Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand and Forty Four Inferences

If Sakura didn't get the Demon Sword, but instead used the sword without the sword spirit, it would only be a matter of time before she became a strong swordsman with her talent.

But the problem is that there is no sword master who doesn't love swords. Even if he doesn't have one, he must try his best to get a unique and famous sword.

And how could a peerless famous sword have no sword spirit? What kind of famous sword is a sword without a sword spirit?

This resulted in the fact that none of the innate sword embryos that had ever appeared in history had a good ending.

Why? It's because of that embryonic character.

There is another name for the born sword embryo, which is called the sword keeper. He raises knives, not people.

All things in the world are about the balance of heaven. If there is gain, there must be loss. The more you get, the more you will have to pay.

The born sword embryo shows this point vividly. When it is weak, it can infinitely use the power of the sword spirit to exert a powerful combat power that far exceeds its own realm.

But for Dao Ling, lending this kind of power is not without asking for anything in return. The more you borrow, the more you get back.

Before the blade embryo has fully grown up, the sword spirit does not ask for anything in return, but once the blade embryo matures, the sword spirit is like a loan shark villain, extremely arrogant and wants to take back even the principal and interest, and It’s still the kind of recovery with super high interest rates.

Therefore, the embryonic knife will always be the embryonic knife, and there will be no day when it becomes a knife.

Once she really grows up, her death will come. The sword spirit will regard it as the best tonic, sucking up all her essence, blood and cultivation. She will be lucky to become a disabled person, and nine times out of ten she will die. The path of death disappears.

Therefore, Ding Ning looked at Sakura with eyes full of pity. If it had been with other swords, he might have been able to save her life, but Muramasa was a famously vicious sword, and even he couldn't do anything about it.

Unless she can abandon Muramasa and never borrow the power of the demon sword from now on, maybe there will still be a glimmer of hope.

"It's too close to the crime scene and it's very unsafe. The Chinese police will soon set up checkpoints on nearby traffic thoroughfares. You take a taxi to the western suburbs and I'll see what we get there... um, Green Field Villa." , meet in front of Green Field Villa."

While KING was looking up the map, he was talking to Lei on the phone. The name Green Field Villa interrupted Ding Ning's thoughts and made him laugh.

This guy really knows how to pick places. He actually arranged to meet on his own territory. Is this a self-inflicted trap?

In the Zixing Pavilion clubhouse, red and blue lights flashed, and the police had set up a cordon to isolate the curious onlookers and reporters who came after hearing the news.

Xiao Nuo was wearing a police uniform, squatting on the ground and staring at the three corpses of two men and one woman on the ground, frowning and thinking while examining them.

One of the corpses was that of the security guard who was shot in the head. He was the most direct victim of the shooting. The police had confirmed it through surveillance and witness statements. There was nothing to say.

The other male corpse belonged to Xue Nakui. He was an indirect victim and was trampled to death by the panicked crowd. This was a bit troublesome, after all, he had a conflict with Ding Ning before.

However, this is not a big deal. A conflict is a conflict, and Ding Ning did it very cleverly. The on-site surveillance can confirm that Xue Nakui was kicked down by the security guard, and Ding Ning cannot be traced.

The female corpse was found in the bathroom stall. She was completely naked, her body was wet, and there were obvious signs of being washed.

This made Xiao Nuo realize,

This woman was by no means the victim of a shooting, but of another homicide.

"Forensic Doctor Zhao, how was the on-site investigation?"

Xiao Nuo stood up and raised his voice to ask Fang Xiaomu and Zhao Xin who were walking in a hurry.

"After the investigation, the floor of the bathroom is still wet. It should be that the murderer cleaned the blood stains after the murder. It should be concluded that the bathroom was the scene of the first crime."

Zhao Xin thought about it and replied: "There were many bruises on the deceased's body, and there was an obvious wound on the back of the head after being hit. I checked the shape of the wound, and it was very consistent with the edges and corners of the washstand. It should have been that the back of the head hit the edges of the washstand. After the deceased was unconscious on the spot, the murderer thought she was dead. In a panic, he only wanted to cover up the crime and cleaned the traces of the scene. He did not provide immediate rescue, which led to the deceased bleeding to death. The time of death was about one An hour ago."

"It seems that the deceased and the murderer had an argument in the bathroom for some unknown reason. The two got excited and started moving their hands. The murderer probably didn't want to kill her, but he accidentally pushed her down and hit the back of her head on the bathroom sink. The edges of the stage caused a large amount of blood loss. The murderer panicked and thought she was dead, so he stuffed her into the bathroom stall and immediately cleaned the crime scene..."

Xiao Nuo reasoned thoughtfully, then turned to look at Fang Xiaomu and asked, "Have you found the clothes of the deceased?"

"No, the clothes and shoes of the deceased were not at the crime scene. There must be blood stains on the clothes from the client and the murderer. According to common sense, the murderer would not leave with clothes full of blood. I have arranged for people to search for them in the club and nearby areas. ”

Fang Xiaomu replied.

Xiao Nuo nodded and approved his approach: "Then the matter will be simple. Just call up the surveillance in front of the bathroom door. Who entered the bathroom with the deceased during that time will be clear."

"The murderer must have thought of this."

Fang Xiaomu smiled bitterly and said, "He has taken away the surveillance camera in front of the bathroom door."

Xiao Nuo was not too surprised. He folded his arms in front of his chest and pinched his chin, thinking: "This is manslaughter. The murderer was able to cover everything in a panic, which shows that he was very thoughtful and was able to sneak into the security room and take it away." Monitoring, you should be no stranger to the club, check the list of guests attending the reception tonight, focusing on the so-called socialites and socialites, to see if there are anyone who meets the requirements. "

"Okay! I'll check it out right away."

Fang Xiaomu responded, turned around and hurried away.

"I don't think the murderer may be a woman."

Zhao Xin suddenly said.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Xiao Nuo asked with interest.

"I've seen the location of the security room. It's right between the door and the restroom. The sign is very obvious and anyone who comes into the club can see it at a glance. So it's normal for the murderer to know where the security room is."

Zhao Xin said methodically: "After the murderer mistakenly thought that the deceased was dead, he immediately cleaned the crime scene to eliminate traces. He even took away the clothes and the deceased's shoes. Don't you think it's abnormal?"

"Are you saying that there might be traces of the murderer's blood on the deceased's shoes or other things that can extract DNA?"

Xiao Nuo looked thoughtful.

"It is very possible that the deceased was wearing a dress and was not suitable for fighting. Therefore, using high heels as a weapon to hit the murderer probably caused some damage to the murderer. Otherwise, there was no need for the murderer to take away the high heels."

Zhao Xin spoke as if he had seen it with his own eyes: "That's why I think the murderer was probably a man. He had a very close relationship with the deceased, but they had a dispute for some unknown reason, and the deceased hit him with high heels. The murderer might It was because he was beaten that he fought back angrily. After the deceased was hit on the back of her head, he did not notice it at the time and punched and kicked her as if to vent his anger. This resulted in no injuries on the deceased's back and no traces of being beaten. All on the front.”

“Why would a man go to the women’s restroom?”

Xiao Nuo raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise. Then he thought of something and his face suddenly turned red.

Zhao Xin winked and chuckled: "It seems that my sixth child is still very pure. He has never experienced such a classic battlefield."

"Go to hell, they are all really the same, none of them are good."

Xiao Nuo blushed and spat angrily.

She had known about the relationship between Zhao Xin and Ding Ning for a long time, but she didn't expect that Zhao Xin also knew about the relationship between Ding Ning and her, which made her extremely embarrassed.

I muttered to myself, when you know that your sister has also been taken into the room by that guy, I wonder if you will still be able to laugh.

Zhao Xin also knew the seriousness and did not dare to tease her anymore. He straightened his face and talked about the business: "This case is not complicated. Although the murderer is thoughtful, it is not a deliberate murder after all. It is impossible not to leave any clues in the panic. As long as you are careful, Look, there will definitely be clues.”

"That's true. I'm not worried about this case. What I'm worried about is the shooting, long-distance sniping, and the use of strictly controlled arms such as depleted uranium bombs. The superiors only gave three days to solve the case. Where can we go in such a short time? Find the murderer."

Xiao Nuo rubbed his temples with a headache.

As the year was approaching, a case with such a bad impact actually occurred, which seriously affected the image of Ninghai as an international city. The superiors took it very seriously and demanded that the case be solved as soon as possible so that the general public could be given an explanation. Therefore, she was only given three days to handle the case.

"If you have any difficulty, please contact me."

Zhao Xin lit up a cigarette and joked nonchalantly that he was a forensic doctor, not a case investigator. Even if the case could not be solved within the prescribed time limit, it had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Nuo rolled his eyes speechlessly: "You are standing and talking without pain in your back. What's the point of looking for him?"

"Haven't you seen it yet? This killer is definitely here for Lao Liu, but this security guard is just the scapegoat."

Zhao Xin carefully studied the surveillance, put away his cynical smile, and said solemnly: "Who did Lao Liu offend? He was so ruthless that he even used depleted uranium bombs."

Xiao Nuo didn't know, he just didn't want to say it. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xin saw it and immediately stopped hiding it. She frowned and took out her mobile phone to call Ding Ning. Unfortunately, the call couldn't be connected at all. .

"This guy turned off his phone, nothing will happen to him."

Xiao Nuo said anxiously and worriedly.

Zhao Xin looked thoughtfully at the alley next to the club: "Lao Liu must have gone after the sniper. In the alley, he was attacked a second time by the other party, but there were no body parts at the scene. He must have been hiding. It has passed. If I guessed correctly, he should be tracking the sniper now, so it is normal to shut down. "

"Ah, then will he be in danger?"

Xiao Nuo covered her mouth and said silently, with an undisguised look of worry on her pretty face.

Although she knew that Ding Ning's cultivation level was very high, the opponent used depleted uranium bullets. She didn't think that Ding Ning could withstand the depleted uranium bullets.

Just looking at the wall in the alley that had a big hole blown out, she felt chills all over.

"You ask me, who am I asking? You are his female partner and you don't even know. How could I know?"

Zhao Xin rolled his eyes speechlessly, and when he saw Xiao Nuo's face turned dark, he quickly changed the subject and said with a sigh: "This old six, I almost don't recognize him anymore. I knew he could do some kung fu before, but... I didn’t expect him to be a secretive martial arts master. That’s a sniper rifle. You can dodge it like this. It’s amazing. My brother. If the surveillance hadn’t shown that it was indeed him, I would have doubted whether I had identified the wrong person. Woolen cloth."

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