Medical Sovereign

1804 Surrender without killing

Lang Yuan and him had a tacit understanding, and he turned around and killed back, rescued the besieged wolf cavalry, and then organized charges again and again, constantly gathered the besieged wolf cavalry, and reorganized into an army.

Ding Ning was infatuated, intoxicated, crazy, like a demon, like a mayfly shaking a tree, and like a moth plunging into a flame, single-handedly with two swords, he blatantly rushed into the wave-like army of demons.

"Kill, kill him, we will win."

A little demon boss saw that Ding Ning was the backbone of the enemy, and that the key to the victory of this war was on him, so he raised his arms and shouted.

"Kill, kill him!"

The demon army let out a deafening roar, abandoned the besieged wolf riders one after another, and frantically rushed towards Ding Ning like a tide.

They knew very well that from the moment they came to the human world, they had no way out, this war could only be won but not defeated, and if they lost, they would die.

Therefore, the demon army at this moment is fighting with its back to the wall. Even if it costs human lives, they must pile up Ding Ning to death. As long as he dies, the war will be won.

The wolf riders, who suddenly relaxed, looked worried, and looked at Lang Kui and Lang Yuan one after another, asking them to make a decision.


To everyone's surprise, Lang Kui made the decision to retreat.

Lang Yu lost his voice and said: "Brother, the handsome is in danger, how can we just sit idly by."

"This is the commander's order!"

Before Lang Kui could reply, Lang Yuan rushed to speak.

"Ah, why?"

Lang Yu was shocked and asked in confusion.

"I don't know, that's what the commander ordered. Follow the military order, and anyone who violates it will be executed!"

With a stern face, Lang Kui shouted in a deep voice.


Although the wolf riders were reluctant in their hearts, since it was the commander's order, they could only obey the order.

Lang Rong led a team to protect Ling Yun and the others, but unfortunately, they didn't have the slightest use for their abilities. These three female killers were all brave and good at fighting, and they killed so badly that they couldn't get involved even if they wanted to.

At this moment, seeing Lang Kui and others withdrawing suddenly, he went up to meet him and asked in surprise, "Why are you back?"

"The commander-in-chief ordered us to retreat, but there is nothing we can do."

Lang Yuan said with a depressed face.


Lang Rong asked in astonishment.

"How do I know, the commander-in-chief just said that if you don't go crazy, you won't survive, so you went in alone."

Lang Kui said angrily, he was also depressed.

"I think the commander-in-chief may need enough opponents to sharpen his sword skills."

Wolf Yuan said thoughtfully.

Lang Kui's eyes lit up, thinking of Ding Ning's abnormal behavior before, he nodded suddenly: "That's right, otherwise the handsome commander-in-chief wouldn't suddenly lose his mind, he must have learned something about the sword technique, and I can't wait to find someone to try it out." knife."

"Using an army of hundreds of thousands of demons to test the sword? Only our commander can do it."

Lang Yu was no longer depressed, and said with You Rongyan.

"That's right, the commander-in-chief is the god of war. There are only hundreds of thousands of demons in the army, what a fart."

Lang Yuan said [UU Reading 00ks] proudly.

"That's right. Back then when the Ten Thousand Monsters led the battle, the commander-in-chief could come and go freely in the face of tens of thousands of people. How could a few hundred thousand people be nothing?"

Lang Rong said with reverence in his eyes.

The wolf riders who were depressed because of the withdrawal of the troops suddenly became excited, and you despised these demons with each other, as if it was not Ding Ning who killed the Quartet in the demon army, but them.

The crazy old man saw this scene in his eyes,

Hearing this, a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

God of War, such a familiar title.

I seem to know a guy before who is called God of War, who is it? Why can't I remember it?

The crazy old man scratched his messy hair a little irritably, and became inexplicably irritable. He shouted angrily, and with a frightening flash of the knife, he forcibly split a demon leader in half from the middle, full of viscera and purple Red blood splashed all over the floor.

The other demon leaders who were frightened screamed, and fled in fright like a woman who was raped. This crazy old man is really terrible, and there is no one who is his opponent.

But the crazy old man couldn't remember the past, he was so mad, his eyes were bloodshot, he took a step, and instantly appeared behind a demon leader, grabbed the demon horn on his head, like slaughtering a chicken, Wipe his neck with a large kitchen knife, and the demon's head fell to the ground with a rumbling sound.

But this is not the most frightening thing. The frightening thing is that the crazy old man stretched out a hand like a bird's claw, penetrated the demon's chest, took out a black-red heart, squeezed it hard, and with a poof, squeezed it. Heart burst.

"Demon, devil, huh, devil!"

The crazy old man smirked dumbly, took out a blood-red crystal from the burst heart, and swallowed it with one mouth.

The figure flashed again, and appeared beside another demon leader like a ghost. He repeated the same trick, took out his heart, crushed it, and swallowed the red crystal nucleus.

"He's a demon, he's a man-eating demon."

The demon leader was so frightened by his behavior that he screamed and fled in all directions, wishing his parents would give him two more legs so that he could run faster.

There are also a few demon leaders with wings, spread their wings, and fly directly into the sky. The human world is too scary. There are demons who eat demons. Mom, I want to go home.

It's a pity that the crazy old man who has entered a state of madness will not let the delicious food in his hand run away. With a wave of the large kitchen knife in his hand, a knife light piercing the sky flashed, and the sky seemed to be raining blood. In the sky, white smoke spewed from the ground, corroding shallow pits.

The wolf riders were all dumbfounded, and they stared at him with the gaze of Gao Shan. Where did the old man jump out of the monster, and he was so sturdy.

Moreover, how do you think his behavior seems to have a sense of familiarity?

The eyes of Lang Kui and others suddenly became strange, and they subconsciously looked at Ding Ning who was still trying his sword in the demon army.

I muttered to myself, could this old man be the elder of the handsome man? The general's hobby of killing monsters and eating barbecue in the Kunpeng world, could it be that he got the true biography of this old man?

The crazy old man doesn't care what others think of him, he just knows that he can't remember who he is, he's very annoyed, and wants to kill.

And in his hazy memory, it seems that the devil's magic core is a very delicious food, which is full of energy for him to follow and enrich.

It seemed that, long, long ago, he had eaten the magic core, but he couldn't remember where he had eaten it.

This made him more irritable, and the more irritable he was, the more he wanted to kill and eat. As a result, those demon leaders who were scared out of their wits suffered disaster, and one after another became the food hunted by the crazy old man.

He Ling'er was so frightened that the crazy old man killed her opponent with a knife and she didn't dare to make a sound, lest the old man be jealous and kill her too.

Although she doesn't have a magic core, she has baby pills. Although they have different names, they are similar. They are the essence of energy in the whole body, and they are similar to the human dantian.

Fortunately, although the crazy old man went crazy, he was not so indistinguishable from friend and foe. When He Linger stared at him with bloodshot eyes, he finally shifted his gaze and continued to chase and kill other fleeing demon leaders.

Ding Ning was immersed in the comprehension of the Dao of the Sword, and he didn't know anything about the outside world. If the fangs count as the knife, in his eyes at this moment, only the hands

the enemy with the knife and test the knife.

In the killing process, the saber techniques gradually became simpler. The previous sabers were either light or heavy in his hands.

Sometimes the knife is as heavy as a thousand catties, sometimes as light as a feather, sometimes as fast as lightning, and sometimes as slow as an old cow drinking water.

But without exception, regardless of whether the knife is heavy or light, fast or slow, it will always block every demon's attack just right, not even a minute faster or a second slower.

If this scene is seen by the saber master, he will be shocked, because this saber art has already touched the edge of intention.

The knife moves freely, where the intention is, that is where the knife is.

That is to say, at this level, the distance of the knife has been broken, as long as the mind moves, the knife will appear wherever he wants.

There are many people who practice swords in this world, but those who are lucky enough to comprehend the meaning of swords are absolutely rare, not one in a million.

And which one of these masters of Dao of the Sword has not practiced the Dao of the Sword for decades, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and when the familiar is no longer familiar, and with a little chance, it is possible to comprehend the Dao of the Sword.

Therefore, to comprehend the meaning of the sword requires the accumulation of time and decades of hard work, coupled with a little bit of luck, to achieve success. Those who can comprehend the meaning of the sword are buried half of their bodies in the soil The octogenarian here?

A young man like Ding Ning, who is only in his early twenties, has already comprehended a sliver of sword intent. If it is spread, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire martial arts world, and he will be hailed as a genius who is once in a million years.

However, Ding Ning frowned, his expression seemed very unhappy, full of depression.

In his eyes, he is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the realm of the crazy old man's sword technique.

Don't look at the few knives that the crazy old man seems to swing casually, but it brings him a enlightened understanding, saber skills, and you can't stick to the knives.

When you first learn the sword technique, you naturally have to study hard step by step, polish the foundation, and follow the script for every move and style.

But when the understanding of the sword has reached another level, it should break free from the shackles of the sword itself and have its own understanding of the sword.

The crazy old man made a point before, telling him that if he is not crazy, he will not survive. He followed the crazy old man's instructions and went crazy once, rushing into the army of demons and killing them wantonly, so as to force himself to go one step further on the way of the sword.

But after he had killed countless people, he suddenly became bored. In essence, he was a doctor, not an executioner who killed countless people.

Even if these are not human beings, but sinister and cunning invader demons, they are still alive after all.

Even though they had a damn way, he was tired of it, this crazy way of killing was the way of the crazy old man, but not his way.

He has his own persistence and beliefs. To control violence with violence, or to stop killing with killing, in his opinion is never the solution to the problem.

Demons invade, kill them all, but what happens after they are all killed? If another foreign race comes to invade, will they all be killed in the same way?

Why can't all races live in harmony, if you insist on killing me, I'll kill you?

Is there any way to live in harmony with each other without killing animals?

For killing, he feels aversion and even disgust from the bottom of his heart. In his heart, he always just wants to be a doctor who saves patients, not a butcher with bloody hands.

Ding Ning put away the knife in a dispirited manner, looked at the fear and despair flowing in the eyes of the hideous demons in front of him, and said lightly: "Drop your weapon, surrender and don't kill!"

Surrender without killing?

The demons were all stunned, their eyes flickering with astonishment.

They struggled and grew up in the abyss, and they only had two extreme options, victory or death, and it was the first time I heard of them surrendering and not killing.

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