Medical Sovereign

1510 Diya with a headache

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"I'm happy to serve you. Come on, let's not disturb everyone. I just learned an idiom called being happy to be a teacher. I think I am now in the state described by this idiom."

John smiled all over his face, turned around and left with his arms around Frank.

"John, what a nice guy, he's so enthusiastic."

Frank said with a face full of emotion, and the two quickly accelerated their feet and walked out quickly.

"Stop for me."

Dia roared angrily, but the two of them ran even faster as if they didn't hear it.

"Forget it, Dia, you can't blame them this time. After all, they brought back the body of the wind wolf, so the merits and demerits are equal."

Professor Ailonia looked at the pair of live treasures, shook his head amusedly, patted Dia's shoulder to persuade him, shrugged his shoulders humorously, and said exaggeratedly: "Oh, I bought Karma, I actually said I learned a Chinese idiom, well, John is right, I think I also fell in love with the Chinese dialect."

"Professor Ailonia, thank you for your hard work. I'll go and see how Miss Coco's injury is, so I won't disturb your research."

Dia did not intend to do anything to John and Frank. The reason why he got angry was only to appease Professor Ailonia's anger. Seeing that he did not pursue the matter now, he immediately died down and bowed slightly like an elegant nobleman. Saluted, and led the other genetic warriors away.

In a blink of an eye, only Professor Ailonia and two assistants were left in the laboratory. Professor Ailonia looked at the wolf corpse with fiery eyes and continued his research.

Dia and the others walked into a room filled with a strong smell of disinfectant water. There was a transparent nutrition cabin in the room. The nutrition cabin was filled with light green liquid, and a girl was lying quietly inside.

The girl's eyes were closed tightly, her face was pale and lifeless, and all kinds of tubes were inserted all over her body. Some tubes were connected to electronic equipment outside the cabin, and some tubes directly penetrated her skin. The green ones Fluids entered her body through these tubes and appeared to be doing some sort of repair work.

Dia bent down and observed carefully in front of the electronic equipment in front of the nutrition cabin for a while, heaved a sigh of relief, stood up straight and said: "Although Miss Coco was seriously injured this time, her life was finally saved. I can also have an explanation with the hall master."

"Hmph! What about a super genetic warrior?

You can almost die by killing some ordinary people. If we go to carry out the mission, there will be so much trouble. "

A female genetic warrior behind Dia curled her lips and said disdainfully.

"That's right, I really don't see how she looks like a super genetic warrior. In a real fight, I could crush her to death with one hand."

A young brunette white man next to him pursed his lips and said proudly and contemptuously.

"Isn't it just relying on being the person next to the hall master? Why do you use the best genetic medicine for her, and even use the most precious genetic enhancement medicine for injuries, d, and pretend to be cool all day long, saying no Hey, she doesn't care whoever talks to her, she's proud of herself, isn't she just a dog next to the hall master."

"Rabbits don't even eat the grass by the side of the nest. The base is good, and the villagers here don't interfere with the river water. They are also our best cover, but since she came, they have captured more than a dozen villagers. I think If this continues, sooner or later it will attract the attention of the Chinese government.”

"That's right, I really don't understand why such a pretty girl has so much trouble. The villagers are missing a lot, and sooner or later she will attract the attention of the Shenzhou side. If this continues, there is nothing safe about the base."


There were not one or two people who were dissatisfied with Cocoa, and everyone talked one after another, all of them were dissatisfied with Cocoa for moving the villagers.

"Shut up!"

Dia yelled sharply and looked at everyone with cold eyes, "Keep your mouths in check, you know the hall master's temperament, if this word reaches his ears, everyone in our No. 3 base will be punished, Let's all go away, leave two people here to guard, and we must ensure Miss Ke Ke's safety."

Everyone seemed to have thought of the cruel method of the hall master, and they were silent like cicadas, not daring to say any more complaints.

Dia waved his hands in a bad mood, and walked out in big strides. Others didn't know that Coco was special, but he knew it very well.

Although Ke Ke's combat power seems not strong, she may not be as good as them at present, but she is the only genetic warrior who survived the 100,000 latest beast compound genetic drug experiments and perfectly inherited the beast gene sequence. In the future, it will definitely become the organization's most terrifying fighting machine.

The organization attaches great importance to her. If she didn't recognize anyone and only obeyed the hall master, it would be impossible for the organization to send her to Shenzhou.

Therefore, Dia knew that her status in the organization was not comparable to that of their half-human, half-beast crippled genetic warriors.

In fact, Dia didn't envy Coco. At least, they would be stimulated with beast genes during battles, and they could still live like normal people, unlike Coco, who had already been transformed into a beast.

Thinking of the scene of Coco chewing "dry food" when he came back covered in blood, Dia's stomach couldn't help but vomit, wanting to vomit.

Although he knew that Coco could return to the base if it wasn't for the energy provided by the "dry food", but even though he had been modified with half of the beast's genes, he still had half of his humanity, and he really couldn't accept such a disgusting thing.

What troubled him the most was that Ke Ke couldn't help but go out for a walk every night. He, the top person in charge of the base, couldn't control her at all, so he could only let her keep taking the local villagers back and locking them up in the base.

For this reason, he specifically reported to the hall master, but the hall master said that there was nothing he could do, and that Ke Ke was extremely insecure, as long as he grabbed some "dry food" as a reserve, he would settle down.

Those villagers were caught and couldn’t be released, so they should be locked up all the time. Manpower and material resources would have to be wasted to keep them in check to prevent them from escaping, and meals would be delivered to them on a regular basis every day. Otherwise, if they starved to death, Keke wouldn’t be safe It made him feel more and more headache, why does he feel that he is not like the person in charge of the base, but more like a nanny.

"Have you delivered food to those villagers today?"

Thinking of this, Dia casually asked, but got no response.

Looking back, I saw that everyone's eyes were flickering, avoiding his sight.

"Why not send it?"

Dia's face darkened. These subordinates are getting more and more excessive, and they can even obey what he arranged.

"It's not that we don't send them away, but those villagers are all dead."

Under Dia's increasingly stern gaze, an Indian warrior with braids on his head mustered up his courage to answer.

"Dead? How did you die? Did you kill him?"

Dia's complexion changed drastically, and he roared uncontrollably, with a terrifying aura permeating the air.

"No...not me!"

The Indian warrior waved his hands in panic, took a peek at the convalescent room where Ke Ke was, and murmured with his lips: " is Ke Ke."

"How could it be that she didn't go out..."

Before Dia could finish speaking, he stopped suddenly, because he suddenly remembered that he didn't know that when Ke Ke came back, it was very likely that she killed those villagers at that time to replenish her own energy.

This made his mood more and more gloomy, thinking whether to arrest a few people from outside overnight to make Ke Ke feel safe, and to prevent her from harassing the villagers again.

"Who is Ke Ke? Where is it?"

A voice full of anger rang out, causing everyone's expressions to change, and they turned around in horror.

Because although they have all learned the Chinese language, there is no one in the base who can speak the Chinese language in such a correct way, so they are sure that the speaker is definitely not from the base.

What shocked them the most was that apart from the scientists and genetic warriors in the base, there was also a security team of a hundred people with the most advanced firepower stationed in the labyrinth outside the base. Immediately called the police and wiped out the intruders. Gao Zhanjun and Li Qi who attacked the wolf cavalry with rockets before were among them.

But in fact, they were silently broken into the base without any warning at all, how could they not be terrified.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?"

Dia looked at the middle-aged fat man and a young man who broke in, gestured calmly, and asked sharply.

Those genetic warriors were well-trained, and after seeing Dia's small gestures, they immediately spread out and outflanked the opponent quietly, blocking the opponent's retreat.

The base must not be exposed, no matter how these two Chinese people got in, they cannot be allowed to leave today no matter what.

That's right, it's just sneaking in, not killing or breaking in, because they haven't received the warning from the outside until now, and they firmly believe that these two people must have some strange means of concealing people's eyes to escape the sight of the outside guards and "mix" in .

"Infiltrated? Hehe, I should ask you this question, right? This is Shenzhou, not the territory of our foreign devils. How did you infiltrate China?"

Ding Ning looked around at the crowd with disdain, not caring about their outflanking actions at all. Although there were a few Asian faces in this group of guys, judging from their regrettable heights, they must be Fusang little devils.

"Fack, kill them."

Diya shouted out of embarrassment and rage.

John shrugged and strode over with a playful look on his face: "Hey, buddy, although I like Shenzhou language very much, I don't like Shenzhou people very much, oh, of course, if it's a beautiful Shenzhou girl, I think I'd love it too."

"Sorry, beautiful girls in China are very rare resources. Naturally, our men from China will take over. As for the members of the Goddess organization like you who are like rats in the gutter, they must die."

Ding Ning didn't appreciate his humor at all, and said with a cold tone on his face.

He quietly killed hundreds of outer guards, and finally found the correct path through the maze of twists and turns. He didn't expect to hear the sad news that the villagers had been killed as soon as he entered, which made him furious. The fiery murderous intent was undisguised.

"D, I thought it was something drilled out of some gutter. It turned out to be a mouse organized by the descendants of the gods. When it is really the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, it can let them do whatever they want. How dare you do things in our Chinese territory? What’s more, I’m tired of living.”

The God of Wealth glanced at Ding Ning quite unexpectedly. He didn't expect that he knew about the Goddess organization, but he didn't bother to ask more questions now, so let's kill these guys first.

Although Ding Ning cleared out the peripheral guards by stealth, showing impressive strength, he felt a strong threat from these genetic soldiers, and secretly regretted it. If he had known it was the rats of the Goddess organization, he would call in people to come back again. up.

What he didn't tell Ding Ning was that he, Boss Ding and others were old enemies with the Goddess organization, and they didn't fight once or twice, and they had a deep understanding of the difficulty of these genetic monsters.

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