Medical Sovereign

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-one demons come to the world

Tanlang's cultivation base is still low, so he can't feel it.

However, Xiang Tiange could clearly feel the aura of Qu Wuyou during the battle coming from the direction of Wulun Valley.

They have been fighting with the Taizu together since they were young, and they have been together for decades, and they are the most sensitive to each other's breath.

Therefore, when Qu Wuyou burst out with a tragic momentum, he was sensitive and sensed it immediately.

This made him very anxious, because Qu Wuyou used the ultimate move based on Taizu's poems, combined with their combat experience of gold and iron horses - bending the bow and shooting the eagle.

But any big killing move will inevitably have its side effects, and bending the bow and shooting the big eagle is no exception. This is a big killing move that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred.

Gather the whole body's stellar qi, condense the qi into soldiers, and send out a move, and the person will immediately fall into a state of collapse. If he can't kill the enemy, he can only wait for death.

With Qu Wuyou's personality, unless he encountered an unshakable and powerful enemy, he would never easily use this style of "bending the bow and shooting the big eagle" to fight for his life.

Uren Valley.

"Jing'er, you go first."

Qu Wuyou guarded Ye Qingxuan behind him, his aura had reached its peak, he bent his bow and set an arrow, condensed his energy into soldiers, and was ready to go, without blinking, he locked on a head covered in pustules, with twins on his head. The strange creature with horns whispered to Ye Qingxuan.

But he was secretly crying in his heart, the space crack in mid-air was about to disappear, he was about to leave with Ye Qingxuan, who knew that the space crack that had just healed suddenly exploded, forming a space vortex in the air, and then jumped out of the vortex Come out such a monster.

Although this monster looks ugly, it exudes a terrifying aura, which is stronger than the oppression brought to him by those who are strong in the Holy Martial Realm, so that he has to use desperate means as soon as he comes up.

Otherwise, under the pressure of this monster, he might not even have a chance to make a move. He is not afraid of death, but he finally found his long-lost daughter. He doesn't want to die at all.

But between his life and his daughter's life, he had to make a choice, and the answer was unquestionable, even if he died, he had to ensure her daughter's safety.

"No, I won't go, I want to fight side by side with you."

Although Ye Qingxuan was terrified in her heart, she gritted her teeth stubbornly, pulled out the vulnerable white silk from Ding Ning's hands, and was ready to strike at any time.

"Go, go right away, I have a way to escape, you will only become my burden if you stay."

Qu Wuyou scowled with a stern face.

Before, he was reluctant to say even a hard word to his daughter, but now, for Ye Qingxuan's safety, he had to be ruthless and force her to leave, even if it made her sad.

"Father, I'm not a child anymore, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."

Ye Qingxuan is not stupid, how can she not know Qu Wuyou's intentions, but the more she is like this, the more she refuses to leave, the father and daughter just reunited, she doesn't want to lose her father just like this, not only did she not leave, but even more so Taking a firm step forward, he stood side by side with Qu Wuyou.

"You... hey!"

Qu Wuyou was full of helplessness, knowing that his daughter had made up her mind, he would definitely not leave him. All his energy was concentrated on bending the bow and shooting the eagle, and he couldn't force her to leave.

He could only sigh, thinking to himself, he can find his daughter and get her forgiveness, what is there for him to be dissatisfied with, even if he dies, he will be accompanied by his daughter on the road to Huangquan, so he won't be lonely anymore.

It's a pity that he was about to die before seeing his little daughter, which made him feel a little regretful.

Eric looked at Qu Wuyou and Ye Qingxuan curiously, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement, is this human? It looks delicious.

Also, this

The air here is so fresh, it's a paradise compared to taking a breath in the abyss full of sulfur.

However, the two humans in front of them seemed very unfriendly, yes, there was nothing wrong with them, they were equivalent to invaders, how could humans welcome them.

Qu Wuyou and Ye Qingxuan originally thought there was only this monster in front of them, but then they saw strange-shaped creatures coming out of the vortex-like space passage, and they looked at each other, and they both saw the despair in each other's eyes color.

One monster left them with little chance of surviving, and now such a monster didn't know how many there were, so how could they have any hope of surviving?

"Jing'er, dad stopped them, you have to run away immediately and spread the news, this is an alien invasion, it's a disaster for the whole earth, if you can't spread the news, it doesn't matter if both of us die, but the whole earth is doomed. "

Qu Wuyou watched the army of demons coming out of the space channel in an endless stream, as if they were endless, finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately said in a low voice.

Ye Qingxuan bit his lips tightly, wanting to stay and live with his father, but Qu Wuyou was right, this is a disaster, no matter what, the news must be spread, so that human beings can prepare and respond accordingly. response.

Otherwise, when all the alien armies arrive and then lurk, launch surprise attacks on humans, and break them one by one, then the earth will really be over.

"Father, I'm leaving now. Take care and try to find a way to escape. Remember, my sister and I are still waiting for you."

Ye Qingxuan was also a decisive person, he took a deep look at Qu Wuyou, and since he turned around resolutely, he left.

Although she knew that her father must be in danger this time, she was still thinking of it as a fluke. If she escaped, her father would have nothing to worry about, and maybe she would be able to escape.

"Hehe! You are the first prey that the commander-in-chief met when he came to the world. You should feel honored, but you still want to leave, there is no way!"

Eric babbled in Devil's language for a long time, but Qu Wuyou and Ye Qingxuan couldn't understand at all.

But there are some things that do not require verbal communication at all to understand what he is talking about, not to mention that he has already flapped his bat-like wings on his back to outflank Ye Qingxuan's retreat.

"go to hell!"

Qu Wuyou yelled, and without hesitation fully drew the bow, the stellar energy in his body quickly condensed into a solid arrow, and when he let go, the air arrow shot towards the target like a shooting star with a terrifying whistling sound. Eric shot away.

"Small tricks!"

In Qu Wuyou's eyes, the bow and shot at the big eagle is nothing in Eric's hands. With a light slap of his scaly claws, his casual appearance is like swat a fly. The air arrow disappeared without a trace with a puff.

The difference in strength between the two is really too big. In Eric's eyes, the arrow shot by Qu Wuyou gathered all the energy in his body, it was like a child playing house, without any lethality at all.

Qu Wuyou's face was pale, his whole body was trembling like a wobble, his legs were weak, and he was so weak that he was dying, but his eyes showed a look of determination. He shouted loudly, and rushed like a hawk to Eric who was blocking Ye Qingxuan's way. He fell to the ground, using his hands and feet like an eight-legged spider, entangled him tightly, turned his head and shouted at Ye Qingxuan who was about to cry: "Go, go quickly."

Erik was carelessly thrown to the ground, and suddenly became angry, he grabbed Qu Wuyou's hand and twisted it, and with a click, he broke his arm.

Qu Wuyou had bulging veins on his painful forehead, and he was sweating coldly, but he gritted his teeth and kept silent. He used Guowu's word-twisting formula to the fullest, using all parts of his body as weapons, and entangled Eri tightly. gram.

With tears in his eyes, Ye Qingxuan looked deeply at

Glancing at Qu Wuyou, she ran wildly without hesitation. She knew that her father was using his life to buy her a chance to escape. She must not disappoint her father's good intentions, but she couldn't hold back her tears. Flowing down, blurring her vision.

"Stand around and watch what the hell, why don't you hurry up and chase me, if someone runs away, let's see how I deal with you."

Qu Wuyou desperately entangled him, but Eric couldn't get rid of it for a while, and when he saw other demons laughing and watching, he immediately growled in embarrassment.

Those demons didn't dare to read the joke anymore, they quickly suppressed their smiles, and chased after Ye Qingxuan in the direction where Ye Qingxuan was escaping.



Several crisp fractures sounded in succession, Eric broke Qu Wuyou's limbs abruptly, finally stood up, kicked him hard and flew him out, fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. The blood kept spilling out, and this kick hurt his internal organs, plus he used the bow to shoot the big eagle before, which made him fall into extreme weakness.

"Fuck, your bones are pretty hard. I want to see if your bones are hard or my fist is hard."

Eric spat out angrily, and walked towards Qu Wuyou with a ferocious expression.

This damned ant actually caused himself to be embarrassed in front of his subordinates. He had to torture this damned human well, and when the torture was enough, he would eat him as a snack.

"Eric, he's just an ant. He can't survive anymore. It's important to get down to business first, otherwise we will all suffer when the lord comes back."

Kewell, a demon leader next to him, frowned and said.

The lord was the first to walk out of the space passage, and finally arrived in the human world safely. How could he have the heart to wait for the demon army to descend one by one.

Besides, they were all strangers to the human world, thinking that Gili Saka knew more about the situation than they did, so he left immediately to find Gili Saka.

Before leaving, he entrusted Eric with the task of maintaining the stability of the space channel and allowing the demon army to descend smoothly.

But Eric was fine, staring at the two weak human races there endlessly, and didn't care about the arrival of the demon army.

Kewell was the leader who came first, and Eric was not doing his job, so he had to hold the blue-patterned magic mirror there like an idiot. Can you feel comfortable?

You must know that there is no affection between the demons at all, and the commanders are even more at odds with each other. They usually fight openly and secretly, and compete for favor in front of the lord.

And Eric was better at adapting to the wind than he was, and he was used to flattery. He was extremely favored by the lord, second only to Gili Saka, which made Kewei feel very unbalanced.

Eric gave Kewell a sideways look, and said in a strange way: "Usually you don't have a chance to perform if you want to, but now that you are given a chance, you have so much trouble."

"Huh, Eric, aren't you usually the most active in front of the lord? What? If the lord is not around, you will be exposed? Do you want me to loosen your bones?"

Although Kewell was not favored by Eric, but his strength held him steady, and he didn't bother him at all. He squeezed his fist, made a rattling sound like roasted beans, and stared at him with an unfriendly expression.

"Hey, it's important to get down to business first, and then deal with the damned ants when I get back."

Feeling guilty, Eric spat viciously at Qu Wuyou and said resentfully.

Qu Wuyou's whole body twitched in pain, his forehead was covered with fine cold sweat, and he fought back not to cry out.

This ghost's saliva was like sulfuric acid, corroding his skin and starting to fester.

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