"What are you panicking about? Our three holy sects haven't made a move yet. Let them wear down the opponent's strength before we make a move to minimize our losses."

Wan He frowned, and said calmly.

The calm and composed look of a general caused Ye Yingying's beautiful eyes to shine brightly, and she wished she could find a place to make love with Senior Brother Wan immediately.

Wan He was keenly aware of Ye Yingying's adoring eyes, and couldn't help but feel secretly proud.

Hehe, the little ladies of the Holy Maiden clan really look like they have never seen a man before. This handsome guy just pretended to be a little bit fascinated by this little lady.

As long as this handsome guy works harder, these girls from the Saintess clan will still get what they want. It's a pity that the hottest eighth junior sister and the most cute little junior sister didn't come with Ye Yingying, so that this It's a pity that the trip to Xiangyan left regrets.

Meng Jianli ignored him, looked at the group of western warriors solemnly, and secretly scolded Wan He, an idiot, for being too proud and conceited.

Among those Western warriors, there are quite a few masters, who have defeated the forces of casual cultivators and small sects. Although Sanshengmen thinks that they are superior to others and has always had their eyes higher than that, he does not think that casual cultivators and small sects will be defeated. It is a good idea to act after the Zongmen's forces have retreated.

Because the western warriors are too strong, even the Sansheng sect may not have a chance of winning now, not to mention the idiot Wan He has to wait for the huge group of casual cultivators and small sect forces to be dispersed before making a move.

After realizing the disparity in the strength of the enemy and ourselves, Meng Jianli said decisively and in a deep voice: "No, we must act now. Once the forces of casual cultivators and small sects are dispersed, we will be in danger."

Wan He raised his brows, and sneered displeasedly: "Junior Brother Meng is too unreasonable, you mere barbarians, as long as our Three Sages make a move, they will definitely flee..."

"That's enough, Senior Brother Wan, just see for yourself how many people there are in our three holy sects combined, and how many barbarians are there in your mouth? Why do you think that these western warriors will run away because of the reputation of our sect? Here It's Langya Secret Realm, not outside."

Meng Jianli blushed from his arrogant words, and retorted sharply.

"Why are you talking to senior brother Wan? Although we don't belong to the same holy sect, we are all connected by the same spirit, so we are all brothers, right? Senior brother Wan, as a senior brother, shouldn't you maintain the respect you deserve? ?”

Wan He's face was livid, and Ye Yingying was the first to sternly reprimand before she could refute, making Wan He's face calm down a little, and she looked at her with satisfaction.

Meng Jianli's mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out. The couple really didn't understand the situation. At this time, they were still showing affection and spreading dog food, and immediately said with a straight face: "Since you think you can make these Western barbarians escape , then there must be one more than me, and one less than a lot, and our Holy Sword Villa will not accompany you."

Before Wan He and Ye Yingying could speak, Meng Jianli turned around with a sullen face and left, sternly ordering those disciples of the Holy Sword Villa who were looking at the disciples of the Saintess clan to leave immediately with him.

"It's such a useless coward, hmph, it's time to get out, I really think we can't do it without the Holy Sword Villa."

Wan He looked at the backs of Meng Jianli and the others, and said in a strange way.

"That's right, don't worry about them, they can leave if they want to. With our holy women and your holy doctors here, what kind of trouble can these western barbarians make?"

Ye Yingying said proudly, and looked at Wan He with eyes full of admiration: "Senior Brother Wan, you looked so domineering just now, this is what a man should be responsible for, how can you not be like that Meng Jianli?" , the student leading the team at Holy Sword Villa, is a pussy coward, I despise that kind of person the most.


"Yingying, you can rest assured that I'm here, I will definitely protect you."

Wan He squinted at her towering chest, and promised her promise.

Ye Yingying's eyes showed the happiness that only a little woman can have, she lightly tapped her head, and she looked extremely shy, which made Wan He's throat twitch, wishing she could knock her down immediately and make it a good thing.

"It's not good, senior brother Wan, those casual cultivators and small sects couldn't hold on anymore and started to flee."

It was the same disciple of the holy medical school who ran to report with a sad face.

Wan He and Ye Yingying's affection was interrupted, Wan He's face was extremely unhappy, and he said impatiently: "Run away, run away, a group of mobs, all run away, lest they follow us and share our love reward."

"But...but, the Western warriors have already killed them."

The disciple was about to burst into tears, and stammered.

"What a bunch of trash, so what if we kill them? We are Sahabi disciples. Even if we lend them eight guts, they won't dare to touch a single finger of us."

Wan He didn't care at all, and said arrogantly.

Seeing the disciple's flushed face, hesitant to speak, he immediately lost his temper and waved his hand impatiently: "With such courage, I really don't know how you got into my holy doctor's school." Yes, this little thing scares you like this, it’s really embarrassing, get out, I’m going to meet those western barbarians.”

Wan He was like a great general going to war, striding forward with high spirits and high-spirited to the Western warriors who were chasing and killing those loose cultivators. Looking at his fearless back, Ye Yingying's eyes blurred, and a charming smile appeared on the corners of her lips. , whispered secretly, this is the man I like, brave and fearless, a true warrior.

But the next moment, her smile froze on her face, her eyes widened suddenly, she was stunned, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

When the arrogant Wan He calmly and loudly ordered everyone to stop, a black man who was more than two meters tall, with bare upper body and muscles like molten iron sneered, grabbed his throat, followed Lifting him off the ground like a chicken, even though his hands and feet were struggling and flapping desperately, he remained unmoved.

That scene looked extremely ridiculous, as if a grown man was playing with a baby, Wan He's tall and majestic iron man image also collapsed in Ye Yingying's heart, her beautiful eyes were lost for a moment, and she murmured to herself in a low voice. Yu said: "How dare these barbarians treat him like this, we are disciples of the Holy Gate."

"This is the Langya Secret Realm, the place where the competition audition takes place. In order to compete for the number plate, you can't help but kill. Hehe, since you are here to participate in the audition, you must be prepared to be killed. Counting on the name of the Holy Gate as a deterrent, that is simply It's a joke, wake up quickly, and run away while you are not surrounded."

The holy medical disciple looked at Ye Yingying with a strange look and reminded him kindly.

I don't know if this woman is a fool or an idiot, but at this moment, she still wants to use the prestige of the Holy Gate to frighten all parties. She and that idiot Wan He are indeed a couple, and they are both idiots with attributes of 250.

If you can rely on the prestige of the Holy Gate, then why hold the Warriors Conference? Wouldn't it be over if all the places were allocated to the Holy Gate? What the hell, how could such a strange thing come out, and there were two of them.

"No, we are the Holy Gate, so we must not flee without a fight. What's more, those western barbarians must not know the identity of Senior Brother Wan, so they dare to treat him like this. As long as they know the identity of Senior Brother Wan, they will definitely kneel down and apologize , I beg for his forgiveness, I will tell them the identity of Senior Brother Wan and me right now."

Ye Yingying's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said anxiously as if she remembered something.

Just what he said made the disciple of the holy medical school almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he was too lazy to waste his tongue with such a brainless woman, so he shook his head and said regretfully: "Then I wish you success soon! , It's just, it's a pity for those girls from the Saintess clan."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ye Yingying to respond, she turned around and beckoned the disciples of the holy medical school who had a good relationship with him to run for their lives.

The disciples of the Holy Medicine Sect are not two hundred and five like Wan He. Before the Holy Sword Villa retreated early, they felt a little bit drummed in their hearts. Then the awesome Wan He went up and was captured after a face-to-face. They started to move around and want to run away If it wasn't for the fear of being punished by the door rules and the embarrassment of fleeing in a hurry in front of the girl, they would have disappeared long ago.

Seeing that disciple running away calling his best friend, the other disciples couldn't bear it anymore. After shouting, they ran away like a swarm.

The sisters of the Saintess tribe also realized that it was not good and wanted to run away. It can be seen that the third senior sister greeted the Western warriors righteously, which made them very entangled. After hesitating for a while, they decided to see the situation first.

"This is the Langya Secret Realm, the magic weapon of the Saintess Clan. I really don't have the map of the Ten Thousand Ant Desert. Only disciples of the Saintess Clan have it. I beg you, just let me go as a fart. Isn’t it okay to give you the number plate? By the way, that girl from the Saintess family likes me, I can help you get her map, I just ask you to spare my dog’s life..."

As soon as Ye Yingying got close to the western warriors, she heard Wan He's heart-piercing cries and begging, her face suddenly turned pale. Is this the pure man she adores? real man?


A loud slap was slapped on Wan He's face, and the black man spoke a lot in English, Ye Yingying couldn't understand a word, and it was obvious that Wan He didn't know any more languages ​​than her. , covering his face in bewilderment, not knowing what bird language these barbarians were speaking.

"He is asking you, so many women, which one has a map?"

A white man who is proficient in multiple languages ​​acted as a temporary translator.

"It's the leader named Ye Yingying. The map is on her body. I saw it with my own eyes. As long as you are willing to let me go, I can help you lure all those women here. These women are all very beautiful. Then you can play as much as you want."

Wan He bowed his head with a flattering face, and after speaking, there was still a wretched smile on his face that any man could understand.

Ye Yingying staggered and almost fell to the ground, her face was pale with unconscious blood, Wan He's words were like ten thousand arrows piercing her heart, which made her heart ache, she never thought that she was really blind, and fell in love with such a greedy man. Afraid of death, shameless, despicable scum.

"It's her, it's her, it's her, the map is on her."

Perhaps Ye Yingying's movement was a bit loud, but Wan He suddenly spotted her figure. In order to survive, he quickly pointed at Ye Yingying and shouted.

"Catch her, don't let her run away with other women!"

The big black man shouted in English and pointed at Ye Yingying.

Suddenly, thousands of western warriors quickly dispersed, and surrounded Ye Yingying and the disciples of the Saintess Clan from all directions.

"Array of stamens!"

Ye Yingying glanced at Wan He who was avoiding her sight with pain and disgust, and shouted sharply.


Although the saintesses were flustered, under Ye Yingying's order, they immediately drew out their long swords and quickly gathered together to form a big circle. Seen from the air, the crowds were like a budding flower stamen.

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