Medical Sovereign

1648th, the women were attacked

Soon, a very clear diagram of the network of contacts by category appeared on the blackboard.

If Ding Ning saw this network of connections here, he would definitely turn pale with shock, because this network of connections almost included all his superficial connections, even his secret friendship with Commander Guan was marked come out.

Su Shao looked at the relationship network and frowned for a moment, then drew two straight lines next to Ding Ning's name. One end of the line was written with grandfather Su Zhengnan, and the end of the other line was written with mother Su Ningxiang.

After hesitating for a moment, a question mark was placed after the two names, which meant that the relationship had not yet been confirmed, and then a straight line was drawn, with cousin Su Chen marked at the end. question mark.

"Even if you are not from the Su family, such a strong network of contacts is really amazing. A fresh graduate from medical school spent half a year weaving such a strong network of contacts. I have to say admiration."

Su Shao looked at this network of connections drawn by him, and admired it from the bottom of his heart.

He stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the names of Ding Qianlie and Ding Luoxue, frowning together, and whispered in a low voice: "Are they really your sisters? If they are your real sisters, then you can't be My cousin, if not, the possibility of you being my cousin is more than 90%. Unfortunately, the origins of these two women are very mysterious, and their roots have never been found out. However, I remember Suning The man in Xiang's year seemed to be surnamed Ding, and she hadn't been out of Yanjing for more than 20 years, but she came to Ninghai a few months ago, and her whereabouts were extremely strange. If she said that it had nothing to do with you, I wouldn't believe it. "

Young Master Su fixed his eyes on Su Chen's name again, and after a while he murmured softly: "Su Chen, Su Chen, my cousin, the paternity test report has already come out, but someone snatched it halfway and even killed him. My people, there are all indications that you did this, is it a coincidence, or are you helping to cover up something, your line has always been at odds with my heartless grandpa, and you did all this What is it for?"

Su Shao picked up the chalk again, and wrote the words "Datang Group" after Su Ningxiang's name. After staring at it for a long time, he hesitated to pick up the pencil and drew a dotted line behind Su Chen's name. It is directly connected to the name "Datang Group".

"Could it be to regain control of the Datang Group?"

Su Shao seemed to have figured something out, his eyes became brighter and brighter, he walked quickly to the desk, took out a spare mobile phone, turned it on, and then made a call, after connecting, he said without any greetings: "Here I'll check to see if there have been any recent personnel changes in Su's Datang Group."

After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to speak.

Standing in front of the relationship again, he pondered deeply.

After a while, he picked up a pencil and drew circles on the five names, and a playful look flashed in his eyes: "Ding Ning, Ding Ning, although you protected your woman very well, you made my action fail again. But it's a pity, if you didn't arrange your classmates into your future father-in-law's Shengtang Pharmaceutical, maybe I didn't know that you have such a good relationship with these classmates. Love is a good thing, but sometimes it is the biggest weakness, no I know in your heart, will these five classmates of yours be your restraint?"

Su Shao took out a cigarette and lit it, and the lighter's flame illuminated the five names, which were Liu Jie, Zhang Haifeng, Wu Xian, Liu Wenjing, and Song Xiaoyu.

He took out his mobile phone and made another call: "Immediately implement the new plan, and I will send you a new target list."

After hanging up the phone, Young Master Su seemed to feel that it was still a little unsafe. He stared at the network diagram again, looked at Su Ningxiang's name, and a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes. After struggling for a long time, he gritted his teeth and drew a circle on the name. I got out my phone and started editing text messages. This time, the list of target people changed from five to six, and Su Ningxiang, president of Yanjing Datang Group, was surprisingly added.

"According to your seniority, I should call you aunt, but I'm sorry, you have never cared about grandma's feelings, and you don't even know that we exist, but all this is not grandma's fault, but Su Zhengnan's fault. Blame it, you can blame my titular grandpa."

When Su Shao mentioned grandma to himself, there was a rare trace of warmth in the indifferent and cruel eyes, but soon, it was replaced by hatred and cruelty, and became resolute and cold.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang in a hurry, Su Shao looked at the phone number, and did not speak when he answered the phone.

"Young Master Su, Datang Group has indeed undergone a lot of personnel changes recently. Su Chen became the executive president of Datang Group and became a member of the board of directors."

Report on the other end of the phone in a calm manner.

"Well, are there any other changes?"

Su Shao responded lightly, expressing that he knew, and asked another question.

"Su Ningxiang is still the chairman and CEO of Datang Group, and is in charge of the group's power alone, but Su Zitong, the fourth generation of the Su family's family line, has just returned from studying abroad, and joined the company's board of directors at the same time as Su Chen, serving as the chairman of Datang Group. financial director."

After hesitating for a while on the phone, he still decided to report the truth.

"Su Zitong? Is it the illegitimate daughter Su Zhengdong's eldest daughter, Su Wanyu, had an affair with a wild man outside?"

Young Master Su asked in surprise.

"Yes, this Su Zitong seems to be very complicated. When he first became the chief financial officer, he carried out drastic investigations, which made those lazy people in the Su family extremely embarrassed and annoyed. He said all the nasty things, but Su Zitong was unmoved. , and with the strong support of Su Ningxiang, his wrist is extremely strong."

Although the man on the other end of the phone was serving Young Master Su, he seemed to dislike the moths of the Su family, and there was a hint of a smile in his tone.

"Okay, I got it, pay close attention to this Su Zitong, and report to me in time if there is any situation."

Su Shao said something lightly, hung up the phone, but the expression on his face became extremely weird, and he said to himself like a self-deprecating: "Su Chen became the executive president, and Su Zitong became the financial director. It's interesting. This is the Su family. What do you want to do? Now even illegitimate daughters can enter the house? Hehe, then can I, a bastard who shows up outside, recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors?"


The phone was smashed to pieces by him on the ground, the muscles on his face kept trembling, his expression became distorted and ferocious, he grabbed his hair fiercely, and let out a painful wail like a beast injured: "With What? Why can a wild species return to the Su family, but grandma wants to die alone and suffer torture? Father, father, how cruel you are, knowing that grandma can't let go, if you insisted on hiding it back then Grandma goes to the Su family to recognize her ancestors and return to her family. Grandma will not become depressed and sick, and die alone in pain in thoughts. You only care about your official career, your future, and your self-esteem. You have thought about it for grandma ?"

Su Shao stumbled to the wine cabinet at the side, opened a bottle of red wine, raised his neck and gulped it down. Because he drank too fast, he choked and coughed desperately, and the wine stained his white shirt as red as blood.

Su Shao burst into tears, knelt heavily on his knees, raised his head to reveal his red and crazy eyes, and let out a nervous and weird laugh with a hoarse voice: "Grandma, you have a spirit in heaven, just wait for me to give you an answer." Let’s be fair, those who have hurt you, I will never let go, I will let them kneel in front of your grave to repent, and then kill them all, kill them all..."


On Paradise Island, all the girls gathered together, even Chen Wanqing, who was not known to all the girls, also came.

The magical teleportation array and the magical paradise island could not attract Chen Wanqing's attention at this moment, because Sister Ye Huan and Lan Mengdie Pan Xiangyun were attacked. Although the murderer failed, it made her worried.

It was only after the girls exchanged words with each other that Chen Wanqing realized that these women were all Ding Ning's women, which made her feel mixed feelings and extremely complicated emotions.

But before she had time to think about it, she was horrified to hear that not only sisters Ye Huan and Sister Xiangyun, but also all the women present, except those who stayed on Paradise Island and did not go out, except Master and Disciple Ye Duxing, Jiutian Xuannv and Liusheng Qiandai. Almost all of them suffered attacks and attempted abductions to varying degrees.

Uh, no, strictly speaking, Qingyun and Guan Shilin are fine, probably because no one outside knows the reason for their relationship with Ding Ning, so the murderer didn't regard them as kidnapping targets, but they happened to be together with Rourou , just as it will be affected.

Although the girls were wondering why Sister Ye Huan brought Chen Wanqing to Paradise Island, they didn't have the time to worry about it at this moment. They discussed the attack in shock, guessing who attacked them, and it was the reward offered by the dark flower list. Killer, or other unknown forces?

As the eldest sister, Ding Yanlie, although she suffered the most ferocious attack, she remained calm, her expression was extremely calm, and her eyes shone with wisdom. After a little thought, she said decisively: "These people can't be hidden flowers. The killers on the list, I heard you talking about the process of being attacked, it is clearly a premeditated and planned operation, it must have been planned by a certain force, otherwise they would not have attacked together at almost the same time."

"Yes, I think so too. No matter what their origins are, these people must be from the same force."

With a tired look on Xiao Nuo's face, he said with some regret: "I worked overtime last night. I just got out of the police station this morning and was going home to rest. I was hit by a rampaging truck when I got into the car. Fortunately, Ding Ning What was given to me was a modified rune vehicle, and the amulet also activated the automatic protection program, otherwise, the strong impact would be enough to seriously injure me."

"So did we. We were directly hit by a nanny's car by a large stolen truck. The nanny's car was fine, but the front of the big truck was smashed. No wonder brother specially gave us a nanny's car before. It turned out that she had already It’s so exciting to be on your guard.”

Ye Le said cheerfully, she didn't have the slightest fear of being attacked, instead she felt very exciting, like filming a blockbuster movie in the United States.

All the girls laughed dumbfounded, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. Pan Xiangyun's beautiful eyes sparkled: "It seems that I have expected it a long time ago. Even the assistants newly arranged by the company are all martial arts masters. It's a pity that those The kidnappers are all dead soldiers, seeing that the operation failed and they couldn't escape, they just gritted their fangs and committed suicide."

"Yeah, although I don't have an assistant, there are always people protecting me in the dark. When those people were about to kidnap me, they were stopped by those who secretly protected me. But those guys were really ruthless, and they also committed suicide by swallowing poison." .”

Murong Yanran didn't realize that she had become a real martial arts peak powerhouse, she said with lingering fear, she was busy preparing for Ningran Jewelry Company these days, and rarely even came to Paradise Island, so she would never think that someone would attack her.

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