Medical Sovereign

1514th flicker

"Coco, give your hand to brother."

Ding Ning stretched out his hand to Ke Ke.

Ke Ke didn't seem used to being so close to people, she hesitated when she saw his outstretched hand, but the goodwill in her heart made her hold his hand obediently.

Absolutely tactile!

Ding Ning looked at Coco's genetic map in shock, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

He asked himself that he had seen a lot of gene maps, but even the gene sequences of the Yaozu were not as complicated and chaotic as Coco.

If the genetic map he has seen is a bustling city composed of row upon row of high-rise buildings, then Keke's genetic map is equivalent to a small county town in the 1960s and 1970s in China, where the average building does not exceed seven floors, but there are several buildings standing abruptly. A super luxurious modern building.

The strong sense of gap caused the data in her genetic map to vary greatly. The highest data value was almost a thousand times that of the lowest data value, but it was skillfully maintained at an extremely fragile balance point.

Ding Ning suppressed the shock in his heart. Now is not the time to study the genetic map. He wants to find the control chip hidden in Ke Ke's head as soon as possible to help her release the control.

As time passed minute by minute, Ding Ning kept changing the perspective of absolute touch, and Coco's brain tissue kept skimming through his perception, searching bit by bit for the possible control chip.

Why not?

Ten minutes later, Ding Ning's eyes widened in astonishment. He had already searched for Coco's brain tissue, but found nothing.

Impossible, Ke Ke is an innocent child now, absolutely impossible to lie to him, since she said that Zhao Shu pressing the remote control will give her a headache, then her head must have been tampered with.

But why can't I find it? Ding Ning frowned tightly, continuing to search without giving up, while thinking hard.

Back then, Xiao Chunan found the chip bomb in his head as soon as he looked for it, so how could he not find Ke Ke's?

The God-descendant organization, the evil Young Master Su, the remote control, the control chip, the genetic mutation, the genetic data with great disparity, countless tentacles, the mixed genes of various beasts,

Heavenly Khan of the Prairie, Dark Flower List, Death Nameplate, Hades Order, Nano Tracker...

The fragments of the past gradually formed a clear logical line in his mind, causing a flash of light in his mind.

Ding Ning's eyes lit up, and he finally realized what he had overlooked.

It was only because of his special characteristics that Xiao Chunan became the research object of interest of the Goddess organization, and he was treated as a test object for the latest genetic research experiments.

But compared to the fact that he devoured countless genetic medicines but failed to develop anything of value, his importance is destined to be completely different from that of Coco, which has fused the beast gene.

Therefore, for Xiao Chunan, although the Goddess organization valued it, it only valued it. In his mind, he just randomly planted a chip bomb to control it.

But Coco is different. Such a test product with infinite possibilities of evolution is definitely worth the more costly control of the Goddess organization to ensure her loyalty.

Nano, yes, is the nano controller.

After Ding Ning figured this out, his depressed mood was immediately cheered up. The absolute sense of touch was infinitely magnified, and he concentrated on Coco's nerve center. He closed his eyes and concentrated on examining it carefully.

found it!

At a certain moment, a trace of uncontrollable excitement flashed on Ding Ning's face, and a tiny dust-like nanochip was quietly embedded in Coco's brain nerve center.

The very tiny and delicate nano control chip is almost the same as the nano tracker, except that in addition to the same three circuits as the tracker, there is an additional strange circuit.

Ding Ning opened his eyes, revealing a pensive expression. There are three circuits of the nano tracker, one is a self-destruct circuit, the other is a tracking circuit, and he has never figured out what the third circuit is, and now there is a fourth one.

Quietly remembering the fourth circuit, Ding Ning reckoned that it was the integration of this strange fourth circuit that made Ke Ke feel fearful and headache. According to its function, let's call it the punishment circuit.

Although he found the nanochip, Ding Ning faced another difficulty because he found that he had no way to dismantle the nanochip now.

The location of the chip installation is very ingenious. It sticks to Coco's brain nerve center like a piece of chewing gum. With a slight movement, the self-destruct device will activate. While destroying the chip, Coco will also be severely damaged by the brain nerves. Even if you don't die, you will become an idiot.

What can I do?

If the nano-control chip is not removed, Coco will continue to kill innocent people indiscriminately to obtain evolutionary energy under the control of the Goddess organization; but if it is forcibly removed, the possibility of Coco's survival is no more than one percent.

Even though Ding Ning says that the success rate is about 80% every time he performs an operation, in fact, when he is allowed to say this probability, he is often more than 99% sure that the success rate of the operation can be guaranteed. The 20% margin left is due to a doctor's self-protection habits. After all, any accidents can happen in this world, and this 20% uncertainty is the doctor's legacy road.

But now, let alone 80%, Ding Ning is not even 1% sure, which means that the matter has fallen into a deadlock, so how can he not have a headache.


Da da da!

"Chasing, no one is allowed to run away."

At this moment, there was a faint sound of gunshots and noise outside, Ding Ning's ears moved, and a look of anxiety appeared on his face.

People from Guoan came and started a gun battle with the remnants of the base.

Time is running out, and if the Coco matter can't be resolved before they enter this room, then things will be in trouble.

Either hand over Keke to Guoan, or help Keke kill Guoan.

He was reluctant to do the former, and it was even more impossible for him to do the latter. After all, he was from China, and Guoan only came here after he called Aunt Mei.

Coco has evolved and has very sensitive eyes and ears. After hearing the movement, the tentacles on his body immediately waved in the air like a little wild cat whose hair was blown out, ready to attack at any time.

"Keke relax, do you trust brother?"

Ding Ning turned his mind quickly, and immediately thought of a temporary solution, looked at Ke Ke sincerely and said softly.

Ke Ke didn't speak, but looked at him vigilantly. It seems that Guoan's intervention made her wary of Ding Ning.

Ding Ning faced her suspicious gaze calmly, with sincerity shining in his eyes: "Ke Ke, if you believe me, let go of all your thoughts, I will take you out of here, and give you delicious food every day, so that you can live a happy life." live happily ever after.”

"Happy and happy life? What is that, is it delicious?"

I don't know if the delicious food touched Coco's heart, and her vigilant eyes gradually softened, and she asked curiously with her little head tilted.

Ding Ning couldn't laugh or cry, but he had to explain patiently: "A happy and happy life is not delicious, but it is very sweet, as sweet as drinking honey."

"What is sweet? What is honey?"

Ke Ke tilted her head and blinked her eyes to break through the casserole and asked the end. The flailing tentacles stopped waving and floated motionless beside her, indicating that she had relaxed her guard.

Ding Ning has a headache, what is sweet and what is honey, if you really want to explain it, you can explain it, but that is for ordinary people, for a girl like Ke Ke who is like a blank sheet of paper, even if he explains it, There will be more questions waiting for him.

"Sweet is like what you feel when you eat something, and honey is like what you feel when you eat what your brother just gave you."

Ding Ning had an idea, so he can only use this very inappropriate metaphor to describe it. Anyway, when he saw Ke Ke eating the spirit crystal, his face was full of intoxication, and he must have enjoyed it very much.

Ke Ke's eyes lit up, her mouth twitched, and her saliva flowed down again without restraint. She looked at Ding Ning eagerly: "Brother, I still want to eat."

"Okay, brother will give you something to eat."

Ding Ning endured the pain and took out a handful of spirit crystals and handed them to her. While she was enjoying eating the spirit crystals, he suddenly shot like lightning and knocked Ke Ke unconscious.

Strangely, when Coco fell into a coma, her terrifying tentacles all over her body also retracted into her body, turning into a normal girl.

"It looks much more comfortable this way, Keke, I'm sorry, if you persist, I will definitely find a way to cure you."

Ding Ning silently said a few words "see no evil", muttered apologetically in his heart, and put Ke Ke into the water space.

This is the only way he can think of for the time being. The water space is an independent space, isolating all signals from the outside world. No matter how advanced the technology of the Goddess Organization is, it is impossible to control Coco's life and death through the remote control.

Of course, while helping Coco get rid of the control of the Goddess organization, he also hopes to use this cheat to study the secrets of the chip, so as to master this most advanced nanotechnology.

Just thinking about the amount of cocoa he eats, Ding Ning couldn't help but feel a little headache. Just like Diba, he is a foodie again.

Ke Diba is so cute, he just eats delicious food, he has no burden at all, but Ke Ke, a foodie, eats spirit crystals. Even if he has the spiritual crystals of the underwater world, the spirit crystals are not inexhaustible If she is allowed to eat like this for a long time, sooner or later, he will go bankrupt.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about these things, let's settle the matter in front of us first.

Nutrition cabin? There is also the nutrient solution that cocoa has not completely absorbed, which is definitely a good thing with great research value.

But he knew the reason why he couldn't eat alone, so he just took the nutrient solution from the semi-nutrition cabin and took it back for research, and left the rest to Guoan.

After setting up the scene, Ding Ning stood there leisurely and waited, because he had already heard footsteps.

"Stay where you are, put your hands up, and squat down!"

Soon, more than a dozen national security and special police officers with live ammunition rushed in aggressively, pointing their guns at him as if facing an enemy and shouting fiercely.

"Don't be impulsive, your own."

Ding Ning took out the certificate of the 17th bureau, flashed it, and said calmly.

The leader, a middle-aged Guoan man, was on guard cautiously. He reached out to take the ID and looked at it. Then his expression eased, and he returned the ID to him politely. He waved his hand and let everyone put down their guns. Sorry, it turned out to be Director Ding. I am Hong Xiaoan, the leader of the third team of the National Security Operations Division. You can just call me Xiaoan. I didn’t expect Director Ding to be so young before... Hehe, please don’t be offended by Director Ding .”

"It doesn't matter, those who don't know are not guilty. Besides, this is your job. In this base full of monsters, you can't be too careful."

Ding Ning smiled indifferently.

Then he said regretfully: "Unfortunately, this person was killed by the monster right after he came in, and I couldn't keep that monster, so it ran away."

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