her weakness and solved her biggest distress - the irresolvable conflict and contradiction between food and keeping in shape. So she accepted the gift like a ghost.

She even thought that if Ding Ning really confessed his love to her one day, would she agree to have a relationship with him?

But at this moment, after seeing Ding Ning's villa and luxury car, Diba flinched, hesitated, and got entangled.

She yearns for love, but she always maintains absolute reason and sobriety.

There are not a few female artists in the circle who marry wealthy families, but none of them are likely to die well.

The longer one stays in the circle, the more one sees more, and the deeper one's understanding of the concept of the so-called wealthy family.

How about the diva? What about superstars?

It seems that there are countless fans, and he is the focus of attention wherever he goes, but in the eyes of those wealthy families, he is just an actor.

How many of those actresses who can marry into wealthy families are big stars who are popular in half the sky?

But what happened?

Once you enter a wealthy family, it's as deep as the sea.

It's not that the husband is cheating, the mistress is in the position, or the old man is kicked out of the house, such things are not uncommon.

Even if there are a few lucky ones, the husband always loves and pampers them, but they will also suffer from other people's eyes and insults. The wronged ones can only cry secretly, but when they leave the house, they still have to smile and show their love to show their past. How happy and beautiful you are.

If Ding Ning was just a doctor with excellent medical skills, and a man with a little money, who was on the same level as Diba, even if he was slightly better than her, she might consider accepting him, have a relationship with him, or even talk about marriage.

But in the situation where the identities of each other are completely unequal, Diba is really afraid. She is afraid of the wealthy family behind Ding Ning that she will never be able to reach in her life. Just play with her mentally.

She couldn't, dared not, and didn't want to have such a relationship.

Therefore, when the luxury convoy stopped in front of a bar named "Yeweiyang" near the university town, Diba, who got off the car under the amazed and respectful eyes of the parking boy, already had a face of refusal. outside indifference.

It's not that the parking boy recognized Diba who was wearing a disguise and wearing sunglasses, but he recognized these luxury cars worth more than tens of millions. A woman who can drive such a luxury car is enough to make anyone feel awe and awe. Psychologically amazing.

Although Ye Weiyang's business is good, it was re-expanded and renovated some time ago, but after all, the customers who come here are mainly students, and there are not no people who come to the bar with luxury cars, but six of them came here all at once. It was the first time he saw him when the car came to the bar to play.

Of course, Ding Ning's low-key Phaeton was directly ignored by him, and a Pastor has the face to be mixed in the luxury car team, and even came with six charming beauties. Disgrace the man.

But when the parking boy saw Li Ge, who was watching the field, trot humbly and respectfully to meet Ding Ning who was getting off the "Paster" and nodded and bowed, the whole person was in Sparta, and the expression of disdain froze on his face On the road, Zi's heart was beating wildly, not knowing who this young man who was driving a Pastel was.

Brother Li is a member of Qingyun Security, although he is only an insignificant role in Qingyun Security, he can only watch the scene in the bar, but in the eyes of these parking boys, he is an unattainable big man,

Even the boss Song Dong wants a guest from him

You are very polite.

Ding Ning looked at the man in front of him with some surprise, his face flushed because of nervousness: "You know me?"

"Brother Ning, my name is Liu Dali, I hang out with Brother Gang, and I met you once in the company from afar."

Liu Dali rubbed his hands awkwardly, and replied nervously and respectfully.

Ding Ning suddenly realized that it turned out to be someone from Qingyun Security, which is no wonder, but this Liu Dali is just a peripheral employee, so being able to recognize him is considered intentional.

You must know that there are three types of members of Qingyun Security, one is the core security, who can teach wild training skills, and can join the Zodiac Legion or become a reserve.

The second type is ordinary staff. This kind of security basically joins the company through the "Disabled Veterans Foundation", just because they are old, or there are young and old. It is also not suitable for joining the Zodiac Legion. Qingyun Security will arrange suitable jobs for them so that they can live and work in peace and contentment.

The third type is people like Liu Dali, who was born as a gangster, lacks enough loyalty, and is not qualified to join the Zodiac Legion, so he is sent to various entertainment venues to watch the scene and earn his own living, which can be regarded as solving some problems for the society. stability factor.

"Brother Gangzi, hehe, well, I'll give you a task now."

Liu Dali is still a member of Qingyun Security no matter how unreliable he is, a standard member of his own family, Ding Ning took out a cigarette and handed it to him very kindly.

Flattered, Liu Dali took the cigarette with both hands, took out the lighter and rushed to light it for Ding Ning, and then said respectfully: "Brother Ning, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"I brought a few friends to play. These friends have special identities. I don't want any discordant scenes. I must ensure that they are not disturbed by anyone."

Ding Ning said lightly, since he has guaranteed the absolute safety here in front of Yang Mi and others, he doesn't want someone who doesn't have a good eye to drink too much to make trouble, and make him lose face.

"Don't worry Brother Ning, this is a place specially taken care of by Master Yun. I guarantee that no one will dare to disturb your friends and give them a pleasant experience."

Liu Dali breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He might not dare to promise other tasks, but this is Qingyun Security's territory and it's his job. Naturally, he won't let anyone bother Ding Ning.

"That's good, by the way, is the boss here?"

Ding Ning nodded with a smile, reached out and handed the car keys to Liu Dali, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Song Dong for a while, so he couldn't help asking.

"The boss's name is Song Dong. He is here tonight, but..."

Liu Dali hurriedly replied, he hesitated to speak halfway through.

"Don't say half of it, you kid still whet my appetite."

Ding Ning cursed with a smile, he could see that Liu Dali was very nervous when facing him, and he wanted to ease the atmosphere.

"Hey, it's not a big deal, it's just that Boss Song has a classmate who formed a band. He called just now and insisted on performing on stage. Boss Song was afraid that they would scare the guests and didn't want to agree. To put it bluntly, I'm depressed right now."

After being scolded by Ding Ning with a smile, Liu Dali suddenly relaxed and said with a smile.

Ding Ning was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and said, "It can't be solemn, can it?"

"Yes, it seems to be called solemn. Boss Song's face is almost twisted into a bitter face now. Hey, Brother Ning, how did you know that?"

Liu Dali had a funny expression on his face, and he immediately realized how Ding Ning knew the solemnity.

"Song Dong and I are classmates, and Zhuang Yan is also my classmate. It just so happens that we haven't seen each other for a long time. It's a coincidence that it's a coincidence tonight. Okay, you can do your work. I'll go ahead."

went. "

Ding Ning patted Liu Dali on the shoulder with a light smile, and stepped forward to meet Yang Mi and the others who were waiting for him at the entrance of the bar.


Liu Dali was so scared that he almost didn't sit on the ground, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he quickly recalled in his heart whether he had offended Song Dong, otherwise if he sued him in front of Ding Ning, he would be finished .

After thinking about it, I found that although I sometimes showed arrogance when facing Song Dong, the overall relationship was still very harmonious, and sometimes I would drink two glasses together, so I probably wouldn't sue myself The status is right.

This made him feel at ease, and decided to perform well tonight no matter what, and strive to satisfy Ding Ning.

Of course, the attitude towards Song Dong will also change in the future, he must be more polite and polite, and confess him like a grandfather.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still took out his mobile phone and decided to call the boss, Da Gangzi, to send some more people, not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, if someone really harassed them, he would be to blame .

"Are you familiar with the people here?"

After Ding Ning, Yang Mi and others met, Song Ziyi asked in surprise.

The other women also looked at him in unison, waiting for his answer. After all, Liu Dali was dressed like the Matrix, and he was not a good person at first glance. They couldn't figure out how Ding Ning, with his identity, would know such a bastard. .

"I'm not familiar with it, but I know it. This bar is opened by my classmate. He is in charge of watching the scene. I recommend you to come here to ensure your safety first. Say hello to him, so that no one will come to trouble you. no."

Ding Ning explained calmly, he can't say that his brother will not be the big brother for many years.


Song Ziyi glanced at him dubiously, not quite believing his nonsense.

After all, she knew very well that the owner of the bar and the spectator were two groups of people who depended on each other. Even if the boss was his classmate, the spectator would never be so respectful and polite to him.

It's just that Ding Ning doesn't want to say it, and she won't get to the bottom of it. As long as they can ensure their safety, there will be no problem.

Pushing open the door of the bar, a wave of heat hit. There were many people in the bar, but they all sat quietly on the chairs, quietly admiring the resident singer's singing.

The decor of the bar is very classy, ​​the lighting is dim, and they go in without attracting attention.

Liu Dali ran in in a hurry, and gave some instructions to the waiter who led the way, and the waiter immediately led them to sit in front of a sofa seat with a hidden terrain but a wide view.

All the girls were not short of money, since they came to play, how could they be polite, and ordered a large table of snacks and drinks.

This is also the first time for Ding Ning to play here. After carefully observing the surroundings, he found that although the main consumer groups here are students, there are also many adult men and women who come here to consume.

Many people around the bar are admiring the bartender's showy bartending techniques. The waiters are wearing uniform uniforms and bow ties, walking back and forth among the crowd. Formal and high-end look.

woman flower swaying in the world of mortals

A woman's flower swaying quietly with the wind

If you have smelled the fragrance of flowers

Don't ask me who the flowers are red for...

The resident female singer who was singing was quite beautiful, and she was very devoted in singing. It could be heard that her singing skills were quite good, and a circle of flower baskets had already been placed on the stage.

The girls ordered drinks and snacks, and listened to the singer's slightly hoarse and vicissitudes of life, all showing satisfaction. As long as this is not the kind of bar that mainly makes disco dance and makes super strong metal noise, they can accept it.

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