Medical Sovereign

One thousand six hundred and twenty-five

Seeing that Daoist Deming looked sluggish, he was already exhausted, and if he didn't get treatment in time, he would undoubtedly die.

Ding Ning didn't bother to say much, and stretched out his hand to grab Daoist Deming's wrist, and mobilized the power of the green wood totem to send him a ray of wood attribute spiritual power. Although it couldn't make him heal immediately, it was enough to save his life.

Daoist Deming's face returned to rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked at Ding Ning in shock and gratitude, but Ding Ning interrupted him with a wave of his hand when he wanted to say something thankful: "I'll help other people heal first. Let’s heal your wounds, it’s not a good thing to be wounded here.”

Daoist Deming took a deep look at him, swallowed back his words of gratitude, sat on the ground and began to heal with his eyes closed.

Tianshi Wenzheng also suffered a lot of injuries, but fortunately they were all flesh wounds, which could be easily healed with a ray of green wood spiritual power. If he wasn't afraid of shocking the world, Ding Ning could heal the wounds in minutes.

"Thank you young hero!"

Wenzheng Tianshi just gave a heartfelt thank you, didn't say much, just changed the name from Xiaoyou to Shaoxia, then reached out and took out a piece of talisman paper and folded it.

Ding Ning looked at him curiously while helping several other Maoshan Taoist priests to heal their wounds, wondering what he was doing with origami now.

Master Wen Zhengtian quickly folded out a paper crane. After muttering words for a long time, he pointed with one hand, and the paper crane flew into the air and flew into the distance.

"Hey, Zhang Tianshi, you are..."

Ding Ning was greatly surprised, and looked at him in disbelief. Could it be that this is the legendary Feihe passing on the letter.

Zhang Wenzheng was startled, and looked at him with some puzzlement: "Young Xia, what's the matter?"

"Is this the letter from Feihe?"

Ding Ning asked enviously.

"Uh, yes, the young hero can't?"

Now it was Zhang Wenzheng's turn to be surprised.

"Should I?"

Ding Ning asked back with some confusion.

"It shouldn't be. This is the easiest method of communication in the Jianghu. The general family and sect can do it. Didn't the elders of the young man's sect teach you?"

Zhang Wenzheng was really surprised. This is one of the necessary means of communication for ancient warriors to travel the rivers and lakes. It is unbelievable that Ding Ning, a young man with a lot of background, has never even seen this.


Ding Ning realized that he seemed to have overlooked a common sense, and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"This... How did the young man contact your relatives and friends in this place where the mobile phone signal is blocked..."

Zhang Wenzheng shut his mouth before he finished speaking, because he remembered that Ding Ning was still alone, and he probably really didn't know how to communicate.

Ding Ning suddenly understood why these powerful sects gathered together in this place where there was no signal. He always thought that those people were teleported together by luck, or gathered together unintentionally, but now that he thinks about it, they must be has its own means of communication.

This ancient and primitive communication method is naturally useless in the outside world where communication is exploding, but it plays a pivotal role in this closed secret realm.

This is probably the difference between the nouveau riche and the well-established sect forces. Some routine things are very novel to Ding Ning.

"This is very simple, young man, look, this is the communication talisman."

Zhang Wenzheng noticed Ding Ning's embarrassment, quickly took out a piece of talisman paper and handed it to him, and explained with some pride: "This is the communication talisman paper produced by our Longhu Mountain. Just fold it into a paper crane, pour your true energy into it, and concentrate Thinking about the person you want to contact, as long as the other party is within a radius of ten thousand miles, Feihe will fly to the other party's location by itself. This is the oldest and commonly used communication method in Jianghu, because not all sect families can draw pictures. Talismans, so we have special business in the three mountains of Longhu Mountain, Maoshan, and Gezao Mountain."

A radius of ten thousand miles is quite a range. Ding Ning's eyes were shining, and he carefully looked at the talisman paper in his hand.

Zhang Wenzheng revealed a look of embarrassment, and said melancholy: "To tell you the truth, the three mountains of talismans have long since fallen because of too many missing inheritances, but the sect always has to eat, so we are not only descending in the secular world at ordinary times. In addition to catching ghosts and doing rituals for the people to earn some money to support the family, selling this kind of communication talisman paper is our main source of income. Although the outside world has developed with the development of the communication industry, high-tech products such as mobile phones have seized most of the market. But after all, there are some isolated and remote places where the signal is not covered, and the major families and sects will still order a batch of talisman papers from the Three Mountains of Fulu every year, just in case."

Daoist Deming also opened his eyes, sighed and said: "It's getting harder and harder now. In the past, the major sects and families would order a large number of talisman papers every year. Although we live a bit tight, but It can be regarded as having no worries about food and clothing, but now, more and more places are covered by mobile phone signals, and there are fewer and fewer sect forces ordering communication talisman papers. Now basically every three years, we can receive an order. How sad."

"Isn't this the bird talisman? No, it should be said that a lot of useless things have been added to the bird talisman."

After Ding Ning looked at the talisman in his hand, his face showed surprise, and he muttered involuntarily.

The flying bird talisman is one of the basic runes, but he still didn't know what it was used for, so he didn't care about it at all. He didn't expect that it could be used as a communication talisman. He really was sitting on a treasure mountain without knowing it.

"The young hero is also a member of the Talisman?"

Zhang Wenzheng and Dao Deming were taken aback and asked in unison.

The so-called communication talisman paper is indeed a flying bird talisman. In order to ensure that this source of wealth is monopolized by the three mountains of Fulu, and to prevent people from cracking the secret of the flying bird talisman, many messy and useless ghost symbols were added to it, so the people of the three mountains of Fulu They will pretend to be profound and say that this is the communication talisman, but they will never say that it is actually the bird talisman. This is the first time in their life that they have met someone who can tell the origin of the communication talisman.

"Know a little bit!"

Ding Ning said modestly that he was very interested in this communication talisman. Although the flying bird talisman was only the most basic rune and depicted the lowest magic talisman, he had to admit that anyone who could use the flying bird talisman for communication Absolutely a genius.

This made him have to admire the wisdom of the ancients. Although the three mountains of Fulu had long since fallen, he was greatly touched by his whimsical idea of ​​applying runes to real life.

For example, the communication talisman paper does not mean that the communication talisman paper can be made if the flying bird talisman can be depicted, the key lies in the talisman paper.

If it wasn't for his absolute sense of touch to be able to analyze the composition of the talisman paper, he would definitely think that the bird talisman played an absolute role like ordinary people, but in fact it is not the case. This talisman paper is very particular and is not made of ordinary materials , but made of some special materials with special papermaking methods.

To put it simply, this talisman paper is not only a carrier for depicting the flying bird talisman, but also has the function of storing the message, otherwise, even if the other party receives the letter from Feihe, they will not know what you want to express.

More importantly, summoning is a very private matter, and this talisman has the function of making the information in the summoning exclusive, increasing its confidentiality infinitely.

After all, the flying speed of the paper crane is not fast, and it is easy to be intercepted midway. The secrecy of the talisman paper is reflected, but it is impossible to know the content of the subpoena unless the target is himself.

Of course, since the talisman is the lowest talisman, for a talisman master like Ding Ning, it is just a matter of spending more time to learn the content of the summons.

After going through so many things, Ding Ning is no longer the young boy who just left school. Seeing Zhang Tianshi and Daoist De Ming's expressions are a little unnatural, he will naturally not tell the secret of the broken talisman paper, so as not to be suspected by others.

You must know that the three mountains of talismans are now in decline, and the communication talisman paper is one of the pillars of their financial source. If he even tells the secret of the talisman paper, he will be suspected of ruining people's wealth. Although he is fearless, but There is no need to make enemies everywhere.

Therefore, Ding Ning pretended to be very interested, and asked curiously: "But as far as I know, the flying bird talisman only has the ability to fly with certain media, but it doesn't have the function of sending messages, right? Made it."

Both Zhang Tianshi and Daoist De Ming breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that he didn't see the secret of the talisman paper, otherwise they wouldn't know what to do.

Murder? Not to mention that Ding Ning was kind to them, even if it had nothing to do with them, they didn't have the ability to silence them. The strength displayed by Ding Ning and the huge power behind him were not something that the fallen Fulu Sanshan could provoke at all. I don't want to be an enemy of him in my heart.

"Hehe, young man, this is about the secret of our Three Mountains of Talismans. Please stop asking, young man."

Zhang Tianshi said in a gentle tone, but he was very anxious in his heart, fearing that Ding Ning's curiosity would be too much, and it would be troublesome to force them to solve their doubts.

Ding Ning showed a look of surprise, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I was rude, I was just curious for a while, I didn't think about it too much, since it involves the secrets of your sect, I naturally won't ask any more."

"Thank you, Shaoxia, for your understanding. It's not that we don't want to talk about it. It's just about the secrets of the Three Mountains of Talisman. Please forgive me, Shaoxia!"

Daoist De Ming said with guilt, after all, they owed Ding Ning several lives, and when they asked some questions, they were still secretive, and they seemed not at all authentic, which made them feel ashamed.

"I understand, I understand. Daoist Deming is worrying too much. In this way, leave a contact information later. After I go out, I will ask you to order a batch of communication talisman paper."

Ding Ning waved his hand politely.

"Young Xia wants to order the Communication Talisman Paper?"

Daoist Deming said in surprise.

"Yeah, I like to search for secrets. I often go to explore some deep mountains and old forests. There is no mobile phone signal there. It would be much more convenient if I have a communication talisman."

Ding Ning said with a smile.

Zhang Tianshi looked enviously at Daoist De Ming, he didn't think that Ding Ning wanted to order it himself, but instinctively thought that he ordered it on behalf of the huge power behind it, this is a huge order.

"I don't know how much the young hero will order. Although the communication talisman paper is not worth much, it will take time to make it after all. I have an idea in mind, so I can prepare it in advance."

Daoist Deming asked tentatively.

"The more the better, first prepare 10,000 copies. If there are many, on the premise of ensuring the quality and quantity, I want as many as I have."

Ding Ning casually said that it wasn't that he couldn't imitate this kind of talisman paper, but that making paper was a labor-intensive thing, and it was better to buy it directly.

Of course, after buying the communication talisman paper, he will also modify it. After all, the flying bird talisman is only the most basic rune, and the transmission range can only reach ten thousand miles. After his transformation and upgrade, the transmission range may reach 100,000 or even million miles.

It's not long before he enters the Devil's Abyss and the Devil's Prison. It is extremely important for him to have a long-distance communication tool in a specific environment, and it may become the key to victory at any time.

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