Medical Sovereign

One thousand six hundred and fifty-two

The most ridiculous thing is that the representatives of these Western powers also solemnly regarded this as a major decision of the organizing committee to propose a vote. The result is self-evident. Under the circumstances, only Tianyin Temple supported their Sanshengmen, and won a pitiful four votes.

The final result is self-evident. The major forces easily defeated Sanshengmen with a big score of 8 to 4, firmly held the voting rights of the organizing committee in their hands, and successfully passed the resolution of the major forces to be hired by Sanshengmen. Sanshengmen must support a high commission for this, otherwise, they have the right to refuse to participate in this siege plan with great risks and serious consequences.

The representatives of Sanshengmen finally realized Xiang Tiange's aggrieved mood before, their teeth itched with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

If paying the commission can eradicate Ding Ning and the strong man at the peak of the Holy Martial Realm, it is not unacceptable for them to hold their noses.

But the problem is that the representatives of these forces actually demand to pay a commission before they can take action, and there is no guarantee that they will be able to eradicate the holy warrior.

This condition is no longer harsh, but making things difficult. Sanshengmen is not a fool, how could they pay for such an unsecured transaction, and the result is naturally unhappy.

But the matter has come to this point, and the Sanshengmen can only grit their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs. Since the major forces are unwilling to take action, they will do it themselves.

Therefore, the Sanshengmen began to dispatch troops and generals, gathered 8,000 elite disciples from their respective sects, and sent them quietly one after another into the secret realm. They did not expect to be able to kill the strong man of the Holy Martial Realm, but they must kill Ding Ning Killing, it is best to lure that strong man in the holy martial arts realm, and find out his true face and identity before starting the next hunting action.

I don't know if the major forces are preparing something secretly, or there are really many people who couldn't get there in time because they couldn't get away.

In just over two days, strange fighters came in an endless stream, and silently added new wooden houses or tents on the hillsides on both sides of the Wulun Valley, so that the number of people in the valley continued to increase, and even broke through Two hundred thousand mark.

People can't help but secretly stunned, there are so many warriors in this world, this warrior conference is really a big international event.

But there are also sensitive people who noticed that there was an undercurrent surging in the entire Wulun Valley, and the atmosphere became more and more depressing as time went on, making people feel as if their chest was blocked by a big rock.

Ding Ning knew nothing about the changes in the outside world,

At this moment, he was staring dumbfounded at the brand new world in front of him, with a strange look on his face. He didn't expect that the world of white sand, which he couldn't find anywhere, would come in just like this in a daze.

Time goes back to the moment when Millers wrapped him in a blood whirlwind and used the red blood dance to infiltrate his wounds to forcibly transform his blood and turn it into his blood slave.

In the beginning, Millers' first hug in disguise did have a certain impact on Ding Ning, causing him to suffer from shortness of breath, and his body became uncontrollable, as if having some kind of magical activity, it was constantly devouring him. and rushing along the veins, trying to forcefully reach his brain and control his thoughts.

It's a pity that Duke Millers doesn't know that Ding Ning is the awakener of the three bloodlines, any bloodline is the most noble bloodline in this world, and the mere bloodline wants to occupy the magpie's nest and replace it , It's just a silly dream.

Not to mention that Millers is just a blood duke who has just been promoted, even the blood of the ancestor of the blood clan is just scum before the three bloodlines.

So, before the dizzy Ding Ning could take any countermeasures, a certain bloodline that was irritated became angry and started to burn spontaneously, burning Milles' blood into nothingness in an instant.

That's right, it's burning. This seems to be some kind of blood magic power that Ding Ning has not yet activated. Unlike Milles' burning blood essence, which will consume essence, it will increase combat effectiveness without depleting essence blood.

The way to improve combat power is actually very similar to the second personality and enchantment, but it seems to be quite different.

With a soft puff, Ding Ning watched in bewilderment as the bloody tornado was crushed and shattered by the majestic force seeped from his body's burning blood essence, and disappeared invisible.

And his body was constantly inflating and inflating under the huge increase of energy in his body, allowing him to re-experience the feeling when he was filled with the energy of the dryad.

It's just that this kind of swelling doesn't feel the danger of exploding. It just makes his body grow continuously, and even his bones and skin grow with the swelling. In a blink of an eye, he turned into a huge giant with a height of more than 30 meters. .

The unprecedented sense of power made Ding Ning feel that there was endless strength all over his body, without any sense of abruptness, as if this power itself belonged to him, but now he was taking it out and using it.


The vast power coming from his limbs and bones made him scream loudly, and the terrifying sound waves actually formed a circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye, crazily surging around like a shock wave... spreading...

Everything it passed swept over everything, instantly forming a terrifying sandstorm that would destroy the world.

The stone man on his chest hadn't moved for a long time, but at this moment, he suddenly felt faintly hot, and golden tadpole runes appeared in his mind, allowing him to instantly comprehend a kind of blood magic power - burning golden blood.

Millers was dumbfounded the moment the bloody tornado dissipated. He stared blankly at Ding Ning, who suddenly turned into a towering giant with a height of more than 30 meters. He opened his mouth wide and looked up at Ding Ning with difficulty.

Suddenly, he felt how small he was. Ding Ning's toes were thicker than his waist.

Especially the coercion from the bloodline level made Millers feel a strong sense of pride. He felt that it was a miracle that he had provoked this terrifying guy many times before and he was still alive. It was impossible for ordinary people to do it.

Then, he was in a tragedy. Ding Ning opened his mouth, and the instinctive intuition of danger from the depths of his soul made his scalp explode, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. He began to burn blood without hesitation, and fled away at the fastest speed.

It's a pity that Ding Ning's size is really too big. Even though his speed has surpassed the speed of sound, he was not immune to the terrifying sound waves that swept everything. After flying a thousand meters, he was drowned by the invisible sound waves.

Millers was completely desperate. His body and wings were ruthlessly destroyed by the sound waves, and he fell directly from midair to the ground. Even with the tenacious vitality of the blood race, he didn't think he could survive the sound waves by chance.

Just when he was on the verge of death, a white sandstone mixed in the desert continued to expand before his eyes, and the next moment, the sound wave destroyed half of his head.

Finally, is it still dead?

When Millers was silently accepting death, the seemingly meaningless white sandstone suddenly flickered with weak space fluctuations, making him feel as if he had passed through a soft curtain of water. In a vibrant green world.

The terrifying sandstorm and terrifying sound waves completely disappeared, and the place was quiet and serene. Tears welled up in Milles' eyes, and he greedily took a deep breath of the air full of thick water vapor.

Without the fear of death, one would not know how precious life is. Millers secretly made up his mind that if he could survive this time, he would definitely stay as far away from that terrifying monster as Ding Ning in the future. To provoke him.

However, the next moment he watched sadly that Ding Ning had returned to his original state, and appeared in front of his only half head, looking at the world curiously with pure eyes.

Ding Ning hadn't carefully realized the magical effect of Burning Gold Blood when he suddenly found that Milles' breath of life had disappeared. Stepped into the world that has never been found everywhere.

It wasn't that he was kind and didn't want to kill Millers, but that he was very interested in the blood of the vampires, and planned to catch this guy and lock him up for study.

Just kidding, rebirth from a drop of blood is something that immortal-level powerhouses can only do after tempering undead blood. Why can the blood race do this, which aroused his strong interest.

Although the blood in his body seems to look down on the blood of the blood clan, Ding Ning does not dislike it at all. After all, he is still a doctor in essence, and no matter how noble his blood is, it cannot be transferred to others.

If the secret of rebirth and longevity can be discovered from the blood of the blood race, maybe the fate of human beings will be changed accordingly.

In order to prolong their lifespan, the demons did not hesitate to cooperate with the god-descendant organization. It can be seen that whether it is a short-lived species like the human race or the demon race, they all have a strong pursuit and desire for longevity.

Ding Ning didn't look at Millers, and looked at this brand new world with great interest. This world gave him a completely different feeling from the Sunset Continent and the Kunpeng World.

This place is full of vitality, tall trees and exotic flowers and plants are everywhere, and the spiritual energy content in the air is quite high, forming a trace of spiritual mist, making him feel as if he has come to a fairyland.

But he didn't know why, it was clear that the place was full of green grass and flowers, but he always had a faint feeling that this place was not as vibrant as it appeared on the surface, as if the superficial prosperity was covering up its weakness and loneliness.

This feeling is very strange, and Ding Ning doesn't know why he feels this way, but he has this feeling inexplicably.

The prosperity is about to come to an end, this world seems to be coming to an end, decay and decline is its final destination, Ding Ning can't help showing a touch of pity.

The inexplicable emotion, strange pity, and strange familiarity made Ding Ning feel a sudden pain in his heart. It seemed that this world had some special connection with him, just like the most familiar stranger.

But when he calmed down and felt it carefully, that feeling suddenly disappeared, which made him laugh out loud. It seemed that he was thinking too much.

This is the first time I have come to this place, how could I have anything to do with this world, it is really whimsical.

Millers wants to cry, Nima, if you want to kill or cut, you can also say something, so you don't even look at me, what does this mean? Are you trying to scare me to death?

"Do you want to die or live?"

Ding Ning suddenly spoke lightly.

Millers was shocked, what do you mean? Do you still have a way out? How can it be? Doesn't this guy want to kill himself? How could he let himself go.

"Don't pretend to be dumb. I know that your vampires have very tenacious vitality. Even if there is only a drop of blood left, you can recover. Tell me a good word. If you want to die, I will fulfill you. If you want to live, I will give you a way to survive."

Ding Ning said impatiently.

"Don't, if you want to live, of course you want to live."

After experiencing the horror between life and death, Millers has an extremely strong desire to survive. As long as he can live, he can be allowed to betray the Dark Council. Of course, it is not impossible to betray the blood race.

"Just want to live, then you should recover quickly, time is running out, I'm still waiting to explore the secret realm in this secret realm."

Ding Ning looked at Millers with great interest, his expression was as if he was waiting to watch a movie, only a drink and popcorn were missing.

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