Medical Sovereign

1552nd activation of fangs

Xiang Tiange finally realized that Ding Ning had discovered the devilish thing, and gave Qu Wuyou a reproachful look, in exchange for an innocent wry smile on his face.

Since Ding Ning can detect the existence of demonic nature from his face, it means that this matter cannot be hidden from him at all, and it is more likely to be suspicious if he is concealed.

Of course, even if Ding Ning discovered the demonic nature, they didn't think he could solve it. After all, unless the demonic nature is sealed and slowly wiped out over a long period of time, there is no way to quickly eliminate it. common sense.


After a long time, Ding Ning let go of Qu Wuyou's wrist, and heaved a sigh of relief.


Xiang Tiange and Qu Wuyou looked at each other, and looked at Ding Ning for no reason, wondering what this meant, what did it mean?

Seeing the puzzled expressions on their faces, Ding Ning patiently explained: "I mean, fortunately, you haven't broken through to the Martial Saints and integrated the Martial Soul and the Divine Soul, otherwise, even if I want to solve it, it will take a lot of trouble for the demonic nature to invade the Divine Soul." Take a lot of trouble."

"What? You mean you can solve the demonic nature of Wuhun?"

Both Xiang Tiange and Qu Wuyou couldn't calm down anymore, they suddenly stood up and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, otherwise why did I take so long to feel the pulse?"

Ding Ning said naturally.

The two Martial Gods were stunned, their mouths were open enough to stuff a big duck egg in, and they both saw the ecstasy in each other's eyes. The good news came so fast that they were at a loss for a moment.

Ding Ning didn't pay attention to their expressions, and frowned and warned: "Although I have a way to get rid of the demonic nature in your martial souls, I will definitely suffer some punishment. The two uncles have to be mentally prepared."

"Suffer? It doesn't matter, how long will it take to get rid of it, and what preparations should I make?"

Xiang Tiange said overjoyedly, they have never experienced any kind of suffering, and it is nothing if they suffer a little.

Qu Wuyou didn't speak, but nodded with joy.

Ding Ning scratched his head: "You can start now."

"Don't you need to prepare anything?"

Qu Wuyou asked nervously,

After all, it is a demonic nature that is so distasteful, even if it is eliminated, you must find a way to seal it up, otherwise it will attach to other people, and it will still cause disasters.

"Prepare for what? It's just a little bit of magic, there's no need to prepare, but the two uncles have to be mentally prepared, I'm afraid it will be very painful later, and it may damage your martial spirit, but that's not a problem , I will find a way to deal with it."

Ding Ning shook his head indifferently, took out the plague god's fangs and said directly, "Whoever comes first."

The two looked at each other, is this a cure or a murder? Why did you take out your weapon?

"I'll come first."

Qu Wuyou thought carefully, fearing that something might go wrong, he volunteered to speak out.

"Okay, then I will trouble Uncle Qu to release the martial spirit."

Ding Ning is also polite, time is tight and the task is heavy, it is better to settle it early.

Qu Wuyou nodded, his figure flashed, and a condensed martial soul came out of his body, his body and appearance were exactly the same as the deity, standing together like twins.

Ding Ning raised his eyebrows, this was the first time he had seen someone else's martial spirit up close, compared it quietly with his own, and found that although Qu Wuyou's martial spirit was as lifelike as his own, but But it gave him a very loose feeling.

How should I put that feeling, it’s like refining a weapon. If one’s martial soul is forged from refined steel that has been tempered thousands of times; Naqu Wuyou’s martial soul was randomly forged from the most common steel, regardless of In terms of material, density, or fineness, it is not comparable to his own Wuhun. Although it seems that the fake one can be confused with the real one at first glance, it gives him a very vain feeling.

Ding Ning showed a pensive look, this is probably a problem of the degree of concentration of spiritual consciousness, Guoshifu does not have the spiritual power to practice exercises, whether it is Xiang Tiange, Qu Wuyou or even Xiahou Weiyang, they all rely on their own groping to temper Refining mental strength, so the condensed martial soul seems very vain, and the time to survive independently in the outside world may not be too long, and it can persist for a few hours if it is exhausted.

Unlike my own adventures, and having more than one method of spiritual refinement, coupled with the black and white Tai Chi diagrams in the sea of ​​consciousness that constantly refine the spiritual consciousness liquid, it is impossible for the martial soul to be pure.

However, although Qu Wuyou's martial spirit was not condensed enough, Ding Ning had to admit that compared with his willpower, he might only be willing to bow down to him, so he had to admire his strong willpower.

Because he directly pierced Qu Wuyou's martial spirit with his fangs, devouring his demon nature, even though Qu Wuyou's forehead was bulging in pain, his body was sweating profusely, his teeth were about to be crushed, but he never blinked his eyes all at once.

Martial soul, although it is a concrete embodiment of the rules of martial arts, but its root is in the soul, and the soul of the martial soul can also empathize with the wounded soul. The pain of being torn apart by the soul, even Ding Ning, who has practiced twice, can't feel it. ignore.

Ding Ning shudders when he thinks about the inhuman pain like being hammered on the most fragile brain continuously. If it is not necessary, he does not want to suffer the second time in his life that will make people mentally collapse at any time. The agony of death.

Ding Ning dared to use the fangs of the God of Plague to absorb the demonic nature. It was not whimsical, but deliberate. The fangs have the special effect of absorbing any negative emotions in the world, but they will also absorb the power of the martial soul polluted by the demonic nature.

Before the plague god fangs absorbed Pi Yitian's martial soul, he would never have dared to use this method, but now it is different. After the fangs absorbed Pi Yitian's hatred and resentment, it seemed that some kind of spirituality had been born , has self-awareness, and has a spiritual connection with Ding Ning.

From this thread of spiritual connection, Ding Ning gained the control of the fangs, and ordered the fangs to only devour the demonic nature, not the power of the martial soul.

The information fed back to him by the fangs is fine, but it will inevitably absorb part of the power of the martial soul, so he told Qu Wuyou that the martial soul would be damaged because of this side effect.

But compared to getting rid of the demon nature, this side effect is basically negligible, this level of loss can be made up for immediately with a pill of nourishing the spirit, and maybe it will make the martial soul more refined.

Although the demon nature can continue to grow, it has no self-awareness after all, and can only act on instinct, so it was completely swallowed by the fangs in just a few minutes.

Ding Ning withdrew his fangs, supported the pale-faced Qu Wuyou, stretched out his hand and stuffed a Yangshen Pill into his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Calm your mind, let go of the sea of ​​consciousness, don't resist."

Qu Wuyou has unconditional and complete trust in Ding Ning, not to mention that he has always had a clear conscience, has never done anything wrong, and is not afraid that Ding Ning will spy on the secrets of his sea of ​​consciousness. Hearing this, he completely let go of the sea of ​​consciousness without any resistance .

Ding Ning felt very comforted in his heart. There was no need to let go of the Sea of ​​Consciousness in the spiritual transmission of exercises. He purposely yelled this to test whether Qu Wuyou trusted him, and the result made him very satisfied. Both "God Cleansing Art" and "God Control Art" were passed on to him in one go.

This is the secret of the Saintess Clan, and he once promised to stay alone overnight, but this is not the time, not to mention that Ye Duxing has been kicked out of the sect by the Saintess Clan, and he is no longer a disciple of the Saintess Clan. Based on the fact that the Saintess Clan is not dead this time, and dared to unite with the Holy Doctor Sect and the Holy Sword Villa to put pressure on the Guoshifu, he decided not to give any face to the Saintess Clan.

What's more, the three worlds are about to be in chaos, and the human world needs to be guarded by extreme masters. He can't trust other sects, but he is sure of the three national scholars in the Guoshifu. .

For various reasons, he decided to improve the strength of the Guoshifu as much as possible. These talents are his own people that he can rely on in the future.

Qu Wuyou was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that Ding Ning not only got rid of his demon nature, but also gave him such a big gift, which made him feel ashamed and deeply moved.

But he knows that now is not the time to be hypocritical, not to mention these methods of cultivating spiritual power are what they are in desperate need of. He will not refuse, but will only silently record this affection, and find a way to repay it later.

With the lessons learned from the past, when Xiang Tiange got rid of the demonic nature, the speed was three points faster. Similarly, after getting rid of the demonic nature, he taught him the method of spiritual power cultivation.

Xiang Tiange and Qu Wuyou were equally shocked and grateful. After feeling that the Yangshen Pill quickly restored their wounded souls, they immediately threw themselves into the practice without emotion.

After learning these ways of cultivating spiritual power, they realized that the martial soul they thought they had tempered was perfect enough, but there were still big flaws. This made them secretly thankful and grateful to Ding Ning.

Although it is said that with their current martial spirits, they can knock on the door of the Holy Martial Realm, but I am afraid that their highest achievement in this life will stop at the early stage of the Holy Martial Realm.

It's like building a building. The foundation is very solid, but halfway through the construction, it is suddenly constructed with unqualified cement. Can the building have a strong ability to resist risks?

The answer is obvious. Therefore, the martial soul who cut corners will definitely have many problems in the future, and it will not be able to withstand the later refining of the soul.

Ding Ning's generosity simply gave them a chance to correct their mistakes, how could they not be grateful.

However, they thought of a very serious question, that is, the third brother Xiahou Weiyang is currently retreating to break through the holy martial arts, can his martial soul meet the standard?

Thinking of this, the two were very anxious, and stopped their cultivation at the same time. When they opened their eyes, they found that Ding Ning had left without knowing when, and there was a storage ring in front of them.

The two looked at the storage ring on their fingers, which was also given by Ding Ning through Seven Kills. They picked up the storage ring and saw that there were all kinds of elixirs in it, all of which they could use for cultivation Resources, I couldn't help but look at each other and smile wryly, this favor is really owed, how should I pay it back.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's stop the third brother from breaking through first. I hope there is still time."

Qu Wuyou smiled wryly and took out his mobile phone, directly dialed Qisha's number, telling him to stop Xiahou Weiyang from breaking through no matter what, and wait for his return.

The seven kills are very painful, the three masters have already started to retreat, how dare he break through the barrier to prevent him from breaking through, but the master said seriously, he can only bite the bullet and break through the barrier.

"Seventh Brother, I'm going back to Yanjing now, I'll leave it to you here."

Qu Wuyou said solemnly.

Xiang Tiange smiled slyly: "Don't worry, even if I can't cover him, isn't that kid Ding Ning still there?"

Qu Wuyou was stunned, and then suddenly laughed: "That's right, I even forgot that there is this miracle little prince."

"It's still my vision. If it wasn't for my insight, we wouldn't be where we are today."

Xiang Tiange said complacently.

"Yeah, yeah, you have the best vision, but then again, this little guy has saved us twice, and I'm afraid the favor is still unclear."

Qu Wuyou cried and laughed helplessly.


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