Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and seventy-two relatives

Old Jiang, what's wrong with you? "

Mr. Hu looked at Mr. Jiang in surprise and asked with concern.

Since they became disciples of Master Ding Ning together, although the habits they have developed over decades make them feel uncomfortable every day if they don't bicker, the two of them have long since cleared up their past feud and their relationship has become extremely harmonious. Over the years, , this was the first time he had seen Mr. Jiang acting so gloomy.

Ding Ning also looked at Mr. Jiang curiously: "What? Do you know that Xemili?"

Mr. Jiang wiped away his tears, stared at Xemili kindly and lovingly, looked at Mr. Hu, and said in a dull voice: "Do you still remember Kelly?"


Mr. Hu trembled all over, his breathing became rapid, and his eyes became dazed for a moment.

"Kelly is my sister. We, brother and sister, have been dependent on each other since childhood. She is only one year younger than me, and she is even more talented in medicine than me..."

Mr. Jiang took a deep breath and revealed some of the past that was buried deep in his heart.

It turned out that Brother Jiang and his sister were orphans. They had depended on each other since childhood and lived by begging. It was not until Jiang was eight years old that the two siblings were adopted by an old Chinese medicine doctor.

The old Chinese medicine doctor was Mr. Hu's uncle. Mr. Hu had learned medical skills from his uncle since he was a child. Although he did not officially become a disciple, he had the status of master and apprentice.

Ever since Mr. Hu's uncle adopted Mr. Jiang and his sister, the three of them have become brothers and sisters of the same school.

It's a pity that Mr. Hu's uncle is the kind of person with old feudal ideas. He is extremely patriarchal and believes in the concept that a woman's lack of talent is a virtue. When she adopted Mr. Jiang, he took a fancy to his medical talent and adopted him as a bonus. Kelly Jiang.

This led to him giving all his advice to Mr. Jiang and Mr. Hu, but he was still unwilling to teach Jiang Kaili too advanced medical skills.

But Jiang Kaili was very strong-willed and stubborn at heart, so she hid and eavesdropped while the old Chinese medicine doctor was teaching her brother and Mr. Hu.

But after walking too much at night, she eventually encounters a ghost. No matter how careful Jiang Kaili is, she is still discovered by an old Chinese medicine practitioner.

Mr. Hu's uncle, like many old Chinese medicine doctors, had deep-rooted sectarian ideas. Stealing from his masters was an extremely serious matter at that time.


The old Chinese medicine doctor was furious and wanted to punish Jiang Kaili. Even if Mr. Jiang and Mr. Hu knelt down and begged, it was useless. In the end, Jiang Kaili was whipped twenty times.

Jiang Kaili was only a twelve-year-old girl at that time. Twenty whiplashes almost killed her. That time, she lay in bed for more than a month before she recovered.

The most unacceptable thing is that the old Chinese doctor has a weird temperament and strictly prohibits anyone from giving her medicine. In addition to three meals a day, no one is allowed to visit her, so that she can remember this lesson.

Mr. Jiang was heartbroken, but his and his sister's lives were saved by their master, and he was instilled in him the concept of respecting his master since he was a child. Although he was annoyed by his ruthless master, he did not dare to say anything more.

Compared to his cautiousness, Mr. Hu didn't have so many scruples. After all, that was his uncle, not his serious master.

Therefore, when Mr. Jiang did not dare to take care of his sister due to his teacher's orders, Mr. Hu secretly took medicine for her injuries and applied it to her every day.

Boys don't mature as early as girls, and they don't pay attention to the protection between men and women. Jiang Kaili's injury was on her buttocks, and she had to take off her pants every time she changed her dressing.

Mr. Hu didn’t think much about it, but Jiang Kaili was different. Girls matured early and were at the age when they first started to fall in love. Moreover, girls at that time were more conservative. Mr. Hu was so kind to her and even looked at her, so she developed a crush on Mr. Hu. She has a good impression of him and believes that he is her future husband.

Mr. Hu thought that since Jiang Kaili liked studying medicine so much, he secretly learned about it from his uncle.

He told her the medical skills he had learned. Unexpectedly, Jiang Kaili was so talented in medicine. She could learn everything in one go and could apply it in practice.

Later, Mr. Hu had to leave his uncle's home to visit his parents due to changes in his family. It also happened to be a time of war and chaos, so the three of them broke off contact.

Not long after Mr. Hu left, the old Chinese medicine doctor also died due to an accident. Mr. Jiang inherited his clinic and became the new owner of the clinic.

But it was not him who had the best medical skills in the clinic, but his sister Jiang Kaili. After the old Chinese doctor passed away, this medical genius finally no longer had to hide her head and tail, and she shined with her own light. She was willing to do good, practice medicine and dispense medicine, and was respected as a living Bodhisattva by people.

When the three met again, it was already ten years later. Mr. Hu, who was accomplished in medical skills, was very ambitious and visited Xinglin masters everywhere to discuss their medical skills. After hearing that a living Bodhisattva appeared in the south, he immediately rushed there all the way. Only after meeting him did he realize that the living Bodhisattva was actually Jiang Kaili.

The reunion of old friends is naturally a great joy. Jiang Kaili's longing that had been suppressed for ten years burst out, and she confessed to Mr. Hu under the influence of wine.

Mr. Hu was very embarrassed at the time. He only regarded her as a sister in his heart, without any feelings between men and women. What's more, he already had a lover and had just gotten married not long ago, so he could only politely reject his confession.

If it was just like this, Mr. Jiang might not have hated Mr. Hu for so many years. Although Jiang Kaili felt like being struck by lightning at the time, she acted very calmly. She smiled and said that she was just joking, and even proposed marriage to wish Mr. Hu a happy wedding.

But of course, Jiang Kaili drugged Mr. Hu's wine, and the two became a couple.

Mr. Hu was wronged in this matter. After waking up, the pain was unbearable. However, Jiang Kaili calmly told him that he was the only person she had ever loved in her heart. This night was the end of her ten-year love affair. , From now on, the bridge returns to the bridge, the road returns to the road, and we meet as passers-by from now on.

Mr. Hu is an honest and responsible person. Although he is very moved by Jiang Kaili's affection, he is a married man after all and cannot be responsible for Jiang Kaili at all.

So, Mr. Hu left. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he fled in despair.

After he left, Mr. Jiang woke up and saw the trace of red on his sister's sheets. He knew what had happened. He was immediately furious and wanted to catch up with Mr. Hu, the heartless man, to find out.

However, Jiang Kaili stopped him and said that everything was of her own free will and had nothing to do with Mr. Hu. Then she proposed to go and relax.

Mr. Jiang felt sorry for his sister, thinking that Mr. Hu already had a family, and it would be impossible for his sister and him to be together after all. Now it would be a good idea to go out to relax, so he took out all the savings from the clinic and asked her to go to other places. look.

Unexpectedly, her departure would be the last meeting between him and his sister. Jiang Kaili did not know how to go abroad, and it was not until two years later that he received a letter from her, saying that she had met her now. When she met a man who was very good to her, she married him and gave birth to a boy.

Mr. Jiang, who had been worried about his sister, finally felt relieved. Although the brother and sister were separated from each other for two days, as long as she could forget the past and live a happy life, he, the elder brother, would be relieved.

But when he thought that his sister went overseas because of Mr. Hu, Mr. Jiang blamed Mr. Hu for the separation of the brother and sister. Therefore, in the past few decades, whenever he saw him, he would cynicize and insult him in every possible way.

Ding Ning looked at the embarrassed Mr. Hu, and the expression on his face became extremely strange. Isn't this Mr. Hu too irresponsible? Since they are all ready to be cooked, why not just marry them all?

But when I thought about it again, I couldn’t blame Mr. Hu for being irresponsible. After all, it was Jiang Kaili who drugged him to achieve good things in a daze. Besides, in that era, even divorce was

A very shameful thing to do, let alone keeping a mistress.

Even if he were Mr. Hu, at that age, he probably wouldn't be able to shoulder this responsibility, otherwise his spine might be broken.

Although I have figured out the grudge between Mr. Jiang and Mr. Hu, what does it have to do with that Xemili? This made him look at Mr. Jiang curiously, and an incredible idea suddenly came to his mind, and he said in shock: "The man your sister married is not from the Rothschild family, is he?"

Everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at Mr. Jiang in disbelief. Even Mr. Hu, who had his head drooped and felt ashamed, also raised his head and looked at him in shock.

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Mr. Jiang's mouth, and he nodded heavily and self-deprecatingly: "Yes, if Kelly hadn't sent me a lot of money and asked me to expand the medical clinic and hire many Chinese medicine doctors to sit in the clinic, I wouldn't have to worry about it. By taking my worries away and allowing me to focus on medicine, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I have achieved now.”


Ding Ning couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and said with a very strange expression: "So, that Xemili is actually your grand-niece?"

Mr. Jiang turned to look at Xemili who was chatting with Jorgeson in a low voice with loving eyes, and nodded gently: "Yes, Xemili is Kelly's granddaughter, my grandniece, her name is , Kelly wrote to me when she was just born, and I helped her get it done.”

Ding Ning didn't even know what to say. After thinking about it for a long time, he found out that Xemili was Mr. Jiang's grandniece. This world is really too small.

"Then why doesn't she recognize you?"

Mr. Zhang asked curiously as he had an upright temperament.

Mr. Jiang's mouth twitched, his eyes were red, and his brows were full of sadness that could not be concealed: "Kelly was already seriously ill when she was born. It was not until more than a month after her death that I received her suicide note. , since then, contact has been lost.”

Everyone was silent, feeling heavy in their hearts, especially Mr. Hu, who had already burst into tears. Even though he had known that Kelly had been dead for many years, this situation and the touching of the past still made him sad.

"Well, the deceased is gone, and the living still have to live well. I think your sister doesn't want to see you in pain."

Ding Ning sighed, patted Mr. Jiang's shoulder gently and comforted him.

Many doubts arose in my heart. Even though the two parties lost contact after Kelly's death, Kelly's son must have known about the existence of his uncle Jiang Lao. Why had he never contacted Mr. Jiang? Even Xue Mili seemed to have no contact with him. Don’t you know that his great-uncle exists? This doesn't make sense.

He wanted to ask, but looking at the sad looks of Mr. Jiang and Mr. Hu, he suppressed his inner curiosity and did not rub salt into their wounds.

Maybe his nephew doesn't want to have any more contact with this uncle from China. After all, he is from the Rothschild family. Having a "poor relative" like Mr. Jiang will make him lose face. That's why she cut off all contact with Jiang Kaili after her death. She didn't even tell her daughter that she still had such a relative.

It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs, let alone household affairs that are far away from each other. Although Ding Ning was confused, he had no intention of asking. Everything depends on Mr. Jiang’s wishes. If he wants to recognize Xuemili, he will naturally do his best. help him.

However, judging from what Mr. Jiang meant, it seemed that he only confirmed the identity of Xemili and had no intention of recognizing her. This made him feel even more strange. He seemed to be hiding something. But this has nothing to do with him, and he will not dig into the details out of curiosity, insisting on asking for the reason.

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