Medical Sovereign

One thousand eight hundred and one purple Yin burning sky fire

As a result, people who could save Ding Ning did not intend to save Ding Ning due to a combination of circumstances, but the people who wanted to save him were mud bodhisattvas who could not save themselves, and were unable to rescue him at all, leaving him in a desperate situation where he must die.

Who can save him at this time?

Shanhe Turtle can do it, but it makes it clear that it doesn't intend to interfere, and continues to sleep soundly without seeing or worrying.

"It's over, it's over, that birdman is dead."

In the temporary command center in the small town of Rochka, representatives from various countries looked at the images uploaded on the video screen and lamented with disappointment on their faces.

Even though they did not want Shenzhou to have such a terrifying humanoid weapon, and even proposed to kill him with nuclear weapons before, they still had a faint hope in their hearts.

They hoped that the birdman could create a miracle and kill all the aliens. After all, compared to the disasters that the aliens could bring, they could still accept the threat of the birdman.

Of course, the best ending is that the birdman kills all the aliens, and then they kill the donkeys and find a way to get rid of the birdman. That is a happy situation for everyone.

But now, watching the bird man being burned by the purple fire all over the sky, and might be wiped out in the next moment, they still couldn't help but feel compassion in their hearts.

Anyway, although the dead birdmen were a threat, they were nothing compared to those uncontrollable alien races.

You must know that nuclear weapons are already the last trump cards of human beings, although they believe that no matter how powerful those alien races are, they cannot compete with nuclear weapons.

But what if? If alien races are not even afraid of nuclear weapons, what should humans do?

Thinking of this, everyone felt heavy in their hearts and lost interest in speaking. Suddenly, the command center became silent and the atmosphere became oppressive.

Yue Lin looked at this scene, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, this is human nature, just now he clamored to kill the bird man. But now Birdman really died as they wished, and they cried like dead parents and stopped talking. It's really hypocritical.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this group of alien races is terrifyingly powerful, and even nuclear weapons may not be able to really destroy them.

You know, no matter how powerful nuclear weapons are, it’s useless not to be able to lock on the target. After all, the only foreigner who made a move showed a terrifying speed that even the naked eye could not catch. It is not so easy to lock him. There is no reason for much confidence in nuclear weapons.

No matter how weird the birdman looks, he is still a creature on the earth. In this case, everyone should work together to tide over the difficulties. Even if you don't cheer for him, don't be so despicable and think about killing the donkey at this time.

Yue Lin sighed in his heart, he was not as desperate as these people, at least his expression was still very calm, because Shenzhou has the God of Dinghai, the Guoshifu, so his heart is steadfast and stable.

If he knew that the national soldiers who respected him like gods in his heart were no opponents of that foreign race, he might not be as calm as he is now.

"It's really calm."

The demon emperor looked at the purple fire all over the sky, Ding Ning's aura was quickly dissipating, and he muttered in a low voice with some irritability.

He really couldn't figure out which song Emperor Hades sang. Could it be that he really planned to give up Ding Ning, the flag pawn? This made him feel a little uneasy, maybe he made a mistake again and miscalculated what Emperor Hades thought.

Although he didn't want to admit it from the bottom of his heart, he had to admit that the monster race was still far behind the human race in terms of intrigue.

This made him miss the Devil Emperor a little. Although the Demon Race is notorious, it has to be said that the Devil Emperor is still very easy to get along with, at least getting along with him is quite pleasant.

If the devil emperor is here,

He doesn't need to use any brains anymore, there is nothing in this world that he can't see through, that guy's understanding of human nature is absolutely deep into the bone marrow.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that it was not that the Devil Emperor was easy to get along with, but that he was extremely good at deceiving people. He used his idea of ​​finding the ancestral land to teach him the Three Spirit Transformation Art, controlled one of his clones with demonic nature, and even I also want to win Shedinning.

But he didn't blame the Devil Emperor, because everything was done voluntarily by him. The demon race is not as selfish as other races, and everything is for the sake of the race.

Although Ding Ning thought he was cruel and cruel, he didn't think he had done anything wrong. For the sake of the clan, there was no one who could not be sacrificed, not to mention the happiness of his daughter. When necessary, even he himself could become a victim of the clan.

This is the idea that the Yaozu has adhered to for countless years. No one can change it easily, and no one will evade the responsibilities they need to face because they are afraid of death.

The blood of the monster clan is getting thinner and weaker, and the strength of the new generation of monster clan is getting weaker and weaker. If this continues, the monster clan will degenerate into the most primitive beast clan sooner or later.

You must know that as long as the demon clan in the past became an adult, they would naturally awaken their blood and become a great demon.

But now, even a princess of the Peng clan like Aruna, who has the blood of the royal family, has difficulty breaking through the Great Demon Heaven Pass, so she has to use the transformation grass to make her transform in advance to implement the plan made by the high priest before his death.

It can be seen from this that how far the Yaozu has fallen, how to find the ancestral land and increase the blood concentration of the Yaozu has become a big problem that the Yaozu cannot afford to delay and urgently needs to be solved.

What happened in the Kunpeng Realm, because he has three souls in one, and the past between the old donkey and Ding Ning, the split soul, he is also clear.

What made him confused was, where did the old donkey end up? Even the Kunpeng Realm completely disappeared from his senses. What surprised him the most was that he turned back into a human form instead of a donkey. That's why he couldn't wait to leave the level, wanting to find out what happened What.

And the key to all these questions lies in Ding Ning, even if he is not his great-grandson, it is impossible for him to watch him die.

It was only because he was afraid that he would fall into the trick of Emperor Hades again, that's why he hesitated to make a move as if he was angry.

But so far, Emperor Hades still showed no sign of making a move, which made him unable to hold back any longer, and decided to rescue Ding Ning immediately.

Anyway, the only emperor in the human world that he feared was seriously injured. Even if he recognized his identity, there was nothing he could do about it, and he had to thank himself for helping the human world eliminate a disaster.


Just when the demon emperor was about to make a move, he suddenly let out a surprise, and stared at the purple fire sky with uncertain eyes.

In his induction, Ding Ning's faltering soul fire suddenly became vigorous again at this moment. This abnormal scene made him suppress the impulse in his heart, stopped and decided to take a look first before talking.

Ding Ning opened his eyes leisurely, seeing that his whole body was bathed in purple flames, but he didn't feel any discomfort, and a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Isn't he dead? Why didn't Zihuo burn himself to death?

He didn't rush out from the Zihuo sky, and carefully sensed the changes in his body. It seemed that there was no change. Everything was the same as before, but the power seemed to be stronger. Zihuo also seemed to be in harmony with himself. Melted into one, like a part of his own body, like an arm.




Wuhun seems to have changed.

Ding Ning suddenly realized something was wrong, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

At this moment, my natal soul is covered in a cloud of hazy purple energy, but its size has shrunk countless times, and it has become the same pocket version as the previous five-element martial soul.

But the powerful and pure power of the soul in it is far from being comparable to the previous soul.

This made him suddenly realize that it wasn't that the three-color fire didn't care about him, but that the three-color fire was using the purple fire to temper his natal soul.

This made him suddenly ecstatic. To tell the truth, how to temper his natal soul has always been a headache for him.

You must know that the soul of life is different from other martial spirits. It is invisible and fragile, and the most terrible thing is that the soul of life is in charge of his life and death. If he is not careful, it will make him die.

This is also the reason why he has not tempered his own soul for a long time, but has been refining other martial souls. After all, even if the martial soul dissipates, as long as his original soul is not destroyed, he will be able to cultivate again sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and directly tempered his natal soul to the extreme, solving his most troublesome problem.

The natal soul has been tempered, and now there are only light and dark martial souls and starlight martial souls that have not been tempered.

As long as the starlight martial soul is baptized by starlight every night step by step, it is only a matter of time before it is refined to the purest level.

Bright Wuhun is also easy to handle, as long as the Wuhun is released every day to be tempered by the sun.

The only thing he couldn't understand was the dark martial soul. He really didn't know how to temper the dark martial soul, and he planned to find an opportunity to ask Xiashanhegui, an old antique.

Thinking of the mountain and river tortoise, Ding Ning became angry. Nima, I take care of your food and housing. When it was so dangerous before, this old Dingxi turned into a turtle. He didn't care about him. He was really a white-eyed wolf.

This made his aggressive consciousness seep into the Yaoling Ring, and asked Shanheguixingshi to question him.

Unexpectedly, Shanhe turtle's limbs and head were all shrunk in the shell, sleeping like a dead pig, no matter how much he called, it would not wake up.

"Hmph, I don't believe you'll never wake up."

Ding Ning said resentfully.

There is nothing he can do with the mountain and river turtle, this old guy has thick skin and rough skin, and hitting it will only hurt his hands and feet, and this thing is as heavy as Mount Tai, even if he wants to lift it up and throw it out of the medicine ring can't do it.

What he didn't know was that after he withdrew his consciousness, Shanhe Turtle poked its head out in a ghostly manner, with a humane sly look on its face, and murmured in a low voice: "Boy, it's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, I don't know Good people, Ziyin Fentianhuo, which ranks seventh on the Tianhuo list, is a great opportunity for you who is carrying the Nirvana Skyhuo, how could Master Gui take action to ruin your chance."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the crazy old man who was still in a coma beside him, with a look of confusion in his eyes, and said quietly to himself: "Su Zhe, you arranged this, right? Don't tell me this Is everything just a coincidence? This Ziyin Burning Sky Fire is the most yin and soft soul fire in the world, comparable to the red lotus karma fire. Ordinary people can't bear its terrifying power. They will burn their souls and die. Only Ziyang Fentianhuo who has just reached Yang can fuse it, and it will bring him great benefits, and your natal divine fire is Ziyang Fentianhuo, if it is a coincidence, I don’t believe it.”

Ding Ning didn't know anything about it, and full of resentment towards Shanhe Turtle, he rushed out of the purple fire sky aggressively, and hooked his fingers provocatively at Kulikamas who had a ghostly expression on his face: "Old Turtle, Come, come, fight grandpa for 300 rounds."

"You? Why didn't you die? How is this possible?"

Kuri Kamas's eyeballs almost didn't come down, what the hell, this ant didn't die under the purple fire, and was still alive and kicking to provoke him.

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