Medical Sovereign

One thousand seven hundred eighty-six control

After hesitating again and again, Ding Ning finally made up his mind, to save, to save.

Martial soul possessing spirituality has become an independent and complete soul.

It's like, his child, if he doesn't save him, he will never feel at ease in this life.

What's more, he was also very curious about what Wuhun had experienced, that he was able to survive the deathless situation, and even gave birth to a spirit, which was incredible.

Ding Ning gritted his teeth and rushed into the collapsed space area with a tragic face like a moth to a flame.

The terrifying coercion filled the air, and the huge tearing force made him spin around, feeling that his fate was no longer under his control.

Shanhe Turtle looked at all this silently as if he was in another dimension, with a look of anticipation flashing in his eyes.

In fact, in its long life, it is not that it has not seen the special existence of Wuhun giving birth to spirit.

It's just that those existences, without exception, will eventually become chilling and terrifying figures in the stars and stars.

For example, the leader of Tongtian who controls the Zhuxian Sword Formation to run across the heavens and worlds, such as Dayi who shoots the golden crow with a bow, such as the three-eyed gentleman who likes to close the door and let the dog go, such as the rogue monkey who pierces the sky with the Tongtian Lingbao Dinghaishen needle... …

In the eyes of ordinary people, those mythical characters are fictional, but only Shanhe Gui knows that they once really existed.

It's just that the most glorious era of the human race has long since come to an end. An invisible and terrifying black hand wiped away all traces of their existence, and even that era is not remembered by many people.

Even if someone remembers it, no one dares to announce it. All that remains are their names that have been handed down through the ages and some unofficial legends that do not touch a certain nerve.

"Brothers in the past, where have you gone? Why did you leave me alone in these long years waiting for each era in loneliness."

With tears in the eyes of Shanhe Turtle, it murmured in a low voice.

It never believed that they would die, but it didn't know where they were being suppressed, but it firmly believed that sooner or later, those people would reappear in front of it with a shocking and peerless demeanor, smiling and calling it brats.

No one knows better than it how strong they were. It is no exaggeration to say that their little finger can easily crush the turtle shell that it is most proud of.

They have long been so strong that they live as long as the heavens and the earth, shine with the sun and the moon, and reflect the invincibility of the heavens. Unless they want to die, no one in this world can kill them, not even the most terrifying black hand .

So it sits and watches the sun rise and the moon sets, sits and watches the years go by, wandering alone in the void, looking for it, is looking forward to the day when they will meet again.

But, year after year, they never reappeared. Gradually, it wandered for a long time and got tired before returning to the place where they used to get along day and night and fell into a deep sleep.

One sleep for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, one hundred million years...

Even the chaotic universe has gone through several reincarnations, but they still haven't appeared.

Its steadfast heart also gradually began to shake. Maybe they were really dead, otherwise, why didn't they come back for so long?

It can't even remember how many epochs have passed. Since those people disappeared, there has not been any monk who gave birth to a soul with a martial soul in the entire chaotic universe, because this is a taboo, and the black hand is never allowed to see it again Taboo.

But now, it was about to witness the miracle of the past, which made its heart full of anticipation, mixed with a faint fear.

Although that black hand has not shown up for many epochs, people in this world,

He also gradually forgot his existence.

Even now many people don't know

There is such a person who rules the heavens and all domains. He is the sky, the only master in this universe, and no one dares to disobey him.

It wasn't until the birth of his former brothers that this myth was terminated.

They are lawless and don't take that person seriously at all. They want to do things that he doesn't like, and use actions to slap him loudly.

They pierced the sky, smashed the land, made him faceless, lost his majesty, and slowly shaken his indestructible rule, made him furious, and wanted to get rid of them quickly after gnashing his teeth.

Although that person was very strong, so strong that he was called the strongest man under the starry sky, but he never had the upper hand when facing his brothers.

But in the same way, those brothers couldn't do anything to him, and the two sides formed a stalemate where they couldn't do anything about each other.

Until it woke up and found that those brothers had disappeared as if the world had evaporated, leaving no trace of their existence.

Even from that day on, that person has never appeared again, but it is very clear that he has always been there, otherwise, no one has the strength to erase all traces of their past existence in a short period of time.

"I seem to remember that those brothers seem to come from a place called the Three Realms in a remote corner of the universe. It's just that the Three Realms have long been fragmented and destroyed by people. Su Zhe's reconstruction of the Three Realms is really simulating the historical development of the Three Realms. Is it a coincidence or intentional?"

"Shooting the sun and bending the bow is a weapon that Dayi never leaves his body. Why did it appear in the New Three Realms?"

"Wuhun was born with spirit. In the entire chaotic universe, it seems that only those people who came out of the Three Realms have it. And in the new Three Realms, there is another boy who was born with Wuhun. Is there any mystery in this?"

"What exactly does Su Zhe want to do? Does he really just want to reincarnate his lover and friend? Or is there another plan?"


Shanhe Turtle murmured to himself, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he didn't understand. It just felt that Su Zhe was laying out a big, big game, but he couldn't figure it out and see clearly.

Renpi is very strong!

So Ding Ning is also very strong now!

Compared with the previous experience of being directly crushed in the space collapse area, the pain that is just torn out by the strong space force is completely negligible.

Finally, through the violent collapsed area, into a territory of absolute darkness.

From the outside, it seems that this is just a small subsidence area, but Ding Ning seems to have spent millions of years here, and it feels like he will never end.


very dark!

It's as dark as ink!

Hei can't see his fingers!

The darkness made him lose his way, and like a blind man, he could only stagger forward by relying on the faint induction between the dark and the five elements martial spirit.

The most frightening thing is that it is very quiet here, so quiet that people feel frightened, as if there are countless fierce beasts lurking in the surrounding darkness, it is frightening, and there are no elemental molecules. As if this is an absolutely still forbidden zone of life, even the concept of time has been lost.

Ding Ning didn't know how long he had been walking, maybe it was only two minutes, or he had walked for millions of years. The absolute darkness and stillness made him almost mentally collapsed. He would rather train his body a thousand times than Don't want to spend another half minute in this bloody place.

Finally, at a certain moment, a faint light appeared in front of him.

The light is very dim, so dark that if you don't pay attention to it deliberately, you will think it is a visual deception caused by the darkness being refracted.

But for Ding Ning, that little glimmer of light was enough.

Run forward like flying.

However, the faint light that looked like a dying candle in the wind seemed to be not far ahead, but no matter how Ding Ning ran, he still couldn't close the distance by even the slightest bit.

It seems that that gleam is just a hope for people to yearn for the light, but it is always out of reach.

Ding Ning slowly slowed down his pace, stopped running, and stopped looking at the light, but carefully sensed the pitch-black environment, his deep eyes flashed thoughtfully.

He found that he seemed to have overlooked a very important question, what is the true nature of the world?

Darkness, absolute darkness!

Then, here is the absolute darkness. It is very unfair to the darkness to yearn for the light in the darkness.

It is human nature to yearn for the light, and no one can change it, so when in the dark, one will instinctively feel fear, fear, and desire to be in the light even more.

From this, Ding Ning thought of a very philosophical question, what is light and darkness? Are they really incompatible?

But in fact, it does not seem to be the case, as the theory of relativity says, everything is relative, but not absolute.

For example, people often say that light dispels darkness, but does light really dispel darkness?

If light can really dispel darkness, how can there be darkness under the lamp? Why do shadows exist again?

Facts have proved that no matter how bright the place is, there will be dark corners, and no matter how large the wattage lamps are, they cannot prevent the appearance of shadows.

This fully demonstrates that, in fact, light and darkness themselves are not contradictory, nor do they have any conflict.

In fact, they are not the relationship of mutual opposition and water and fire, but the relationship of mutual integration and interdependence. Only in this way can black be called black, and white can be called white. The existence of each other proves the existence of the other.

From another point of view, they do not have any tendentious elements themselves, but humans or creatures label them darkness and light, which is why darkness and light appear.

Just like a person with dark skin, if he lives in the environment of China, his relatives and friends around him will think he is dark, and he himself will feel that he is really dark.

But if you throw him in Africa and stay with real black people, people will say, hey, this guy is quite white, and he will feel that he is not so black, at least more white than those black people up.

Then this leads to a very interesting question, how is black and white defined? And who stipulated that black is black and white is white?

In ancient times, Zhao Gao referred to a deer as a horse. Many people knew that it was a deer and not a horse, but everyone was afraid of Zhao Gao's power, and said with one voice that it was a horse.

But what if the first intelligent creature thinks that black is light and white is darkness? Does that mean that black is white and white is black?

To put it bluntly, whether the world is black or white is not determined by the widespread cognition of human beings.

This is why those experts, professors, scholars and doctors are so authoritative, because authority is authority.

If they join forces and insist that a piece of glass is actually a priceless diamond, will the common people not believe it? That's been verified by experts.

A flash of enlightenment suddenly flashed in Ding Ning's eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked forward lightly, but his body exuded a strong sense of domineering.

I say light is light, I say darkness is darkness, power always overrides rules, and everything in the world is determined by me.

Without him, it's just two words - control!

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