Medical Sovereign

1643rd unity is strength

The scene fell into a deathly silence, and everyone's eyes flashed with fear, not daring to look directly at Ding Ning's bewitching purple pupils.

It was only now that they realized that Ding Ning was not a soft persimmon that they could manipulate and use. He would kill people if he didn't agree with each other.

Although they are reluctant to admit it in their hearts, they have to accept this reality. The evil star Ding Ning is definitely not something they can manipulate at will. He lowered his head, not even daring to breathe.

The middle-aged man Li Congfeng was the leader of the Sacred Doctor Sect. He was a strong man in the mid-stage of the Divine Martial Realm. He was a powerful figure who could command the wind and rain wherever he went in the outside world.

The most frightening thing is that, at a distance of tens of meters, Ding Ning just stared at him, and the middle-aged man was stared to death. What kind of weird method is this? How could they not be afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

Even the high-level powerhouses of the Holy Gate and the major forces lowered their heads one by one, avoiding Ding Ning's sight, lest they offend him and be stared to death by him.

Even if they were better than the middle-aged man from the holy doctor's school, they were not much stronger. Ding Ning could stare him to death with one look, which meant that it would not take much effort to stare them to death. How dare they make troubles.

It's really scary here. Before, they just thought that the ant colony was terrible. Ding Ning was a human race, so he had to worry about the lives of so many people, so they dared to use him. But now, they would rather face the ant colony than go back to Face off against this terrifying little villain.

Ding Ning looked around coldly, seeing that no one dared to look at him, the purple awns in his eyes gradually subsided, he stomped his feet casually, a war trampled to death a group of incoming ants, and said indifferently: " Now I give you two choices, one is to get out immediately, don't follow me, you form a group to fight out by yourself, whether you live or die has nothing to do with me."

Everyone raised their heads one after another, wanting to have the backbone to choose their own group, but looking at the endless army of ants in front of them like a tide, everyone felt their scalps go numb, their lips mumbled and they couldn't speak.

It wasn't until now that they realized how lucky it was to have Ding Ning open the way. Not to mention how powerful this ant colony is, the daunting and terrifying number alone brought an unparalleled visual impact, which would make people's hearts go away. Desperate and lose all courage.

In fact,

They are all warriors with rich combat experience. After exterminating several waves of ant colonies before, they have already noticed the weakness of these ants, which is their fragile internal organs.

The ants here are extremely strange, not to mention the rough skin and thick flesh, but the inconspicuous thin ant armor is absolutely invulnerable. If you want to kill them, you must not start with the ant armor. Shattering their internal organs is the best way Effortless way.

And Ding Ning obviously understood this point long ago, so he used the barbaric collision and war trampling in turn to achieve the best effect with the least effort.

It stands to reason that since they knew the weakness of the ant colony, they should have the backbone to leave under such an aggressive and merciless threat from Ding Ning.

But in fact, they didn't dare to make such a choice at all, because they knew very well that even though there were so many of them, none of them had practiced large-scale concussion group killing skills, so they could only defeat them one by one and kill them. A single ant is extremely inefficient.

This is also doomed that they can only resist the invasion of small-scale ant colonies. Once they charge on the front line like Ding Ning and bear the brunt of the endless ant colony, if the killing effect cannot be achieved, they will be immediately killed by the terrifying ant colony. submerged.

What's more, using concussion to kill is an extremely spiritual energy-consuming thing. Even if someone can barely replace Ding Ning's role, it won't last long, and the spiritual energy will be exhausted and become food for the ant colony.

In this situation, leaving Ding Ning would be a dead end for them. How dare they stand on the moral high ground and criticize Ding Ning like before.

"The second option is to stay, but staying doesn't mean that you can enjoy the relaxation and comfort I bring to you with peace of mind. You must spread out and run through the entire team to assist the warriors in the rear to defend against the ants. Invasion of the swarm."

Ding Ning glanced at the crowd and saw the dissatisfaction in many people's eyes, and immediately said coldly: "I know you think your status is noble, and the lives of those casual cultivators and warriors of small forces are not worth mentioning in your eyes, but I tell you You guys, if you want to stay, you have to do what I say, in my eyes, everyone is human, you are no nobler than anyone, now, make a choice."

All the monks in Tianyin Temple showed shame on their faces. The old monk Wutong clasped his palms together and proclaimed the Buddha's name and said in shame: "Amitabha, Lord Ding is compassionate and treats everyone equally. This is the true equality of all living beings. I have practiced Buddhism in vain for decades, but I am selfish, greedy for life and afraid of death, I am ashamed, and I, all the monks of Tianyin Temple, are willing to be at the end of the procession."

After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply to Ding Ning, turned around and walked to the end of the line first, all the monks also bowed in unison, and resolutely followed behind him, his back seemed a little more tragic.

Some of the others were ashamed, some secretly delighted, some sneered with disdain, some secretly rejoiced, some were worried, some showed admiration, and some looked on coldly... There are all kinds of people.

Because everyone knows very well that although the last end of the team is not as dangerous as the leader charging into battle, it is the second most dangerous place in the whole team, and the rate of fall is also the highest. Although Master Wutong's previous behavior was contemptible, but at this moment his Suddenly awakened and generously dedicated to righteousness, but people changed their minds.

Ding Ning looked at Wutong's back, his cold eyes slowly warmed up, and he raised his voice, "Master Wutong, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and if you can survive this time, you will surely achieve your wish."

Wutong was shocked all over, his footsteps paused, and he immediately continued to stride forward, but at this moment his footsteps were much lighter than before, as if he had figured out something.

There was a smile on the corner of Ding Ning's lips. Although this old monk hated him, he still had a conscience. This time he had a great enlightenment, and he would definitely break through the shackles and achieve the realm of holy martial arts.

"According to the oracle of my lord, we will all obey the orders of the Son of Light, and ask the Son of Light to convey the oracle."

The two archbishops of the Holy See led hundreds of paladins, touching their chests with their right hands, bowed deeply at ninety degrees, and said respectfully.

Ding Ning's face darkened, and he cursed the old fox inwardly, but his heart felt terribly aggrieved, these gangsters really linger, I'm not a son of the Holy Light.

Although he knew that the Holy See came here for Liu Guang and had no good intentions at all, but the Holy See always expressed goodwill to him, and it was not easy for him to turn against them in public, not to mention that now is the time for the Holy See to help each other Expressing his opinion can be regarded as a disguised support for him, and it is even more difficult for him to say anything more.

He could only say with a straight face: "I am not a child of the Holy Light, but since you have taken the initiative to ask for a fight, then help the eminent monks of Tianyin Temple to break the queen."

This can be regarded as avenging his personal revenge. Didn’t your Holy See have ulterior motives and wanted to have a relationship with me? Well, then I will send you to the most dangerous place and see if you can bargain.

Unexpectedly, the two archbishops bowed without hesitation, and said reverently: "I will obey the holy decree."

Hundreds of paladins showed fanaticism, knelt down on one knee and shouted, "Observe the oracle!"

Then, with Ding Ning's bewildered expression on his face, the gang of magicians turned around and walked towards the end of the line without hesitation.

What the hell, these gods are really obedient, do they really treat Lao Tzu as the son of the Holy Light?

But they didn't know what kind of turbulent waves this scene caused in their hearts. Ding Ning's identity and background became more and more confusing.

He is from China, how could he have a relationship with the Holy See? Moreover, his status in the Holy See seems to be very high, even the archbishop in red actually obeys him.

You know, the archbishop in red is the clergyman with the most power and status besides the Pope, and even the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter can't compare. What kind of official position is this Son of Light? I have never heard of it.

It's just that even if they were curious like a cat scratching their hearts, Ding Ning's prestige of killing the elders of the holy medical school was still there, but no one dared to ask questions at this time.

But without delaying their inner gossip, they wondered if Ding Ning was actually of mixed race? Was it the illegitimate child of the Pope and a woman from China? Otherwise, how to explain his lofty status in the Holy See?

Especially those surviving members of the Dark Council, their eyes showed a look of understanding. If Ding Ning was the Pope's illegitimate son, then he would have a perfect answer to the Dark Council. Things must be at least over a hundred years old. It is really enviable to be able to give birth to children at such an old age. Could it be some secret recipe for nourishing the kidneys?

If Ding Ning knew the dirty thoughts in their hearts, he would definitely turn around and leave in anger without saying a word, regardless of their life or death.

It's a pity that he can't read minds. He is destined to not know the psychological activities of these people. He started to issue orders with a straight face, so that the major forces that have been relaxed for a long time are distributed on both sides of the team, cooperating with each other, and resisting the attacks of the ant colonies on both sides. attack.

Of course, those warriors with injuries were ordered by Ding Ning to protect them in the middle of the team. If anyone dares to abandon these burdens, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

Although many people were dissatisfied with his arrangement, but out of fear of him and the righteousness he possessed, they could only bite the bullet and follow his orders.

Ding Ning knew very well that some of them were dissatisfied. In order to deter them, he personally beheaded more than a dozen selfish fighters who had abandoned their companions to make an example.

This time, no one dared to obey others, and they all kept their duty with all their hearts and responsibilities. Under the leadership of Ding Ning, they fought a bloody road like "driving a train".

I thought this process would be very difficult and the sacrifice would be great, but after they coordinated and cooperated without distraction, they realized that it was not as difficult as they imagined. The ant colony looked terrifying in number, but they could actually rush to But the people around them are extremely limited, just like a thousand people besieging one person, this person only faces a few each time, the others can't squeeze in at all, and they can easily eliminate them one by one.

Of course, this is also due to the tactics arranged by Ding Ning. If the outermost wave is eliminated, they will immediately enter the inner circle to rest, and the inner circle will immediately replenish to the outer circle to eliminate the next wave, making them feel extremely relaxed.

Because they are divided into six columns, it means that after they eliminate a wave, they can get five rounds of rest, and always maintain ample combat power, so that they will not be exhausted and exhausted.

This caused many people who originally hated Ding Ning to change their views on him unconsciously. They were grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts, and made them realize the power of unity for the first time.

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