Medical Sovereign

1814th Shadow

"There are so many secrets in this world, how can we all figure it out? For example, where did the mysterious Nuwa come from and where did she go? It is still an unsolved mystery."

Jue laughed at himself, and said in a low voice with deep eyes: "Although I didn't fight her face-to-face, I just took a look at it from a distance, and I knew that I was definitely not her opponent. This is the result of her deliberately restraining her breath. If With her real strength, she can easily crush me just by her aura, and I suspect that she has already reached the level of the Four Great Ancient Spirits."

Jue's words immediately made everyone's expressions change in horror, and they fell silent in unison. No one would suspect that he was lying, because he was the highest among them in terms of strength, vision, and intelligence.

After being silent for a while, Calabash Baby said with lingering fear: "No wonder you told us not to provoke her. I was still a little bit unconvinced at the time, and planned to trouble her secretly. Fortunately, I was dragged by the Beast Sword God to compete. Forget about it."

Beast Sword God didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Emotionally, I'm still your savior."

"That said, it seems to be true."

The gourd baby grinned, with an innocent look on his face, not like a god.

"She is an outsider and will always leave. We have plenty of time to wait. It would be unwise for us to have a confrontation with her at that time, so I will restrain you not to provoke her."

When Jue said this, he looked at Cucurbita and changed his voice: "Is Qingteng okay?"

"What's the problem? I've already left the Ivy seed, and it takes a little time to regenerate, that is, those human idiots think that if I leave Ivy's body, he can't be resurrected. It's really naive."

The gourd baby smiled triumphantly, and took out a seed that was emitting a bright blue light and lit it up.

"Give it to me, I'll plant him in the Tianyuan ring later, and help him revive quickly."

With a knowing smile, Jue reached out to take the ivy seeds and put them into a simple ring on his hand.

If Ding Ning saw this scene here at this moment, his jaw would drop in shock, because that ring was exactly what the Yao Ling Ring looked like before it changed.

They are innate gods, even if they are only sub-innate gods, they are also conceived by heaven and earth. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are immortal, but it will take a long time to be resurrected.


Ding Ning felt that he had many, many dreams, but they were all fragments, which he couldn't piece together.

He only remembered that in his dream, there were many beautiful women who looked very familiar and close to him, looking at him sadly from a distance, and kept shouting something, but he couldn't understand what they were shouting. .

His heart tightened suddenly. Although he didn't remember who those women were, he instinctively felt that they were very, very important people to him.

He ran desperately, desperately, trying to get to those women and hear what they were shouting clearly.

But no matter how he ran, the distance between them could never be shortened, as if, there was a long river of time between them, hazy and indistinct, but they could never be reached.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light flashed, and he couldn't help being swept by a strong suction force. Those women ran towards him crying, but the distance became farther and farther...

Until they disappeared from his sight, and after a period of dizziness, he suddenly woke up and sat up, gasping for breath, but his heart was in severe pain as if being grasped by an invisible big hand.

Feeling his face was wet, he subconsciously touched his face, only to realize that he had burst into tears at some point.

"Who am I? What is this place?"

Looking blankly at the darkness all around him, Ding Ning's eyes were dull and he whispered.


The scene in the dream is still vivid, which makes his heart feel very painful, but he can't remember who they are, who he is, or even how he came here.

Just when he was in a daze, a layer of faint black light suddenly filled the absolutely dark space. Although it was pitifully dim, it finally allowed him to see his surroundings clearly.

He put aside the dream for a while, and looked around in the darkness, but suddenly found a human-shaped black figure standing in the shadow less than three meters away from him, looking at him faintly. The shadow emanates.

This weird scene immediately broke him into a cold sweat, curled up like a conditioned reflex, and asked involuntarily, "Who are you?"

"I am you."

The black shadow said without human emotion.

"You are me? How is that possible?"

Ding Ning's eyes widened in a daze. Although he lost all his memory and only had human instincts left, he also knew how it is possible for a person to have two bodies.

Eh, no, this black shadow doesn't seem to have a body, it's just a soul body.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong, and looked down at himself, only to realize that he also had no body, but a soul body exuding pure black soul light.

"I am you and you are me."

The black figure stared at him expressionlessly, and the dark ink-like pupils shone with a luster that made Ding Ning feel palpitations.

"No, I'm not you, who are you?"

Ding Ning felt a strong uneasiness faintly in his heart, staring at him as if facing a formidable enemy and asked sharply.


The black shadow sighed faintly, and said something that Ding Ning couldn't understand: "I was originally the light, but you brought me into the darkness."

bright? dark?

Ding Ning seemed to be vaguely familiar with it, but he couldn't remember it. He sternly said to the shadow, "No matter who you are or what purpose you have, get out of here immediately."

"We can only become a real psychic and step into reincarnation if we fit together."

The black shadow didn't feel annoyed, and with a wave of his hand, the air fluctuated, and a screen like a display screen appeared in front of their eyes.

The picture is divided into two, one picture is a girl in a white dress, muttering something in a low voice with a somewhat uneasy expression, she seems a little nervous and expectant.

The other picture shows a seductive woman who is only wrapped in animal skin bust and shorts. She looks extremely hot, but the expression on her face is like an eternal iceberg, exuding an air of indifference that should not be approached by strangers. .

"What's the meaning?"

Ding Ning was at a loss, but he didn't know why. He always felt that the two girls seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he met them.

Of course, he doesn't even remember who he is, so how can he remember Li and Mei.

"This is the mother body prepared for psychic fetuses. Only when we fuse together can we become psychic fetuses, and then choose one of them to step into reincarnation."

The black shadow said indifferently.

"Reincarnation? Are we already dead?"

Ding Ning asked blankly, for some reason, the girls in his dream suddenly came to mind, and he felt a sudden pain in his heart, as if he had lost something most important, which made him overwhelmed with pain.

"That's right, although we haven't completely died yet, only the soul body is left and we can't survive for too long. We can only become psychic fetuses and enter reincarnation. Otherwise, we will soon completely dissipate and become the origin of heaven and earth. Give back to Heaven."

Sombra patiently explained.

"What is a psychic fetus?"

Ding Ning doesn't remember anything, subconsciously he has accepted this reality, but when he thinks of those girls in his dreams, he instinctively

Some psychologically resisted, and asked cautiously.

"The psychic fetus is the only original spiritual fetus in the world that can open the reincarnation channel and choose reincarnation and rebirth independently."

Soi Ying's tone, which has never had any emotional fluctuations, is now filled with faint excitement, and he said in a seductive tone: "Do you know what it means to become a psychic fetus? It means that as long as we are reincarnated, we can have all The best cultivation qualifications and talents in the world have the potential to become the overlord of the world, as long as we have enough resources, we will use the fastest speed to cultivate to a level that ordinary people cannot achieve in a lifetime, and become the supreme existence."

"It's too cold at the heights, that's not the life I want."

Ding Ning shook his head, and said cheerfully, pouring a basin of cold water on the black shadow that claimed to be bright.

"Do you want to give up the opportunity that others can't even dream of? Do you know that we have no way out now. Once we don't become the reincarnation of the psychic, we will vanish into thin air and disappear completely in this world. "

Sombra desperately tried to persuade him.

Ding Ning stared straight at him, and suddenly grinned: "Why do you want to merge with me so much? Is it really to become a psychic fetus?"

"No... what else?"

Hei Ying said with a guilty conscience.

Ding Ning did not continue to ask, but changed the subject and asked calmly: "You said you are the light."


Hei Ying said with care and words like gold, but the gloomy soul light flickered, betraying his inner restlessness.

Ding Ning smiled noncommittally, and continued to ask: "Then I am dark?"


Sombra resumed his previous tone without human emotion.

Ding Ning didn't speak, and tapped [UU Reading 00kxs] unconsciously with his fingers in the air. He lowered his head and seemed to be in consideration.

Hei Ying looked at him expectantly, and the strange luster in his dark pupils flickered away.

"Since you are so eager to fuse with me and become a psychic fetus to be reincarnated, why don't you fuse with me while I'm unconscious?"

Ding Ning suddenly raised his head and stared at the black shadow, and asked seemingly unintentionally.

Heiying was silent for a moment before replying: "We were originally one, but now we each have independent ideas. I must respect your ideas."

"It's such a grandiose reason, you are afraid that other martial spirits will attack you in groups."

Ding Ning suddenly smiled brightly, but what he said made Soi Ying tremble all over, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Sure enough, it's still a newborn spirit. I just swindled it casually."

Ding Ning's smile became brighter. When the black shadow said that he was the light and he was the darkness, he felt faintly wrong.

Even though he lost all his memory and reappeared in this place where he didn't know what it was, his cautious nature made him suspicious of everything.

That kind of strong suspicion made him suddenly have something more in his blank memory, such as Wuhun, for example, Xingling.

Especially the Five Elements Martial Soul who had become Xiaodouding, trembled slightly the moment he thought of the word Wuhun, indicating that they were always there, which made him more sure of his guess.

"So, in fact, I am the light, and you are the darkness, right?"

Ding Ning smiled as if chatting with an old friend.

Hei Ying trembled all over, then regained his composure: "How did you see that?"

"Because my heart is toward the light."

Ding Ning said something like dragging words, causing the black shadow to flicker, and seemed a little at a loss.

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