Medical Sovereign

1459th imitation show


There was thunderous cheers off the court, and the sound shook the bar.

Who is Song Ziyi's friend? They don't care if the singing is good or not. What they care about is that Song Ziyi promised to sing another song, which is what they are looking forward to.

"Haha, Brother Ning, it's your turn to perform. Come on, we'll wait and see."

Guan Xiaotong laughed gloatingly, knowing that Ding Ning had said before that he was tone deaf and couldn't sing.

"Brother Ning, you have such profound musical attainments, you must be good at singing too, hurry up, I can't wait."

Ouyang Poxiao didn't know whether it was true or false, and said with a smile on his face.

Although Yang Mi and the others didn't speak, they all looked at him with smiles, as if they were waiting for Ding Ning to get embarrassed.

"You are rushing ducks to the shelves, how can I sing?"

Ding Ning said with black lines all over his face, although since he awakened his abilities, any song can't stop him, but he has no plans to sing on stage.

"Go, go, just think of it as making us happy, we are guests, you half the host must let us have a good time."

Diba has always been dull, but at the moment he is very positive, and he said with a mixture of anger and joy, which made Ding Ning wonder if she and Song Ziyi were in collusion.

"Hurry up and get on the stage, sixth son, you are the one who deserves everyone!"

Just when Ding Ning decided to beat him to death and not go on stage, Song Dong shamelessly betrayed him, and a beam of spotlights hit his face, making him invisible and exposed to everyone's eyes.

"Wow, what a handsome little brother."

"I suddenly looked forward to it, and I'm satisfied if I don't listen to the music and just look at the face."

"Nympho, this little brother is mine now."

"Handsome guy, come on stage quickly, I will definitely send you a flower basket, and I will treat you to supper later."

"Handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend, he's still single."

"Hurry up handsome, I can't wait."

"Handsome, come on! We support you!"


There was an uproar among the crowd, and their indifferent attitudes changed, as if they were filled with anticipation. There were also a few nympho girls with little stars in their eyes, and shouted loudly.

After all, before Ding Ning showed his power, he beat up the famous young master Wu near the university city, and he even settled those vicious reinforcements. But extremely attractive.

Ding Ning glared fiercely at Song Dong, who was grinning and giggling, this shit is a piece of shit.

"Isn't it just singing a song? What are you afraid of? If you're a man, you'll be hesitant. Don't scribble."

Seeing that Ding Ning was reluctant to go on stage, Song Ziyi raised his brows, his eyes gleamed with cunning, and began to use aggressive tactics.

Grandma's, uncle can bear it, uncle can't bear it, just sing it, what's the big deal, you will see sooner or later whether you are a man or not.

Ding Ning was annoyed, and he stood up, thinking, what a big deal, isn't it just singing, no one is afraid of anyone.

"Come on, brother Ning, we are optimistic about you."

Guan Xiaotong waved her little pink fist to cheer him up, but Ding Ning saw the full of malice, this girl's eyes were full of gloating.

"Hey, I was able to rely on my face to make a living, but I didn't expect you to force me to rely on my talent. Really, I can't keep a low profile even if I want to!"

Ding Ning shook his head recklessly, and said with a tragic face.


Yang Mi and the others couldn't help laughing. They covered their stomachs and laughed, shaking their hands and yelling, "Is this a joke sent by a monkey?"

Diba also laughed and burst into tears. She knew that Ding Ning was narcissistic, but she didn't expect him to be so narcissistic and inhuman.

Ding Ning walked up to the stage as if he was going to the town for a meeting. With his hands behind his back, he swayed onto the stage, glared at Song Ziyi, who was suppressing a smile, took the microphone in her hand, and coughed twice seriously. He said: "Hi everyone, in order to match some people's evil tastes, I can only be driven to the shelves and sing a song for everyone. However, I don't know how to sing very much, why don't I perform a magic trick for everyone to see."

"No, we agreed that singing is just singing, and other programs are not allowed to replace it. Of course, I suggest that you perform a magic trick for everyone after singing. Everyone said, okay?"

Song Ziyi was determined to make him look ugly, how could he be allowed to get away with it, and immediately began to incite the masses.

"Okay, let's sing first, and we're performing magic tricks!"

The charisma of a star is not built upon. As soon as Song Ziyi suggested, there were immediately followers like a cloud, and the shouting sound almost knocked down the ceiling of the bar.

Grandma's, this is an overt conspiracy, forcing me to make a fool of myself.

Hmph, if you want to make me look ugly, you will be so beautiful. Although I don't like singing very much, imitation is still fine.

Immediately grinned: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I will make a fool of myself, but I can't just sing one song."

"What's the meaning?"

Song Ziyi was slightly taken aback, and immediately felt that Ding Ning's intentions were sinister. He must be trying to use his haunting singing voice, and everyone would run away disgusted.

"It's not interesting, because I want to imitate Sister Mi, Sister Liya and you six singing, so I definitely can't just sing one song."

Ding Ning said calmly, hum, since he wants to make a fool of himself, he will shock you to death.

Song Ziyi was stunned, her beautiful eyes flickering with disbelief: "You mean, you want to imitate the six of us singing?"


Ding Ning held his head up like an old goose, raised his chin at a forty-five degree angle, and looked arrogant.

Everyone present was stunned. Was this guy caught in the door? How could it be possible for a big man like you to imitate a woman to sing, or six women with different styles? It really is so easy to reverse the strings.

"you sure?"

Song Ziyi was a little confused, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Ding Ning's gourd.

"Of course sure!"

Ding Ning curled his lips and said it as a matter of course.

Just kidding, he has a mermaid totem, knows the sound wave vocalization technique, and the breathing method of all things can communicate with all things in the world. Is there any sound in this world that he can't imitate?

Song Ziyi's face became extremely weird. Is this guy planning to smash the pot?

"Okay, it's okay, don't hinder me from singing here, it's like talking about cross talk, go down quickly."

On the contrary, Ding Ning became impatient, and waved his hands as if chasing flies, kicking Song Ziyi so angrily that he really wanted to kick him off, turned around and left angrily.

There was a sudden commotion in the audience, if it wasn't because Ding Ning cleaned up Wu Shaodu before, they had to rush to the stage to clean up this guy who dared not to look down on the goddess.

Even so, some people hid in the dark and began to curse, clamoring for him to get out.

Ding Ning was too lazy to argue with them, he picked up the microphone and started singing directly. He was deliberately angry with Song Ziyi, who let this little girl put him together to make him look ugly.

I don't need you to tell me the color of life

Like a fish swimming to the sea, the wind cheers freely

I have my own attitude about dreams and love"


Song Ziyi was almost walking down the stage. As soon as Ding Ning spoke, his feet stopped immediately, and he turned around in shock, looking at him in disbelief. This is simply Tong Liya's original voice reproduction.

Tong Liya herself was stunned, her mouth opened wide in disbelief, she looked at Ding Ning who was singing on the stage with a dull face, she couldn't figure out how her voice came out of his mouth.


The wine glass in Guan Xiaotong's hand fell straight to the ground and shattered, still unknowingly, his eyes almost popped out, he looked at Ding Ning with a face full of shock, then at Tong Liya beside him, wondering if the two were mutual Changed soul.

The other people also had dull faces. They opened their mouths wide to look at Ding Ning, then turned their heads to look at Tong Liya, and couldn't believe their ears.

The audience in the audience was even more dumbfounded, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, looking at Ding Ning in shock.

Until the end of the song, Ding Ningxie sang without stopping:


It's you who have to feel a hint of malice first


please break into my forest



At the beginning, the audience gasped in unison, and then the pot exploded.

"Oh my god, it was Tong Liya's voice just now, and now it's Guan Xiaotong's voice, it's simply unbelievable."

"It can't be that they were recorded when they sang before, and now it's played on the original sound, this guy lip-syncing, right?"

"Impossible. The scene was very noisy when they sang, and there would be a lot of noise when the original sound was played. It is absolutely impossible to fake singing."

"My God, I've seen one person's voice so vividly imitated, but I've never seen two people so similarly imitated."

"It's nothing to be able to imitate the voice. The most remarkable thing is that he imitated Tong Liya and the others singing. This is not as simple as imitating the expression, tone and expression, but imitating the entire song like a copy machine. Moreover, he still A man, imitating a girl, this kind of difficult imitation, even the resurrection of Lausanne cannot do it."

"That's awesome. Who is this handsome guy? Why have I never heard of this guy before?"

"Who knows, I haven't seen it before. Such a genius should not be unknown."

"That's right, you see, he is sitting with big stars like Yang Mi and Song Ziyi, he is definitely not an ordinary person, look up his name, from today onwards, I will be a fan of him."

"It is necessary. Such a person learns what he looks like. He is a genius like panacea."

"Is this a type of ventriloquist?"

"It shouldn't be counted. The oral skill imitates a lot of sounds, but if you want to imitate a few songs completely, I'm afraid it may not be possible."


Song Ziyi was completely dumbfounded, standing in front of the stage like a pillar, thinking all over his head, how did this guy do it?

Song Dong also had a dull expression on his face, with his mouth open enough to stuff a big duck egg, staring at him as if he didn't know Ding Ning, roaring crazily in his heart, is this still the sixth child? Are you sure you're not possessed by some song god?

Zhuang Yan who just woke up also forgot to look for Li Xiaoman, and stared at Ding Ning who was singing in a daze, when did the sixth guy change his gender?

it's late

get up and go back

Sunshine without clouds

Dusk will also rush


When Ding Ning imitated Diba and sang "Reluctance" non-stop, the whole scene fell into deathly silence.

I have to say that although Ding Ning is imitating, he is only imitating the voice, and the singing is not exactly the same. He has added his own understanding and emotional investment in many places.

has gone far

It's time to turn around and leave


That kind of hesitation and entanglement, sadness and reluctance are more tense and expressive than Diba's singing.

Under the stage, the already emotional girl couldn't help sobbing in a low voice, holding on to her boyfriend's hand tightly, hoping that time could stay at this moment forever, without having to face the pain and suffering of letting go.

More people have red eye circles, completely immersed in the sad and sad artistic conception.

I can't help but think of the beautiful first love in my mind, but broke up because of this or that kind of helplessness. The sadness and pain that I thought had been forgotten have been turned out of the dusty memory at this moment, making them preoccupied with nostalgia and melancholy.

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