"No matter how strong he is, his cultivation is still limited to the Tianwu realm. Even if he can beat one or two, can he beat ten or eight? Come on, give them all to me, I will kill him, kill him. "

Long Feiyang covered his tearful face and shouted with resentment in his eyes.

"That's right, so what if he is invincible in the same realm? There are two hundred people from our two families, and even if they pile up, they can kill him."

The ancestor of the Feng family was treacherous and cunning, and he was a little afraid at first, but after hearing Long Feiyang's encouragement, he immediately regained his spirits, and gave the order with a sneer.

"I don't want to kill anyone for Pianwu's sake, so don't force me."

Ding Ning kicked a disciple of the Long family flying, panting heavily and warned.

Although he was physically flawless, his soul was wounded, unable to use his spiritual power, his cultivation was suppressed, and he could only use his feet to fight while holding Feng Pianwu, which exhausted his physical strength, and he was already a little powerless at the moment.

"Let me down, I can fight too."

Feng Pianwu struggled slightly, looked into Ding Ning's eyes and said seriously.

"No, this is my battle. There's no reason for a daughter-in-law to do it by robbing her."

Ding Ning said solemnly, Feng Pianwu's willingness to reunite with him made him want to dance happily, even if he was beaten up by someone, he still felt comfortable all over.

"Hate, who is your daughter-in-law."

Feng Pianwu blushed, and punched him coquettishly on the chest, but there was a thick sweetness in her eyes.

"Hmph, shameless, you are the wife that the head of the Feng family betrothed to me, and you flirt with a wild man openly in front of your mother's family and husband's family, how shameless are you? How dare you do such an outrageous thing, This flamboyant bitch, bitch..."

Long Feiyang became angry from embarrassment, and he had already started to speak unscrupulously, no longer caring about his face, and used the most vicious language to slander Feng Pianwu in order to tarnish her reputation.

Feng Pianwu's tears swirled in her eye sockets. She had never heard such vicious insults when she was so old. Even though she was ready to be poked behind her back, she still couldn't bear to be insulted face to face like this. accept.

"I didn't want to kill people because of Pianwu's face. Since someone wants to court death, don't blame me for being ruthless, Long Feiyang, right? What the hell are you, you dare to insult my woman, then You just go to hell.


Ding Ning was really aroused, and there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes. He didn't care about Long Feiyang scolding him, but insulting Feng Pianwu like this had already touched his bottom line, even if Feng Pianwu disagreed. , he will never let Long Feiyang go.

Jumping up and spinning 360 degrees in the air, he kicked over a dozen or so members of the Longfeng family who had come up, and with his toes touching the ground, he flew straight towards Long Feiyang like an arrow that was flying from the string.

Long Feiyang had been on guard for a long time, and when he saw this, he immediately rolled on his donkey, and scrambled to hide in the crowd, still yelling in grief and indignation: "The bitch hooked up with wild men and even tried to murder her husband. Is there still justice and morality in the world?"

The members of the Dragon and Phoenix families felt their faces were burning hot, and they felt ashamed. They all said that family ugliness should not be publicized, but this Long Feiyang did the opposite. Is it an honor to be cuckolded? Still yelling, lest outsiders don't know what's going on?

The onlookers laughed loudly and pointed at Long Feiyang. Although Feng Pianwu's reputation was ruined, he was also labeled as a man in a green hat. Isn't this stupid?

Ding Ning's face was gloomy and frightening, Long Feiyang's move was very vicious, he looked stupid, but in fact he was very smart, he did not hesitate to defile himself, not only could he ruin Feng Pianwu's reputation, but also his Ding Ning's reputation He definitely made a profit by exchanging two for two. He will undoubtedly kill such a deep mess in the city today.

There was a smirk on the face of Warcraft Tianzun, and he gestured silently, very well, with the cover of the Dragon and Phoenix families, his people can take the opportunity to sneak attack and kill this little beast who made him lose face.

"Have someone change into the clothes of the Dragon and Phoenix families, and take the opportunity to kill him."

In front of the divine descendant's station, Vulcan, who was watching the battle with his arms folded, said with a gloomy look.

"What if the strong man hidden in Qingyun security comes to support?"

Fengshen said hesitantly.

"That's right, take the opportunity to kill them together."

Vulcan smiled coldly, and said confidently: "So what about the holy warrior, is the holy warrior with limited cultivation still a strong one?"

Fengshen suddenly realized, and Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "That's right, that holy martial artist must die very aggrieved."

Rain God's eyes sparkled, and a flash of unforgettable hatred flashed: "Since it is confirmed that this little beast has appeared here, it is time for Ning Hai to make a move."

"Well, it's time to make a move. This bastard has repeatedly sabotaged the organization's plans, and even snatched away the organization's experimental products. This time, he must be eradicated and his power uprooted. Go and inform Young Master Su that he can move."

Vulcan ordered lightly.

Yushen walked away as excitedly as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and was about to contact Ning Hai for action. The hatred of losing her daughter made her wish to tear Ding Ning's body into thousands of pieces.

"The opportunity has come, take advantage of the chaos and kill that kid."

The big figures of the Dark Parliament seized the opportunity to get rid of Ding Ning, and issued an order decisively.

"Let's join the battle. Although I really want to kill him openly, since someone wants his life, let's cooperate. Remember, Qingyun Security will not leave anyone behind."

At the Sword God Mountain station, Thirteen Lang Bingwei wiped the sword he never left without expression, and listened casually to the report of his Fusang warriors. After being silent for a long time, he gave orders indifferently.

In his eyes, Ding Ning is just an ant that can be killed at will, and he is only afraid of the people behind him. People who can kill Han Wuyang in seconds may also bring a certain threat to the teacher. It is worth him to use unsightly means to eradicate it.


The Fusang warrior bowed respectfully and walked out backwards.

At the same time, many big forces have all made the decision to participate in this scuffle or riot. It is strange that they have basically issued the order to kill Qingyun Security without exception. .


Soon, the number of people wearing the costumes of the dragon and phoenix families suddenly increased, reaching thousands in a blink of an eye, joining the ranks of besieging Ding Ning.

Ding Ning realized that something seemed wrong. Why did the Dragon and Phoenix families come so many people? But these people launched crazy attacks on him like dead men, even if they bit their teeth or grabbed a piece of his flesh, they would tear off a piece of his flesh, leaving him no time to think about it.

"No, something is wrong, hurry up and support your husband."

Zi Que'er also sensed that something was wrong, her expression changed, and she ordered immediately.

Qingyun security made a move, but was intercepted by the men sent by the major forces that had been prepared for a long time. The entire Wulun Valley was full of killing sounds, and bloodshed and casualties soon appeared.

The strong smell of blood filled the air, arousing the fierceness in people's bones. Whether these warriors were instigated by others or passively involved in the killing, they gradually became red-eyed, and it has become normal for them to chop regardless of whether they are enemies or friends. The phenomenon, the situation has been completely out of control, and it is developing in an unpredictable direction.

"Kill, kill, the more people die, the better."

Ghost Liao quietly watched the increasingly chaotic scene, and whispered.

The Guoshifu and the Seven Great Sacred Gates have long sent people to maintain order, but they were stopped by the major forces that temporarily reached a tacit agreement. In the case of everyone being restricted in their cultivation, no one is much better than the other, and there is no way to stop it. The spread of the situation.

What's more, among the seven holy gates, the Holy Medicine School, the Holy Sword Villa and the Holy Maiden Clan want Ding Ning to die.

Greedy Wolf was sweating profusely, and together with Tianxuanzi, he yelled loudly to close the barrier immediately and suppress it by force. Unfortunately, Han Wuyang can activate the barrier by himself, but to close the barrier, he needs the National Scholars' Office and The six holy sects other than the holy sword bequeaths can work together.

The result was obvious. The three holy sects who had hatred for Ding Ning resolutely opposed it on the grounds that it was too much energy.

As a result, the high-level members of the organizing committee started the wrangling mode, and started a fierce debate on whether to close the enchantment.

Tanlang and Tianxuanzi knew that they were wasting time and trying to kill Ding Ning, but they were in a hurry and had no choice. After all, the barrier was set up by the saintesses, and if the saintesses did not let go, they had nothing to do with it.

In the end Greedy Wolf got angry and cursed angrily: "Since you want to see chaos, let's make it even more chaotic. Did I call in the army and wipe out everyone with missiles?"

"you dare!"

This sentence completely changed the faces of the people of the Holy Gate. Normally they would not be afraid, but now everyone in the enchantment is at the level of Tianwu, and they can't stand the bombing of the missiles at all.

But letting them give up the opportunity to eradicate Ding Ning like this, they would never be reconciled, so these people immediately surrounded Tanlang, not allowing him to make calls, and even snatching his mobile phone.

Tianxuanzi's violent temper could not be tolerated, so he fought immediately, well, the scene was completely chaotic, and the Guoshifu and the six holy gates were divided into two camps and started a big battle.

On one side are the Saintess Clan, Holy Sword Villa, and Holy Doctor Gate, and on the other are Guoshi Mansion, Tianji Pavilion, and Daxue Mountain. The old monks of Tianyin Temple only recite Amitabha and remain neutral. They are only responsible for fighting and do not participate in battles.

Lang Dong and the others became more and more aggrieved as they fought more and more. Obviously the weakest among them was the big demon, who could easily kill the little Xiami who blocked the way, but now everyone's cultivation was at the same level, so they didn't have much advantage at all. It can be said that these small shrimps that can be easily destroyed at ordinary times have also become powerful opponents.

The enemies kept rushing in as if they couldn't stop killing them, one batch and another batch came up, each of them was brave enough to die, leaving them exhausted and covered in bruises, if they didn't have enough pills on their bodies, they might They have long been annihilated in this endless sea of ​​people.


The wolf riders couldn't take it anymore, let out a long roar, and started to transform into a monster and sweep away everything.

"Hold on, never give up until the last moment."

Zi Que'er understood their thoughts and immediately shouted sharply.

She knew the importance of the matter, and such a riot might not be able to kill Ding Ning. After all, he still has tens of thousands of demon pets on him, so there is absolutely no problem in saving his life. regarded as the enemy of mankind.

"how so?"

Helena and the others stayed in the garrison, not yet affected by the flames of war, watching this shocking change in disbelief, looking worriedly at the direction where Ding Ning was submerged by the sea of ​​people and whispered.

Feng Ling smiled and sighed, and said with emotion: "Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, not to mention those who have had a feud with him, even those who have not had a feud with him, do not want to see such a genius grow up, It is a tragedy for everyone to be born in the same era as him."


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