Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Three Efficacy

Just when these local snakes were secretly talking and arguing over whether the Li family could make a comeback again.

The news that Annivar killed Li Mingrui and was caught on the spot exploded like thunder on the ground. The explosion made them dumbfounded. They thought that they had heard wrongly, or that the murderer happened to have the same name as Annivar. In fact, Not the same person.

As Annivar's uncle, they could not connect the gentle, elegant and always polite boy from the Ecker family in their impressions with the murderer who dared to assassinate Li Mingrui.

Therefore, they contacted each other immediately to verify the authenticity of the news. As a result, they were stunned. It turned out that it was not a duplicate of the name or a rumor. It was really Annivar, the boy of the Ecker family, who killed Li Mingrui.

This made their hearts become heavy, and at the same time, they suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of excitement and pride. They all gathered at Ecker's house. After seeing the door locked, they immediately ran non-stop to Annivar's house. Even after arriving and learning that Annivar was dead, they still could not suppress their excitement.

This is the subtle psychology of small people eager to be related to big events. When they think that Li Mingrui, the leader of the Li family who was all-powerful in the Urumqi market, was killed by his eldest nephew, these local snakes' adrenaline hormones will be secreted rapidly. , the blood circulation is accelerated, which is enough for them to brag for a lifetime. One or two people gathered in groups like chicken blood, whispering with bright eyes, as if it was not Anilvar who killed Li Mingrui. But like them.

Therefore, when Ding Ning and Diba came to Annivar's house and found that most of these people did not feel sad at all, but their eyes were still shining with an inexplicable excitement, they felt confused and muttered to themselves, could it be that The news of Annivar's death hasn't spread yet, don't these people know?

But the next moment, I saw a small truck pulling white flags, paper figurines, wreaths, white cloth and other funeral supplies parked at the door. When these people shouted and gathered around to help unload the truck and lay out the mourning hall, they knew that they had guessed wrong. These people It was obvious that Annivar was dead.

I couldn't help but feel a little angry. Someone died in someone's family. Not only did these guys not feel sad, but they were as happy as if they were attending a cocktail party. It was really disrespectful to the deceased.

But these people were either Anival's friends or friends of Anival's father. As an outsider, he couldn't say anything, so he could only give them a cold look and walk towards the room.

"What's wrong?"

Sometimes Diba's heart was rough, but sometimes he was very careful. He sensitively noticed that Ding Ning's mood was wrong and asked softly.


I just felt heartbroken. Anniwal died. Not only did these people who came to express their condolences not feel very sad, but they were all in high spirits, as if they were attending a cocktail party. It made me feel uncomfortable. "

Ding Ning took a deep breath and said depressedly.

"Forget it, they are all relatives and friends of the Annivar family. If they can come to help, even if they are sincere, can we force them to cry?"

Diba was open-minded and said in a helpless tone.

Ding Ning thought about it. After all, it was not a death in their own family. How could they understand the grief of the family members of the deceased? Being able to help someone at this time was considered a kind of favor. There was no need to force others to cry too.

But after saying that, he just felt very uncomfortable in his heart, muttering to himself, it would be fine if these guys calmed down a little later, otherwise, if they pissed him off, they would have to do something secretly to make them kneel down and cry in mourning.

The familiar room was packed with unfamiliar people. Anival, who had been drinking and chatting with him in this villa the night before, left like this, which made Ding Ning feel a strong and unspeakable feeling of melancholy.

Life is so fragile, Annivar's voice and smile seemed to be still in front of him, but at this moment, he had become a cold corpse.

Anival's mother was lying on Sirin's bed, looking at the ceiling without any focus, as hollow and numb as a soulless body. Tears overflowed from her eyes and continued to flow down her cheeks, wetting the pillow. I feel sad when I read it, there is nothing better than a white-haired person giving a black-haired person.

Xilin's mother and Xilin were by her side, silently wiping away tears. Her eyes were as red and swollen as peaches, which made Ding Ning feel a heavy sense of depression. She patted the shoulder of Diba who was already crying and expressed comfort, then turned and walked out. , planning to go out to smoke a cigarette and take a breath.


After turning around, he bumped into Yuan Shanshan, who also had red and swollen eyes. Seeing her staring at him with complicated eyes, she grinned apologetically, showed a forced smile, and walked out quickly.

Yuan Shanshan sighed secretly and did not bother Ding Ning. She was originally very jealous of Diba and Xilin. She should be happy that Xilin's husband died.

But seeing Xi Lin so sad, she suddenly remembered the friendship she had when she took care of him without any clothes on when he was hospitalized. She couldn't rejoice in her misfortune no matter what. Instead, she shed a lot of tears.

Recalling that in the past two days, she had been filled with the desire to destroy as if possessed by a demon, Yuan Shanshan couldn't help but feel a little scared. She didn't know what had happened to her, and she wanted to destroy Diba so viciously. Good sisters.

Fortunately, although they did something wrong, it did not lead to irreversible consequences in the end, and the bad things they had done were not exposed. Diba and Xilin still treated themselves well as always.

Yuan Shanshan was sure that Ding Ning knew what she had done, but he did not expose her. This made her feel mixed and she didn't know how to face him.

Seeing Diba hugging Xilin and crying, Yuan Shanshan's conscience that had not yet been extinguished made Yuan Shanshan feel sad, and her tears fell down.

Although her life was very hard, at least her family was still alive and well, but Xilin became a widow at a young age, which made her feel that Xilin was much worse off than herself.

They are best friends and best sisters. Now that something has happened to Xilin, it is their duty as best friends to accompany her through this time together.

As for Ding Ning, put it aside for the time being and don't think about the things that are and are not. She threw herself into his arms twice and was knocked unconscious by him. This has made her lose any confidence and confidence. Perhaps, silently watching him and It might not be a bad choice for Diba to be happy.

Yuan Shanshan's transformation was not without reason. When she woke up, she found herself lying on her bed at home, and her mother was sleeping beside her bed. There was a bowl of sobering soup still exuding heat on the bedside table.

She was filled with anger and humiliation, but when she looked at her mother's hair, which was mostly gray, her heart suddenly hurt, and she remembered what Ding Ning once said to her.

Your mother is the greatest mother in the world. In order to feed you and take care of your father, she sacrificed her own reputation. You only see your father's pain, but who can understand the pain and suffering in her heart?

For how many years, she had not looked directly at this mother who made her hate and feel extremely ashamed. However, she did not expect that she was already so old, and her former beautiful face was no longer there, replaced by wrinkles. skin and gray hair.

She impulsively stretched out her trembling hands, wanting to touch her mother's gray hair. Her mother moved slightly because of her uncomfortable sleeping position, and she retracted her hand like a frightened deer, burying her head in the bed, silently. in tears.

That gray hair touched the deepest softness in her heart. At that moment, she suddenly understood that the reason why she had hated her so much all these years actually stemmed from the deepest love in her heart.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Without love, where can the hatred come from? She self-righteously believed that she had blasphemed the great and sacred word mother, but she never considered why her mother, who had no skills, used her weak body to Shoulder the burden of supporting a family?

When you are not a housewife, you don’t know that firewood and rice are expensive. Over the years, she has stubbornly shouldered the important task of supporting the family on behalf of her mother. Only then did she realize that life is not just talk, it is a kind of responsibility, a kind of heavy pressure that makes people unable to breathe. Responsibility comes with anger.

If she hadn't been holding her breath and trying to prove to her mother that she didn't have to sell her body to make a living, she would have been unable to bear it long ago.

But it wasn't until she saw her mother's head full of white hair that she suddenly realized that the comparison itself was unfair to her mother.

She has a high degree of education, but she can only work as a white-collar worker in a small company. She earns a salary of just over 2,000 yuan a month. She works overtime day and night with commissions and year-end bonuses. The average monthly salary is only 4,000 to 5,000 yuan. With the money income, her mother shouldered the burden of taking care of her paralyzed father, leaving her without any worries, and her life was so tight.

But what about mother? What does she have? She had nothing, no education, no craftsmanship, no skills, no one to rely on, no one to talk to, and all the suffering could only rest on her weak shoulders alone.

Not only did she have to serve her father who was paralyzed in bed, but she also had to support her and her brother, a pair of young children, provide them with three meals a day, send them to school, and work hard to bring them up.

But he didn't put himself in her shoes at all. He only resented and blamed her, thinking that she had embarrassed him and made him unable to hold his head high, so he hated and even hated her.

She has never looked down upon her in these years. Even the things she touched seemed dirty to her, and she was never allowed to enter her room.

If you have not experienced the hardships of life, you will never understand how difficult life is.

On this sunny morning, when Yuan Shanshan saw her mother's head full of white hair, she finally came to her senses and completely understood her mother. The resentment in her heart disappeared and was replaced by guilt and self-blame.

When she saw her mother showing flattered expression when she saw her smiling at her, Yuan Shanshan cried. She hugged her mother and cried bitterly, saying she was sorry.

My mother also cried, but she was crying with joy.

Her daughter's indifference to her over the years made her feel very uncomfortable, but she did not expect that her daughter knew that she had done something disgraceful, and thought that the pressure of life made her temper worse and worse.

She has experienced the most difficult and undignified repressed life, and she understands the feeling of depression that has nowhere to vent. Therefore, over the years, she has always carefully watched her daughter's face and acted, lest she cause trouble to her daughter.

Now, her daughter was finally willing to smile at her, which filled her heart with joy. She wiped her tears with joy, patted her daughter's back with a kind face, and said angrily, "I am your mother. I have nothing to be sorry for."

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