Medical Sovereign

1564th making rumors

Although he doesn't know whether Wuxiang's master is an eminent monk or not, Ding Ning's reasonable explanation of giving his master enough face makes Wuxiangru Feng Lunyin.

"So it turns out that gambling is also a kind of practice."

Wuxiang suddenly realized the Tao, his eyes flashed with eagerness, it should be no problem to make a bet, it can be regarded as a kind of practice.

Pudding curled his lips aside. Although he was not deeply involved in the world, he was not as innocent as Wuxiang. It was obvious that Ding Ning was fooling him.

But he also knew that Ding Ning had no malicious intentions, and Wu Xiang was too naive and innocent. Letting him experience the cruelty of this world might be of great benefit to him in the future, so he didn't bother to expose Ding Ning's nonsense.

"Well, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Ding Ning showed his signature bewitching smile again.

After all, Wuxiang is a teenager at heart. Although he is terrified of gambling, it is impossible to say that he is not a little curious about new things. In addition, Ding Ning opened up his heart knot with a few words, thinking that Master can gamble, and he can try it too A moment: "The benefactor said how to gamble."

"I bet these people will kill each other."

Ding Ning pointed to the crowd who were resisting and fleeing and said indifferently.


Wuxiang categorically denied it.

In his opinion, the rest of the warriors were all huddled together to resist, maybe they would all be killed by the wolf riders, but if it was said that they would kill each other, he would never believe it.

"So, we have two completely different views, the conditions for the establishment of the bet are in place, and now we are going to talk about the bet."

Ding Ning smiled like a little fox stealing a chicken: "If these people don't kill each other as I said, I will lose, and then you can put forward any conditions within my ability; if you lose, You just agree to one of my conditions, of course, this condition must be guaranteed not to violate conscience and morality, what do you think?"

"This... well, then it's a deal."

Wu Xiang gritted his teeth, nodded in agreement, and gave Ding Ning a high-five as an oath.

Lang Kui suddenly raised his scimitar, and the wolf riders stopped killing in unison. Lang Kui shouted at the warriors in the valley who were in panic all day long: "God has the virtue of good life.

We don't want to kill them all, but now to give you a chance, I declare that the five hundred people who can survive to the end will let go of their past and will never trouble you again. "

"What you said is true?"

Those warriors had long since despaired during the slaughter by the wolf cavalry. Seeing that there was still a glimmer of life in the desperate situation, their eyes suddenly burst into the light of hope.

There were more than 3,000 people who participated in the siege of Ding Ning and others before, but now more than half of them have been massacred, leaving only about 1,500 people.

Surviving 500 people means that they have a 1/3 survival rate, which is already a very high probability. In the face of the threat of death, no one can resist this temptation.

"Of course, with so many people watching, we will naturally not break our promise."

After Lang Kui swore his answer, with a wave of his hand, the wolf rider raised his round moon scimitar and continued to kill.

The surviving warriors went crazy in an instant, and they didn't have any confidence in dealing with wolf riders, but as long as they killed the people around them and survived to the last five hundred people, they would be saved.

In the choice between life and death, they unanimously chose to kill the closest people around them. Only by reducing the number of people to less than 500 as soon as possible, they would be saved.

The brutal fight was about to break out, and the wolf riders just pretended to kill a few people, then stopped the killing immediately, and began to watch the show with cold eyes.

"Senior brother, I am your junior brother, how could you attack me."

A man yelled at the senior brother beside him with a sad face, and when his senior brother showed guilt, he suddenly pierced the senior brother's chest with his sword.

"Hahaha, uh,

It's a pity that the younger brother didn't get complacent for too long, when he laughed triumphantly seeing his brother's death, a long and narrow sword slit his throat.

There was a look of sadness in the uncle's eyes. The brothers who once loved each other had to kill each other in order to survive.

But people don't want to kill the world for themselves, and he doesn't want to die. The other warriors are wary of strangers. It is not so easy to hunt and kill them. It is easiest to sneak attack on their own family members who know everything about them.



"elder sister……"

"younger sister……"



"Junior Sister, you..."


The smell of blood was strong, and there was an endless stream of mourning and crying, showing the ugliest side of human nature.

In order to survive, brothers, brothers, sisters, younger sisters, masters, apprentices, brothers and even brothers and sisters who were once intimate have become cold poisonous snakes. Everyone is in danger and guards against each other to prevent being suddenly attacked and killed by people around them. .

Wu Xiang's face was pale, his eyes showed sorrow, he folded his palms together and recited Amitabha silently. He knew that he had already lost the first bet in his life. In terms of understanding of human nature, he was far inferior to Ding Ning.

But he suddenly felt boundless anger in his heart, opened his bloodshot eyes wide, fixedly stared at Ding Ning and asked, "You won, but for a gamble, is it worth it?"


The corners of Ding Ning's lips raised slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm: "Of course it's worth it, I just let you see clearly what is human heart and what is human nature."

Pointing to the Warcraft Tianzun who was killing all directions with a grinning face: "Such a person will never hide his evil, so that people will naturally be wary of him, so even if a person like him does evil, there is a limit. , nothing to worry about."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at those martial artists who were hypocritically attacking their brothers, friends and even relatives with fierce faces: "But such people, they hide their evil in their hearts and never release it in front of others. And the gnawing poisonous snakes hide in the dark, no one knows when they will come out to give you a fatal blow, so those who are good at camouflage are the scariest."

Wu Xiang showed a thoughtful look, the anger on his face gradually faded, and he fell into thinking.

"Put away your pity, and never sympathize with those who try to kill you. There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world. How you look at it is just that the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom."

Ding Ning's eyes were wise, and his voice was erratic, resounding like Sanskrit sounds in Wuxiang's ears.

Just when Wu Xiang was deep in thought, Ding Ning suddenly soared into the air like a roc with wings flapping, twisted his body in the air a few times, appeared at Taniguchi, and stomped hard with his feet.


The ground suddenly cracked as if it had been bombarded by heavy artillery, and there was a muffled groan from the ground, and a pitch-black figure shot out suddenly, heading straight for Ding Ning like lightning.

Ding Ning had a strange twist all over his body, and he fought with the black shadow ping-pong-pong. He didn't know who the black shadow was, but he was evenly matched with Ding Ning, and it was impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

The wolves were shocked, they didn't expect someone to run away, almost escaped from under their noses, they shouted together in embarrassment and wanted to raise their swords to surround and kill them, but they heard Ding Ning shout: "Stand back, everyone takes their places, Only in and not out."


All the wolves responded in unison, pressed the knife on their waist tightly, and looked around vigilantly, lest someone would escape by taking advantage of the chaos.

Fengshen's gaze was gloomy at the Goddess' residence, and he said to Yushen with serious eyes: "It seems that that kid has been eyeing us for a long time, and even Vulcan's Dungeon was discovered by him, and we still underestimated him."

"What should I do now? You can't just sit and wait for death, can you?"

Although Rain God wished to tear Ding Ning into pieces, he also knew that now was not the time to act arrogantly, and he had to find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise, they would definitely be caught by Ding Ning this time.

"I have no choice but to unite with other people to fight together. Of course, it is best if the plan in Ninghai succeeds. With the hostages in hand, we will have life insurance."

Fengshen said like breaking the boat.

"That's right, I don't know what's going on over there, why hasn't there been any news yet."

Hearing the words, the God of Rain lifted his spirits, and anxiously took out his phone to see if there were any messages he had forgotten to answer.

"That's the way to retreat. Now the major forces must be like us, dare not speak out against that little bastard, but in fact, they only have less than 3,000 wolf riders. If we unite, we will have more people than them Countless times, I am afraid that they will not dare to risk their lives."

Fengshen analyzed the pros and cons, and said with some headaches.

Rain God's eyes flickered, and he said coldly: "The only plan now is to act first and send people to the major forces to spread rumors that that little bastard will wipe out all the forces and unify the martial arts world, so as to arouse everyone's common hatred The heart, twist everyone into a rope."

"Good idea, I will immediately arrange for people to spread rumors. If we can make the major forces suspicious, we will be more than half successful."

Fengshen was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"Wait, the point is to make it clear in the rumors that Ding Ning intends to divide and disintegrate, and take the method of breaking down one by one to gradually weaken everyone's strength."

Rain God stopped Feng God and said thoughtfully.

Fengshen's eyes lit up, and he nodded approvingly: "Good idea, then Ding Ning will probably be the first to attack our descendants later. If we can't point out the powerful relationship between them and let these forces stand with us, then we will It's dangerous."

"Even alliances have to be selective. For example, the Holy See has always had an ambiguous relationship with that little bastard, and it is difficult to win them over. Instead of wasting time on them, it is better to focus on On the dark council, the Fusang Sword God Palace, the Dragon Family, the Holy Doctor Sect, the Holy Sword Villa, and the Holy Maiden Clan, which have had a feud with Ding Ning."

The Rain God was quick thinking, and kept thinking and said: "Of course, except for those forces that are close to Ding Ning, other forces must not give up, such as the alliance of small forces headed by Emperor Ice Bear, the Atlantis family, the Ghost Liao Ministry, European Martial Emperors, and Royal Alliance...these are all powerful alliance targets."

"Okay, I understand. I'll arrange someone to do it right away. I hope Vulcan can delay a little longer."

Fengshen nodded again and again. He didn't expect Rainshen to be so wise, and his plan was indeed much more perfect than he thought, so he immediately arranged for people to spread rumors everywhere.

Soon, rumors began to spread in the Wulun Valley. Rumors that Ding Ning wanted to wipe out all the martial arts forces in the world and dominate the world by himself spread wildly.

In fact, this lie full of loopholes cannot withstand any scrutiny at all. Many high-level officials from various forces did come to the Warriors Conference, but each force only sent representatives, and it is impossible to pour out their money. If these high-level officials present It is simply a big joke to dominate the world if it is wiped out.

But who cares if it's true or not? Those forces that already had animosity against Ding Ning wanted to make things worse. It would be best if they could arouse public outrage, and then unite with all warrior forces in the world to completely remove this thorn in their side.


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