Medical Sovereign

One thousand four hundred and seventy-one

"Help me with that surgery."

Du Yuewen turned her head away, her face was flushed, her white teeth clenched her pink lips, and said in a mosquito-like voice that couldn't be restrained.

Ding Ning was startled, and then suddenly remembered that she was a stone girl, but he was worried that he would have no excuse to stun her, so he nodded with a smile, "Okay."

Du Yuewen's face was flushed and she closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look at Ding Ning. Her legs were stretched straight, and her body was trembling uneasily. When she thought that her most secret place was about to be exposed to his eyes, her heart beat violently, and her whole body They all felt hot and scalding, and then, they felt black in front of their eyes, and completely lost consciousness.

After the operation, Ding Ning wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, a wry smile appeared on his pale face.

This woman is so seductive, every frown and smile makes him a little uncontrollable, how dare he operate on her according to the conventional method, he can only use the power of his soul to operate on her through clothes, the result is that he has just recovered by relying on his reputation. Some of the spirits that had been lost were over-consumed again.

Fortunately, although the speed of restoring his prestige to his soul was slow, it played a role all the time, preventing him from having a splitting headache and falling asleep like before.

After closing his eyes and adjusting his breath for a while, Ding Ning woke up Ji Jun and asked him in detail what was going on.

The rest of the Ji Jun's life after the catastrophe, he couldn't be more grateful to Ding Ning, and told everyone about the favors his brother owed, and he came to repay it on behalf of his brother.

"To whom do you owe favors?"

Ding Ning was a little anxious, Ji Jun talked for a long time, but he didn't say the name of that person, so he couldn't help asking.

"Brother Ning, I'm sorry, I can't say, I promised to keep it a secret."

Ji Jun is a person who keeps his promises, he is a little ashamed but insists.

Ding Ning was slightly disappointed, but he admired the second runner-up even more. Such a person who has principles and keeps his promises deserves his respect.

It's just that he doesn't know who that person is, how can he be reconciled, and said earnestly: "It's not convenient to say, I'm just curious for a while, but, do you know who this woman is? The person who chased you is Who? You don’t even know you’ve been used as a gun.”

Seeing Ding Ning pointing at Zhang Manting, Ji Jun shook his head blankly: "I don't know, that person ordered me to escort her out of Ning Hai."

"Then let me tell you, this woman is Zhang Manting, the mayor's wife."

Ding Ning said lightly, but carefully observed Ji Jun's expression to see if he really didn't know the identity of the other party.

"What? She's the mayor's wife? How is that possible."

Ji Jun was taken aback, and sat up suddenly in shock, grinning his teeth in pain as he affected the injuries on his body.

"Lie down, you just had an operation, don't move around."

Ding Ning pushed him back to the bed, and said earnestly, "You only know how to keep your promises, but you were used as a gun to repay the favor. The people who chased and killed you were the police."

"Ah! Police?"

Ji Jun's complexion changed drastically, and he exclaimed in shock, feeling as if he had been caught in a huge conspiracy, and the anger in his chest kept rising.

He likes to modify cars and pursue excitement, but that doesn't mean he likes being used by others, and he is involved in the battles of some big shots without knowing it.

"Yes, including your being hit by a car and being in a car accident, it was all done by the policemen under the control of the mayor."

Ding Ning looked at him with deep eyes, and selectively explained the ins and outs of the whole thing to Ji Jun in detail.

Ji Jun was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect that such a big person would be involved in this incident, which made him look cloudy, thinking about how to get out of this mess, he had lived enough of a mercenary life before returning to the country with peace of mind day,

I don't want to live in that kind of running around and being wanted.


"Ji Jun, we don't know each other. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I know you are a very loyal and principled person."

Ding Ning took out a cigarette and lit one, took a deep breath, and said earnestly: "I respect your principles, and appreciate your behavior of keeping promises, but the problem is that this matter is no longer something you can solve by yourself. Now, although the Ji family has some power in Ninghai, how do you feel compared to Jiang Zhong?"

"There is no comparison, not an opponent at all!"

Ji Jun said mockingly, staring at the ceiling absently, with a bitter look on his face.

Although the Ji family can barely be regarded as one of the first-class families in Ninghai, its tentacles spread across the political and business circles, and some members of the family are involved in politics, but the highest is only at the district and county level. Seeking death.

What's more, he is just a concubine without inheritance rights in Ji's family. Relying on the wealth he accumulated when he was a mercenary, he is self-reliant and working hard for his current foundation, which has already aroused the jealousy of some members of the family.

Those legitimate sons who have the right to inherit all day long want to annex his property under the banner of the family. If his father didn't feel that he owed him and spared no effort to protect him, his property would have changed hands long ago.

At this time, if he provokes Jiang Zhongze's enemy again, even his father will not be able to keep him, and the family will be the first to hand him over to appease Jiang Zhongze's anger.

"The point is, the person you kept your promise and didn't want to name, he clearly knew who Zhang Manting was and how muddy the water was, yet he dragged you into the muddy water while concealing the truth. , such a person, is it worth you to keep your promise for him?"

Ding Ning said earnestly and kindly: "I'm not showing merit, but I can tell you responsibly, if it weren't for me, you would be dead now. Is such a person who disregards your life and uses you worthy of your promise?"

"Brother Ning, I understand the truth, but keeping promises has always been my principle of life, and I can't violate my principles of life."

Ji Jun said quietly, just when Ding Ning was deeply disappointed, he changed the subject and showed a ruthless look on his face: "But I am not a person who is old-fashioned, and he is unkind to me, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. Actually, by chance, that person once saved my brother's life, and this time I also wanted to repay the favor for my brother, but now, as Brother Ning said, I've already died once. One life, I have already paid off this favor."

Ding Ning was overjoyed, finally convinced this stubborn guy, although he admired those who have their own principles, but also to see whether the actions are just.

Those foolish, loyal, and trustworthy people who don't distinguish between good and evil are pitiful and hateful. To help others and harm more innocent people for the sake of their so-called principles or kindness is tantamount to doing harm to others and themselves.

"This person is Mr. Li Kewu from Tianhai Entertainment."

Ji Jun gritted his teeth and said the name of the person behind the scenes, then breathed a sigh of relief, and said with relief: "I repaid him twice for a favor, and I don't owe him anything, and it's not a violation of my principles to say it."

Ding Ning opened his mouth wide in astonishment, he didn't expect that this person would be Li Kewu from Tianhai Entertainment, this was far beyond his expectation.

But soon, he figured out the connection. The uproar of Zhang Manting and Wu Jiawen's scandal made Jiang Zhongze lose face, but in the final analysis, Li Kewu was the one who detonated this thread.

He may not have known Zhang Manting's identity before, so he used this trick to blackmail Wu Jiawen into joining Tianhai, but in the end, someone made a fuss out of it, thus accidentally exposing Zhang Manting's true identity, allowing him to steal the chicken without losing money put rice.

Speaking of which, he is also a tragic victim who paid a huge price

[UU Reading 00ks] He took Wu Jiawen, who had a bad reputation in the street, under his command, but he had to choose to hide him. What he couldn't accept the most was that he completely offended Jiang Zhongze.

Thinking about it with his nose, he knew that Jiang Zhong was wearing such a big green hat and causing trouble all over the city. How could he and Wu Jiawen, the two instigators, be let go?

He is not moved now because the matter has not been resolved and is at the cusp of the storm. Once the public opinion subsides and the influence fades, it is completely predictable that Jiang Zhong will settle accounts after the fall.

Therefore, in order to protect himself, Li Kewu also has a good reason to act first. Using the evidence Zhang Manting has to pull Jiang Zhongze down, he will no longer pose any threat to him.

However, Ding Ning was still a little puzzled. Even if Li Kewu had this motive and reason, would he not be afraid that the second runner-up would bite him out once the matter was revealed?

"Did Li Kewu contact you personally?"

With this question in mind, Ding Ning frowned and asked.

"No, it was a stranger who contacted my brother."

Ji Jun shook his head.

"Then how can you be sure it's Li Kewu?"

Ding Ning keenly sensed that something seemed wrong, and asked after him.

"This number is an anonymous space card. A few days ago, Li Kewu used this number to contact my brother and asked me to help hire a powerful mercenary. I recognized this number, so I thought it was him, even though the person on the phone was alone. The voice of a stranger, but the phone number is correct, who else could it be?"

Ji Jun said of course.

"Hire a powerful mercenary? About when?"

Ding Ning's heart skipped a beat, remembering that Song Ziyi had an accident on the set before, and the incision of the broken wire of the wire was extremely smooth. He suspected it was done by the warrior at the time, but unfortunately there was no clue.

"About a week or so. At that time, I introduced a friend I met when I was a mercenary. He was very skilled."

Ji Jun recalled and said.

"Then has that friend of yours been in contact with Li Kewu? Why is he looking for mercenaries?"

Ding Ning continued to ask.

"I got in touch, but I didn't ask what I did. After all, I'm no longer in that circle, and I won't inquire about the specific mission situation. I just helped Li Kewu as an intermediary for a while, just to pay back the favor. My mercenary friend wanted to give me an agency fee, but I refused, so as not to ask for trouble for some money."

Seeing that Ding Ning kept asking this question, Ji Jun felt a little nervous and explained patiently.

"Is that friend of yours very good?"

Ding Ning asked eagerly.

"Well, very powerful, much stronger than me. That person is code-named Bullet. He is a lone mercenary. He is very skilled and extremely arrogant. We also met during a large-scale mission that was hired by the employer at the same time. At that time, he looked down on us at all. , and almost had a conflict, if we hadn’t been ambushed later and he was shot in the leg and injured, I think we escaped with him on our backs for the sake of the same mission, we still wouldn’t be friends.”

Ji Jun seemed to be recalling the glorious years, with a look of regret on his face.

"What is his best skill?"

Ding Ning asked persistently.

He had a faint intuition that the person who accidentally assassinated Song Ziyi on the set was probably the bullet.

After all, Li Kewu, as the CEO of Tianhai Entertainment, has the motive to hurt Song Ziyi and frame Jiang Yimeng to attack Tiangong Entertainment.

If this bullet is proficient in hidden weapon kung fu, then Li Kewu asked him to do the accident on Song Ziyi's film set out of ten, which is really a surprise.

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