Medical Sovereign

1798th crazy old man

As one of the few people who deal with Chinese military forces, Ilanovic has always admired Chinese Kung Fu.

Although he didn't know Xiang Tiange's identity, just the hand he showed before made him feel deep admiration.

In addition, as a major general in the military, he has also been exposed to many secrets that Smith cannot touch. Naturally, he knows that these demons are by no means as easy to deal with as Smith said, and he is subconsciously inclined to the military representatives of Shenzhou.

"I don't understand the war, but I think what Admiral Saken said is not unreasonable. I think it should be feasible to send a group of elite soldiers to sneak into the valley and use some powerful firearms."

Francis, the French ambassador to Al-Khasa, said pertinently: "Of course, we also have to be prepared to deploy heavy troops on the outskirts of the valley. If the operation fails, we will bombard the entire valley with highly lethal shells."

"No, that would be too damaging to the environment, and the ecological environment of the entire Altai Mountains will be destroyed."

Acmely, the representative of England, shook his head again and again in disapproval.

Everyone looked at him like they were looking at a fool. When is it, and we still need to pay attention to protecting the environment?

But Ake Mili said solemnly: "Don't look at me with such eyes, this is from my heart, I am a member of the World Environmental Protection Organization."

"I agree, the earth is our home, we must take good care of it, otherwise we will dig our own grave."

The representative of Sweden echoed with a serious face.

"Yes, the environment of the earth is already very bad, we must not harm it anymore, we must take good care of it..."

"We want peace, not war. Let's think of other ways. We firmly oppose the way that seriously damages the natural environment."

"I suggest, can we communicate with those aliens and see if we can find a peaceful solution."

"I agree that there is no need to kill people for things that can be resolved through negotiations. Maybe those aliens are just passing through the earth?"

"Good idea, if they just had to crash-land on Earth because the flying saucer crashed, it means that they have no malicious intentions, we can communicate with them, if they need help, we can help them fix the flying saucer, maybe They will also establish an interstellar relationship with our earth."


The temporary command center was suddenly full of noise, bustling like a vegetable market.

Listening to all kinds of random suggestions made by ambassadors from various countries, Admiral Saken, Yue Lin and Iranovic looked at each other, and they all saw the deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

Are these people really here to discuss how to deal with the alien invasion? No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are here to attend the Camellia Party.

What kind of travel? Have you ever seen a family that travels with hundreds of thousands of people? No matter how cheap group buying is, it is not such a travel method.

And that so-and-so, who still wants to help those intruders repair flying saucers and steal other people's high-tech, what the hell are you out of your mind?

Xiang Tiange looked at these people with a blank expression, expressing their opinions in full swing, letting go of themselves to their heart's content, wishing to slap all these bastards to death.

The West is indeed a democratic country, and these democratic people who rely on their mouths to eat don't take the alien invasion seriously at all, and just talk nonsense.

He just wanted to say, how far away is the earth, how far will you roll to Lao Tzu.

But no, if you can't bear it, you have to bear it. They represent the image of China, and if they really want to do something, these guys can't do business, but it is definitely their strength to fight with words and create an international public opinion to criticize China.

Let's talk, wait until the alien race leaves the valley,

look at you

Can we still hold our breath.

Xiang Tiange stood up and left without saying a word. He was afraid that if he stayed here any longer, he would not be able to help but want to kill someone.

"Xiang... Uncle, how is the situation? Has the discussion resulted in any results?"

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, Ye Qingxuan, who was waiting anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, greeted him, called uncle with some bluntness, and asked impatiently.

Xiang Tiange sighed, "A group of guys who have failed to accomplish anything but failed to do so, and someone even proposed to negotiate with those monsters. It's as noisy as a vegetable market. No one can come up with a solution."

A look of disappointment appeared in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, but then he looked at Xiang Tiange with full expectation: "Uncle Xiang, what can you do?"

She knew that with the decades of friendship between her father and Xiang Tiange, she would never sit idly by and ignore her father's affairs.


Xiang Tiange said concisely.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan looking at him helplessly, he shook his head and explained with a wry smile: "Third brother has already broken through the retreat and is rushing here. When he comes, we will discuss what to do."

"Marquis Wu... Uncle is here too?"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise.

It has to be said that even though the Saintess clan is detached from the world, they still have admiration for the famous Zhenguo Wuhou, as if he has the power to turn decay into magic.

"That's right, but you have to be mentally prepared. It's been so long since Lao Jiu fell into the hands of those alien races. I'm afraid it's already too bad."

Xiang Tiange said with some embarrassment.

Although Qu Wuyou's death would be a great blow to him, but he has long been used to seeing life and death in his military life, and even if he is sad, he will face the reality.

But Ye Qingxuan was different. After all, their father and daughter had just met again. If Qu Wuyou really left, it would be difficult for her to accept this fact.

"I know."

Ye Qingxuan smiled sadly: "Actually, I don't think my father is still alive at all."

Under Xiang Tiange's puzzled gaze, Ye Qingxuan's eyes revealed a look of determination and hatred: "The hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable. I just want to kill all the gangsters and avenge my father."

"Okay, as expected of Lao Jiu's daughter, don't worry, even if I risk my life, I won't let those foreign bastards go."

Xiang Tiange exuded a resolute and iron-blooded killing look, and said decisively: "It's not just for Lao Jiu, once these alien races are allowed to enter human society, I don't know how many innocent people will lose their lives."

Thirteen Iron Guards were never afraid of death, but they must not die in vain, those demons must be buried with him.

The most important thing is that they are aliens and invaders. As the guardian of China, Guoshifu must nip any threats that may harm the people of China in the bud.

Looking at Xiang Tiange's upright and dignified look, Ye Qingxuan's eyes were in a daze for a while, as if he saw the shadow of his father's iron horse and golden spear criss-crossing the battlefield from him, and he felt proud in his heart.

At this moment, she finally fully understood why her father had the heart to leave their mother and daughter behind, because he had the people of the world in his heart and justice in his chest. of the people?

This is my father, who lived great and died gloriously.

Ye Qingxuan whispered in his heart, with an inexplicable expression on his face, he closed his eyes and fell into the breakthrough.

Xiang Tiange looked at Ye Qingxuan in surprise, he didn't expect that she would break through to the Saint Martial Realm at this time.

Immediately he came to a sudden realization, also, for so many years, he has always been obsessed with the matter of Lao Jiu abandoning their mother and child.

Huai, has become her inner demon, which prevents her soul from being consummated, so she is stuck at the peak of Shenwu and cannot break through for a long time.

Now that she understands her father's great feelings, she has no doubts, and a breakthrough is a matter of course.

This made him both envious and a little emotional. He was really angry. He was already a hundred years old and hadn't broken through to the Saint Martial Realm yet.

How old is this girl, I guess she has already broken through to the Saint Martial Realm before she is eighty years old, if Lao Jiuquan knew about it, she would definitely feel relieved.

But this is the biggest difference between national martial arts and ancient martial arts. As long as ancient martial artists have enough aura to cultivate, their cultivation speed is far from that of national martial artists who need to slowly polish themselves to find their way forward.

But in the same way, ever since he modified the ancient martial arts, he found that the national martial artists who modified the ancient martial arts are far stronger than the pure ancient martial artists in the same realm. This is probably the benefit brought by the foundation of martial arts after polishing. .



Ding Ning was like a trapped beast, his eyes were as red as blood, he let out an angry roar, he was directly possessed by the demon, and he was possessed for the second time.

The sliver of clarity he had left told him that this was his last chance, if he could not break through the confinement of gravity squeezed by his second obsession, then today, he would very likely sleep here forever.

Familiar faces flashed in my mind like a movie, father, master, mother, sister, Luoxue, Xiao Nuo, Xiaoyao, Lu Zhan, Mavericks, Feng Jun, Liu Jie, Zhang Haifeng, Wu constitution……

Those faces are the people he cherishes the most in his heart, the relatives, lovers, brothers and friends he cannot give up, and they seem to be able to bring him endless strength.

A powerful force burst out suddenly, and instantly broke free from the terrifying squeeze of the confinement field, and let out a long and earth-shattering roar. The whole person was like an eagle hitting the sky, breaking through the ground in an instant, with wings sprouting from behind, suspended in the air, staring at the people all over the place. Kuri Kamas, who was stunned, exuded a cold and terrifying aura all over his body.

"I didn't expect that it turned out to be a demon clan. Did you awaken the power of the demon clan's blood when facing a desperate situation? Interesting, interesting, hahaha..."

Kuri Kamas did not expect that this ant could burst out with such a powerful force in an instant, using strength far beyond his own to break free from his confinement. After seeing the wings behind Ding Ning, he thought he had found the truth. laughed.

"What's the name of the ghost? It's really ugly to laugh."

Just when Ding Ning was about to settle accounts with Kuri Kamas, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded, with a trace of impatience, directly interrupting Kuri Kamas' strange laughter.

"Who are you?"

Kuri Kamas's pupils contracted violently, staring at the slovenly beggar-like crazy old man.

The old man's strength seemed to be at the Saint Martial Realm at most, but for some reason, it gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, which made him feel extremely afraid.

Cursing secretly in his heart, it's really bad luck. According to what Gui Liao said and the news he got, isn't there no strong man in the human world?

But why did these powerhouses appear out of thin air one after another as soon as I came.

First, the Human Sovereign, who had been missing for many years, suddenly appeared; then, the "old man" who assassinated Eric suddenly awakened the blood of the demon clan under the certain circumstances of his death; Mad old man.

Is this the frail human world in his impression? Why do you feel that the strong are worthless like Chinese cabbage?

Ding Ning looked at the crazy old man in surprise, he couldn't see his depth, he just thought he was a madman who didn't know how to be afraid, and quickly reminded him kindly: "Old man, hurry up, this devil is not easy to mess with. "

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