Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Four Night Talk

"Where's the evidence? Although everyone knows that it was the Li family and his son who did it, what's the use? Without evidence, it's useless, especially since Governor Lu and Mayor Han have always been in single-line contact. Once Mayor Han dies, , no one can testify against him, the ICAC has no evidence, so it can only release him. Lu Jie will be back soon. Deputy Director Huang and the others have a backbone, and now they have a tough attitude and refuse to explain. In addition, Huayang Group They incited tens of thousands of workers to go on strike and cause riots, which resulted in the suspension of several major projects in the city. There must be no chaos in Urumqi. Governor Cheng also endured tremendous pressure, so he had to compromise and personally canceled the wanted order. He even had to apologize to the Li family and his son in a lowly manner and asked him to come forward to appease the employees of Huayang Group and maintain the stability of Urumqi."

Chen Dafa sighed helplessly: "This is the power of capital. Sometimes you have to compromise for the sake of the overall situation. This is also Li Mingrui's plan to prepare for a rainy day. He has deployed a back-up plan long ago to prevent today. He knows very well what the government is most afraid of, so early Just figure out the tricks and lay it out. The gangsters are not to be feared, but the educated gangsters are the most terrifying.”

"Then we can't just let it go like this, right? We know that they have done all the bad things, but we can only let them get away with it. Doesn't that further encourage their arrogance?"

Fang Mengting said angrily.

"Politics is a very complicated subject, and there are too many ways to do it. Governor Cheng will never give up, but without solid evidence, this is the only way."

Chen Dafa smoked another cigarette and said with an aggrieved face.

Fang Mengting was silent. This is the cruel reality. Sometimes they know the truth but have to compromise because there is no evidence. This is the tragedy of the police.

"Don't think too much. Justice will only be late, but it will never be absent. I believe that Skynet will not miss anything and they will be brought to justice sooner or later."

Chen Dafa said sonorously and forcefully.

"But while justice is delayed, how many innocent people will be killed by them."

Fang Mengting said angrily.

Chen Dafa: "..."

Ding Ning didn't go in to greet them. He already knew the situation from their conversation. Since the law couldn't punish the bad guys, he would just do justice to God.

As for whether the Urumqi market will be chaotic? Without the Li family and his son causing trouble behind the scenes, he believed that the incited employees of Huayang Group would not cause trouble with their heads caught in the door.


The Li family and his son have been running the Huayang Group for so many years, so there will definitely be some die-hard loyalists, and there will definitely be chaos.

But as long as we can ensure that employees will not lose their jobs and their salaries will not be reduced, those low-level employees will not care who is the boss. Even if there is chaos, it will be completely within control.

He walked aside, took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Sister, are you interested in Huayang Group?"

In the office of the Provincial Supervisory Committee, Governor Cheng's face was slightly red, leaning on the office chair with his eyes closed and rubbing his temples.

I thought that the overall situation was settled, but I didn't expect that the Li family and his son would be so rampant and dare to blatantly assassinate the mayor of a city to silence him, which made him extremely passive.

The pressure from his superiors forced him to lose face, personally invite the Li family and his son to dinner, and apologize to them in person.

Thinking of Li Maoyang's triumphant look, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger, and his headache became more severe.

Yang Qifei poured a cup of tea and handed it to him, saying softly: "Governor, have a cup of tea to wake up."

Governor Cheng took the tea cup and took a sip, and sighed: "I was careless. I didn't expect that guy Li Mingrui to be so ruthless and decisive in his actions. Under such circumstances, he even turned the tables. This guy doesn't look at his age. It’s big, but it’s very deep, and it has a very high IQ. If you don’t take action, it will hit the target immediately. It is a very difficult opponent, and it is not comparable to Li Maoyang’s father who is full of idiots.”

"I can't blame you. Who would have thought that the Li family would be so bold as to murder the mayor of a city."

Yang Qifei said indignantly.

"No, this is my mistake. I should have thought of it. They dare to send people with guns to forcefully attack the checkpoints. How can there be anything they dare not do?"

Governor Cheng's eyes flashed with self-blame: "A dog jumps over the wall when it gets angry, let alone people like them who are lawless and bold. It would be great if I sent more people to protect the comrades of the ICAC. ”

"It's useless, the person who took action is not an ordinary person, he is a warrior."

Suddenly, a clear voice came from outside the door, and Yang Qifei was frightened and asked in surprise: "Who?"

"Dean Ding, haven't you returned to Ninghai?"

Governor Cheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Ding Ning who opened the door and walked in. He stood up in surprise and asked.

Ding Ning smiled bitterly and said: "Something was delayed, but fortunately, I realized that something had changed."

Yang Qifei was relieved when he saw it was Ding Ning, and hurriedly made Ding Ning a cup of tea and handed it to him.


Ding Ning took the tea and nodded his thanks, then sat down on the sofa without saying anything.

Governor Cheng said with an apologetic look on his face: "I'm so ashamed. It was all my negligence that allowed things to develop into such an uncontrollable situation."

"Out of control? Governor Cheng's words are serious. The matter has not yet reached the point of irreversibility."

Ding Ning said confidently.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Governor Cheng perked up and asked with interest.

"Before coming here, I contacted Marquis Wu. The person who attacked the checkpoint last night was indeed arranged by the Li family's old suspicion formation, but he was not a subordinate of the Li family."

Old God Ding Ning said calmly.

"Not a member of the Li family?"

Governor Cheng's eyes widened in astonishment and he said with some surprise.

"Yes, they are Batur's people."

Ding Ning squinted his eyes, and there was a terrifying cold light in his eyes, which made Yang Qifei shiver involuntarily, as if the temperature around him had dropped by more than ten degrees.

Ding Ning was really angry. Before he came, he went to Diba's house and found that Diba's house was in a mess. The Li family was really arrogant and domineering. They even kidnapped all three of Diba's family. What they did It had completely angered him.


Governor Cheng narrowed his eyes and murmured thoughtfully. It seemed that he had also been paying attention to the Batur organization.

"To be precise, it should be called Dark Flower List."

Ding Ning said calmly: "Batur is just a legal non-governmental organization that they put on display in Urumqi."

"Dark Flower List?"

Governor Cheng repeated in confusion, as if he knew nothing about the Dark Flower List.

"The Dark Flower Bang is not only a killer organization, it is also the largest trading platform in the world for publishing bounty missions. They will get a commission for every killer business, and they have almost a monopoly on the killer business around the world."

Ding Ning explained patiently. Of course, he did not reveal his guess. In fact, the Dark Flower List was a money-making machine for the Divine Origin organization.

If Xiahou Weiyang hadn't wanted Qisha to take revenge personally, and had been keeping an eye on Batur for the past two days without making any rash move, I'm afraid the connection between Batur and Anhua Bang would not have been discovered.

This was an advantage for Ding Ning. Dark Flower Bang had previously released his sky-high price Dark Flower. He had long wanted to destroy Dark Flower, but because their whereabouts were too secretive, he could never find their headquarters.

This time, he planned to follow the clues, find out where the headquarters of Anhua Bang was, and completely eliminate this killer organization.

"No wonder, I asked where did the Li family and his son get so many firearms, including a lot of heavy firepower. It turns out that Batur is the branch of the killer organization in Urumqi."

Governor Cheng was horrified, and then suddenly realized the truth.

Secretary Yang was listening with great interest. Governor Cheng glanced at him and said solemnly: "Qifei, go out and guard. Don't let anyone come in and disturb us."


Secretary Yang responded respectfully, stood up and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Ding Ning glanced at Governor Cheng in surprise. Could it be that he couldn't trust Secretary Yang? That's why he was sent away on purpose.

Governor Cheng seemed to notice his doubts and said with a wry smile: "I left Qifei just to be cautious. After all, this matter concerns the warrior. He is just an ordinary person. Knowing too much is not a good thing."

Ding Ning nodded clearly, but a look of confusion flashed across his face. He was sure that Governor Cheng was just an ordinary person, and he didn't know why he was appointed as the director of Qingjiang Bureau 17.

"Are you curious why an ordinary person like me became the director of the 17th Bureau of Qingjiang?"

Governor Cheng was worthy of being a high-ranking official in the border areas. His ability to observe words and emotions was absolutely superb, and he could immediately see what he was thinking.

Ding Ning smiled awkwardly, but nodded honestly. He really didn't understand.

"Qingjiang is a multi-ethnic province where many separatists and foreign hostile forces are flirting and colluding with each other. The situation is much more complicated than in other provinces. Most of them act under the guise of religion or in the name of civil society. , in order to maintain the stability of the general environment, it is not advisable to be too tough and can only adopt gentle methods. The previous director of the 17th Bureau was too tough and was taken advantage of by people with malicious intentions, which caused quite a stir. Although the matter was eventually calmed down, But the superiors were very dissatisfied with this, and after negotiating with the Imperial Government, they allowed me, a non-warrior, to concurrently hold this position."

Although Governor Cheng's words were not fully explained, Ding Ning immediately understood that although warriors were powerful, their character determined their behavior, they did not understand politics, and their methods of handling things were too simple and crude.

However, the Qingjiang region is a mixed area of ​​various ethnic groups with their own religious beliefs. Blind toughness will only be used by those with ulterior motives to fan the flames and stir up ethnic conflicts. Therefore, due to the complexity of the situation, Governor Cheng, who understands politics, The clever director of the 17th Bureau came into being.

"Since there is such chaos here, how can you ensure your own safety?"

Although Ding Ning understood the difficulties of doing so, he also questioned it. After all, Governor Cheng was not a warrior, so how to ensure his own safety was a big problem in itself.

"There are still many powerful members of the 17th Bureau here. There should be no problem in terms of safety. What's more, I am the governor. No matter how rampant those people are, they would not dare to openly attack the governor of a province on the land of China. Then It will arouse the wrath of the country, and they cannot afford the consequences.”

Governor Cheng said with great confidence: "What's more, my identity is top secret. Basically no one except members of the 17th Bureau knows about it."

Ding Ning suddenly realized that, yes, those separatists with ulterior motives were like rats in the gutter. They could not see the light of day. They could only fan the flames behind their backs in an attempt to create ethnic conflicts, but no matter how audacious they were, they would not dare to attack someone easily. A big official from a feudal land commits murderous attacks. This is the bottom line that the country cannot tolerate. Anyone who touches someone will die.

"How did Mayor Han die?"

Having cleared up the doubts in his mind, Ding Ning got back to business and talked about business.

"He was stabbed in the heart. I suspect it was a warrior. Even though the armed police were guarding him, no one found any trace of the murderer."

A cold light flashed in Governor Cheng's eyes, and he said coldly: "Some people, relying on ill-gotten gains, are simply lawless."

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