Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-seven See the routine again

Ding Ning nodded. Indeed, there were many foreigners checking in in the lobby on the first floor.

It seems that although the place is branded as the Provincial Supervisory Committee Guest House, it is also open to the public while completing the reception work.

"The Provincial Supervisory Committee does not expect to make money here. The external business is just to maintain daily expenses. The room price is much cheaper than a five-star hotel, which is very cost-effective. In addition, it is absolutely safe here, so many people like to come here. Stay."

Yang Qifei came up quickly, took over the conversation and introduced with a smile.

"The government still has money. It costs a lot of money just for maintenance and upkeep every year, right?"

Ding Ning clicked his tongue and praised.

"In fact, the entire guest house is at a loss. This was specially set up by Governor Lu to welcome guests when he was in office. Every year, the finance department must spend a lot of money to subsidize it."

Yang Qifei sighed: "Governor Cheng is also having a headache about how to deal with it. Scrap it. It's a pity to spend so much money. Keep it. It's too extravagant. You have to support so many people. This is a lot of money. The provincial supervisory committee can’t bear the expense.”

"Then how did Lu Jie deal with it before?"

Ding Ning asked curiously.

"He, hum, he regards this place as his second home. He has occupied the best presidential suite for a long time. He eats, drinks, and eats here, eats and drinks from the public house... I won't say any more, let's go up. Governor Cheng and the others are waiting."

Yang Qifei said angrily, and then felt that it was not appropriate to say this in his capacity, so he immediately stopped the topic, made an invitation gesture, and invited Ding Ning and Diba to the restaurant upstairs.

The three of them walked towards the elevator. On the way, Secretary Yang introduced that the hotel is not just for accommodation. The first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the bathing center, the third floor is the restaurant, the fourth floor is the leisure club, and the fifth to eighth floors are the guest rooms. department.

The hotel's facilities are very complete, including a small indoor swimming pool, a small golf course, an indoor bowling alley, and a tennis court. They are completely in accordance with the standards of a five-star hotel. It is a place for many wealthy people in Urumqi to come for leisure and entertainment. The place.

Ding Ning was puzzled: "Since the facilities are so complete, why are there still losses?"

"There is no way. The original position of this guest house was to receive superior leaders and investors or for large-scale meetings.

It is not open to the public, but how many times a year can superior leaders and investors come? Isn't it a waste of money to keep it empty for a long time? That's why Governor Lu later decided to open the business to the outside world. However, because it had a three-star brand, was responsible for reception, and had some political overtones, it was not competitive with the same five-star hotel, so the price was only higher than that of a three-star hotel. The star rating is slightly higher, but not as good as the price of a four-star hotel. "

When the elevator arrived, Yang Qifei made a greeting gesture. After entering the elevator, he said with a wry smile: "Although there are more people staying, because of the reception task, the vacancy rate of the two floors must be kept for a long time to deal with emergencies. , coupled with the messy expenses such as water, electricity, facility maintenance and repair, workers’ wages, etc., the daily income is simply beyond our means, and it would be strange if we don’t lose money.”

"Why not contract it out?"

Ding Ning asked in confusion.

"It's not that Governor Cheng has never thought of this method, but do you know how many people rely on this guest house to eat?"

Yang Qifei didn't mean to let Ding Ning guess. He smiled bitterly and stretched out two fingers: "Two thousand people. A small guest house has to feed two thousand people. If it is contracted out, who dares to take over?"

"Two thousand people?"

Ding Ning's eyes widened in astonishment: "A hotel with only eight floors? Where do we need so many people?"

"It's not all Governor Lu who wants to win people's hearts. Those who follow him always have to give them some sweet spots, right? When their children and relatives come to him for employment issues, can he refuse? Good jobs are not so easy to arrange. Simply, those who could not be accommodated were crammed in here. On the other hand, he felt that these people were his own and relatively reliable. Those people would not leak out what he was doing here at will, and it would not be revealed for a long time. In the past, there was such a situation where the tail was too big to lose.”

When the elevator arrived, Yang Qifei walked out first and said with a wry smile: "Although these people are just contract workers working here and don't even have a formal establishment, there is a local force behind everyone, so Governor Cheng is now having a headache. "

Ding Ning held Diba's hand and followed Yang Qifei towards the restaurant, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Although Yang Qifei didn't say it so straightforwardly, he understood the meaning. Each of the staff in these hotels had a background, and there was a local force behind them.

Even though Governor Cheng has barely established a foothold in Qingjiang, he does not dare to go to war and lay off employees at this time. Otherwise, it will inevitably cause a strong backlash from local forces and escalate the conflicts that have been temporarily hidden under the water.

After all, killing someone's job is like killing their parents. Once these two thousand employees lose their jobs, they will definitely not give up. If the forces behind them continue to add fuel to the flames, once trouble breaks out, things will most likely develop into something terrible. Clean up the situation.

Once social turmoil is triggered and the current good situation of stability and harmony is destroyed, even Governor Cheng may have to suffer.

Politics is indeed the most complicated thing in the world. Not to mention Governor Cheng's headache, even Ding Ning is worried about him.

There are two thousand employees who rely on the hotel for meals. Not to mention other expenses, their monthly salary alone is a huge expense.

But in fact, out of 2,000 people, how many are actually working?

I'm afraid there can be at most one-third, or even less than one-third, and the other two-thirds are getting their salaries for free. It would be strange if such a hotel could make a profit.

Everyone is aware of the fishy nature of it, but because of the trap, it is still impossible to perform major surgery to remove this stubborn tumor, and we have to continue to feed this bottomless pit. Who would be able to avoid a headache?

"Contract out, and then adopt a performance appraisal system. Those who are capable are promoted and those who are incompetent are demoted. They can't say anything."

Diba on the side suddenly said something, which made Ding Ning suddenly happy. He gave Diba a thumbs up: "My daughter-in-law is still amazing. She hit the nail on the head. Things seem complicated, but as long as you understand the essence of the matter. , it’s not that there is no solution.”

In his position, Governor Cheng naturally has to look forward and backward, and the considerations are a bit complicated, but the people who contract the hotel don't need to worry so much.

Isn’t it just two thousand people? Yes, with the intention of giving money in the first few months, all employees will be accepted.

After getting rid of government factors, contractors can completely adopt a performance appraisal system. The talented ones stay and the incompetent ones get out. No one can say anything. After all, contractors want to make money, and they can't keep a bunch of waste in vain. Bar?

"No way, you are thinking too complicatedly."

Diba pursed his lips and smiled sheepishly. As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed with things, and bystanders can see things clearly. Only when you are on the outside can you see things more clearly.

Yang Qifei's eyes flashed and he smiled bitterly: "It's not that simple. It's not like we haven't thought about this method, but the question is, which contractor is willing to take over this mess? You know, this is an offending job, and it's not like we have to pay back the money in advance. It costs a lot of money to put in, and no contractor who knows the inside story wants to get into this trouble.”

Diba pouted in frustration. Yes, he had kept things simple. Governor Cheng was afraid of offending people, so wasn't the contractor afraid of offending people?

You must know that although the leader of the local forces, Governor Lu, has been dismissed, the local forces at the grassroots level have not been injured. They are deeply rooted and firmly control the real leadership of Urumqi and even the entire Qingjiang Province. It is said that it is the officialdom of Qingjiang. The mainstay of the system cannot be overstated. Which contractor is willing to risk offending the powerful leaders of all departments to contract this mess?

"It's not that complicated, I'll take care of it."

Ding Ning's words are not surprising, and Secretary Yang and Di Bawai's Jiao Linen are shocked by one sentence.

" are a doctor, not a businessman."

Secretary Yang said with a bitter smile.

Diba also tugged on the hem of his clothes and said eagerly: "Don't act recklessly. There are so many different lines, and you don't know how to do business."

"I don't know how to do business, but I have money, and I'm not afraid of offending people."

Ding Ning glanced at Diba with a smile: "It just so happens that our parents have retired and complained all day long about having nothing to do. Let's pick up a hotel for them to play."

"You...poof, you are so shameless."

Diba blushed with embarrassment and spat softly. This guy was so shameless that he started to call him mom and dad instead.

Thinking of her parents having nothing to do at home all day after retirement, they were thinking about holding their grandson. If she really found something for them to do, maybe she wouldn't be so hasty, which made her a little tempted by this proposal.

But then he thought that his parents were both in the arts and had no experience in managing a hotel. He shook his head and said, "How can they manage a hotel?"

"There is no boss who personally manages the hotel. Just find a professional manager to take care of it."

Ding Ning said casually.

"But how much does it cost to contract a hotel like this?"

Diba was tempted, but when she considered that she didn't have much money saved over the years, she didn't know if it would be enough to pay the contracting fee.

"If Dr. Ding wants to contract, he will definitely give the best price."

Yang Qifei immediately hit the snake and put it on the stick, vowing to do so.

Ding Ning glanced at Yang Qifei thoughtfully and saw that his expression seemed a little unnatural. He immediately understood and joked in a dumbfounded way: "The city has many routines. I want to go back to the countryside."

Diba glanced at him inexplicably, not knowing what he was talking about at this time.

"Haha, Doctor Ding, it's not that I'm too sophisticated. I originally wanted you to give me a try in front of Mr. Feng, but I didn't expect you to be interested."

Yang Qifei explained nonchalantly.

Diba suddenly realized, no wonder Secretary Yang said so much along the way, the relationship is a trap, do you still step in even though you know it is a trap? Diba was a little confused.

"Mr. Feng will not contract the hotel. Since I am interested, I will accept it regardless of whether it is a routine or not."

Ding Ning said calmly.

He knew very well that if it hadn't been for his own whim, no matter how Governor Cheng tried to trick him, Feng Jie would never have been able to take it.

After all, although Longteng Group has a lot of business, it has not yet set foot in the hotel industry. Without her sister to speak out, how could Feng Jie, a professional manager, contract hotels.

However, it can also be seen that Governor Cheng really has no choice, otherwise he would never make such a move. Even for the sake of their friendship, he plans to help him.

"Thank you very much, Doctor Ding. You have helped us a lot now."

Yang Qifei expressed his sincere gratitude and generously promised: "Doctor Ding, don't worry, as long as you contract this guest house, all official receptions of the Provincial Supervisory Committee and the Provincial Government will be held here."


Diba asked happily.

"Of course, this is Governor Cheng's promise."

Yang Qifei said confidently.

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