"Stop, stop, stop, stop talking."

Liu Muyu held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, and looked at him with a strange expression: "A person like you is really scary, there is no desire in front of you, don't you know that you will have no friends?"

Ding Ning grinned, feeling a little smug in his heart, it seemed that his psychological attainments had improved, and judging by Liu Muyu's performance, he should be right.

Seeing Ding Ning's smug expression, Liu Muyu curled her lips and turned her head away from him, muttering in her mouth, "I'll talk nonsense, none of it is right."

"Hehe, I've been studying psychology recently. Just to put it bluntly, it's definitely not that accurate. It's normal to make mistakes. It seems that I have to continue my studies."

Ding Ning saw her guilty conscience, changed his mind, and immediately understood her scruples, and said with a calm smile.

"It's true that you should continue your studies. What you study is not at all accurate."

Liu Muyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, pretending to be dissatisfied and murmured, but in fact she knew very well in her heart that since Ding Ning said that, it meant that he would not tell Xiao Chunan about these inferences, so she was relieved.

"Yeah, the full bottle doesn't make any noise, but my half bottle only rattles. I really should continue my studies."

Ding Ning laughed at himself following her words. |

He knew Liu Muyu's thoughts very well, he just didn't want Xiao Chunan to know that she had thought of marrying Jiang Yang.

Even if it was forced by reality, and it was just an idea but not put into action, for Xiao Chunan, it might be a kind of spiritual betrayal.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if I were Xiao Chunan, even if I could understand her situation at that time, I would definitely feel uncomfortable in my heart, so he would not be such a villain.

It's just that although each other was tacit, there was nothing to say for a while, and the atmosphere inevitably became a little awkward. Liu Muyu continued to put on makeup, but she looked absent-minded.

Ding Ning stood up to break the silence, and said with a smile, "Let me do a magic trick for you."

"What magic?"

Liu Muyu happened to be going down a step, and asked pretendingly curiously.

"Use the restroom."

Ding Ning smiled mysteriously, walked out of the room and went to the bathroom.

Liu Muyu sighed faintly, his face was full of bitterness, his eyes were filled with resentment, and he murmured in a low voice: "Hey, I shouldn't have thought like that at the beginning, but who made you go forever? , I am an unmarried woman with a big belly, lonely and helpless, I have been ridiculed and ridiculed by others, and I have to force myself to smile, how do you know the pain in my heart."

In the bathroom, Ding Ning stripped himself naked, took out the bio-simulation skin and placed it on top of his head, the bio-simulation skin quickly wrapped his whole body like flowing water, and then kneaded his face in front of the mirror, and soon appeared A young him.

"Hey! In order not to worry my daughters-in-law, I have to pretend to be myself. It's easy for me."

Ding Ning muttered to the mirror with a wry smile on his face.

"Ah, why are you young again?"

When Ding Ning came out of the bathroom, Liu Muyu had already put on his makeup. Seeing him recover his original appearance, he opened his mouth wide in surprise. asked incredulously.

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't wake up the fish fillet."

Ding Ning quickly raised his index finger, signaling her to keep her voice down, and then explained: "I had a little accident before, and I was afraid that Nuonuo would be sad, so I deliberately made a disguise."

"Camouflage? Is this a disguise technique? It's amazing."

Liu Muyu opened her eyes wide, walked around Ding Ning, and said in admiration: "It's easy to age less and grow older, but it's hard to age less. With your hand, I dare say that any cosmetics company or filming film

The crews of movies and TV dramas will be scrambling to hire you with a high salary. "

"This is not disguise, but magic."

Ding Ning said with a sullen face, reached out and took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, snapped his fingers in the air with his right hand, a small flame was burning on the fingertips, then lit the fire, and naturally began to swallow clouds and mist,

He didn't smoke for half a day, but he was suffocated.

"Wow, you really know magic tricks. Come on, show me a few more. Yuliu likes to watch people do magic tricks."

Like a little girl who saw her idol, Liu Muyu clasped her hands together in front of her chest, and said excitedly.

Ding Ning rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Do you like to watch magic tricks, or Yuliu likes to watch magic tricks? She's still sleeping, who should I show for?"

"Show me the performance. After I review it and feel qualified, you can perform for the fish fillet."

Liu Muyu said confidently.

Ding Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and felt that he had nothing to say.

Well, all men have vanity, and he is no exception. Although Liu Muyu is the daughter-in-law of his brother-in-law, she is also a beautiful woman after all. Being worshiped by a pleasing beauty can satisfy his vanity. .

What's more, he really likes Xiao Yuliu and wants to make her happy.

As a result, Brother Ning, who had already stood at the pinnacle of martial arts in the world, became a magic performance artist, making countless colorful water bubbles and dancing in the air; After a while, it turned into colorful lights, reflecting the living room as colorfully as a concert scene...

Liu Muyu screamed again and again, her pretty face flushed with excitement, her eyes twinkled with little stars, and she looked like a girl, which greatly satisfied Ding Ning's vanity.

jingle! jingle!

Just as one performer screamed, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Ding Ning was taken aback for a moment, and stopped the performance. He just told Xiao Nuo which neighborhood he was in, but didn't tell her the specific address.

"Aunt Wang should be here."

Liu Muyu looked at Ding Ning with an unsatisfactory expression on his face, and while walking out, he looked at Ding Ning and explained: "Aunt Wang is the nanny I hired. Every day when I go to work, she will be responsible for helping me take care of the children, usually in the morning. I came here early in the morning, and today I asked for leave to take fish fillets to the hospital, so I asked her to buy some food and help me cook lunch."

"You don't know how to cook?"

Ding Ning asked curiously, Liu Muyu worked hard in Ninghai alone, if he couldn't even cook, he really didn't know how the little Yuliu was raised.

"I know how to do it, but my skills are mediocre, and I'm usually very busy. I don't have time to cook. I've changed a lot of nannies. This Aunt Wang's cooking skills are the best, and Xiao Yuliu loves to eat her." cooking."

Liu Muyu explained with a smile.

Ding Ning nodded knowingly, watched Liu Muyu open the door, and warmly greeted Aunt Wang to come in.

"This is Aunt Wang, and this is my friend Ding Ning."

Liu Muyu helped Aunt Wang carry the dishes in her hands very affectionately, and introduced them naturally.

"Mr. Ding, hello!"

Aunt Wang greeted Ding Ning with a smile on her face, but the fire of gossip was burning in her heart.

She has been working as a nanny at Liu Muyu's house for more than a month, and she knows her very well. This is the first time I have seen her bring a man home, and he is a handsome young man. She doesn't believe it even if she dies.

"Aunt Wang... Auntie, you... hello!"

Ding Ning nodded politely, but after seeing Aunt Wang's appearance clearly, his face suddenly became unnatural, and he stammered.


Aunt Wang smiled more ambiguously, and said with something in her words: "Talk slowly, I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

Only then did Liu Muyu realize that Aunt Wang might have misunderstood something, she wanted to explain but she didn't know how to say it, which made her full of confusion and depression.

Ding Ning was slightly relieved when Aunt Wang entered the kitchen, and a look of guilt flashed in his eyes.

This world is really small. He never thought that he would meet Liu Yingying's mother, Chu Yunxiu's good sister, and Wang Shulan, the former wife of the chairman of Shenglong Group, who would act as a nanny for someone here.

Maybe Wang Shulan didn't know him, but it wasn't the first time he saw her. In the past, she would often drive a Mercedes-Benz and go shopping or play cards with Ling Yun's mother, Chu Yunxiu. Several times, it's just that Wang Shulan didn't pay attention to him.

Later, because of the need to deal with Liu Junwei, he investigated the information of his whole family in detail. Wang Shulan is Liu Junwei's aunt and one of the important members of his family. How could he not know him.

What Liu Junwei did was deserved, but his uncle's family was hurt, and a Shenglong Group in Nuoda was swallowed up by whales and snakes in just a short period of time, turning it into a waste of yesterday. It's a pity and a pity.

Although Wang Shulan wanted to match Liu Junwei and Ling Yun at the beginning, which caused him and Ling Yun to almost break up, but from another perspective, as an elder caring about his nephew's life-long affairs, he did nothing wrong, and Ding Ning didn't have any resentment towards her. .

Ding Ning is not a very magnanimous person, and sometimes he is a bit petty, and even revengeful, but he has always been clear about grievances and grievances, and he believes that no harm will be done to his family. Liu Junwei's actions are not known to his uncle's family, so they It was completely implicated by Liu Junwei.

However, his apology is not because of them, but because Liu Yingying once begged him to save her parents, and he agreed at that time, but later, because of Shen Muqing's shooting, he was bitter about Liu Yingying's actions. Huai, I wish I could kill her.

But because of Shen Muqing's request, he promised not to pursue her responsibility, and had a deep talk with her. After learning that her parents were kidnapped and threatened, he did such a thing against her will. The resentment has long since dissipated.

After all, he knew very well in his heart that Liu Yingying was a very sensible, kind and filial girl in essence, but because of his unreliable cousin, such a girl was reduced from a rich lady to relying on her weak shoulders to support her. To the point of taking care of the whole family, it made him feel a little distressed when he thought about it.

Therefore, watching the former rich man put down his face and act as a babysitter in street stalls that he didn't even look at before, he can imagine how difficult Liu Yingying's life is now.

After returning from Burma, although he never saw Liu Yingying again, he still attracted people's attention to Muqing's advertisement. According to the news, Liu Yingying is temporarily in charge of the entire company as acting president. She works very hard, but only With a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan.

Considering Ning Hai's consumption level, this salary is only enough to barely maintain the basic life of their family, not to mention that she has a sick father who needs a lot of money to see a doctor. One can imagine.

Wang Shulan definitely didn't want to see her daughter work so hard, so she put down her figure to work as a nanny to make money to supplement her family.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

Although Ding Ning felt that Liu Junwei was the culprit rather than him, no matter what, the Longteng Group was behind Shenglong Group's collapse and contributed to the flames, sharing the greatest benefits, which indirectly had something to do with him.

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