Medical Sovereign

One thousand five hundred and ninety-two dedicated Ding Ning

Mysri, who had finally figured out the whole logical line, thought carefully and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. For the first time in his life, he questioned the decision of the ethnic group. Is it really possible for such aborigines, the Black Blood Plague Race, to conquer them?

But at this moment, he had no time to think about other things, and ran away with Allen.

Everything was as planned by the old lunatic, and his explanation could not quell the anger of the mixed-race people. The long-suppressed dissatisfaction finally broke out completely after cutting off the hope of leaving.

This is not without a reason. Once the seal is opened, the role of the divine master becomes dispensable, and the treatment is not as good as before. The pure-blooded people only maintain superficial respect for them.

And Migia, occupying a seat of the Big Three, is the representative of the best interests launched by the mixed-race people, but now he has become a useless person, which means that the right to speak that the mixed-race people have finally won will be lost again. Neither is acceptable.

What kind of pure-blood clansman, what kind of high-ranking people of the ethnic group, what kind of powerhouses at the peak of the transformation of gods, have no deterrent effect on some mixed-blood hardliners who are eager to fight for the right to speak in the ethnic group.

And Misri and Allen, as the two giants of the ethnic group, the representatives of the interests of the pure-blooded people, are also the ones who made mistakes in this decision. At this time, they will undoubtedly become a breakthrough for the mixed-blooded people to maximize their interests.

Blind obedience is an extremely terrible habit. There are hardliners who are secretly fanning the flames. Those mixed-race people who did not intend to use violence to solve the problem were aroused with dissatisfaction.

Maybe they were still afraid in their hearts, but seeing the tycoon who had always been aloof and thought that his blood was pure and noble fled like a mouse crossing the street, the feeling of exaltation and exhilaration completely stimulated the violent genes in their bones.

There is no need for hardliners to further fuel the flames. Having tasted the sweetness of turning over as serfs, they spontaneously organized more mixed-race people, using Misri and Allen to jointly frame Migiya, and crimes such as disregarding the lives of the mixed-race people and making wrong decisions. The authority of the pure-blood race is challenged.

The pure-blooded people originally planned to appease them, but facing the irrational and angry mixed-blooded people, they were suddenly furious in high positions, and they wanted to suppress it with arms.

However, the five genius god masters, Kliman, Moros, Alfred, Andrew, and Francisco, who are highly prestigious in the entire ethnic group, suddenly stood up to support the mixed-race people, and strongly called for equality for everyone and the abolition of unfair practices. Hierarchy, after the implementation of democratic self-government, the whole situation began to find itself out of control.

As the vested interests, how could the pure-blooded people be willing to give up their rights to these lowly mixed-blooded bastards?

As a result, the already sharp contradictions intensified again. Even if Mysri resolutely took the overall situation into consideration and was willing to commit suicide and apologize hoarsely, he still could not stop the development of the situation.

The Great War is about to break out. The biggest rebellion of the black-blooded plague clan in history broke out amidst the slogan of equality for all. Battles in the secret realm are ubiquitous. Countless black-blooded people died in fierce conflicts, and the mixed black and red blood soaked The whole mystery.

This largest rebellion in history, under the leadership of the five divine masters, finally ended with the overall victory of the mixed race.

According to post-war statistics, 90% of the 80,000 pure-blooded people died in this rebellion, and the remaining less than 10,000 pure-blooded people surrendered and accepted the trial of the mixed-blooded people.

The judgment of the mixed-race people is very interesting. Instead of killing them, they were sealed and imprisoned. They also raised them with good food and drink, and even provided them with mixed-race beauties to reproduce.

For this, the mixed-race people felt very puzzled, but the five god-conferring masters who ascended the throne explained humorously: "Since they feel that their blood


We are all half-breeds, so let them watch their offspring become half-breeds as well. When everyone becomes half-breeds, what dignity do they have? "

After hearing the answer, the leaders of the mixed-race tribe burst into laughter, praising the five god masters for their wisdom and wisdom.

A rebellion came to an end with the change of dynasty, and those mixed-race people were very proud. The turned serfs felt like singing, and even walked with their heads held high, very happy, and they no longer had to worry about being bullied or looked down upon.

After the five god masters took power, they advocated negotiating with the old lunatic, non-aggression and peaceful coexistence with the human race.

Although some people objected, more people remembered that they were oppressed by the pure-blooded clansmen back then, and after so many generations, the older generation of clansmen had passed away, and they had nothing to do with the ancestral land of the black-blooded plague clan. Feelings expressed their support.

Of course, these are things for later, so let’s not mention them for now.

His gaze turned back to Langya Secret Realm.

Taking advantage of Ding Ning's loss of consciousness, Angel quietly put away the Heart of the Ocean, returned to Gruul's appearance, pretended to be unconscious and lay on the ground, waiting for Ding Ning's discovery.

But he waited and waited, but he never waited for Ding Ning to arrive, so he squinted his eyes curiously.

Seeing Ding Ning squatting with his back to her a hundred meters away, she didn't know what she was doing, which made her feel a little unhappy.

Anyway, even if Ding Ning didn't know that he saved him, Gruer's identity can barely be regarded as having lived and died with him. Why is this person so heartless and doesn't care about Gruer's life or death at all? .


Angel waited for a long time, and seeing that Ding Ning was still squatting there motionless, she could only pretend to wake up and cough twice to remind herself of her existence.


Ding Ning was still indifferent, squatting there as if he didn't hear it every day, not knowing what he was doing.

Now Angel couldn't hold his breath anymore, secretly worried in his heart, could it be that his poison has not been relieved yet?

The worry in her heart made her unable to pretend any longer, she got up quickly, fearing that the group of terrifying man-eating ants would be alarmed, she tiptoed towards Ding Ning, and asked softly, "Ding Ning, are you okay?"

Ding Ning frowned tightly, turning a deaf ear to his question, staring at the things in his hand, thinking hard about something, and muttering about adenosine triphosphate in a low voice.

"Hey, Ding Ning, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

Angel was a little dazed, not knowing why Ding Ning seemed to be possessed, he stretched out his hand in front of his eyes, tilted his head and asked.

But Ding Ning still didn't make any response. He was thinking hard there, as if he had encountered some huge problem, immersed in his own world.

If Ding Lie or Luo Xue, who knew Ding Ning very well, were here, they would immediately understand that only when encountering a world-class difficult problem would Ding Ning be so focused and forgetful.

And often, once this difficult problem is overcome by him, it means that a great discovery with milestone significance is about to appear.

At this time, even if the sky is falling, they will never disturb Ding Ning, but will take the initiative to ask people not to disturb him, and create the quietest environment for him.

But Angel didn't know his habits, let alone understand him. She just subconsciously looked at the things in his hands, and then her face changed in horror, and she let out a high-decibel scream.

Because, she saw that Ding Ning was holding a fist-sized man-eating ant in his hand. The man-eating ant was struggling desperately, and opened its mouth, revealing ferocious sharp fangs, desperately biting his palm. .

"Ah! What's your name? You're not afraid of attracting man-eating ants."

As soon as Ding Ning was getting better and found some clues, he was startled by Angel's screams. He was startled from concentration and his thoughts were interrupted, which made him feel extremely angry, and angrily reprimanded him.

Angel remembered that in order to save this unconscionable person, he even used the magic weapon, and even handed over his innocence to him, but instead of being moved, he even yelled at himself.

As soon as my heart ached, grief came from my heart, tears came down in a flash, I glared at him tearfully, pursed my mouth, stomped my feet angrily, turned around and left.

Ding Ning shivered all over, feeling a chill.

I thought to myself, it’s okay for you old man to be yelled at and feel aggrieved and pissed, but also shrugged like a woman coquettishly, staring and stomping, what the hell is wrong with this? Damn it can't be a dead glass, can it?

I really don't want to pay attention to him, but I can see him walking away while wiping his tears, like a stray dog ​​abandoned by his owner, his back is full of desolation and sadness, his pitiful appearance makes people feel unbearable.

Thinking of this guy being a pampered and pampered young master, and his loyal guards dying for him, it's pitiful to be alone, and he can only rely on himself in this ghostly place, and he can't help but soften his heart, besides, no matter what Said that he had saved his life, and quickly stood up and chased after him.

"I said, are you a big man? What a big deal, and you still bleed cat urine."

Ding Ning was very good at coaxing women, but it was the first time in his life to coax a man. He walked with Angel for a long time before he uttered such a sentence.

Seeing him catching up, Angel wasn't too angry at first, thinking that this unscrupulous person would apologize to him and coax him to forgive him, but he didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, this guy didn't have any sincerity in apologizing. Out of anger, he kicked Ding Ning's calf viciously to express his dissatisfaction.

With this kick, Angel regretted it, because after she interpreted it for Ding Ning, she somehow awakened part of the memory of her previous life.

Even if her cultivation is suppressed and she can only display the strength of the peak of Tianwu Realm, the power of this kick should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help screaming and wanted to retract her foot, but she couldn't perfectly control the power of the surge at all, and this kick landed firmly on Ding Ning's leg.

This made her look pale, and when she was about to cry out in a hurry, she suddenly felt a sudden sharp pain in her foot, as if kicking on fine steel. She was so shocked that she fell to the ground with her buttocks, hugging the painful The feet that were about to lose consciousness screamed again and again.

Ding Ning smirked as if nothing had happened. Seeing that her face had changed in pain, she squatted down and joked, "Hey, buddy, aren't the flowers in your greenhouse too delicate? This is what you kicked." Me, I didn't cry out for pain, but you screamed like a butcher, and those who didn't know thought I did something to you."

Angel's tears of pain were about to flow down. Seeing his teasing eyes, she was out of breath immediately, biting her silver teeth and retorted, "Why don't you say you have thick skin."

In fact, the foot just hurt a little, and now the pain is over and the pain is no longer there. The reason why her tears are full of tears is because she just broke her body and fell a butt pier that shook the wound, which made her grin her teeth in pain.

You must know that a certain animal's powerful combat power cannot be satisfied without four or five women. This is the first time for Angel, and he let him enjoy himself by being alone. One can imagine how much damage she suffered.

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