Medical Sovereign

One thousand six hundred and thirteen encounters with the yellow ants


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

It didn't hear the expected shattering of eyeballs, nor did it hear the hysterical screams of that damned human being.

A creepy aura quietly appeared behind it, and it changed its perspective in horror, only to see the faint purple awns flickering in the eyes of the hateful human staring at the floating ball in the air, unable to move any further. Stinger.

The two-striped bar was terrifying, as it was already close to the IQ of a seven or eight-year-old human child. Although it couldn't figure out how this human did it, it didn't delay it from realizing that this terrifying human was by no means something it could compete with.

Therefore, when Ding Ning reached out to collect the stinger and planned to take time to study it later, Er Daobang didn't care about his subordinates, and turned around and ran away shamelessly.

"If you want to run, there is no way. You killed my spiritual pet, and you will replace it."

The two bars felt a gust of wind flash by, and before they had time to react, they were suddenly grabbed by a big hand.


The dead soul scared by the two stripes made an insect-like cry, which stunned Ding Ning. This was the first time he encountered an ant that could scream. Could this be the ability after evolving two golden lines?

Immediately, Ding Ning discovered that the spineless and unscrupulous two-stripe line actually sent him an extremely weak mental wave. Although the wave was very slight, it made him clearly understand what it meant.

It is begging Ding Ning to spare it, as long as it can be spared, it can order all its subordinates to obey Ding Ning, and it can also take him to the queen ant's nest to steal the ant pulp.

Ding Ning was overjoyed, this guy had killed his spiritual pet directly before, he thought he was a guy with a lot of backbone, and his feelings were also weak.

However, being able to communicate with him mentally before signing the master-servant contract made him very interested. He tried to communicate with it with mental power, and asked how it knew that he was here to get ant pulp, and see if it could understand yourself.

The result made him overjoyed, he was really able to communicate mentally, and his expression was much clearer than that of the black gold, according to the gold... Well, this is the new name Ding Ning gave it.

According to Jin Jin, the reason why it knew he was here to get ant pulp was because humans would come here to get ant pulp every once in a while, so when it saw humans, its first reaction was to come to get ant pulp again.

"You are soldier ants? Don't you want to protect the group? Why did you sell the queen so simply?"

Ding Ning reckoned that the human beings it was referring to should be members of the Saintess clan, and asked in a playful tone.

"No way, if the ethnic group wants to survive, they must learn to be patient."

Jin Jin replied plausibly, and what he said was quite philosophical.

Ding Ning couldn't help laughing, thinking that this guy's IQ seemed to be much higher than that of Hei Jin, and he didn't know if it was the case with both stripes, or this guy was very talented.

"How often do those people come?"

Ding Ning asked curiously, one person and one ant communicated like this.

Under Jin Jin's strong desire to survive, he answered all his questions.

According to it, the Saintess tribe will come to collect the ant pulp every three years. Of course, it does not mean that they will only come in three years. Sometimes the interval will be longer, and sometimes the interval will be shorter. A little bit, and each time the number of people coming is not fixed.

The reason for saying three years is that the queen ant can only brew a batch of ant pulp every three years. Even if someone comes during this period, there will be no harvest. Therefore, the saintess probably figured out this rule, basically They are all picking the time to harvest the ant pulp.

In fact, last year was only a three-year period, and the Saintess tribe had just come here to take away the ant pulp, so it was useless to come now.

Ding Ning looked thoughtful. It seemed that Ye Yingying might not know about this situation, and thought that every time she came, she would be rewarded, so she went out of her way to collect ant milk secretly without telling the people in the clan.

What puzzled him was, what exactly is this ant pulp? Why can it help people break through the realm of divine martial arts?

It's a pity that Jin Jin couldn't answer this question. Ant pulp is the biggest secret of every ant colony, and only the queen herself knows the origin.

However, Ding Ning realized from its description that Ye Yingying did not lie to him, and that the ant pulp really had the effect of helping people improve their strength.

Because the gold evolved two golden stripes because it swallowed the ant pulp, and the queen also relied on the ant pulp to enhance their strength, so as to maintain their rule over the group.

Ding Ning was very curious, and asked if the ant pulp was taken away by humans? Where does the queen ants get the ant pulp from?

Knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, Jin Jin pretended to be deaf and dumb and refused to answer this question. Ding Ning poked a hole in his body with his finger and forcibly signed a master-servant contract before he got the answer.

It turned out that the yellow ant group is a relatively ancient group of ants. They also lived in the center of the desert a few years ago. Even though they are not eligible to enter the restricted area, they are still a powerful race belonging to the second echelon in the Ten Thousand Ants Desert.

At that time, the ant colony was not as respected by the queen as it is now, but there was an ant king who ruled the colony, and the queen was just a tool for reproduction.

In the ant tribe, the restricted area is always regarded as a holy place, and the ant king of each group is ambitious, with the goal of leading the group into the restricted area.

Just when the yellow ant king was preparing his troops and gathering his strength to challenge his qualifications to live in the restricted zone, dozens of humans suddenly appeared in the desert of thousands of ants, just passing through the territory of the yellow ant colony.

For the Yellow Ant King, who has never seen a human being, this is the ration delivered to his door, so the Yellow Ant King made a decision to make him regret his whole life, and mobilized collectively to attack these strange creatures.

The result was very tragic. Those human beings were unable to defend themselves and suffered a great loss. They were killed by a colony of yellow ants by a dozen, but they did not expect that after the initial panic, those human beings would put on some strange postures, and then the fighting power would begin Crazy skyrocketing, the ones who killed the yellow ants colony were falling into pieces, with millions of dead bodies.

The Yellow Ant King was also seriously injured, desperately fleeing with his tribe, and died of serious injuries not long after returning.

It was also that battle that caused the yellow ant colony to begin to decline. After all, the law of the jungle is the basic law in the biological chain, not to mention that many other ant tribes have long coveted the territory of the yellow ant tribe. .

So, the tragedy of the yellow ant clan, the ant king just died, the new ant king led the remnants of the defeated generals to fight against the ant clan that besieged them, and was killed immediately, the yellow ant clan was defeated and fled in all directions.

At this critical moment, the queen ant suddenly stepped forward, organized the defeated tribe, and negotiated with the ant colony who coveted their territory, and finally, at the cost of surrendering the territory, won the survival right of the tribe.

However, the Ten Thousand Ants Desert is like a kingdom that radiates to the surrounding area with the forbidden zone as the core. If the forbidden zone is the first ring, then the territories of the yellow ants were the second ring, and each territory is divided according to the strength of the group. .

The yellow ants migrated from the second ring to the third ring, but because there was no ant king in charge, and the previous yellow ants were domineering, the ants living in the third ring began to retaliate against them crazily. At the worst time, the yellow ants almost wiped out .

Seeing that the situation was not right, the queen ant led the group to continue migrating, but one of the basic laws of nature is that if you lag behind, you will be beaten. When you reach the fourth ring, you are still bullied by other ant colonies, so the yellow ants continue to migrate... Fifth ring... Sixth ring ... seven rings ...

Until the entire group was driven out of the desert and became losers in the ants' hegemony, they could only linger on the Gobi Desert.

But there is no foreign trouble, and there are internal disputes again. They want to continue to elect an ant king, lead the group to recuperate, and then return to their hometown, and even settle in the restricted area.

Some of the guard ants who are brave in combat and always responsible for protecting the queen disagree, thinking that although the group has retreated repeatedly, the yellow ant clan can continue to this day. king.

Now the entire ant colony exploded. Although they all respected the queen, the group had never had the tradition that the queen was king. They met with fierce opposition immediately, and the two sides argued endlessly.

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement. According to the tradition of the ethnic group, the most powerful warrior in the ethnic group is required to serve as the ant king.

According to common sense, the combat effectiveness of the guard ants who are responsible for protecting the queen ants cannot be compared with the soldier ants who fight outside all the year round, so there are no ants that are optimistic about the guard ants.

Unexpectedly, during the duel, those guardian ants suddenly displayed super fighting power, and those so-called elite soldiers were completely vulnerable to them.

In the end, the guardian ants won seven battles and seven victories without any suspense, so the group had to agree with them, and no longer set up the ant king, but supported the ant queen as king.

In this way, the queen became the king of the group. In order to appease the people and maintain her rule, the queen began to reward the soldier ants who made great contributions to the group with ant jelly, which started their evolutionary path.

Under the action of the ant pulp, the yellow ants began to quickly appear strong gold-striped ones, and even four-striped war ants appeared at their peak.

If it continues like this, the yellow ants may soon be able to restore their former glory, return to the center of the desert, and regain their territory.

But the sky didn't go his way, and those humans who ruined the fate of the ethnic group reappeared at this time, but some of them were old acquaintances from the beginning.

After all, they had killed more than a dozen of their companions back then, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, so the war broke out again.

This time, humans seemed to have come prepared. Not only did they put on that weird position, but they also took out some weapons with powerful lethality. The yellow ants were defeated again without any suspense.

Human beings were unwilling to let the king of ants escape last time. This time, they were cruel and determined to kill them all. They chased after them and went directly to the old nest of the yellow ants, wanting to completely wipe out the yellow ants.

At the time of life and death, the queen ants are willing to exchange for the survival of the group through spiritual contact.

After discovering the heaven-defying ability of the ant pulp, those people were moved. Perhaps they were worried that they would never get the ant pulp after killing the queen, so they simply let the yellow ants go. They will send people to collect the ant slurry.

As for the yellow ants, they will honestly hand over the ant pulp to them every three years. I don’t know how long this kind of life lasted until suddenly there were no human races for more than ten years. Let the whole group breathe a long sigh of relief, thinking that those humans are all dead.

But just in case, the ant pulp accumulated over the past ten years has never dared to use it, and the ant queen hid it somewhere.

It wasn't until several decades ago that the Saintess Tribe reappeared, but these people didn't seem to know the agreement with the Yellow Ants back then, they just knew about the existence of the Ant Jelly, and immediately went to war to snatch it when they arrived.

This time the queen ant didn't dare to do anything wrong, lest those people deliberately sent people to test it, pretending to flee in a hurry and let them take the ant pulp away.

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