Medical Sovereign

1746th potential

The power of the mind is a mysterious and mysterious thing. Whether it exists or not is always controversial.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the soul is the soul, an indivisible individual, but after Ding Ning discovered the spirit living in the Shenzang acupoint, he had a completely different view.

The soul is not a single entity, but two separate entities that exist separately. The two depend on each other, but they are indispensable.

A person who has only a soul but no soul cannot survive, and a person who only has a soul but no soul will become an idiot who has no thoughts but only instincts, and lives in a daze all day long.

Then, from a medical point of view, the soul can be interpreted as an energy body that supports the actions of the human body, while the spirit, like the dantian meridian, only exists in ideology, and is the consciousness of the human body to make various behaviors leading.

Does the spirit have power?

The answer is unknown, and it is something that Ding Ning has been struggling to explore.

But he is very clear about one thing, when the spirit and soul are fused together, they will produce some kind of chemical reaction, possessing incredible power.

Where does this strength come from? Ding Ning hasn't come up with a result so far, but he has a vague guess that this kind of power doesn't come from the outside, but breeds within the human body.

It was a very magical power, seemingly endless, but extremely mysterious, even he couldn't find the source.

At this moment, in a flash of inspiration, when he merged his spirit and soul and tried to control the hairpin, a miracle happened.

The hairpin was easily controlled by him to fly in the air, but he didn't feel any strenuous effort. Instead, he felt that it was pointed by his arm, as if he was born to do so.

"how did you do it?"

Xi opened his mouth wide in shock, watching Ding Ning's beautiful eyes sparkle with a strange look. Sure enough, he didn't lie to himself, he really gave birth to spiritual thoughts, but, didn't he say before that he couldn't manipulate objects?

"Is this the spiritual thought?"

Ding Ning didn't answer her question, and murmured to himself in a low voice, but there was a thoughtful look between his brows.

Xi pursed his lips and didn't ask any more, knowing that he was lost in thought again, and he wouldn't talk to anyone in this state.

"I see!"

I don't know how long it took, Ding Ning slapped his hands fiercely, and shouted excitedly, his joy was beyond words.

Xi, who was sleepy and bored, was taken aback, and his sleepiness disappeared immediately. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and muttered dissatisfiedly, "What do you know?"

"Potential is the potential of human beings. Spirituality is the medicine spoon to unlock the potential. Therefore, it possesses incredible magical power. However, since the spirit and soul are usually incompatible, the potential of human beings cannot be developed. Only human beings are in extreme danger. Or when there is a certain strong appeal, because the spirit is in a state of high concentration and tension, it will touch the spontaneous integration of the soul and soul, thereby stimulating the potential of human beings. Therefore, people think that it is the strong desire and belief that create After seeing a miracle, they mistakenly think that it is the power of the soul. In fact, it cannot be wrong, but it is not all right. At least, it is not only the power of the spirit, but also the power of the soul, but the soul does not only refer to the human soul. , and the two souls of heaven and earth. In fact, the spirit and the human soul themselves do not have much power. The real power actually comes from the two souls of heaven and earth. Therefore, when the potential is not stimulated, no one can find out where the potential is hidden. ..."

Ding Ning's eyes were shining brightly, and he talked about his great discovery very quickly. In the end, he found that Xi was full of confusion, obviously not understanding what he was talking about.

Ding Ning slapped his forehead and laughed suddenly. Xi didn't know that the soul was divided into spirit and soul, so how could he understand what he was talking about.

When he fused the spirit and soul, he always paid close attention to all the subtle changes in the process of fusion, but suddenly found that two powerful forces from outside merged into the soul, which surprised him.

When he calmed down and felt carefully for a long time,

His thoughts were magnified countless times, and finally he discovered that the two souls of heaven and earth were instilling energy into him. This discovery made him inexplicably excited. He never thought that the potential of human beings does not come from the human body itself, but from the two souls of heaven and earth.

Where does the power of the two souls of heaven and earth come from? Do they have it themselves, or can they absorb the energy between heaven and earth like a practitioner? This is another new topic that interests him. Perhaps the day he finds the answer is the time for him to crack the greatest mystery of the human body.

"I can understand every word, but I don't understand all the words together. What is spirit?"

Xi asked with a confused face.

Ding Ning didn't hide it, and explained to her in detail what a spirit is, and told her all the changes that happened in her body. By the way, she taught her the method of breathing all things.

After all, Xi is her own woman, and now she is changing from the divine way to the human way, and she may conflict with the divine nature in the future. If she can help her a little bit, even if it can be used as a reference, it is good.

Xi listened very carefully, and after listening thoughtfully, he immediately entered into a state of deep cultivation.

Ding Ning glanced at her with relief, turned around and left quietly. He basically accompanied all the women at home, except Liu Sheng Qiandai who hadn't had time to accompany her.

He deliberately put Liusheng Asai at the end, because the God of Rain was still in his space, which made him a little entangled. He didn't know what choice Liusheng Asai would make after their mother and son met.

ice palace.

Liusheng Qiandai sat under the cherry tree and practiced all night, but she couldn't calm down no matter what, and felt a little secretly sad.

It was almost dawn, and Ding Ning hadn't come to see him yet. Could it be that he had no status in his heart?

Although she doesn't fight or snatch, she doesn't want to be ignored by him, after all, in this world, he is already her only reliance.

Shaking his head self-deprecatingly, just as he was about to get up and go back to his room to rest, he saw the longing figure approaching slowly.

All the grievances in her heart were swept away immediately, and Liu Sheng Qiandai took cheerful steps, threw herself into the embrace of that figure like a pigeon throwing herself into the forest, and said with a happy smile: "You are here."

"What? Afraid I won't come to see you?"

Feeling her cold skin, Ding Ning said lovingly.

He will never forget the girl who stood in front of him without hesitation and stretched out her hands to block bullets for him, so no matter what choice Liu Shengsao will make later, he will not blame her.

"No, I know you will come to see me."

Liu Sheng Qiandai was seen through her thoughts, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she held his arm and pursed her lips with an embarrassed smile.

From the moment she decided to betray the organization, she only lived for him, she was happy when he was happy, and she was sad when he was sad.

Ding Ning glanced at her with complicated eyes, then stretched out his hand and released the still unconscious Rain God: "Who do you think she is?"

"Rain God?"

Liu Sheng Qiandai said in surprise, and gave Ding Ning a puzzled look.

Although the Rain God had shown kindness to her, she thought it was more because they belonged to the same faction, and they didn't know what Ding Ning wanted to do by arresting her.

Ding Ning took a deep look at Liu Sheng Qiandai, took a deep breath and said quietly, "Take off her mask and have a look again."

Liu Shengqiandai glanced at him suspiciously, but obediently reached out to take off the mask of the Rain God. When she saw that haunted face, she was stunned as if struck by lightning.

"Hey! She should be your mother, the mother who should have died long ago in your memory."

Ding Ning sighed quietly and said softly.

"Why? Why is this happening? She is clearly a mother, but why doesn't she recognize me?"

Liu Sheng Qiandai trembled all over, sat down on the ground, muttered to herself with absent-minded eyes.

Ding Ning hugged her from behind distressedly, and gently pressed her face, only to realize that she was already in tears.

He understood Liu Sheng Qiandai's mood very well at the moment, and knew that she could not accept the reality at all, but the fact is the fact, and it is not a solution to avoid it all the time, after all, it is necessary to face it.

"Qiandai, there are many things, and I don't have an answer for the time being, but I know that not only your mother is still alive, but your father is also alive, and he should be a senior member of the Goddess organization. Your mother will wake up soon, you guys Let's have a good talk, no matter what you choose, I will support you."

Ding Tran hugged her quietly, until her mood stabilized a little, then whispered in her ear, after speaking, stood up and left without looking back.

Liu Sheng Qiandai looked at Ding Ning's back with tears in her eyes, and whispered in her mouth: "Husband, thank you for your trust. I betrayed you once and I will never betray you a second time. I love you!"

Ding Ning smiled slightly, and whispered in his heart: "Qiandai, I love you too!"

With his hearing, within a thousand meters, as long as Liu Shengsaidai's voice cannot escape his ears, she made a decision in advance, making him feel relaxed as if he had let go of a boulder stuck in his chest , The mood also becomes better.

In fact, he didn't care whether Liu Sheng Qiandai would leave with Yushen, all he cared about was her mind and attitude, as long as she had him in her heart, he would never leave her until the end of her life.

"After the women are done with me, it's time to get down to business. Time is running out."

Standing by the sea, Ding Ning looked at the white fish belly rising from the sky, listened to the sound of sea water hitting the shore, and whispered to himself.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw an exquisite and graceful figure standing behind him, looking at him with deep eyes.

Ding Ning was startled, and exaggeratedly patted his chest and screamed, "Oh my god, sister Linglong, are you a ghost? You don't even make a sound when you walk."

"You are the ghost."

Ye Linglong rolled her eyes, took a few steps forward and stood side by side with him, without looking at him, and said very calmly: "Also, I am a lone master, your elder, you can't call me sister."

"Then what do I call you? Auntie?"

Ding Ning pretended to be a rascal and said.

"You...Hmph, whatever you want to call you, you can't call me sister anyway."

In terms of bickering, how could Ye Linglong be Ding Ning's opponent, her pretty face flushed with anger, and she said angrily after thinking for a long time.


Ding Ning immediately grasped the language problem, climbed up the pole, and shouted affectionately.

"Go away! No big or small guy."

Ye Linglong was ashamed and angry, and cursed angrily.

Ding Ning likes to see her cute and unresponsive look, and shouted with a smile on her face: "Linglong Linglong!"

"Aren't you bored?"

Ye Linglong rolled her eyes coquettishly, with a helpless expression on her face, but secretly wondering why he didn't get angry when he called her Lingling, and felt very comfortable.

"Tell me, what do you want from me? Don't tell me, you are waiting here early in the morning to watch the sunrise."

Ding Ning understood the principle of stopping when enough is enough, and accepting as soon as it is good, he said straight to the point.


Ye Linglong bit her pink lips lightly, as if hesitating to speak.

Ding Ning put his arms around her shoulders indifferently, and treated her like a brother instead of a woman, and said boldly: "Which one of us is with whom? Why are you being polite to me? Talk to me if you have something to do."

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