Medical Sovereign

1694th time and space disorder

However, if there is external interference, these floating objects that originally have a fixed trajectory will change their trajectory, and may collide with other floating objects, and the collision of floating objects will bloom for a moment of light.

This intrigued him, so he tried to manipulate his own power to change the gauge of certain floating objects, and let them collide with other floating objects, blooming brightly like fireworks, which soon became a boring experience for him. In the dark life, the only pleasure is to find sequins.

But he doesn't know that his fun has caused amazing changes in the collapsing world outside.

Ding Ning didn't know if he was alive or dead, the space collapsed faster and faster, the mountain and river turtle had almost lost its foothold, took a deep breath, and was about to use its thick and hard carapace to forcefully cross the collapsed area to check Ding Ning's life and death, when suddenly The change brought it to a halt.

The ever-spreading space collapsed, and with a dazzling white light shining, it suddenly fell into a static state.

Although the white light disappeared in an instant, the speed of the space collapse obviously slowed down, and then, with the continuous flashing of the white light, the space collapse showed faint signs of stopping.

Shanhe Turtle looked at the flashes of white light in amazement, and with the experience of living for endless years, it naturally recognized it at a glance, it was the power of the law of time.

The collapse of space is a terrible natural disaster that even the immortal gods avoid, and only the power of time and space can restrain it.

It's just that this is a world doomed to be destroyed. Who on earth can pull the string of the origin of time and space? Let it curb the spread of space collapse.

Could it be that kid? No, it's impossible, what kind of cultivation is he, how could he touch the power of time and space that even Tianzun covets but is elusive?

Shanhe Turtle couldn't help thinking of Ding Ning, but he quickly denied it. After all, although Ding Ning's future is full of countless possibilities, his current level of cultivation is too low, and it is extremely difficult to connect to the law of time and space, let alone the highest level. The origin of time and space of layers.

That is the original power that can freely travel through time and space channels, reverse the universe, change fate, and even the heavens are helpless.

The belly of the mountain and river turtle is a world of its own, able to travel freely in space, it is a well-deserved power of space, even the law of time has been comprehended, but it will take a long time to comprehend the origin of time and space, so it is not at all He believes that this is a level that monks of Ding Ning's level can touch.

But how did it know that Ding Ning's spirit was crushed and shattered by the force of space collapse, but it was shattered because of the protection of the dark source, which made him accidentally enter the source of time and space, and even changed the orbit of time and space for fun.

Ding Ning didn't know what the trajectories of these movements meant, and he was still having fun for himself, watching the floating objects collide with each other because of changing their trajectories, blooming a flash of light, adding a little bit to his boring life. pleasure.

But while playing around, Ding Ning discovered a very interesting phenomenon, those floating objects would be annihilated after colliding, but as the trajectory remained unchanged, these annihilated floating objects would recondense after a short while.

This made him, who was already very intelligent, look thoughtful. Could it be that the end of destruction is new life? The end of death is rebirth?

He is very inquisitive, and found this topic very interesting, so he began to control himself to float into the trajectory one by one, constantly changing the trajectory of the floating objects, letting them collide in pairs, and then observing whether they will reappear .

Just as he was enjoying himself in the experiment, the time and space in Langya Realm changed, and a violent space fluctuation came, and a huge black hole suddenly appeared, and the expression of the mountain river turtle changed drastically. Among them, whoosh disappeared without a trace.

In the secret realm of Langya, only the frightened and angry curses of the mountain and river turtles echoed constantly, "I'm a grass,

Your uncle. "

The black hole disappeared quickly after swallowing the mountain and river turtles, and there was another burst of time and space changing. The flood flowed back into the river, the Nulong River roared, the imprint of the stele forest flickered, the magma retreated back to the volcano, the ice water condensed into ice, and formed in a blink of an eye. Glaciers, space collapse areas are constantly being repaired...

Everything together, like a movie rewinding, keeps going back and forth and back...

The worst thing is the mountain and river turtle, which keeps flashing in Langya Secret Realm, returning to the scene where it turned into a crystal turtle shell and stumbled Ding Ning for a while, then returned to the scene when chatting with Pikachu, and returned to the scene where it showed murderous intent While staring at Jiangdi Ding Ning's back...

But after so many opportunities, it was still unable to keep it, and it still disappeared into this world after all, as if it had never appeared before.

The space-time disorder is still continuing. At one point, Ding Ning may have been playing for a long time without any tricks, and a little irritatedly controlled all the floating objects to converge on the same track, causing them to collide at the same time.


As if the sky was falling apart, the dark world seemed unable to withstand the collision of these floating objects, and a violent explosion occurred unexpectedly.

The mountains and rivers flow backwards, and the sky and the earth change color.

Ding Ning was dumbfounded, his whole body was uncontrollably blasted by the aftermath, which shattered his spirit that had just been gathered together again, his eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

With beautiful mountains and clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers, this is a world full of vitality!

Ding Ning woke up in a daze, sat up, and stared blankly at this strange yet familiar world.

He seems to have been to this world, but he can't remember it, he can't even remember who he is, only some fragmented memory fragments flash in his mind, but he can't figure out why thing.

Suddenly, I felt that my butt was a little tight, and I stretched out my hand to touch it back, and found a strange stone filled with flowing clouds.

"What a beautiful stone."

Ding Ning's eyes lit up, and he couldn't put it down to play with it. He instinctively found that there seemed to be some kind of energy that he longed for in the stone.

He subconsciously absorbed the energy contained in the stone, and the feeling of rapid replenishment made him feel refreshed and beautiful.


There were slight noises. Although Ding Ning lost his memory, his instinctive vigilance was still there. He entered the invisible state without hesitation, and tiptoedly looked in the direction of the sound.

Hey, a little ant, such a strange little ant.

But what was so strange about it, he couldn't say it, it seemed to be very different from the ants in his impression, but he didn't remember what the ants in his impression looked like.

The whole body of this ant is crystal yellow, if it hadn't been crawling all the time, Ding Ning would have thought it was just a work of art carved out of topaz, which made him feel a sense of love.

The yellow ant seems to have low intelligence, its compound eyes are full of curiosity and confusion, and its somewhat cautious way of probing its head looks extremely cute.


There was another undetectable soft sound behind him, Ding Ning let out his consciousness to look, and couldn't help feeling tense in his heart.

I saw a lizard staring at the cute little yellow ant with its cold eyes. It climbed silently and kept approaching the little yellow ant. As long as it came within a certain range, it would stick out its tongue , eat this little ant.

"Grandma, it's really worthless for such a big man to treat a small ant as food."

Ding Ning muttered unhappily, looked at the little yellow ant who knew nothing about the danger, and sighed helplessly, "That's all, acquaintance is fate, I will give you a fortune."

After finishing speaking, Ding Ning condensed a big hand with spiritual power, grabbed the lizard's neck, and threw it viciously into the distance.


The life breath of the lizard suddenly disappeared, which surprised Ding Ning. He saved the little yellow ant just because of the chance. In his eyes, the lizard is not a heinous creature. After all, the weak eat the strong to achieve ecological balance. This is the law of nature. There was no intention of killing the lizard.

His consciousness swept over him, making him gasp again. The place where the lizard fell was not its body, but an extremely inconspicuous white gravel. This made him extremely curious. Since the lizard did not die, where did it go? He couldn't believe that the lizard could disappear without a sound under his nose.

Now Ding Ning does not have much memory, and is full of curiosity about all new things. He glanced at the little yellow ant who knew nothing about everything and was still looking around curiously. I didn't know it was really a kind of happiness.

Tapping the ground lightly with his toes, Ding Ning quietly landed on the place where the lizard disappeared. His divine sense was released to investigate carefully. Soon, the white gravel caught his attention, because he could faintly detect the fluctuation of space from above. .

This made Ding Ning suddenly realize that the white gravel was a teleportation portal, and the lizard was accidentally thrown into the portal by himself, so he went to another world.

He wanted to explore it, but when he thought that he didn't even know who he was now, he immediately stopped thinking about it. After he figured out what this place was, he went to study this space portal carefully.

He casually took a pile of soil and buried it on the white gravel to hide it. His spiritual consciousness glanced at the little yellow ant again, and saw that it was always looking around curiously.

Ding Ning looked thoughtful. According to the time and distance when he found the little yellow ant, and its strange expression, it is very likely that this little yellow ant came from the world outside Baishamen.

This made him smile wryly and shook his head. This little yellow ant is really ignorant and fearless. With its small body, it has no possibility of surviving in this world. Any creature that comes out here can eat it Not even bones left.

"That's all, since there is a destiny, then I will be a good person to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and go back where you came from."

Feeling compassionate, Ding Ning shook his head with a wry smile, and conjured up spiritual power to pinch the little yellow ant with his big hands, about to send it back to its original world.

When the little yellow ant kicked its legs, it was so frightened that it fainted. Ding Ning couldn't laugh or cry. It's really interesting that such a small man dared to come here.

But Ding Ning felt a little guilty when he thought that the little yellow ant must have known the danger before, so he was always tense, so he couldn't defend himself from being caught and fainted from fright.

Although his original intention was for the good of the little yellow ant, he didn't even care about the danger and came to explore this world just to change his fate. If he sent it back by himself like this, wouldn't he cut off his hope.

"Forget it, you little guy is lucky. I have a method of brewing ant pulp in my memory. Let me pass it on to you now."

Ding Ning found out that there was a method of brewing ant pulp in his memory. He couldn't help laughing secretly. Who the hell was he? How could he even know the skills of ants? If it was transmitted to the little yellow ant, it should be regarded as compensation for it.

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