Medical Sovereign

1777th God of War

He does not mean that.

Millers' words exploded in Ding Ning's mind like a bolt from the blue, causing his scalp to explode and his blood to surge.

Shoot the sun and bend the bow? It turned out to be shooting the sun and bending the bow? Doesn't that mean that that domineering young man is really Dayi?

You know, the bow for shooting the sun is on his body at this moment, and it was the bow for shooting the sun that Dayi used to shoot the sun back then, but I don't know why it fell into the hands of Emperor Hades in the end.

This made Ding Ning both excited and at a loss of time and space disorder, because Emperor Hades had told him clearly that Dayi was a figure in ancient times, and according to his calculations, Zeus should have arrived on the earth in thousands of years at the earliest. In ten thousand years, Shenzhou should still be in ancient times at that time.

He couldn't figure out why Dayi, a character from ancient times, would appear in Kunlun Mountains in ancient times. Maybe he wasn't Dayi, but maybe he was the descendant of Dayi. Ding Ning couldn't figure it out and could only deduce it this way up.

Of course, his heart was extremely excited, and he didn't know if it was because his cultivation was too low, or because Emperor Hades had tampered with the Three Treasures, so that the Three Treasures in his hands never performed as they should.

But perhaps it is God's will in the dark, Millers' remark, let him see a chance to display the power of the bow that shoots the sun, is the black fire the key to activating the bow that shoots the sun?

Thinking of this, Ding Ning couldn't wait to test the power of the Sun Shooting Bow under the urging of the black fire, so he didn't pay much attention to what Millers was saying.

But he understood the general meaning. Zeus was injured by the black fire. Even though he managed to get rid of the black fire with all his efforts in the end, he also injured the original source, resulting in a short lifespan and a great drop in strength.

When Zeus was at his peak, no matter how arrogant and domineering he was, no one dared to say anything. In addition, this guy’s private life was always chaotic, and he had affairs with many wives of his subordinates. This caused many men in green hats to be angry with him. If you break your teeth, you can only swallow it in your stomach.

But after he was injured, both the sea god Poseidon and the god of the underworld, Hades, were ready to move, and there were so many followers, they were all plotting to take the opportunity to remove Zeus and replace him.

If it weren't for the fact that the angel mercenaries were loyal to him and always protected him, and the strength of the queen Hera should not be underestimated, and his sons and daughters also played many powerful roles, such as the sun god Apollo, the wise war god Athena, Ares, the god of war, Artemis, the moon god, Hephaestus, the god of fire... so that Poseidon and Hades still dare not act rashly, Zeus may have been killed long ago.

But Zeus knew very well that if he continued like this, sooner or later his position would be lost and his end would be miserable, so under such circumstances, he came up with the idea of ​​angel reincarnation.

At this time, the strength of the angels also increased with the Southern and Northern Wars, and seven twelve-winged archangels had evolved, namely the seven archangels Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Sariel, Gabriel, Lemuel and Michael.

Among them, Michael is the strongest, he is the archangel and the leader of the angel mercenaries, and Gabriel is the only angel among the angel mercenaries who appears in female form.

As they advanced to the rank of archangel, their life forms also changed. The angel heart mutated, and multiple new angel hearts could be split like childbirth. A mighty force on Spike Mountain that no one dares to ignore.

What's more, the strength of the seven archangels is not much weaker than that of Zeus in his heyday, and the archangel Michael is even comparable to that of Zeus in his heyday.

Zeus became the object that Poseidon and Hades, the god of the sea, feared and wanted to win over.

Later, Hades, the king of the underworld, received a message from the eyeliner placed beside Zeus,

So I found Michael quietly and told him that Zeus planned to attack the angels to win the angel's heart, and wanted to persuade him to betray Zeus and help him seize the throne, but Michael was upright by nature, so he didn't believe his words at all, and he was merciless They scolded him and drove him away.

Hades, the king of the underworld, walked away angrily, holding a grudge against Michael, so he found Hera, the queen of heaven, and said that he had a way to help Zeus get the angel's heart and restore his lifespan and strength.

Although Hera was extremely wary of Hades, she was her own brother and sister after all, and naturally she would not tear herself apart with him until there was no conclusive evidence that he wanted to rebel.

What's more, although she was annoyed that Zeus was messing around all day long, she was her husband after all. If he died, her position as the queen might not be guaranteed, so she became interested after hearing Hades' words, and let He talked about it in detail.

Hades, the king of the underworld, took out the blood essence of the dark bat and gave it to Hera, saying that as long as the blood essence was given to the angel, the angel would lose all its power, and could only reincarnate when he was extremely weak. At that time, the heart of the angel It's not about having as much as you want.

Although Hera didn't believe that Hades would be so kind, she could only try for Zeus's life.

It's just that she was very vigilant and didn't use it directly on Michael's body. Instead, she tested it with humans first and found that it didn't have any effect.

She quietly experimented on a little angel again, and it turned out that, as Hades said, the energy body of the little angel was polluted and had to be reincarnated in advance.

Hera was overjoyed and trusted Hades completely, so she discussed it with Zeus, but she didn't dare to tell him that the blood essence of the dark bat came from Hades.

Zeus was worrying about how to get the angel's heart, and Hera was overjoyed by the dark bat blood essence taken out by Hera, but the amount of this blood essence was too small, so he asked Hera if he could get more.

Hera, who had fully believed it, immediately went to Hades, the king of the underworld, to get more dark bat blood essence. Hades pretended to be embarrassed, saying that dark bats are extremely rare in hell, but I Zeus, he'll do whatever he can to see if he can get some more.

Hera believed it, and begged him repeatedly to get more, and left with peace of mind after getting Hades' promise. Three days later, he got the blood essence of the dark bat as he wished, and began to attack the angels.

Little did he know that all of this was Hades' conspiracy. The first time Hera was given the blood essence of the dark bat, but the second time it was the source blood of the dark bat. Dark creatures representing the opposite of the holy light race, and as the master of hell, these fallen angels will become his most powerful helpers in the struggle for the position of emperor of heaven.

As the most powerful Archangel, Michael is also the most threatening, so Zeus was the first to attack him, and took the dark source blood when he was unprepared.

After all, Michael's strength was very strong. After seeing Zeustu, he immediately jumped into a rage and escaped with his tyrannical strength.

Zeus panicked when he saw it, fearing that he would meet with the angels, he hurriedly led people to hunt down with Hera, but unexpectedly was ambushed by Hades, the king of the underworld, with the strong men from hell.

Just when Zeus and Hera were besieged and their situation was in dire straits, other angels came after hearing the news. Under Zeus' clever tongue, they didn't believe that the bright wings had turned into evil black wings, completely transformed into dark creatures Michael, who believed that he was self-defeating, conspired with Hades to murder the universe.


Michael couldn't explain it all, and the dark blood had been eroding his sanity, causing him to have a strong bloodthirsty impulse, completely lost his mind, and began to kill this former clansman.

Being able to be an Archangel, Michael's strength is unquestionable. After becoming a Fallen Angel, his strength has greatly increased, and the six Archangels can only barely resist.

Seeing that Michael's strength had become so strong, Zeus became anxious and sent out a signal for help. After receiving the signal, his sons and daughters rushed to support him.

But the signal for help was also noticed by Poseidon, the god of the sea who had been paying close attention to Mount Kailash. Realizing that the opportunity had come, he immediately led his men to join the battle group, and the three parties had a fierce melee.

This battle of gods killed the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon dimmed, the gods fell like rain, and the blood of the gods stained the entire Olympic Mountain.

The ancient Roman Empire, which was in its heyday, was also affected by this battle of gods. Countless cities were destroyed, countless mortals died, and countless buildings were destroyed...

This also led to the decline of the ancient Roman Empire in the future, thus entering a dark period that lasted for four hundred years.

Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, unfortunately fell in the battle, making Apollo, the sun god, distraught. In his anger, he forcibly incorporated the real fire of the sun into his body and exploded with great strength. Together with Ares, the god of war, he severely injured Poseidon, the god of sea, and Pluto. Hades made them flee in a panic.

Although Apollo and Athena are half-brothers and sisters, their relationship has always been very good, and they dote on this sister the most. Seeing the death of the most beloved sister, Apollo is going crazy, and he is about to chase into hell Kill Hades.

The Goddess of Darkness, Leto, firmly held him back, persuading him that hell is Hades' home field, and he would surely die if he chased after him. Moreover, Zeus was still injured, and after this battle, he was at the end of his battle. It will be over, and Apollo must not leave at this time.

A mother always thinks about her children. Leto’s implication is that Zeus is about to die, and someone must succeed the emperor. Among the children of Zeus, Apollo is the one with the greatest hope. Of course, she will not let At this time, Apollo took risks for Athena, who was not her own daughter.

What Apollo heard was angry and angry, but he calmed down and didn't insist any more. Although he didn't like his mother's selfishness at this time, she was right. Once he went to hell, he would probably die. It's hard to come back. After all, he is of the light attribute, and the environment of hell restrains him very much. Wanting to kill Hades in hell is tantamount to nonsense.

This battle of gods finally ended with a tragic victory for Zeus, but to everyone's surprise, Zeus did not fall because of this. Instead, under Hera's plan, he took advantage of the serious injury of the six archangels to attack them. , obtained their angel hearts and fused together to create a reincarnation pool, which not only healed his injuries, but also greatly improved his strength.

Zeus was extremely moved by Hera's perseverance in this crisis. He felt that he was a bastard before, and he was so sorry for her, so he confessed to her after he recovered from his injuries, saying that he would never be outside again. If you provoke someone, you must treat her wholeheartedly.

But Hera didn't believe his promise at all, saying that she would only believe his words unless he left here so that he would have no chance of contacting mortal women.

Zeus had already felt the rejection of the world's will at this time, knowing that his strength had reached the limit that the world could bear, so he agreed without hesitation.

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