Medical Sovereign

1597th Thunder Naga Bloodline

I don't know how long it took before the clouds and rain stopped in the sea blue space.

Angel's face was blushing, dripping with sweat, she blinked her beautiful eyes suspiciously and looked at Ding Ning whose complexion had returned to normal, but her eyes were still closed tightly. Is it normal to have endless demands from under him?

"It should be instinct. How could he wake up so quickly with such a serious injury? He kept his eyes closed."

This question stumped her. After all, she really didn't have any experience in this area, but seeing that Ding Ning's sleeping appearance was not like a fake, she muttered involuntarily.

Ding Ning was secretly amused when he heard this, this girl is really innocent and cute enough, no matter how instinctive she is, it is impossible for her to be the dominant one.

But he definitely can't tell the truth, he continued to pretend to be unconscious, and deliberately delayed the healing speed of the wound.

It's just that the penetrating wound on Angel's shoulder was completely healed in such a short period of time, which really surprised him.

However, he didn't feel too surprised. Although he didn't know what the sea-blue space was, it must be the space in that artifact.

This made him feel envious, the invisible space artifact that can move, this is a treasure that even he doesn't have.

Although he has two storage spaces that can accommodate living things, the medicine spirit ring and the water space, he himself cannot enter. He can only use his consciousness to explore. Driving the artifact to be invisible, and then wandering around, this is the life-saving thing against the sky.

Just when he was secretly envious, a wave-like ripple suddenly appeared in the sea-blue space, and the whole space fell into a static state, even Angel froze in place.

Ding Ning was shocked, thinking that something was wrong with the artifact, he immediately opened his eyes and sat up, surprised to find that he was not stopped.

A blue light flashed, and a slender figure with a human body and fish tail suddenly appeared, looking at him with a smile.

"Yiyi, where have you been? I can't find you everywhere, but I'm so anxious."

Ding Ning jumped up in surprise, and hugged the mermaid tightly in front of him excitedly. The ecstasy of finding it again made him almost cry with joy. The mermaid didn't speak, but just quietly nestled in his arms, with reluctance shining in her beautiful eyes. color.

Full of warmth and fragrance, Qing Wan is like jade.

The real texture and touch made Ding Ning wake up suddenly, the mermaid before was just a phantom, visible but intangible.

But right now, she is actually in his arms, which made him both surprised and happy, put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her beautiful face excitedly and said excitedly: "Yiyi, your spirit and body have completely merged." Is it fused?"

"not yet."

The mermaid shook her head, a look of confusion flashed in her eyes: "Why do you call me Yiyi? Is my name Yiyi?"

Ding Ning knew that she hadn't recovered all her memories, so she could only smile sarcastically and say, "The name I gave you, do you like it?"

"Well, reluctantly, it fits my current state of mind."

The mermaid stared deeply at him with sapphire-like eyes, as if wanting to keep him firmly in his heart, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

Ding Ning suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, grabbed her shoulder and asked nervously.

"No, I'm going to leave you for a while, so I'm a little bit reluctant."

The mermaid took the initiative to snuggle into his arms, not letting him see her expression, and said casually as if nothing had happened.

"You want to leave me, where are you going?"

Ding Ning's heart tightened,

staring into her eyes and asked


A flash of panic flashed in the mermaid's eyes, but she calmed down quickly, and said with a sweet smile, "Why are you so nervous? It's just that you're away for a while, and you won't go far."


Ding Ning stared at her in disbelief and asked.

"Of course it's true, well, well, for my sake you're so nervous, I'll tell you the truth."

The mermaid was flustered by his look, and she pointed at Angel shyly and said: "She is the blood of my mermaid clan, and this space is actually the heart of the ocean, my natal artifact, but I was torn apart in an instant because of a catastrophe that year. With my soul broken, I tried my best to use the heart of the ocean to send a small number of my people out of Tianshuitian through time and space, but unexpectedly, they escaped to the human world and have continued to thrive to this day."

Ding Ning was dumbfounded. The Atlantis family turned out to be of mermaid blood? This is so unbelievable, and immediately said with a strange expression: "How can your descendants look like Westerners?"

The mermaid rolled her eyes charmingly, and then said sadly: "They have the blood of the mermaid clan, but they are not my descendants, they can only be said to be my descendants. As for why they became what they are now, I think It should be that the number of tribesmen who survived back then was too small to reproduce, so they had to combine with the locals. Over time, the bloodlines were weakened, and they became the current Westerners."

Ding Ning nodded suddenly. The current Atlantis family is no longer a purebred mermaid. For countless years, after combining with the local aborigines and multiplying, the genes have changed, and the mermaid blood has been weakened. It's normal for people's genes to change their appearance.

"She is different. Even though she looks like a Westerner, she has pure mermaid blood in her body, and the blood concentration is quite high. It's just that her blood has not been fully awakened yet."

The mermaid gave Angel a soft look: "Don't ask me how I know, because only the purest mermaid blood can be recognized by the Heart of the Ocean."

"Then what do you mean by leaving me?"

Ding Ning grabbed the mermaid's hand and asked nervously.

The mermaid's eyes flickered for a moment, and she actively leaned into his arms, put her delicate chin on his shoulder and said quietly: "I don't want to leave you either, but my spirit has been torn into too many parts, I want to Complete fusion, I don't know that I have to wait until the year of the monkey, but now it's different. With the heart of the ocean, I can speed up the speed of integration and restore it to the original state soon, but the heart of the ocean has now recognized her as the master. If I want to To get back the heart of the ocean, you must kill her. She is my clan, and I am afraid she is the only surviving mermaid in this world besides me. How can I kill her, so I can only leave you temporarily, Sojourn in the heart of the ocean to speed up the fusion of the soul."

Ding Ning heaved a long sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said with a relieved smile, "I see, I was shocked. I thought you were going to leave me forever."

"How could it be? I said that after I fully recovered, I would become your woman."

The mermaid said in a relaxed tone, but in a corner that Ding Ning couldn't see, there were two crystal clear tears falling down.

Before the teardrop fell to Ding Ning's shoulder, the mermaid stretched out her slender hand to grab it, with a look of sadness on her face, and after taking a deep breath, she quickly returned to her smiling face.

Ding Ning caressed her hair, and said affectionately and softly: "As long as it is beneficial to your recovery, you can do it. Besides, Gruer is not only your clansman, but also my woman. I will Take her with you so I can see you anytime."

"No, I'm going to fall into a deep sleep to recover my soul. Besides, her bloodline has not fully awakened yet. If you bring her by your side for excessive protection, it will only delay her awakening infinitely."

mermaid gently away

Opening his arms, he looked at him seriously and persistently: "The catastrophe of the three realms is coming, we are running out of time, I have to hurry up to recover, and you must improve yourself as soon as possible, otherwise, in the face of catastrophe , all of us will vanish without leaving a trace."

Ding Ning's heart tightened, and he asked solemnly, "Is the matter so serious? What do you really know?"

"I don't know anything, but I can feel God's will in the dark. That strong sense of crisis makes me feel very depressed, so I choose to leave you temporarily."

The mermaid looked at Ding Ning affectionately, and kissed Ding Ning lightly on his lips.

Ding Ning licked his lips. Although the beauty was in his arms, he knew that the spirit of the mermaid hadn't fully healed, and he must not act recklessly. He suppressed the distraction in his heart and asked seriously, "What can I do for you?"

"Help her awaken her blood."

The mermaid looked at Angel and said softly.

"How to help?"

Ding Ning has no experience with this.

"Can you peel off your Thunder Talisman and turn it into a totem for her?"

The mermaid looked at him deeply and explained: "The mermaid has more than one bloodline, but the ones with the strongest fighting power are the Storm Mermaid and the Thunder Naga, and her bloodline is the bloodline of the Thunder Naga, so whatever the Thunder Talisman wants to do to her... "

"no problem."

Before Ding Ning waited for her to finish speaking, he replied without hesitation.

"Don't you think about it anymore? The Thunder Talisman exists on the same level as the Annihilation Talisman, and it is one of the original true solutions. It is something that even the immortal-level powerhouses covet."

The mermaid made a request, but now that Ding Ning agreed, she became worried about gain and loss.

"Silly girl, she is a member of your clan and also my woman. She can become stronger, which is what I look forward to. Could it be that if she becomes stronger, will she still be disadvantageous to me?"

Ding Ning stretched out his hand, pampered the mermaid's upturned nose, and said indifferently.

"What if she becomes your enemy after awakening her bloodline?"

The mermaid tentatively said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Then I'll push her down with you and spank her ass hard."

Ding Ning said domineeringly and narrowly, causing the mermaid to blush for a while, and that charming and charming appearance made someone want to move. Although it is not really possible to do something beastly, small actions like eating tofu are absolutely indispensable .

"Okay, don't make trouble. I need to consume the power of my soul to maintain the stillness of time and space. I should go. You have to take care of yourself. As for her, I hope you can treat her sincerely and let her truly fall in love with you, otherwise , once she awakens the Naga bloodline, I'm afraid she will really turn her face and deny anyone."

With a blushing face, the mermaid got rid of someone's salty pig's hand, straightened her expression, and said seriously: "The Thunder Naga is the most powerful bloodline in the mermaid clan, second only to my emperor's bloodline. Their temper and combat power are In direct proportion, they are extremely arrogant and irritable, except for me, no one will pay attention to them, even if the storm mermaid who is as famous as them angers them, they will kill them as soon as they say it."

"So what? Isn't there you? Does she dare not listen to you?"

Ding Ning didn't take it seriously at all, and said rather curiously.

The mermaid was hesitant to speak for several times, but finally she let out a deep sigh and said the truth: "I hope you can leave a mark on her heart, otherwise, once she awakens her blood memory, she will probably be with you forever, After all, Thunder Naga is a race that attaches great importance to chastity, and their men must be loyal to them."

Ding Ning felt guilty when he heard this. The mermaid's implication was that Lei Ting Naga was a loyal supporter of monogamy. This was indeed a big trouble.

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