Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand and Forty Nine Discussions


Latest website: Of course, Xiao Nuo felt completely at ease after learning about the sniper and being caught. She just knew that Ding Ning hadn't had time to interrogate him yet, so she could only pretend not to know for the time being.

The parents of Lu Zhan and others were also alarmed by the commotion here, and asked what was going on. When they learned that the boss was here to reward everyone, they all said they would come over to express their gratitude to Ding Ning.

On weekdays, they didn't know that Lu Zhan and others were teleported to fight in war-torn areas, and they thought they were going to work in the company.

They were filled with infinite gratitude to Ding Ning, their boss. Back then, the children were either disabled or unemployed, and the family's life was miserable.

Now they are better. Not only have their disabilities been cured by their boss, but they also have a stable and high-paying job. Their whole family has also followed them to Ninghai and lived in a large villa. The other children have also been given suitable jobs. , life was prosperous.

The elderly people did not want to be idle, and took the initiative to clean the villa every day, without even asking for wages, just to express their gratitude.

Fortunately, Land Warfare and the others are not short of money. If they don’t want the salary, then they don’t want it. They can just treat it as an exercise for the elderly. Besides, the supply of human-level elixir Ding Ning is open to them. These elderly people are in extremely good health. There is no problem at all in living to be over a hundred years old.

It's just that the old man was grateful and had long wanted to express his gratitude to the boss in person. However, Ding Ning was very busy and came to Green Field Villa very rarely, so they had no chance at all.

Now the boss finally came. They climbed out of their warm beds and rushed over regardless of the cold weather. They thanked Ding Ning repeatedly, which made him feel uncomfortable all over. He could only warmly invite them to eat barbecue together.

The old people had already had dinner in the evening and left without disturbing the young people's gathering. They left with a smile, which made Ding Ning breathe a sigh of relief and made the girls snicker.

Sakura looked at this lively scene from a distance, her expression sad and her heart filled with envy.

She is an orphan who was adopted by her master since she was a child. She has no idea who her parents are, let alone the warmth of her family.

Even her master, whom she regarded as her biological mother, was extremely strict with her. From the time she could remember, she lived in the most cruel and strict ninja training every day.

There was no fun in her childhood, only cruel training day and night.

Probably, only when her training reached the standard and a satisfied smile appeared on the master's serious face, it was one of the few happy moments in her memory.

However, that happy moment is always short-lived. At most, there will be more difficult and cruel training waiting for her the next day.

Ninja Ninja really took the word "forbearance" to the extreme. Looking back now, her childhood was spent in endless training that was mechanical and numb.

The master also expected more from her than family affection, and was more strict than pampered. He regarded her as the hope of revitalizing Togakushi-ryu and gave her too many high hopes. She was burdened with tremendous pressure at a young age and deprived her of it. The childhood life that peers deserve.

But she doesn't hate her master. If there was no master, she would have died long ago. Her life was given by her master. For her, the master is a benefactor, a master and a mother. There is no reason for a child to hate his mother in the world.

For the sake of her master, she could give up everything, even her own life.


At this moment, Sakura regretted it. If she hadn't been so alert and guarded before, maybe Lord Hermit would have agreed to accept her as her disciple now, right?

Although she may have to sacrifice her own body for this, what does it matter? As long as she can avenge her master, she doesn't even care about her life. What does chastity mean?

Although she grew up in the isolated Togakushi Mountains, these few years have been spent in the world

In middle school life, she has been completely integrated into society, and she knows that a woman's chastity is nothing at all.

What's more, the word "failure" is not allowed in the ninja's dogma. For an excellent ninja, it is common for an excellent ninja to do whatever it takes to complete a mission and actively devote himself to the mission goal.

Because the moment when the mission target reaches the top of the clouds is also the moment when the mind is most relaxed, and it is easiest to temper the killer at that time.

Female ninjas, especially beautiful female ninjas, have unique natural advantages in this regard.

"Qiangzi, why are you absent-minded? Are you worried?"

The ingredients were still being processed, the bonfire was lit, and a group of drooling Zodiac warriors waiting to feast became idle. Cheng Hu noticed that Gong Qiang was a little listless, so he couldn't help but put his arm around his shoulders curiously and asked.

"Huzi, what kind of person do you think the boss is?"

Gong Qiang felt a little depressed. Cheng Hu was his brother who got along day and night. Now that he was asking him, he felt like confiding in him without vomiting his displeasure.


Cheng Hu was stunned, with respect in his eyes, and asked puzzledly: "Don't you know what kind of person the boss is? He is not only our benefactor, but also our comrade-in-arms and brother, and also our belief ”

"I know everything you said, but don't you think the boss is a little too...too romantic?"

Gong Qiang looked at the group of beauties helping Ding Ning handle the ingredients and said with a hint.

"No one is too young to be romantic, let alone a young and promising person like the boss. What's wrong? Are you envious?"

Cheng Hu chuckled and teased: "How about I tell my wife Qiang that you also want three wives and four concubines."

"Fuck off, I don't have that intention."

Gong Qiang laughed and scolded, then suppressed his smile, and said in a depressed tone: "The boss is young and rich, and there is nothing wrong with being romantic. It is not a shortcoming. But, as you said, he is our benefactor and our friend." Brothers and sisters are still our faith, but when faith is not as perfect as we think, will it still become our faith? "

The smile on Cheng Hu's face faded little by little, and he stared at Gong Qiang seriously and said: "Qiangzi, what exactly do you want to say? Don't beat around the bush. This is not a joke. How the boss treats us, others don't know if you still don't know." Are you clear? If you have any other thoughts and want to discredit the boss, don’t blame me, Cheng Hu, for not thinking about the brotherhood that has existed for so many years. "

"Am I that kind of person? What I said is well-founded. If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't be talking nonsense with you."

Gong Qiang's face turned solemn and he said seriously.

"Tell me, let me hear your reasons. Don't forget, we once swore to the boss that our lives belong to the boss, not ourselves. I hope you won't let me down."

Cheng Hu's face had completely darkened. He clearly remembered that Ding Ning told them that he had only one request for them, and that was absolute loyalty. But Gong Qiang was so abnormal that he felt that he had betrayed him. The boss's thoughts are something he is absolutely unwilling to accept.

"Okay, look at your bad behavior. I never said you betrayed the boss. How can I not know how the boss treats us? The boss is perfect in my heart, but because he is too perfect, I can't tolerate him. If there is any flaw, do you see how pitiful that girl is?"

Gong Qiang raised his chin and nodded to where Ying was.

Cheng Hu looked at Ying standing alone at the door of the villa, nodded subconsciously, and then said with confusion: "What on earth do you want to say? Are you attracted to that girl?"

"Go away, don't talk nonsense with me, I have a wife."

Gong Qiang was shocked

, and quickly blocked his mouth, fearing that the words would reach his wife's ears, and the backyard would be on fire.

"Then what do you mean?"

Cheng Hu broke away from his hand covering his mouth, wiped his mouth with his hand in disgust, and asked dissatisfiedly.

"I just think the boss has gone too far. Romance is not a big problem and I can totally accept it, but I can't accept things like abandoning my wife and children."

Gong Qiang said depressedly.

"What did you say? Abandoned your wife and children?"

Cheng Hu's eyes widened in astonishment and he subconsciously raised his voice, causing everyone who was talking in small groups to look at him.

"What the hell, can you please keep your voice down?"

Gong Qiang's face turned green and he hurriedly blocked his mouth again.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Lu Zhan and others had already come over and joked with gossip on their faces: "Qiangzi? What's going on? Do you have an idea outside? Are you planning to abandon your wife and children?"

"Fart, am I that kind of person?"

Gong Qiang was about to cry but had no tears, and winked at Cheng Hu repeatedly.

I secretly regretted that I shouldn't have told this guy with a loud voice. It was great now. If it got to the boss's ears, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash it away.

"It's not Qiangzi, it's the boss. Qiangzi said that the boss abandoned his wife and son and made the girl pregnant. Now he doesn't admit it. No, I have to talk to the boss about this. It doesn't matter if he is romantic, but if he eats it, It’s not a man’s behavior to wipe the slate clean and refuse to acknowledge the blame.”

Cheng Hu also had a straight temper. Thinking of the previous scene of Ying kneeling in front of his boss and begging, he immediately agreed with Gong Qiang's idea and said indignantly.

Lu Zhan and others looked at each other in confusion. Mavericks pulled the impulsive Cheng Hu and said, "Don't be impulsive first. Let's find out what's going on."

Lu Zhan stared at Gong Qiang and asked seriously: "Qiangzi, are you telling the truth?"

Seeing that things had become like this, Gong Qiang definitely couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only hold his neck and swear: "Of course it's true. Don't you still know who I am, Gong Qiang? The girl told me personally, He said that the boss had promised to take her in, but now he suddenly refused to admit it. How could she see anyone in the future? "

None of them noticed that a large blood-red ant, as exquisite as a work of art, was lying in the shadow beside them, tilting its little head and listening with great interest.

"She said personally that she was pregnant with the boss's child?"

Lu Zhan was more attentive and asked immediately.

"That's not true, but isn't the meaning obvious? Women nowadays are very open-minded. If she hadn't been pregnant with the boss's child, wouldn't she have the shame to see others?"

Gong Qiang said plausibly.

The big ant nodded repeatedly, quite acknowledging Gong Qiang's words, and tiptoed into the darkness. She wanted to tell Sister Qianyou about Ding Ning's crimes. This bastard was so abominable that he gave up after all.

Lu Zhan's face was filled with black lines when he heard this, and he said in a dumbfounded way: "Qiangzi, you are too imaginative. As far as I know, this woman didn't even know the boss before today. How could the boss have anything to do with her?" relation."


Gong Qiang suddenly blushed, but after thinking about it, he still said unconvinced: "But there is no need for that girl to joke about her reputation, right? Besides, it's not like you didn't see her kneeling down to beg the boss before, and she The little bird was holding the boss's arm affectionately before. How could that not be a sign of a couple? "


Lu Zhan was speechless when asked. They could clearly see Sakura kneeling down to beg and then holding Ding Ning's arm, but they couldn't hear what they were saying.

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