Medical Sovereign

1655th 9-star red ant king

Watching this scene, Ding Ning's heart was beating like tiredness, and he swallowed dryly, only feeling bitterness in his mouth.

He had a terrible guess that those ants with spots were formed by breaking through the nine golden stripes through continuous evolution.

That is to say, those spotted ants that are tentatively called one star and two stars are more powerful existences than the ants with nine golden stripes.

It is difficult to compare the strength of ants with the cultivation of humans, but he is very clear that the strength of Ba Dao Gang is not weaker than that of human warriors in the middle stage of true martial arts. If it is not that ants do not know how to cultivate and martial arts like humans, maybe Human warriors in the middle stage of the real martial arts world may not be opponents of eight-way sticks.

The strength of the Nine Dao Gang should be much stronger than that of the Eight Dao Gang. It is conservatively estimated that at least it must be at the peak of the true martial arts realm of human beings.

According to this level of strength, a one-star ant is at least equivalent to the existence of a strong human being in the early stage of the Shenwu Realm, while two-star and three-star ants should be the mid-to-late stage of the Shenwu Realm respectively.

That is to say, the four-star and five-star red ants are probably equivalent to the existence of Shengwu junior middle school.

If this is the case, it means that the enemy he is about to face will be a large group of terrifying ants that are at least equivalent to the late stage of Zhenwu.

You know, although there are only four five-star ants, there are hundreds of four-star ants, thousands of two-star and three-star ants, and more than ten thousand one-star ants.

Thinking that he was about to be besieged by tens of millions of powerhouses at the lowest level of true martial arts, Ding Ning's forehead was covered with cold sweat, it was too terrifying. Facing such a terrifying number and strength of enemies, let alone him, even Human Sovereign might have to run away.

Therefore, Ding Ning turned around and ran without hesitation, even though he was already blocked by a team of five-star red ants behind him, it was better than facing four five-star ants after encircling him.

"What are you? Why are you following my child?"

Just when Ding Ning was gritting his teeth and was about to fight his way out, a mental wave suddenly sounded in his mind.

Ding Ning suddenly stopped, looking in horror at a red ant that had no wings but was suspended in the air out of thin air. , There are nine golden spots on the crystal clear body, and the body exudes a terrifying aura.

Ding Ning didn't dare to move, his intuition told him that this terrifying ant king definitely had the power to kill him instantly.


Ding Ning stared blankly at the nine-star red ant who did not know when it was following behind him, his mouth was bitter and he was speechless for a long time.

Nima, the nine-star red ant, according to his previous ranks, isn't this ant king the least and the superpower at the pinnacle of ecstasy.

"Hey, why do you look so familiar to me, as if I've seen you somewhere before."

Just when Ding Ning was terrified, thinking that the human emperor's hand should not be able to reach here, and whether he could release the crane ancestor to kill all directions, the nine-star red ant king said to himself, tilting his head and thinking hard .

Ding Ning's throat rolled quietly, but his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking that this is the first time for me to come, how could you look familiar to me? Could it be that there were humans in this world once?


The Red Ant King didn't seem to remember where he had seen Ding Ning, and turned into an afterimage and went straight to Ding Ning, scaring Ding Ning so much that he almost didn't pee.

Just when he was about to summon Crane Ancestor desperately, the Red Ant King stopped before Ding Ning's eyes completely ignoring the laws of inertia, looked him up, down, left, and right, and said, "What race are you from? , I seem to have a memory, but I can’t remember it.”

Ding Ning's heart hung tightly in his throat. The Red Ant King possessed the power to instantly kill him, and he was so close to him. He was not sure that he could escape its instant kill before summoning He Zu.

Therefore, he wisely chose to answer the Red Ant King's question: "I am a human being, and I strayed into this world unintentionally, not intending to offend."

After all, if you can talk, you can communicate with each other, and maybe you can leave safely without using your hands.

After witnessing the terrifying strength of the red ant colony, Ding Ning has completely extinguished his plan to include the red ant colony in his pocket. It's too frightening. Who knows what unpredictable consequences will happen if they are brought to the earth.

"Human Race? What is Human Race?"

Just when Ding Ning was secretly feeling uneasy, the red ant that had fought with him earlier jumped onto the red ant king with a squeak, and asked curiously in a childish voice.

Seeing that the red ant king took it for granted, he seemed to be extremely doting on this underage ant, which made Ding Ning secretly call it a bad time, and unexpectedly bumped into the princess of the red ant clan.

Yes, it is the princess, because the voice of this little ant turned out to be that of a girl.

"You mean, you entered the Langya Realm by accident? Can you tell me how you entered?"

The red ant king seemed to be a little excited and asked, but he ignored the little ant's question directly, and was so angry that it grabbed the two antennae of the red ant king and pulled it there.

"This is Langya Realm? Isn't it Langya Secret Realm?"

Ding Ning asked in astonishment.

To be honest, he was a little surprised by the question asked by the red ant king. According to the queen ant, it seems that there are often ants in the desert of ten thousand ants that will accidentally enter the world of white sand.

If this is the case, the red ant king should have been used to foreign creatures long ago. How could he be so excited? This is very abnormal.

"What is Langya Secret Realm? Our ant tribe ancestors have lived here for countless years, and this place has always been called Langya Realm."

The Red Ant King asked suspiciously because he didn't know why.

"Have you never seen alien creatures?"

Ding Ning felt that something was wrong, it seemed to be very different from what he had imagined.

"No, you are the first alien creature I have seen, can you tell me how you came to Langya Realm?"

The Red Ant King seemed to be very interested in Ding Ning, and he forgot to appease the sulking precious girl, and said emotionally: "I have always suspected that there is another world outside the Langya Realm, but unfortunately, I have never been able to find the exit. See you now To you, to prove that my guess is not wrong, there are indeed other worlds outside."

Seeing that the Red Ant King didn't seem to be malicious, Ding Ning was secretly relieved. After briefly introducing the situation in the Three Realms, he explained why the Langya Realm was called the Langya Secret Realm.

When the Red Ant King heard that the Langya Realm was actually a world contained in a magic weapon, he was stunned. He couldn't accept this statement at all, and shook his head repeatedly saying it was impossible.

"There is nothing you can do if you don't believe me. I can't prove it now, but I can prove that there is another world outside this world. I came in through the Ten Thousand Ant Desert."

Ding Ning shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and secretly increased his vigilance, lest the red ant king would become angry and violently kill people.

"Desert of Ten Thousand Ants? Wait, why do I feel so familiar?"

The red ant king suddenly raised his head, his compound eyes flashed with humanized thinking, and he fell into deep thought again.

Ding Ning spread out his hands speechlessly, and reached out to summon the Queen Ant, "Please explain, didn't you say that you have been to this restricted area?"

The queen ant was summoned out of nowhere, and feeling the terrifying pressure of the red ant king, her whole body was trembling with fright, but she replied honestly: "I did come here, but I fainted not long after I came in." In the past, when I woke up, I had already returned to the Ten Thousand Ant Desert, and I had the formula of ant paste in my mind."

"What did you say? Ant slurry? You can brew ant slurry?"

The red ant king was instantly agitated, grabbed the two front legs of the queen ant, and asked expectantly.

"Yes, yes my lord, I can brew ant jelly."

Like an angry little daughter-in-law, the queen ant didn't dare to resist at all, and said timidly.

"Okay, that's great. Since my beloved wife passed away, no one in my blood jade ant clan can brew ant pulp. It's really endless for my blood jade ant clan."

The red ant king looked up to the sky excitedly and laughed, which made Ding Ning's hair stand on end. This ant laughs like a human, it sounds really scary.

"Okay, great, father, is Ning Ning going to have a new mother again?"

The ant princess also danced and said excitedly.

Ding Ning has black lines all over his face, Ning Ning? Does this ant girl have Ning in her name?

"Yes, my princess, that, you will be my queen from now on, can you?"

The red ant king said happily, and asked the queen ant in a gentlemanly manner.

Ding Ning is a little confused, this plot is wrong, the queen ant is his spiritual pet, why is he given to the queen by the red ant king?

The queen ant glanced at Ding Ning anxiously, but didn't agree immediately. It is now Ding Ning's spiritual pet, and must obey the master's orders.

Therefore, although it is willing to become the queen of the red ant king in its heart, it does not dare to disobey the wishes of its master, Ding Ning, let alone it has a group to take care of.

"Sorry, Your Excellency the Red Ant King, it is my spiritual pet, and I am afraid it cannot become your queen."

Ding Ning was secretly ready to call Hezu at any time, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Well, that's really... sorry, if it is possible, this respected human being, can you let your ant queen teach the method of brewing ant pulp to my clan's ant queen, I am willing to give blood jade in exchange ,May I?"

However, the Red Ant King didn't push others as hard as Ding Ning thought, but made a very reasonable request.

"no problem."

Ding Ning's favor for it increased greatly, and he agreed immediately. As for the blood jade, he didn't care about it. The values ​​​​of ants are completely different from those of humans. What they care about, humans may not care about.

"That's great, respected human being, I sincerely invite you to visit our ant palace with your spiritual pet, and I would like to invite you to honor me."

Seeing that Ding Ning agreed so happily, the Red Ant King's tone became more enthusiastic.

In fact, Ding Ning really didn't want to go, after all, his time was very limited, and he hadn't had time to explore this world yet.

But since he promised the red ant king to let the queen ant teach the method of brewing ant pulp to the blood jade ant tribe, he naturally couldn't break his promise, so he could only nod and agree: "You are too polite, red ant king, to accept you. It's my honor to invite you, but as I said, I don't have much time, we still have to proceed as soon as possible."

"Who are you to be teleported away soon?"

The Red Ant King said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, we can only stay for three days in the Langya Secret... world, and today is the third day, and I still have at most two hours before being sent out, so we still have to Hurry up."

Ding Ning didn't hide anything, and spoke quickly.

"That, respected human..."

Before the Red Ant King could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ding Ning: "You are welcome, Red Ant King. My name is Ding Ning. Just call me Ding Ning."

"Uh, okay, Ding Ning, that's it. I saw you suddenly summon this beautiful lady just now. I want to ask, do you have any treasures that can carry living things?"

The Red Ant King asked expectantly.

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