Medical Sovereign

One thousand five hundred and twenty-one big shots

This made Li Tieying furious, clenched his fists tightly, and gritted his teeth. If he hadn't considered the impact, he really wanted to punch Baichi's hateful face to pieces.


Before Li Tieying got angry, Zhang Baichi was thrown upside down by a fat fist, hitting the wall like a rag doll, lying on the ground with a plop, his eyes swollen like a panda, trying his best to He opened his eyes, and let out a shrill scream.

"Shut up, dare to make noise again, I will kill you idiot."

The God of Wealth has been worrying about Zhao Tiansheng's safety, and wanted to kill someone irritably, but this shit, deputy director Zhang, was gloating and chattering endlessly, which annoyed him.

" dare to hit me, do you know who I am? You are dead, dead..."

Zhang Baichi covered his eyes, got up and jumped up and down like a shrew, pointing at the God of Wealth and growling hysterically.

"I don't know if I will die or not, but I know that if you dare to make a little more noise now, I guarantee you will die a very miserable death now."

The God of Wealth exuded terrifying murderous intent, and said in a cold voice with a gloomy face.

The hospital originally planned to ask the God of Wealth to settle the score, but several high-level officials of the hospital committee secretly winked at the security guards, urging them to act quickly, beat the God of Wealth and drive them out.

Now it's all right, God of Wealth's undisguised terrifying murderous intent made them feel chilly and silent, even their calves were twisted, realizing that this barbarian was definitely not joking, they drooped their heads and dared not even breathe .


Zhang Baichi looked in horror at the cold eyes of the God of Wealth full of murderous intent, a chill shot straight into the sky, and he backed away in fear, his legs softened and his buttocks sat on the ground, the shouting stopped abruptly, and the bean sprouted from his forehead. There were big drops of sweat, and his face was pale without even the slightest trace of blood. Even though the pain from the hemorrhoids made him grin his teeth in pain, he didn't dare to make any more noise.

As a national security officer, it is not that he has never been in contact with such vicious and murderous gangsters, but he has never been able to make him feel so close to death like God of Wealth.

The terrifying murderous aura that seemed to come out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood completely frightened him,

He had no doubt that if he dared to speak out again, this terrifying fat man would kill him without hesitation.

The whole world fell silent, even though the front of the operating room was densely packed with people, no one dared to make a sound at this moment, for fear of being killed by that cruel fat man.

Li Tieying looked at the expressionless God of Wealth in surprise, and was secretly shocked. He thought that the warriors in the 17th bureau should be free, but he didn't expect that Ni Daye had such a terrifying killing intent. This must be blood on his hands. And it took a lot of blood to release such a terrifying killing intent.

This made him completely overturn his views on the Seventeenth Bureau, and he felt a little awe of this unattractive fat man, thinking that the Seventeenth Bureau is definitely not an enviable Qingshui Yamen who has nothing to do all day long, but is on the verge of death all day long. Struggling, fighting desperately with all kinds of martial arts masters in the terrorist department.

However, thinking about those terrifying men in black before, he soon felt relieved. The fact that the flying car could be stopped by physical strength is enough to show that the 17th round is a group of inhuman perverts. It is not surprising that Ni Dahai has such a murderous look.

However, the members of the 17th Bureau are so terrifying, so what kind of terrifying and strong Ding Ning, the director of the bureau, should be?

This made Li Tieying couldn't help thinking about it, and secretly rejoiced that he was lucky, not only became friends with Ding Ning, but also called him brothers and sisters, which made him very energetic, and his mentality changed suddenly.

Even though Zhang Baichi was secretly staring at him with resentful eyes, he didn't pay any attention to it, instead he thought it was ridiculous, my brother is a superman, you can bite me.

Tread Tread!

A burst of hurried footsteps came, breaking the tranquility of the scene.

Zhang Baichi turned his head to look, and saw twenty or thirty men and women with extraordinary bearing striding towards them, and their director was also among them, his eyes lit up immediately, and he got up to meet him, with a face on his face. Filled with aggrieved expressions, he yelled loudly: "Director, you have to make the decision for me. Li Tieying not only used his authority to force the hospital to rescue the dead, but also ordered his friend to hurt me."

Li Tieying was startled when he heard the words, and then there was a playful expression on the corner of his mouth, this Zhang Baichi is usually very clever, and he is also very thorough in the rules of officialdom, why has he become an idiot at this time?

Didn't you see Director Liu's position in this group of people is just at the end? This shows that anyone in this group of people has a higher status than him, so there is no chance for Zhang Baichi to speak.

Director Liu's face was livid, his lungs were about to explode, he gave Zhang Baichi a hard look, and said in a low voice, "Shut up!"

After finishing speaking, he trotted to keep up with the large army, and explained respectfully to an imposing old man in the crowd: "Minister Sun, he is Deputy Director Zhang of the Operations Department. He asked for leave yesterday evening. He was hospitalized because he was unwell, and I don’t know why he was here.”

The old man turned his head and glanced at the bewildered Zhang Baichi, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes, he hummed lightly in his nose, and then didn't express any more.

Director Liu heaved a sigh of relief, but in his heart he sentenced Zhang Baichi to death. This fucking idiot, don't implicate me if he wants to die. Isn't he just courting death by suing Li Tieying at this time?

The experimental base of foreign forces lurking in the country was uncovered by Li Tieying, which aroused the country's great attention. This time, the country not only harvested Professor Erica, a top biologist and geneticist, but also found a mature genetic medicine from the base. , Gene enhancement agents and research materials have filled a large number of blanks in genetics in my country, which is of epoch-making significance to the research breakthroughs in the field of life sciences in my country.

The genetic potion and materials were immediately sent to the National Academy of Science and Technology. After seeing these things, several genetic academicians who worked all night couldn't sit still. They directly tried to get in touch with the high-level officials of the country and asked if they could Provide them with experimental bodies. If they have experimental bodies, they can conduct research against the data. They are sure to break through several major research topics in the near future, benefiting the entire country.

After receiving the report, the high-level officials of the country attached great importance to it. A phone call was made directly to the relevant departments, telling them to safely send the captured genetic warriors to the Academy of Science and Technology for research by academicians. After all, China is about human rights, and it is impossible to do so In vivo experiments can only be done on these genetic warriors.

For the sake of safety, Li Tieying secretly detained Dia and other genetic warriors before coming to the hospital. Except for his personal orders, no one can get in touch with those genetic warriors.

That's why this scene happened. Members of Congress personally led the team, senior officials from the Ministry of National Security, Military Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Health, ICAC, and Yanjing Military Region personally dispatched to find Li Tieying. The genetic warrior must be safely escorted to the Academy of Science and Technology .

At this time, Li Tieying, who has made great achievements, is the hero of the country and the sweet pastry in the eyes of everyone. However, Zhang Baichi has no winking at this time to put eye drops on Li Tieying. How can he not arouse everyone's disgust, let alone him Forcing the hospital to rescue the dead, and beating up a deputy director of the operations department, even if it was a little more outrageous, as long as it wasn't murder, arson, treason and collaborating with the enemy, everyone would laugh and pretend they didn't see it.

"Director, you are..."

Li Tieying's position also meant that he could not know these brains. Seeing that everyone was staring at him constantly, the eyes were like looking at his own son-in-law, which made him feel hairy all the time, and looked at Liu for help. Director, asked in a low voice.

"Tie Ying, this is Vice Minister Sun who is in charge of our operations department. Let Vice Minister Sun introduce you."

Director Liu, Director Liu wanted to introduce, but it was not his turn on this occasion, so he tactfully gave this opportunity to Vice Minister Sun.

"Xiao Li, very good. You have done a good job this time. You have made great contributions to our Ministry of State Security. Let me introduce you. This is Congressman Chen..."

Vice Minister Sun, like a spring breeze, started the introduction without hesitation.

"Hello, Senator Chen."

Li Tieying was stunned. He was a small division chief and a deputy. He had never seen such a big leader in his life. He hurriedly bowed respectfully to say hello.

Councilor Chen extended his hand amiably, and shook it vigorously with a look of admiration on his face: "The sword of the country is to protect the home and the country. This time, you have successfully captured the lurking overseas forces with malicious intentions, and you have done your part for the cause of national security." You have made great contributions, made great contributions, and are worthy of the name of Guoan, we are proud of you!"

Li Tieying's face was flushed with excitement, although he promised Ding Ning not to expose his meddling, but when things came to an end, his character prevented him from doing things that would impersonate him, and he rubbed his hands and said anxiously: "No, it's not me. The credit of one person, and..."


The God of Wealth immediately interrupted him with a dry cough, reminding him not to forget the promise to Ding Ning.

"Haha, not bad, modest and prudent, neither arrogant nor impetuous, not greedy for merit, not forgetting one's roots, emphasizing love and righteousness, old grandson, this is a good seedling, such a talent needs to be burdened on his shoulders." .”

Councilor Chen thought he was being modest and wanted to share the credit with other national security agencies. He became more and more satisfied, and turned to Vice Minister Sun and said with a smile.

"Yeah, in fact, I've paid attention to Comrade Tie Ying for a long time. He has always performed very well in the department, is very good at uniting comrades, and has strong personal abilities. Now is the time to give him more responsibility."

Vice Minister Sun's face was full of smiles. Others might think that he was speaking official language, but Director Liu knew it was not. Li Tieying's outstanding performance had already caught Vice Minister Sun's eyes, and he had indeed been paying attention to it silently. he.

But where there are interests, there are disputes. Guoan is not an unearthly paradise. Vice Minister Sun also has his political opponents, and his political opponents are inseparable from the Zhang family, so they are naturally inclined to Zhang Baichi. He didn't mean to focus on cultivating Li Tieying, but that would actually harm him, and he would inevitably be attacked by his political opponents.

But now the situation is different. Li Tieying has made great contributions, and Mr. Chen named him in praise and suggested that he take advantage of this shareholder wind to push Li Tieying to the top. No matter how dissatisfied the political opponent is, he dare not make trouble.

With a thud, Zhang Baichi was limp on the ground like mud, with a look of despair on his face, and he looked at Li Tieying, who was like a moon and stars, with jealous eyes. There was only one thought in his mind, it's over, it's over now.

However, at this moment, except for the two little nurses standing beside him who glanced at him, no one would notice him, and everyone else looked at those big men excitedly.

The high-level members of the hospital committee looked at the God of Wealth no longer with fear, but full of gratitude. Fortunately, the fat man was tough enough to calm them down. Otherwise, if there was a conflict, they would offend Li Tieying and provoke If the big shot gets angry, the entire academy committee may be purged.

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