Medical Sovereign

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-three hypocrisy

Shui Wuhun showed no fear on his face, and threatened calmly: "Let's be released together, and we must die together, but I will remind you one last thing, if I die, my family will know immediately, I promise, when the time comes, you and I will die together Your family will not leave chickens and dogs behind, not even those great emperors will be able to keep you."

Yin Yang Wuhun's face was cloudy and uncertain, although he felt that Shui Wuhun was suspected of exaggerating, but he had no doubt that if he really killed Shui Wuhun, the people behind him would know immediately.

After all, the big families in the source world all have their own unique methods of communication. It is not difficult at all to pass back what happened by special means before dying. s reason.

Seeing that the Yin-Yang Wuhun was in consideration, Shui Wuhun was slightly relieved, as long as he was not in a hurry to make trouble, he could delay for a while.

"I promised to let you go back to the source world. I have already given you enough face. I hope you don't push me too hard. If you really push me, it will be a big deal. The source world is so big and boundless. When the time comes, I will hide wherever I want. , what can you do to me?"

The Yin-Yang Martial Soul pondered for a moment, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, he stared at the Water Martial Soul and said in a deep voice: "Since you are also from the source world, you must know what the psychic embryo is. If my family is destroyed, I will not make any concessions, the big deal is to avenge them when I succeed in cultivation."

Shui Wuhun's heart sank, knowing that he had made up his mind, in fact, this result was already in his expectation.

The source world is an extremely realistic and cruel world with a strict hierarchy. Only the strong are qualified to survive, and the weak can only be reduced to being oppressed and enslaved.

Therefore, everyone in the source world is desperately trying to climb up. For the sake of chance, it is not uncommon for fathers and sons to fight each other. It is not a rare thing at all.

Yin Yang Wuhun would rather give up the whole family to get a psychic birth, this is the normal reaction of Yuan Jie.

In fact, he never expected the Yin-Yang Wuhun to let them go. After all, the five-element Wuhun represents the origin of this world, and the lack of one will make the psychic embryo unable to achieve a perfect state, which will affect the reincarnation of the Yin-Yang Wuhun Cultivation qualification after reincarnation.

The Yin-Yang Martial Soul promised to let him go before, but it was just letting go of his divine soul. It is impossible for him to take the Martial Soul away.

"Then there is nothing to say, let's fight."

Seeing that Ding Ning hadn't moved yet, Shui Wuhun was secretly anxious, but his face remained calm, and quickly formed a five-element formation with other Wuhuns, ready to fight to the death, trying to buy time for Ding Ning.

"In this case, let's fight. What I said is still valid. When I return to the source world, I will strip your spirit and let you go."

Even if they didn't agree, the Yin-Yang Wuhun didn't want to quarrel with the Shui Wuhun, so there was no room for change, and he swore a promise.

Don't look at what he said before so harshly, but that was the last choice he had to make. It's not that he is so affectionate and righteous, but without the resources of the family to cultivate him, his rise will undoubtedly slow down a lot.

Therefore, even though it was time to meet each other, he still left some leeway, hoping that the Shui Wuhun could accept this favor.

"It's useless to talk, so let's do it."

The water spirit was expressionless, and this time he took the initiative to replace the gold spirit and acted as the main attacker of the formation.

Yin Yang Martial Soul only felt a blur in front of his eyes, trapped in a rippling blue sea, surrounded by turbulent waves, layer upon layer of waves formed overwhelming waves roaring towards him.

If that terrible power were placed on ordinary people, they would have been frightened stupid, but in the eyes of Yin Yang Wuhun, this level of tides did not pose any threat to him at all.

Standing proudly with his hands behind his back, with a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth: "Is this your trump card?

It doesn't seem like much. "

As he spoke, just as the first huge wave was about to hit his face, a black light curtain suddenly emanated from his body, standing still in the huge wave like a mainstay, easily blocking the first wave of tide.

Shui Wuhun kept silent, raised his hand, raised his finger, the second wave and the third wave... endless waves rushed up one after another.

Maybe it's Yin Yang Wuhun who wants to sell favors to the end, or maybe he likes the feeling of pretending, with his hands behind his back, watching the waves hit with a smile on his face, and Yu Xia teased: "Not enough, continue!"


The black light curtain is like a stubborn rock rooted in the ground, and it stands still despite the shocking waves.

"as you wish!"

Shui Wuhun said softly, and the waves all over the sky suddenly turned into huge water dragons, with a destructive aura, they rushed towards the Yin-Yang Wuhun with their teeth and claws.

"A picture has its shape, but not its spirit."

Yin Yang Martial Soul said casually, and with a wave of his hand, black mist dragons rushed out of the light curtain, facing the water dragons all over the sky, and began to bite and fight frantically in the air.

It has to be said that level suppression is ubiquitous. Although the number of black mist dragons is far less than that of water dragons, they are all lifelike and substantial. They are many times stronger than solid water dragons. It is only a short time. The water dragon all over the sky was torn into pieces, turned into countless rainwater, and was beaten back to its original shape.


Just when the Yin-Yang Wuhun was secretly proud, the calm voice of the Shui Wuhun suddenly came.

This made him startled, the facts were in front of him, could it be that Shui Wuhun still had some hole cards that he couldn't use.

"Water is the source of all things. Without water, no creature will be alive. This fog dragon seems to have both body and spirit, but without water, it is also a source of no roots."

Shui Wuhun said leisurely.

Just when the Yin-Yang Wuhun was at a loss, the monstrous sea waves suddenly stopped, the water molecules in the air quickly dissipated and merged into the sea, and the whole space instantly became a vacuum without water.

The menacing black mist dragon had no water to replenish, and it just disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"No, it's impossible, how could this be?"

Although the Wulong dissipated did not cause much damage to the Yin-Yang Wuhun, but his face couldn't hold back, and he shouted in disbelief.


Shui Wuhun snorted coldly, but didn't intend to explain.

Fog is the condensation of water vapor in the air near the ground. There are two basic conditions for the formation of fog. One is that the water vapor content in the air near the ground is abundant, and the other is that the ground temperature is low.

In other words, the most important conditions for the formation of fog are changes in water and air temperature.

Although the military power of Yuanjie theory is many times stronger than that of this world, it has not developed any technological civilization at all.

Therefore, this principle that even elementary school students know on earth, but Yin Yang Wuhun is like seeing a ghost, it is completely incomprehensible.

The strong in the source world will slowly explore the birth principles of various natural elements through understanding the origin of the world, but it is difficult to interpret them in an easy-to-understand scientific way.

Therefore, few monks in the source world can clearly express their feelings when cultivating their offspring.

Even if there are some real powerhouses who have insight into the origin of the world and can speak clearly, they will not speak out. At most, they will give some hints and guidance, so that the descendants can slowly understand and explore by themselves.

After all, everyone's Tao is different, and the things they perceive will be different. Their perceptions can only be used as a reference, but they cannot be passed on as a standard for preaching and teaching.

Only some descendants of the family are not qualified enough, and in order to continue the family's incense, they will force-feed their own perceptions to future generations,

The reaction of Yin Yang Wuhun at this moment made Shui Wuhun realize that his original Dao might not have been realized by him at all, but was forcibly instilled in him by the elders of the family, so he only knew it but didn't know why.

This discovery immediately lifted his spirits. The original Tao that he has realized is the real original Tao, and the original Tao that is forcibly instilled by external forces is just a fake way.

Compared with the true original Dao, the strength of such a false original Dao is unreasonable, and the combat power that can be exerted is also like a cloud and mud.

Although the pseudo-original way is far from being able to compete with them now, at least, it will not make him despair and see no hope because of the huge gap in strength.

After all, the current battle is just an appetizer, and the real battle to the death will be after Ding Ning regains his memory.

If the Yin-Yang Wuhun is the true source of Dao, even if Ding Ning finds the hole card, he may not be able to recover, and the ending will still be ten deaths and no life.

But since he is a hypocrite, there is a ray of hope in the final battle, from ten deaths to nine deaths, even if the hope of victory is still very slim, it is better than no hope at all.

"What secret method did you use?"

Yin Yang Martial Soul was still immersed in disbelief, and asked in surprise.

He is a strong man of the original way, even though he needs to add a false word in front of it, his strength is far from comparable to these martial spirits who have just touched the surface of the law.

But Shui Wuhun was able to crack his dark mist dragon, which completely overturned his cognition, and subconsciously thought that Shui Wuhun used the secret method taught by the family behind him.

"Then you can't control it, do you think I will tell you?"

Shui Wuhun sneered and said, looking at him like an idiot.

Yin Yang Martial Soul blushed, and realized that he had asked a stupid question. Now that they are life and death enemies, how could they tell themselves the cards?

In order to hide his embarrassment, he straightened his face and said coldly: "Hmph! I want to see how many times you can use your secret technique."

In his cognition, every big family and power has certain secret methods that are not easily passed on to the outside world. side effects.

Therefore, he took it for granted that even if the water martial soul had a secret method, it was impossible not to pay any price.

As a result, a powerful terrifying aura erupted from his whole body, and black dragons as black as ink emerged one after another out of thin air, rushing towards the Five Elements Martial Soul with all their teeth and claws.

Shui Wuhun almost burst out laughing, this guy actually thought he was using a secret method, and wanted to use this method to consume the soul power of himself and others, and even wanted to cause backlash from the side effects of the secret method.

Of course, he will never tell the truth, the fighting method chosen by the Yin Yang Wuhun is exactly what he wants, isn't it just a waste of time?

The cycle of the five elements is endless, replenishing one's body all the time, and the last thing to be afraid of is consumption.

If the Yin-Yang Wuhun had changed to other fighting methods, the Wuxing Wuhun might have been defeated long ago. As a result, his self-righteousness bought enough time for Ding Ning.

The seal was finally broken completely, and huge memories flooded into his mind like a flood.

Ding Ning didn't get up in a hurry, and still maintained the posture of an old monk in meditation, carefully digesting his memory, looking for the hole card that could turn defeat into victory.

However, what kind of hole cards can defeat a strong man of the original way? This made him uneasy.

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