Medical Sovereign

1489th Confidence or arrogance?

Why are the Rothschilds so rich? Because the family controls the financial industry in Europe and the world, the Rothschild family can be seen behind the five major investment banks in Europe.

Only such a wealthy, low-key and mysterious terrorist family, capable of manipulating and even affecting the global economy, can come up with a bargaining chip that will tempt the capital of Shenzhou.

Although the Rockefeller family is well-known, it is still far behind the deep heritage of the Rothschild family.

"The Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family, while the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family... and Rockefeller and Morgan once belonged to the Rothschild family."

This is a classic sentence in the 20th century before World War II to describe the situation in the United States at that time. From this sentence, we can see the gap between the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.

"Is it convenient to disclose the conditions they offered?"

Ding Ning asked tentatively.

Chief No. 2 hesitated and looked at Chief No. 1, as if asking for his opinion.

Chief No. 1 thought for a moment, nodded and said, "It's not that I can't tell you, but you must keep it secret."

"Don't worry, my mouth is very strict. If you don't trust me, I'm willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement."

Ding Ning promised firmly.

He couldn't help but feel a little excited. The fact that the two chiefs were willing to tell him such a top secret was enough to show their trust in him, which moved him very much.

"That's not necessary, I believe in your feelings for this country."

Chief No. 1 said with a smile.

Since Ding Ning developed Midou Oral Liquid and authorized the production and sales rights to the country, the only condition he put forward was that it must be sold at a low price in the country. They knew that Ding Ning was a truly patriotic person, and their promises to him were still trustworthy.

"Then I'm all ears. It's not that I want to inquire about state secrets, but that I need to assess the level of the opponent I'm about to face from the price they can pay."

Ding Ning was very excited, but said with a serious face.

The two bosses shook their heads and smiled wryly. This guy really knows how to find a reason. We almost believed it with his awe-inspiring appearance.

"A new technology for mining combustible ice."

Chief No. 2's face was serious, he stared at Ding Ning and said word by word.

Ding Ning's eyes widened in astonishment, and he lost his voice in disbelief: "How is this possible? Although the Rothschild family is rich, they may not be able to master the mature mining technology of combustible ice, right?"

No wonder Ding Ning was shocked. Combustible ice is actually natural gas hydrate. It is an ice-like crystalline substance that is distributed in deep-sea sediments or permafrost in land areas. It is formed by natural gas and water under high-pressure and low-temperature conditions. It is the same as ice and can burn when exposed to fire, so it is also called "combustible ice" or "solid gas" and "steam ice".

Although combustible ice has been successfully tested and determined to be a new energy source to replace coal and natural gas, it is widely distributed in the permafrost of continents, slopes of islands, uplifts of active and passive continental margins, polar continental shelves and The deep water environment of the ocean and some inland lakes makes mining extremely difficult.

Even if it can be mined, the high price paid is enough to discourage the governments of countries coveting new energy sources, put aside mining one after another, and invest huge sums of money in desperately researching cost-reducing mining technologies.

Therefore, under the current situation, being able to master the mature mining technology of combustible ice is equivalent to mastering the key to unlocking the door to wealth. It is no wonder that even the bigwigs cannot resist this temptation and participate in this gamble.

"It is true that their mining technology is not very mature, but it is more advanced than the current international mining level. At the very least, if we can have this technology, we can make the mining of combustible ice profitable."

Chief No. 1's eyes sparkled and he said with great ambition: "What we lack is the idea of ​​combustible ice mining technology. As long as we can get this mining technology this time, then we can conduct research on this basis.

Continuously improve this technology, and it may even surpass the original technology of the Rothschild family. "

In this regard, Ding Ning did not raise any doubts. You must know that the reason why Chinese people lag behind in high-end technology is mainly due to lack of innovation awareness, but the ability to draw inferences from one instance on the basis of "cottage" is definitely second to none in the world. , ranked among the best, and no one can match it, otherwise it would not have been dubbed the Kingdom of Shanzhai by the international community a few years ago.

"Okay, now that you have made your decision, I will make a bet. I will do my best to win back this new technology of combustible ice mining for the country."

Now that the matter has been explained, Ding Ning understood that it was time for him to make a statement, and immediately assured him unequivocally.

"How sure are you?"

Chief No. 2 was very relieved, but he still asked a little worried about gains and losses.

After all, the gamble is too big this time. If it fails, the patent and all production and management rights of Midou Oral Liquid will be handed over to others, and the loss of Shenzhou Kingdom will be too great.

It was precisely because the patent of Midou Oral Liquid was in Ding Ning's hands that the two bosses took some time out of their busy schedules to discuss this matter with him in person.

"I dare not say 100%, but I am more than 80% sure."

Although the profession of a doctor is supposed to never promise easily, Ding Ning still patted his chest and made an exception to give the two big men who were full of expectations a reassurance to give them confidence.

"Eighty percent, although it's not 100%, but the probability is not too low. This time, Xiao Ding, you must go all out and win."

Chief No. 1 was obviously not very satisfied with this probability, and gave Ding Ning a death order without worrying about it, and then felt that something was wrong, which seemed to put too much pressure on him, so he hurriedly comforted him: "But don't worry, even in case If we fail, we won't blame you, in order to ensure this victory, we have launched some dark chess that has been lurking for more than ten years, and we will find out what their reliance is at all costs."

"No, it's really not necessary. The dark chess layout is not easy. I have confidence in my medical skills. In this world, if I can't cure a disease, there is absolutely no second person who dares to say that it can be cured."

Ding Ning was startled, and quickly persuaded him.

He knew that the secret agents mentioned by the chief were all the country's best secret agents, and they were the nails inserted into the enemy's interior at a great price. They exposed their identities for a certain win-win fight, and even made them Falling into a certain death situation is definitely not a situation he would like to see.

"Xiao Ding, it's good to have confidence, but as the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will win a hundred battles. This medical summit is of great importance. Our country can't afford to lose. Good steel must be used wisely. When is it not necessary to use dark chess at this time?"

Chief No. 1 spoke decisively, without any doubt.

"It's not confidence, but determination. I guarantee that this time, no matter what cards the opponent has, I can win the final victory, isn't it? Those dark chess pieces are the nails that the country worked so hard to insert. A hero whom everyone respects should not be sacrificed in such a must-win game."

Ding Ning said eagerly, and he didn't care to hide his strength any more. He looked at Chief No. 1 with a sincere look and said seriously: "My current medical skills have reached the level that I can save people as long as they have one breath. The so-called incurable diseases, including those medical problems that cannot be overcome, have no difficulty for me, unless it is some extremely rare and intractable diseases, which may require me to spend a little time."

"Xiao Ding, one can't underestimate oneself, but one can't be too arrogant. Proper humility is still necessary. You are still young, so you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Complacency is not a good thing."

How could Chief No. 1 believe his arrogant words? He warned earnestly, just kidding, any incurable disease can be cured, and if you overcome any problem, then you are not a human but a god.

"Yeah, Xiao Ding, I understand that you don't want those dark chess sacrifices, but since you played dark chess, you are already ready to sacrifice for the interests of the country. We are also very heartbroken, sad, and I am very reluctant. They are all heroes of the country. They cannot be sacrificed on the frontal battlefield, they can only sacrifice behind the enemy lines, but this is their mission. It is not enough to deter those monsters, for the sake of the overall situation of the country, appropriate local sacrifices are inevitable."

Chief No. 2 also said in a sonorous tone: "The outcome of this medical summit is too important. To tell you the truth, No. 1 and I are supporters of this summit, and we bear no less pressure than you. Even worse, it can be said that this time is a big gamble about the fate of the country. If we win, we are naturally happy, but if we lose, No. 1 and I will become sinners of the country and be nailed to the shame of history forever On the shelf, he was scolded by future generations."

"We don't care about the infamy behind those behind us. What we care about is how our motherland can prosper, how people can live and work in peace and contentment, and how our citizens are treated unfairly in the world. We no longer just issue strong condemnations and protests, but force Fight back forcefully, give them a loud slap in the face, let those countries or individuals who dare to insult us and laugh at us to look down on us obediently lower their noble heads to apologize.”

Chief No. 1 said emotionally: "Our nation, which has been plagued by disasters, has reached the point where we have to rise up. Every time our citizens are treated unfairly abroad, we can only bear it and protest. and condemnation to cover up our not being strong enough, you know how we feel?

Those comments on the Internet that condemn the country’s inaction, every minute and every second is a heart-breaking torment for us. Are we watching our citizens suffer from unfair treatment by some countries? Don't you want to slap her back hard? Don't we want to hold our heads upright and hold our chests upright to intimidate the Quartet?

We think, think more than anyone else, but we can't do it yet. We are not timid, nor fearful, nor lack of courage, but our country is not strong enough. Those who are ambitious cannot be sanctioned with their heads held high. "

"Weak countries have no diplomacy, and if they fall behind, they will be beaten. Natural selection and the strong prey on the weak. Even if modern times put a layer of civilization on this most primitive operating rule, it still cannot completely cover up the core laws of the world's operation. There is no way to hide the gangster nature of certain countries."

Chief No. 2 sighed, with a resolute look in his eyes: "In our opinion, the country's development speed is still a bit slow, but in the eyes of those Western countries, our development speed is too fast, so fast that they This is why they target us everywhere and adopt various means to curb our development, and this medical summit is one of their despicable means of taking advantage of us."

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