Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred sixty-six break card

Liar, pretend I don't understand anything.

Wu Qiang curled his lips secretly, but his feet didn't stop at all.

Just kidding, it's too late to hide such a shameful thing, how could it be possible to equip them with guns.

Jiang Mingli, the vice-captain of the Criminal Police Team of the Jingpu Sub-bureau who was waiting in another car, turned green. He never imagined that these two little policemen who had just started working not long ago, and who had always been very obedient, made great contributions. After being exposed, he even directly revealed his identity.

This time it's a private job, how can I reveal my identity, these two brats are trying to kill him.

But now that the matter has developed to the point where he has committed the blame, the most urgent task is to arrest and control the suspicious man, and then find a way to remedy it, so as to eliminate his anger.

"Team Jiang, call Team Jiang, what should we do now? Are we going to intercept?"

The urgent voice from the walkie-talkie interrupted Jiang Mingli's reverie, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "At all costs, that criminal suspect must be caught."

"Got it, understand!"

The policeman ambushing Wu Qiang's road put away his walkie-talkie and rushed out with a wave of his hand. The three policemen beside him also jumped out like vigorous cheetahs, scattered from all directions, and blocked Wu Qiang's way.

There were wolves in front and tigers in back, and Wu Qiang, who was caught in the encirclement and was running at a high speed, turned pale with shock. When he encountered a narrow road, the brave won.

Seeing that he was still struggling, the four policemen blocking the road immediately reached out and took out the rubber sticks around their waists, and swiped them at him who was coming towards him.

Wu Qiang's body suddenly twisted sideways, avoiding the vital part of his head between the lightning and flint, and after receiving two sticks with his back, he groaned, staggered and fell forward.

The four criminal policemen loosened their minds, reached out and took out the handcuffs, and were about to pounce on him and handcuff him, when Wu Qiang's arms suddenly supported the ground, and under the inertia of the forward pounce, he flipped on the spot, his toes pointing to the ground, and the rabbit stood up. Falcon rushed out of their encirclement and ran wildly again.

"Damn it, I'm still a trainer, chase after me, chase after me."

The leading policeman uttered a swear word, and four of them failed to stop one of them, which made him feel ashamed. He shouted angrily, and with all his might, he and his three colleagues chased after him desperately.

"Trash, what a bunch of trash, go, chase me, catch that kid no matter what."

The policemen squatting at the gate of the garden alley can't sit still anymore. If that person is allowed to run away today, the policeman will lose all face. The leaders of all the teams all gave death orders with livid faces. People get caught.

One after another, the unlicensed cars parked in the dark started to move around in front of Wu Qiang, outflanking him from all directions.

Wu Qiang's heart was beating like thunder, his back was burning with pain, and his lungs were burning like fire, making him breathless, but he knew that he couldn't let go of his breath, as long as he let out his breath, he would collapse on the ground and could only hold his breath Zi Jiner ran forward desperately.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by Wu Qiang, a figure stopped on a black Buick car in the community, hung up the phone, got off the car, and entered the house along the darkness.

In the room, Zhang Manting listened to the faint movement from outside, stood up a little uneasy, and looked out of the window, but there was only a shadow of darkness outside, and she couldn't see anything from her perspective.


With a soft bang, the door was opened, and Zhang Manting stared at the man wearing a mask who barged in with chills all over her body, and asked in horror, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to take you out of Ninghai, hurry up and follow me."

The man in the mask has a hoarse voice,

Obviously a disguised voice.

Zhang Manting was relieved when she heard the words

, picked up the bag next to him in his arms, followed the man in the mask and walked out quickly.

After getting into the car, the man in the mask took a deep breath, his eyes sparkled with excitement and fanaticism, and said in a somewhat excited voice: "Fasten your seat belt, it may be a little irritating later, be careful not to kowtow."

Zhang Manting's heart sank, she looked at him in disbelief and said, "You don't mean to rush out, do you?"

"Then don't worry about it, since I promised to send you out of Ninghai, I will definitely do it."

The man in the mask lit the fire without even looking at her. He put on a pair of yellow night vision glasses, but his tone was full of extreme confidence.


Before Zhang Manting had time to speak, the man in the mask stepped on the accelerator and jumped out with a bang, which made her scream.

"If you don't want to die, just shut up. It's best if you don't get noticed. If those people find out, you can only carpool."

The man in the mask snapped, with extreme pride and confidence in his tone: "You should feel lucky to have seen the demeanor of Ninghai's No. It is impossible for people to catch up with me."

Zhang Manting's face was gloomy, and she immediately untied the seat belt she had just fastened, and shouted sharply, "Stop!"

"What do you mean? I'm very busy, okay, don't waste my time."

The man in the mask frowned and said displeasedly, but the speed of the car slowed down unconsciously.

"You are brave and foolhardy, how can I trust my safety on your driving skills?"

There was a trace of disdain in the corner of Zhang Manting's mouth, and her eyes were wandering around.

"Hmph, if I didn't owe you a favor and was entrusted to take you away, you would really think that I wanted to take this risk. If you like to sit or not, if you don't sit, you will get down. I am too lazy to serve you."

The man in the mask also lost his temper, stepped on the brakes and stopped, and said in a very bad tone.

A flash of anger flashed in Zhang Manting's eyes, but she quickly restrained herself, and said lightly: "Is this what you do when you are entrusted by others and loyal to others? Do you know who those people outside are?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. I'm just here to repay a favor. After taking you out of Ninghai, whether you live or die has nothing to do with who those people are."

The man in the mask choked slightly, then said coldly, but he was so depressed that he was dying, he didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to return the favor.

But there is no way, if he doesn't come, his younger brother will have to come. Although his younger brother owes others a kindness, he doesn't trust his younger brother's driving skills. Although he doesn't know who is going to arrest this woman, but judging by his posture, those people may not be simple.


The car lights in the distance flickered, a taxi drove in, and a graceful woman got out of the car.

Watching the woman move her neck with a tired expression, after taking the change from the driver, and walking along the path to the private house, Zhang Manting excitedly ordered: "It's her, go and tie her up, That way we have insurance."

"You must be sick. Kidnapping is against the law."

The face of the masked man changed drastically, he looked at her in disbelief and said, he is here to repay favors, not to commit crimes.

"If you don't go, I'll go!"

Zhang Manting rolled her eyes, fumbled for sunglasses and a mask to put on, opened the car door and quickly walked towards the unsuspecting woman along the shadow of the trees on the side of the road.

She knew that the man in the mask was probably deceived by someone, and she didn't know who was ambushing outside the door. She knew that she must not say too much at this time. Once she let him know that the people outside were the police, this guy might Immediately drive away, stop this muddy water.


The man in the mask wanted to stop her, but he didn't hold her back, his eyes became extremely tangled, he really wanted to

Ask the person who entrusted him to do the work, who is this woman, who even kidnapped her so peacefully.

But on another thought, as long as this ruthless woman is successfully sent out of Ninghai and she is guaranteed not to hurt the kidnapped woman, nothing major will happen. At that time, it will be a big deal to compensate that woman.

"Don't move, don't tell me not to talk, just follow me honestly, maybe I won't hurt you, otherwise, hum..."

Zhang Manting didn't know when she took out a dagger from her bag, put it on the woman's neck, covered her mouth, and threatened her viciously in her ear.

"No no no..."

Du Yuewen felt the sharp cold light on his neck, and after hesitating twice, he nodded cautiously to show that he understood.

After working overtime until now, she is sleepy and tired. She never expected to encounter such unlucky things at the door of the house.

Fortunately, the kidnapper is a woman, so she should just rob her of money rather than sex, so she can feel at ease.

Seeing that she was quite sensible, Zhang Manting let go of her mouth in satisfaction, retracted the dagger and pressed it against her waist, and said in a low voice: "Get in the car and follow me, don't worry, as long as you cooperate, I promise you will never Hurt you, if you are disobedient, don't blame me for being cruel."

Du Yuewen panted heavily, blinked her eyes in horror, nodded repeatedly, and got into the car under the hostage of Zhang Manting.


The dagger in Zhang Manting's hand was always on Du Yuewen's back, and she ordered to the masked man.

Although the man in the mask was very dissatisfied with her domineering tone, but he wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible, so he didn't bother with her. He stepped on the accelerator and drove out like an arrow.

"You idiot, can you drive slowly, try not to make people suspicious, wait until you really can't do it, and then force your way out."

Zhang Manting scolded in a low voice dissatisfied.

The man in the mask was furious. Originally, he was going to show off his driving skills by force, but after thinking about it, the situation now is quite different from before. This bitch even kidnapped a woman. Best of all, he didn't want to ask for trouble.

Immediately without saying a word, he quietly slowed down, pretended to be a resident of the community to go out to do errands, and quietly drove out of the gate of the community.

Du Yuewen's whole body was stiff, and she felt infinitely panicked. She didn't know what this man and woman were doing to kidnap her. She wanted to jump out of the car and call for help, but the dagger made her dare not act rashly.

"Boss, the people in this car go out so late, can't it be that woman inside? Do you want to stop and check?"

Lao Wang stared at the Buick with eyes like a falcon, and asked softly.

"Stop that car, check it out, see if the target person is inside, be careful not to reveal your identity, so as not to startle the snake!"

The boss's pupils shrank slightly, and he picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions to his subordinates pretending to be security guards.

Two policemen pretending to be security guards immediately walked out of the security room, lowered the crossbar to block the vehicle, and stretched out their hands to signal the driver to stop.

"No way, it seems that I have been suspected, so I can only force my way."

Although the man in the mask didn't know that the security guard was pretending to be a policeman, he didn't want to expose his appearance and be wanted as a kidnapper, so the mask would definitely not be taken off. He slowed down slowly and said to Zhang Manting quickly.

Zhang Manting squinted her eyes, looked at the two straight-backed security guards, and knew that they were definitely policemen in disguise, and the last trace of luck was gone, so she immediately shouted without hesitation: "Speed ​​up, rush out."


The Buick let out a violent roar that only a top-level engine could have. It shot out like an arrow from the string, broke the crossbar directly, and rushed out while rubbing against the bodies of two policemen. It galloped away without stopping. .

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