Medical Sovereign

One thousand five hundred and three internal strife

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It's a pity that the girl's speed was too fast, and she turned into red afterimages that were barely detectable to the naked eye. No bullet in such a dense firepower net could hit her.

And the most desperate thing is, with the flash of the girl's afterimage, there must be a dead body separated, and a fountain of blood will be staged.


Finally, someone couldn't bear such terrifying pressure, and his spirit completely collapsed. He uttered a terrified scream, dropped the gun in his hand, and ran out like a madman desperately.

But they are all gluttonous feasts reserved by girls, so how could they escape, whoever gets closer to the gate will die faster.

Huang Zhenghang was worthy of being an old Jianghu, even though his heart was completely shrouded in fear, he still keenly realized that this might be the only chance to kill this female devil.

Taking a step forward, he snatched the submachine gun from the trembling, pale-faced Huang Qi, with a fierce look in his eyes, and frantically started shooting at the yelling subordinates who were fleeing in terror.


A muffled groan was heard mixed with the screams of his subordinates before they died. Although it was very inconspicuous, Huang Zhenghang was caught by Huang Zhenghang. He couldn't help being overjoyed and shouted: "Everyone, don't panic, she was shot!" Yes, she is a devil, but she is not an invulnerable devil, even if she is shot, she will die."

A group of thugs immediately cheered up, and pulled the trigger again at the girl whose speed had obviously slowed down.

The girl staggered, and finally revealed her figure, bathed in blood, leaving a clear bloody footprint with every step she took.

"She's dying, kill her, kill her quickly."

Huang Qi finally woke up from the endless fear, screaming like an eunuch without a little dick.

Da da da!

Needless to say, those gangsters who were on the verge of collapse also knew what to do. They replaced the magazines and shot at the girl like bullets for free.

The girl was hit by the impact of the bullet like a swing, her body was densely packed with bullet holes, and she fell to the ground with a thud.

The gangsters were still worried that she would not die,

He fired all the bullets at her again, and then he stopped with lingering fear.

Huang Zhenghang looked sadly at more than twenty of his subordinates. At this moment, there were less than ten people left alive. His eyes were filled with despondency. He sighed a long time and said with difficulty: "Dig a hole and bury all the brothers." Alright."

The surviving gangsters showed grief, and went to pile up the dead bodies without saying a word, occasionally glancing at Huang Qi with complaints and anger in their eyes.

Huang Qi felt guilty after being watched, knowing that if he hadn't brought the girl back, he wouldn't have ended up in such a miserable situation, so he resisted the uproar in his stomach, walked up to the girl's body and kicked violently, still venting in his mouth He cursed loudly: "This monster, monster, really damn it, damn it..."


The girl's body is petite, and can weigh up to ten catties. Huang Qi was trying to vent his anger. He even used all his strength to feed the baby. He kicked the girl away with all his strength, and landed in front of Liu Geda, who was lucky enough to survive. .

Liu Geda looked down subconsciously, but saw the girl's eyes were open, and she even blinked at him. He was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he screamed and sat down on the ground, his face followed. Ghostly is the color of fear.

"Little, are you too timid? You're even afraid of corpses."

Desperadoes are desperadoes. Although the death of their companions made them very sad, the sorrow came and went quickly. Seeing Liu Geda sitting on the ground in shock, some people couldn't help laughing and mocking.

"It's really useless to be as big as a lump, and as cowardly as a needle point, this crazy woman is indeed terrifying to live, but when she dies, she's just a corpse, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Another gangster, Liu Bazi, made fun of him, and picked up the girl's body with his toes as if showing off, and flew it away like kicking a chicken feather shuttlecock, a playful look flashed in his eyes.

"don't want!"

Liu Geda finally woke up from the panic, and shouted hoarsely.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, the female corpse was lifted upright, and by coincidence, it bumped directly into Huang Qi's arms, throwing him to the ground.


Huang Qi was lying on the ground with the female corpse lying on his body, his face showed astonishment, horror, pain and disbelief, his mouth was wide open, and he stared blankly at the ceiling, his eyes quickly became gloomy.

"Liu Bazi, did you do it on purpose?"

Although Huang Zhenghang also somewhat blamed Huang Qi for bringing back a funeral star, causing him heavy losses, but Liu Bazi deliberately targeted Huang Qi in front of him, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to such an obvious revenge, after all, he treated Huang Qi as himself Seeing this, he cursed with some displeasure.

Liu Bazi shrank his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said with a playful smile: "Xiaoqi likes to play with women, this woman died before he had time to play with it, it's not too late to play with it now."


Huang Zhenghang felt chills in his heart, keenly aware that Liu Bazi's attitude towards him had changed drastically, probably because he was dissatisfied with him using his brothers as bait to shoot and kill the girl before, so he could only snort coldly, not daring to scold him again.

After all, there were not many people left, and most of these people were still dissatisfied with Huang Qi. If he continued to obviously favor him, these subordinates might rebel on the spot.

This made him feel a little regret for the first time in his life. Zhu Pengcheng had warned him when he drove him out of the black mouse. Kill the master.

It's a pity that he was angry at that time, thinking that he had done a lot of hard work, but Zhu Pengcheng ruthlessly kicked himself out of Wushu for a trivial matter, how could he listen to it.

What's more, he regarded these guys driven out by Wushu as capital for a comeback, so how could he give up these lawless desperadoes.

Although it was not good to scold Liu Bazi again, out of concern for Huang Qi, he walked towards Huang Qi quickly: "Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, what's wrong, get up quickly."

"Boss, no... don't go there, that woman is not... not dead."

Liu Geda was the most honest and loyal among the gangsters. Seeing that Huang Zhenghang wanted to get close to the female corpse, he yelled in horror. It was just the fear in his heart that made his teeth chatter.

"Are you kidding? This woman has been beaten into a hornet's nest. How could she not die? Pimple, she must have been scared out of her wits."

Liu Bazi sneered, mocking in disbelief.

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, talk!"

Although Huang Zhenghang didn't believe Liu Geda's words, his natural vigilance and suspicion made him stop and shouted at Huang Qi.

But Huang Qi still didn't answer. Huang Zhenghang's heart sank, and he realized that something seemed wrong, so he took a few steps back calmly, and asked in a deep voice, "Little, did you say that this woman is not dead?"

"No... not dead, I... I saw her wink at me just now."

Liu Geda stammered and said.

The scene instantly fell into a deathly silence, everyone's face changed drastically, and they looked at the female corpse lying on Huang Qi's body in horror.

"...Did you have hallucinations from being frightened? People were beaten into honeycombs, how could they not die? Hehe, this joke is not funny at all."

Liu Bazi's throat throbbed violently, he swallowed, and said with a pale face and an extremely unnatural dry smile, trying to ease the tense atmosphere with the humor he was never good at.

It's a pity that everyone at the scene was not in the mood to laugh. They raised their guns as if they were facing an enemy, stared at the female corpse without blinking, and would pull the trigger at any time.

Normally, they would never believe Liu Geda's nonsense, but the girl's strange behavior before had scared them out of their wits, even if there was only a one in ten thousand possibility, they would have to act first.

blah blah...

The subtle chewing sound seemed so strange and clear in this quiet and empty factory at this moment, it made everyone's face change drastically, and they subconsciously put their hands on the trigger. gun.


Liu Bazi swallowed hard, staring fixedly at the slowly rising head of the female corpse. Under Huang Qi's body, a large puddle of blood had seeped into the ground. The invisible fear instantly clenched his heart, and his brain froze. Blank, without hesitation, he pulled the trigger directly, and frantically shot at the female corpse, shouting: "Why don't you shoot, do you want to die?"

"Stop it, don't hurt Xiao Qi?"

Huang Zhenghang cursed furiously.

"Go to nima, he's only a little girl all day long, his life is his life if he's paralyzed, and his brothers' lives are not his life, old thing, let me go to hell."

Liu Bazi's patience finally reached its limit. After yelling angrily, the gun turned around and fired wildly at Huang Zhenghang.

"don't want!"

Liu Geda yelled and rushed over recklessly, threw Huang Zhenghang under her body, blocked all the bullets with her back, and after a violent tremor, her mouth let out a muffled groan, the blood spilled out like beads with broken strings Huang Zhenghang's head and face were like blood.


Huang Zhenghang cried out hoarsely, his eyes tearing apart.

Liu Geda is an orphan, born slow to respond, but because of his natural supernatural power, he was adopted by him after being photographed, and joined Wushu to become his gold medal fighter.

Although this child is simple and dull, like a lump of wood, he is a very grateful person and is even more loyal to him. He did not expect that today he would die at the gunpoint of his own people just to save him.

Huang Qi was regarded by him as his own, and Liu Geda was regarded as his son-in-law, but these two relatives were both dying in front of his eyes at this moment, how could he not be heartbroken.

Huang Zhenghang was in tears, his heart filled with overwhelming anger, he roared hysterically: "Liu Bazi, my grass ancestor."

"Old stuff, it's all fault. If it weren't for that, so many brothers wouldn't die, and Pimple wouldn't die either. They all deserve to die. You can't blame others. Go to hell."

Liu Bazi didn't expect that Liu Geda would die for Huang Zhenghang, he yelled fiercely, picked up his gun and started shooting at Huang Zhenghang crazily.

Because Liu Geda is different from Huang Zhenghang, he is very popular. Although he is simple and dull, he is very loyal, does not strive for success, does not show off, and always rushes to the forefront when performing tasks and encounters danger, saving many lives. .

Each of the brothers who survived at the scene owed him favors. Don't look at the usual bullying of him, but it was because of habit. Knowing that he never cares, they used this way to express their closeness.

Therefore, killing Liu Geda was tantamount to committing public outrage. Liu Bazi had to kill Huang Zhenghang before they could react. Otherwise, Huang Zhenghang would die as long as he raised his arms.

Puff puff!

Liu Geda's back had already been beaten into a hornet's nest, but Huang Zhenghang remained unharmed under the protection of his corpse, and shouted hoarsely: "Liu Bazi, you bastard, you should die."

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