Medical Sovereign

1718th manservant

This made Ding Ning secretly rejoice. Fortunately, although the giant he transformed into was a little slower, he was very flexible and didn't have this defect. Otherwise, if he fell down, it would be easy for the enemy to take advantage of him.

Woo hoo!

Zhao Shu roared angrily, but it was of no avail. His huge body made it impossible for him to get up quickly. In addition, although Ding Ning's attacks were not fatal, they continued like continuous silk rain.

And every time he hit the key part of his support when he was about to get up, the pain was so painful that he couldn't bear it.


So, Ding Ning stared blankly at Zhao Shu who was crying like a child on the ground. This time he was not roaring, but was really beaten and cried. The crying one was sad, with snot and tears After wiping his face, he was already so ugly that he couldn't see people, but now he became even uglier.

Ding Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Nima, it's really like a child playing house, rolling and crying on the ground if he can't beat him, whose habit is this?

It's just that, after all, Ding Ning was too embarrassed to make another move. Now Zhao Shu has lost his insidiousness and cunning, and is just an ugly and unsightly brat.

"Are you convinced?"

Although Ding Ning didn't continue to attack, he would not relax his vigilance, and stepped on his head and asked condescendingly.


Zhao Shu grumbled a few times, not knowing what he was expressing.

"I ask you if you accept it?"

Ding Ning impatiently kicked him, and asked viciously.


He didn't seem to be able to speak, and he could only make such a sound, but Ding Ning could feel from his curled up body and the fear in his tone that he was saying that he was convinced.

"Hmph, since you are convinced, be obedient, don't struggle, don't have any thoughts of resistance, otherwise, hum!"

After Ding Ning finished speaking aggressively, he felt that what he said sounded very evil, and he couldn't help but feel a chill. He looked around guiltily, but fortunately no one heard him, otherwise he would be embarrassing.

Woo hoo!

I don't know if Zhao Shu understood, and he responded a few more times, leaving Ding Ning speechless. It seems that even the Hulk needs to master a few languages.

He squatted down, put his hands on Zhao Shu's head, which was not much smaller than the dining table, and began to genetically modify him.

The reason why it is not placed elsewhere is because his whole body is covered with bluish-yellow sarcoid tumors, except on his head, so that he will not be so disgusting.

Zhao Shu shivered for a while, as if he was really scared by Ding Ning's beating, he didn't have any intention of resisting, and let him modify his genes.

Teleportation, finally arrived.

A smile suddenly bloomed on Ding Ning's face. He was so beautiful in his heart that he finally fell into his stomach. He was afraid that genetic modification would not be able to activate this ability that he coveted. Now, he finally felt relieved.

"Hey! The mechanical specialization ability and the danger prediction ability."

But then Ding Ning uttered a bewildered look on his face. No wonder Zhao Shu found out that he was following him and arranged for the black-robed sage to ambush him.

He thought that Zhao Shu accidentally discovered his whereabouts, but he didn't expect that it was the danger prediction ability that was causing the trouble.

This made Ding Ning feel ecstatic. Although he also has an intuition similar to the sixth sense of danger, he can only detect it at the moment of danger.

But this danger prediction function can have a warning sign similar to a premonition before something happens. No wonder this Zhao Shu is elusive, making me want to kill him countless times but can't find him. Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck is definitely an extremely rare and rare ability.

There is also the mechanical specialization ability, which is also a rare ability that is quite against the sky.

If it is a mechanical thing, you can quickly understand the principle of mechanical work by touching it with your hands, and it will be amplified to a certain extent.

For example, means of transportation such as cars, airplanes or ships, even if you have never touched them before,

But with the mechanical specialization ability, you can be like an old driver when you get started, not to mention driving away skillfully, but also increase its speed.

The most frightening thing is that this ability is equally effective for all mechanical things, including firearms. Even if you have never fired a gun, as long as you hold it in your hand, you can instantly become a sharpshooter. It can also control the speed and power of bullets. Make an increase.

"This time it's really a big profit."

After Ding Ning figured out the two abilities of buy one get two free, he was stunned, and then he couldn't help but burst into ecstasy. This time, he really made a lot of money.

He never thought that Zhao Shu would awaken these two rare and absolutely practical abilities. Now, they are all cheap.

Not to mention the danger prediction ability, just the mechanical specialization ability made him laugh from ear to ear, just kidding, he can combine a car with a car when driving, and a gun with a gun when shooting. It's so hilarious.


Just when he was so happy that he couldn't find the north, a burst of loud snoring sounded, interrupting his reverie.

Zhao Shu fell asleep?

Seeing his sleeping state, Ding Ning's face became cloudy and weird, and he was determined to kill this vicious guy before.

But at this moment, he was a little bit reluctant, because after harvesting the three abilities, he discovered that Zhao Shu had actually established a spiritual connection with him and became his servant.

This was the first human servant he had accepted, and it also meant that Zhao Shu would never pose any threat to him in the future.

If it was someone else, he would naturally happily accept it. After all, a servant with three abilities can also help him a lot.

But Zhao Shu, the crimes he committed are too numerous to write down, so letting him go like this is really hard to get over the hurdle in his heart.

But if he just killed him like this, Ding Ning felt a little unwilling. After all, he is no longer Zhao Shu, but a green-skinned monster.

Just when he fell into deep entanglement, the sleeping Zhao Shu was quietly changing. I don't know if he modified the gene to offset the side effects of the gene potion he took, so that his green skin faded quickly and his height also rapidly increased. Returned to the appearance of a normal person.

And the pustular sarcoma all over the body also disappeared, and turned into a pale golden skin with a slight metallic luster, but his appearance was quite different from the original Zhao Shu, with less femininity and more masculinity. , less handsome, more rough.

Ding Ning was amazed. It was the first time he had seen a person transform into another person due to genetic transformation. This is a topic worthy of research.

So, he finally made a decision not to kill him for the time being, and keep him for later, but before that, he needs to find his sister first.

"Woke up!"

Ding Ning kicked Zhao Shu unceremoniously and kicked him far away, but the snoring sound remained the same, Zhao Shu showed no sign of waking up, and continued to sleep soundly there.

"Hey, strange, how could this be?"

Ding Ning knew how much strength he used in this kick. Although he decided to let this guy go temporarily, it didn't mean that he was out of breath, so the strength in this kick was not light.

But this guy didn't seem to feel anything, he didn't even wake up, and in the spiritual connection, he was indeed still asleep, which made Ding Ning secretly surprised.

Could it be that although this guy counteracted the side effects of the gene drug, he still inherited the Hulk's copper skin and iron bones?

Ding Ning became more and more interested in him. He pricked him with needles and splashed it with water. He exhausted all means to wake him up and wanted to ask about his sister's whereabouts, but he blinked his confused eyes with a blank face. overwhelmed

, Ding Ning was depressed to learn that this guy had completely turned into another person and lost all his memories.

"If I can find my sister, I will forgive you this time. If I can't find it, you can wait to be buried with her."

Angrily, Ding Ning grabbed his collar and threatened fiercely.


But this guy nodded his head, his eyelids kept getting heavy, and before Ding Ning could finish speaking, he fell asleep snoring again.

Ding Ning punched and kicked him angrily, but he was shocked to find that this guy's skin was terribly thick, and after beating for a long time, he was still sleeping soundly as if he didn't feel it.

"D, that's really weird."

Ding Ning angrily took him into the Yaoling Ring, threw him into the pigsty where the pigs were kept, and said maliciously: "Since you want to sleep, then sleep well."

Zhao Shu, who was the only one who knew her sister's whereabouts, had lost her memory. Ding Ning was very restless. After using the power of thick soil to restore the road to traffic, she took out her mobile phone from the space, only to find that there was a missed call from her sister, and she had just called. Yes, it's not even two minutes.

This made him surprised, happy and nervous, wondering if Kong Lei and the others had found his sister, so he quickly dialed back.

The call was connected quickly, and Ding Ning almost cried with joy when he heard his sister's familiar voice: "Sister, where are you? Are you safe now?"

"I'm right outside the hotel where my mother lives. It's safe now. Qiandai is with me. Where are you now?"

Ding Qianlie told the general story of the matter in a soft voice, which surprised Ding Ning.

He was not too worried about his sister's safety because he knew that Liu Sheng Qiandai must be protecting her all the time, but he never thought that Fan Kun would also be involved in this matter.

Fan Kun also suffered an unreasonable disaster and was implicated by himself, which made him feel a little guilty, and he should say hello to Fan Kun to comfort him, and immediately said: "Sister, it's good that you are fine, then I can rest assured , By the way, where is Fan Kun? Let him answer the phone."

"Fan Kun... Hey, Qiandai, where is the person? He was still here just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Ding Qianlie's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"When you called my brother just now, he suddenly said that he was going to the toilet. I said I was going to the hotel soon, and I would wait until I got to the hotel. He ignored it and left in a panic."

Liu Sheng Qiandai said in a bad tone, that Fan Kun kept staring at them all the way, if she didn't think he was my brother's classmate, she would have slapped him a long time ago.

"Uh, he went to the bathroom."

Ding Qianlie smiled helplessly, and she didn't like the look of "Fan Kun" very much, it was so wretched to death, but she couldn't say much.

"He didn't lose his mobile phone, I'll give him a call later."

Ding Ning didn't care and said casually.

"Well, we've arrived at the entrance of the hotel now, so come here too."

Ding Qianlie said with a little expectation in his tone.

"I...I can't make it through. I've been following that Young Master Su, and I've already left Zhoujiang. Sister, when I see Mom, tell her that I won't see her this time."

Ding Ning wanted to agree to rush over immediately, but suddenly remembered his old appearance, and quickly changed his words with a forced smile.

He obviously missed his mother so much but couldn't meet him, which made him feel very uncomfortable, and his tone couldn't help but carry a hint of disappointment.

"All right, I'll explain to Mom, you must pay attention to safety."

Ding Qianlie sighed secretly, thinking that Ding Ning was not ready to recognize his mother, so he stopped forcing it and told him softly.

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